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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/19/1968 Kent , Washington August 19 , 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereit6r, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk's and Treasurer's reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion. WATER It was noted that the City Engineer, Water Foreman and Administrator reviewed the water pressure problem of 8 or 10 users adjacent to Scenic Hill Reservoir and that the installation of approximately 1000 feet of 6" main should resolve this problem. Provision for this in- stallation has been made in the 1969 budget. STREETS Six Year Arterial Street Plan . It was noted that the public hearing on the six year arterial street plan had been continued to this date. The City Engineer reported that the proposed expenditures are in excess of the city' s financial capability and that the city must consider an outside levy. Pozzi moved to continue the date of the hearing to September 3 , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. S 212th, LID 253• Pozzi moved and Woodworth seconded that the City Engineer be directed to authorize the contractor Red Samm, to proceed with construction on or after August 22 , 1968, with the approval of the City Attorney. Under discussion , the City Attorney explained that a suit had been filed, but he recommended that this contract be let with the knowledge that even if the appellants are totally successful , the maximum change in the roll would . be approximately $19 ,000.00. Motion carried, with Barnier voting nay. Masters qualified her vote, noting that although she did not approve of the LID in principle, she .recognized the need for the street improvement . Armstrong moved and Lee seconded to engage the firm of Roberts ,' Shefelman , Lawrence , Gay & Moch as special counsel. Motion carried. James Street. A letter from C. W. Iles 'was read requesting that the city's planning for modification to James Street include adequate sidewalks and an overpass walkway in the vicinity of the East Hill Elementary School. Pozzi moved to place the letter on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LID 255, Improvements of S. 228th. Pozzi reported that the committee met with the three protesters to LID 255, noting that Western Electric has since withdrawn their objection. Pozzi moved that the final assessment roll for LID 255 be adopted as presented, Lee seconded, motion carried , with Barnier voting nay. Ordinance 1530, approving the final roll of LID 255 was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance , Baffaro seconded, motion carried, with Barnier voting nay. Woodland Way. At the last council meeting, a motion was passed for each councilman to give his written opinion to Mr. Street upon the advisability of extending Woodland Way from Walnut to Maple Street, after having secured pertinent information from the engineer' s office. Pozzi reported four were in favor and two against the measure.. He noted that the city should obtain right-of-way for the street from Mr. Hauge in writing and moved for the city to contact Hauge asking him to deed the right-of-way for the street as has been indicated in all correspondence and shown on plats for the past 6 years, and to request a meeting with him. Woodworth seconded. Upon Armstrong' s question , Pozzi stated that under these circumstances , the City would accept a street right-of-way from a developer and then gravel the street. The City Engineer clarified that the lots are already sold and there would be no monetary gain to the developer. A petition protesting the opening of the street was placed on file. Pete Curran spoke on behalf of residents of the area, u r ging that the street not be extended, as it would open a one mile straight-of-way, encouraging excessive speed in a residential area which has many small children . Mr. Spink and Ed Reiten Sr. , Mrs. Belcher and Barney Wilson concurred with Curran . Ed Reiten Jr. spoke in favor of opening the street . Woodworth noted that the Police and Fire Departments has stated that the extension would not create any special problems. Motion carried, with Masters and Baffaro voting nay. East-West Route. At the request of the City Engineer, a meeting has been scheduled for August 21, at noon at the Blockhouse for discussion of the East-West Route. Resolution 600, authorizing the third phase development of S. 212th, was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved to adopt the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Off-Street Parking. A petition has been received from property owners of the Central Business District requesting that the council form an LID for installation of off-street parking and for acquisition of existing parking lots to be public parking facilities. Signers represent owners of approximately 55% of the property involved. Pozzi moved that the City Engineer be directed to check the petitions and prepare necessary information required by the City Attorney that he may prepare a Resolution of Intent to form an LID, Masters seconded. Under discussion , Pozzi noted that signers now represent the owners of 58% of the property involved. Motion carried. Barnier moved that the City enter into a joint study of the East Valley Highway with King County and the State Highway Commission at a cost not to exceed $6000.00 to each participant , Lee seconded,' motion carried. ZONING Blevins. Mr. Street recommended that the Blevins rezone hearing scheduled for this meeting be continued to September 3rd, due to a death in the Blevins family. Masters so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Barber. Mr. Street reported that the Barbers had requested that the Planning Commission postpone their rezone hearing indefinitely. Woodworth moved to postpone the hearing at council level, until the Planning Commission makes its recommendation and to readvertise the hearing at that time , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Skagen & Hicks Portion - Ortiz Annexation. Because of the' uncertainty concerning the Identification of these properties in the Ortiz original zoning public hearing, the City Attorney recommended a public' hearing be set for September 16th, to consider appropriate zoning for these two portions of the Ortiz Annexation. Woodworth so moved , Masters seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Loan . Resolution 599, transferring $1,830.89 as a loan at 4Yo interest from the Water Revenue Fund to the Park Fund to pay park assessments for ULID #1 , to be repaid in the 1969 budget , was read by the City Attorney. Arm- strong moved to adopt the resolution , Lee seconded, motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Samuel, Ordinance 1531, approving the Samuel Annexation was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved to pass the ordinance, Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Keck. The public hearing was opened on the Keck Annexation. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Ordinance 1529, approving the Keck Annexation was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Pozzi seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong stated that the State Boundary Review Board has not invoked their right to amend the boundary line to eliminate a jog, and expressed the hope that legislation would be enacted to give the cities this right . Motion carried. CITY HALL Mr. Street noted that the architect had studied the situation and reported that the logical location was the proposed downtown site and that estimates on the property were now being secured. CITY Pozzi moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign a PROPERTY lease with the State of Washington for approximately 280 square feet of office space in the Utilities Building for the state electrical inspector ' s use at $75.00 per month. Masters seconded , motion carried. OPEN Baffaro moved that the City Attorney be instructed to HOUSING prepare an ordinance amending the Open Housing Ordinance #1521, specifically Paragraph 4 , Section 5, enforcement procedures to read as follows : "Any complaint filed pursuant to this section must be filed with the Commission within five (5) days after the alleged act of discrimination" . The ordinance now provides for 15 days. Armstrong seconded, noting that he had proposed this before. Under discussion , Barbara Pistoresi and Pete Curran spoke against such an amendment . Upon roll call vote, Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, and Pozzi voted aye, Lee, Masters and Woodworth voted nay. Motion carried. SALT BREEZE The public hearing was opened on the final plat of Salt PLAT Breeze. There were no comments or objections from the floor. Lee moved and Armstrong seconded , to close the hearing. Motion carried. Armstrong moved to approve the final plat and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Cambridge #6. It was noted that the Health & Sanitation SANITATION Committee met and reviewed the request of a commitment from the City to reimburse the developers of Cambridge #6 when the adjacent grade school connects to a sanitary sewer being built in Cambridge #6. It was their suggestion that the two parties agree in writing and submit such agreement to the City for acceptance. Upon receipt of this agreement , this item will be brought to the council. ULID #1. Barnier noted that Tonneson-Slead, contractors on ULID #1, Contract IV had requested a time extension and that the committee will make a recommendation at the next meeting. Willo Vista Trailer Court . It was noted that the Health & Sanitation Committee reviewed the petition for an LID to install a sanitary sewer to serve the Willo Vista Trailer Court. The following facts were found : (1) a sanitary sewer should be installed to serve the 104 trailer spaces , (2) the installation would be irregular in that the entire pro- ject would be on private property and probably should be done in some other manner than LID, (3) if the council determines that an LID should be formed, the property owner should be requested to pay the City in advance for the advertising and engineering prior to the preliminary hearing at which time he would have complete control of whether the project would be approved. Barnier requested that the Council weigh' the facts as presented. Mr. Jones , owner of Willo Vista noted that the cost of private financing for a complete sanitary sewer installation was prohibitive. He stated that he had been led to believe that an LID could be formed if he gave the necessary easement and that when sewers are installed in his area, he will be charged whether or not he connects. Woodworth stated that the City, by LID method, would be giving it 's name to a private operation. Armstrong stated that the LID would reduce the City' s bonding ability. - The City Attorney stated that this might constitute use of the City's credit for a private individual. Barnier moved that prior to the passage of a Notice of Intent to form an LID for installation of a sanitary sewer to serve Willo Vista Trailer Court , the owner of the property would advance the cost of advertising and engineering, said costs could become a part of LID financing if the' project is completed. Otherwise the costs would be paid from said advance payment. Masters seconded. Under discussion , the City Attorney stated that the intent of the motion is to ask Mr. Jones to post sufficient monies in advance HEALTH & to pay costs and stated that it is not at this time a SANITATION commitment on 'the part .of the city to form an LID. He further stated that if this motion passes , the City Engineer 's department would be asked to provide engineer- ing estimates and Jones required to pay associated costs. The City Engineer explained that the construction standards provide for city designing at the developers . expense. He stated that the city could recommend Hill, Ingman & Chase to develop preliminary estimates. Paul Barden suggested that Mr. Jones approach the Small Business Administration. Motion carried. BIDS The following bids were received, opened and tabulated for the furnishing of two pickups for the Water Department : 3/4 ton pickup Bowen Scarff Bill Hazelett 3405. 5, inc. tax 31 7.29, inc. tax 1/2 ton pickup 2187.45, inc. tax 1937.87, inc. tax with trade Pozzi moved and Lee seconded that low bids be awarded to Bill Hazelett. Motion carried. PARKS & Mill Creek Canyon. Woodworth moved and Pozzi seconded, RECREATION, that the Parks & Recreation committee proceed with nego- tiations for acquisition of Mill Creek Canyon and that a loan be made to the Parks Fund to cover the reimbursable costs of HUD and the Interagency Committee for the period of time necessary for such action to occur. Under dis- cussion , Armstrong suggested a meeting of the council as a whole, before any final action is taken on this matter. The City Attorney advised that it is understood that the ultimate approval will still rest with the council. Arm- strong suggested that someone from outside the city negotiate with Dr. Rugg, as he felt the price was too high. Barnier opined that it should be used as a sanitary land fill site first and then as a park. Armstrong stated that although two appraisals had been submitted to HUD, the third , which was the original appraisal was not submitted. Mr. Wilson answered that this appraisal was not realistic . Berne Biteman , Park Board member, concurred with Armstrong 's request for a meeting. Barnier noted that he was not opposed to the purchase of property for park purposes , but was against the particular site. Motion carried , with Barnier voting nay. Mrs. Hogan stated that she would arrange a meeting as suggested by Armstrong. Budget . Tom Bailey presented a report from the Chamber of Commerce containing recommendations on proposed expansion of the Parks & Recreation Departments , proposed ordinances setting up same and a proposed Park Department budget for 1969. Armstrong moved and Masters seconded that the vouchers be approved as submitted and warrants drawn for the same. Motion carried. Current Expense 4, 907.17 New Shop Acct . 226.06 Water 3 ,408.58 Street 4,099.42 Sewer, 18, 821. 32 Garbage 1,413. 70 Library 226.05 Park 196.6o Fire R/P 255.00 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 Walter Renschler 20, 385.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ex Thor ton Mayor Nlarie Jensen , Cit Clerk .="•--dam MAYOR