HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/16/1968 Kent , Washington September 16 , 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen Armstrong, Barnier, Lee, Pozzi and Woodworth•, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and City Engineer Sherwood. Masters and Baffaro were fate , arriving at 8 : 55 and 8 :45 respectively. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk's and Treasurer ' s reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion . WATER LID 256. The public hearing, continued from the last meeting, was opened on LID 256 , for the• proposed in- stallation of water mains from 192nd to 180th on the East Valley Highway. Pozzi moved for a five minute recess , Lee seconded, motion carried . The meeting was then reconvened by motion . Jack Warren of Tally Corp. , noted that his firm is also a resident of Kent and that delays would set back their 2-1/2 million dollar build- ing program. He pointed out that the corporation would bring 500 employees and a 2 million dollar annual pay- roll to Kent and opined that the taxes for the first year would be $41,000. Bob Caroll stated that he did not oppose the project , but objected to the project being designed in such a manner as to serve water to land outside of the city. Warren stated that the cost to Tally would be less if the county portion was not in- cluded, but that the project was designed by professional engineers who have expert knowledge as to the best location . He pointed out that the residents outside of Kent will pay a late comers charge as well as paying for the water. Bob Carroll stated that the people inside the city wanted the same privilege. Baldy Sammis stated that consideration is being given to bringing this por- tion of county property into the city, but until it is served by water, it ' s•. use is limited. He pointed out that 80% were in favor of-the project and upon Mr. Hed- land ' s question clarified this to mean the owners of 80°0 of the property involved. The City Engineer pointed out that the city' s share is to be supported by a revenue bond issue and not be real estate taxes, and that the city' s share in this LID ,is partly accounted for by the difference in cost between a 12" and 16" main. The owners would only pay their share of the 12" line. He further clarified that there had been no discussion re- garding reimbursing PIE for the well currently being used by them and that the well is not a permanent source of supply. Armstrong moved to continue the hearing to October 7th, Woodworth seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong asked if it were possible to come up with an alternate plan forthis project before the next meeting, which would be financially more reasonable. The City Engineer noted that if the project line and boundaries were changed, it is required that notices be sent again and a new Resolution of Intent passed. Ramsey stated that .HIC would work on an alternate plan. Woodworth suggested that the council meet as a whole prior to HIC drafting a new plan. Motion carried , with Armstrong, Lee , Barnier & Woodworth voting in favor, and Pozzi voting against . STREETS Traffic Control. Barnier stated that he had received a complaint that there is considerable congestion at S. 208th and the East • Valley Highway, where the crossing is out of line. The City Engineer noted plans were being formulated to align that intersection. STREETS Pozzi moved that applications be submitted to the State of Washington , Urban Arterial Board for the improvement of Pacific Highway S. from Midway (Kent-Des Moines Highway) southerly to City of Kent boundaries and the improvement of Reith Road from Kent-Des Moines Highway to Pacific Highway S. , Lee seconded , motion carried. The following bids were received, opened and tabulated for signalization and channelization of Pacific Highway and 240th: Service Electric $26, 700 Seattle Signal Electric $29,000 Kent Selo Electric $30, 115 Seattle Emles Electric $36 , 150 Alderwood Manor Pozzi moved that the low bid of Service Electric be accepted, Armstrong 'seconded, motion carried. S. 212th, Phase III . Pozzi moved that HIC be retained for engineering services in connection with the design and con- struction of this street improvement in accordance with the present contract with the City dated June 19, 1967, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. East-West Route. It was noted that the City Engineer for- warded to the State Highway District Engineer, the Council ' s comments on, the East-West freeway, and it is anticipated that another meeting will be held with the Highway Department prior to the public hearing. Armstrong suggested that the local churches who were especially concerned be informed of .*hat action is being taken. Mr. Street stated that he will answer these letters. Pozzi moved that the City Engineer be authorized to accept the proposal of Dames & Moore dated August 23, 1968, at their standard hourly rates for soil testing in conjunction with the construction of S. 212th and S. 228th street projects , Arm- strong seconded, motion carried . Mr. Street reported that a letter was received regarding the poor condition of S. 268th Street , adjacent to- the Star Lake Park. It was noted that the city -limits line runs through the center of S. 268th. Armstrong moved to refer the matter to the street committee to work with the County to bring the street up to proper standards , with attention to be given to the safety of the children using this street , Woodworth seconded, motion carried.- Off-Street Parking LID. The initial plan for the proposed off-street parking LID will be introduced at the October 7th meeting. HEALTH & An agreement between the City of Kent and the Boeing Co. SANITATION covering the construction of a sewer through land owned by the Jack A. Benaroya Co. and leased to Boeing has been pre- pared. Woodworth moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same , after the City Attorney approves the document , Lee seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the Resolution of Intent for the proposed Horseshoe Acres sanitary sewer will be on the October 7th agenda. FINANCE Woodworth moved that the sum of $400 be transferred from Police Salaries to Office & Miscellaneous Expense in Main- tenence & Operation of the Police Budget , Barnier seconded , motion carried. I DRAINAGE Mr. Street reported that he recently attended a Forward Thrust meeting on storm drainage , noting the importance of keeping the public informed as to the benefits to the community in the event the issue should be voted upon again . He pointed out that he had volunteered to assist on an overall plan . ZONING Skagen-Hicks. The public hearing was opened on the zoning of the Skagen and Hicks portions of the Ortiz Annexation . Pozzi moved to hear these two parcels to- gether, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer pointed .out that the Hicks portion is 1/2 acre and the Skagen portion 3-1/2 acres . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . It was pointed out that the Planning Commission recommends R-4 for these portions of the Ortiz Annexation , which has already been zoned R-4, contract zoning, Pozzi moved to approve R-4 zoning for both parcels and for the City Attorney to prepare the required ordinance , Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong noted that R-4 for the Hicks 1/2 acre portion would give Hicks higher density privileges than the Ortiz parcel which is adjacent and is zoned R-4, contract zoning. Barnier withdrew his second and Pozzi ' s motion died. The City Attorney pointed out that these owners of two mall tracts are not geared finan- cially to put together a contract zoning proposal. Armstrong stated that he was aware of that and explained to Mr. Hicks that the Ortiz property, zoned under R-4 contract zoning, allowed 12-15 units per acre and asked Mr. Hicks if he had any objection to the same zoning for his property. Mr. Hicks replied that he did not. Armstrong moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the Skagen portion of the Ortiz Annexation for R-4 zoning be approved and the Hicks portion be referred back to the Planning Commission with recommendation that it be considered for R-4 zoning with the same density as the Ortiz property. Barnier seconded. The City Engineer pointed out that the gross density for Ortiz is 15 units per acre, and the net density more nearly R-3. He noted that the Planning Commission could consider R-4 with restrictions or straight R-3. Motion carried. The City Attorney was instructed to draft the ordi- nance for R-4 zoning for the Skagen portion . Kreger. It was noted that the public hearing on the applica- tion submitted by Paul Kreger for a rezone from R-1 to R-3 is scheduled for October 7th. Irons . The continued public hearing was opened on the applica- tion submitted by Mr. Irons for a rezone from R-3 to R-4 for property at 414-418 Pioneer St . , consisting of 0.28 acres . The Planning Commission has recommended the rezone be granted , since the applicant had stated he would widen and pave the alley. Lee Irons, representing his Father noted that they have agreed to pave the alley to meet the City Engineer's specifications. There were no further comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Arm- strong moved to approve the rezone and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance, Barnier seconded , motion carried. KENTWOOD Woodworth moved to set the public hearing ea ingforseconded, motionHills HILLS #4 #4 final plat for October 7th, g carried. ANNEXATIONS Sunray. Woodworth moved to set the public hearing on the Sunray Annexation for October 7th, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. PARKS Forward Thrust . Woodworth moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with King County as required by King County Resolution #34571, for acquisition of funds for the Kent Parks system, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. PARI{ Acquisition of Property. At Mr. Street ' s request , a motion was passed authorizing him to negotiate for purchase of a small piece of property, in the Mill Creek Canyon area. UNION Woodworth moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract with C. C. Donwor.th for a monthly retainer of $250 to represent the City in negotiations with the Union , Masters seconded, motion carried. FINANCE ULID #1 - Bonds. A recess was called at the request of Paul Flint , representative of the City' s financial advisors , McLean & Co. , Inc . Upon reconvening, the City Attorney read a letter from McLean & Co. , South- wick; Campbell & Waterman Co. , and Wm. P. Harmer & Son & Co. , stating that bonds for ULID #1 in the amount of $1, 800,000 would be purchased by them. . A cashier ' s check for $30,000 as a good faith deposit was sub- mitted with the letter. Armstrong moved to accept the offer, Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Ordinance 1534 , was read by the City Attorney, providing for the issuance and sale of $1, 800,000 par value of "Sewer Revenue Bonds , 1968" to McLean & Co. Armstrong moved for the adoption of the ordinance , subject to it ' s approval by the City Attorney, Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Armstrong moved and Masters seconded that the vouchers be approved as submitted and warrants drawn for the same. Motion carried. Current Expense 5,'851.22 New Shop Account 315.13 Water 5 , 9o4.42 Street 7, 127.95 Art . Street 240th Signal 85 .00 Sewer 5 ,739.44 Garbage 985.70 Library 120.43 Park 1, 332.96 Fire R/P 331.71 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water King County Road No. 2 343.00 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID #1 Dames & Moore 644.21 LID 253 Red-Samm Mining Co. 37 , 559.02 MEETING ADJOURNED; 10:05 'p.m. Respectfully submitted, MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , City Clerk