HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1968 Kent , Washington August 5, 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order- at 8;00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood Lee moved and Armstrong seconded that the minutes of the meeting of July 15th be corrected on Page 3 , under the heading of Proposed LID, to read : water line along East Valley Highway from 192nd to 180th. Motion carried. STREETS LID 255, Improvements of S . 228th. The public hearing was opened on LID 255, for the improvement of S. 228th, from the West Valley Highway to the East Valley Highway. Written protests were received at the meeting and were read aloud from Western Electric , represented by Robert Beezer , Western Gear Corporation , represented by Harvey Pohl and Toni Bernasconi , re- presented by George Fiori, Jr. The public hearing was closed on Pozzi ' s motion , seconded by Masters , Woodworth moved that the protests be referred to a council committee and the consulting engineers to review the protests with the objectors and for a re- port to be presented at the next council meeting on August 19th, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to notify the protestants of the date set for the meeting. Mr. Sanwick of SS&M, criticized the city's handling of the matter. Upon being queried, Walt Ramsey stated that the bid award should be held until after the protests are reviewed. LID 253, S 212th, Phase II._ It was noted that the public hearing was held on the final assessment roll for LID 253 on July 15th, .written protests were received and the hearing was closed. The protests were then re- ferred to the street committee and consulting engineers for consideration. Lee reported that the protestants appeared in person or were represented by attorneys. Lee moved that the assessment roll for LID 253 be approved as submitted, Woodworth seconded, motion carried , with Barnier voting nay. Ordinance 1524 , confirming the final assessment roll for LID 253 in the amount of $187, 338.90 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Pozzi seconded. Under discussion , Barnier opined that S. 212th is a main arterial and as such, improvements should be borne by the city, instead of by the adjacent property owners. Masters concurred, Motion carried , v&th Barnier and Masters voting nay. James St. Resolution 596, declaring the city' s intention to form an LID for the improvement of James Street was read by the City Attorney. Upon being questioned by several citizens , the City Attorney stated that all will have an opportunity to voice their objections or comments at the public hearing on September 3rd. Pozzi moved for adoption of the resolution, Lee seconded, motion carried, with Barnier voting nay. Six Year Arterial St . Program. Pozzi moved that the public hearing on the six-year arterial street program be continued until the August 19th meeting,. Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Railroad Crossings. Mr. Street noted that he had written to the Marquardt Corporation for information regarding more effective safety equipment at railroad crossings. Sidewalks . A letter from A. S. Leeper, Jr. was received regarding a public sidwalk which was badly cracked by a bulldozer while removing buildings from property owned by the Bell Anderson Agency. ' Mr. Street noted that he will report back later on this matter, after conferring with the City Engineer. l. The City Engineer noted the urgency STREETS Traffic Contro for the traffic signal at 240th & Pacific Highway S. and requested authorization that bids be opened on August 16th. Woodworth moved to grant the City Engineer' s request , Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that due to a change in state regulations , Kent is now responsible for maintenance of traffic signals within the city, however, due to a lack of personnel & equipment , the State Highway Department has agreed to bring the standards up to their minimum requirements. It has been determined that King County has offered the best contract for this service. ood- worth moved that the City enter into an agreement with King County to furnish traffic light maintenance, repairs and construction on a cost + 5% basis , with the city carrying the necessary insurance, after re- view by the City Attorney and City Engineer. Baffaro seconded , motion carried. The Engineering Department has requested the Council' s expression of policy concerning the extension of Wood- land Way, from Walnut to Maple Streets. The City Engineer reported that the right-of-way has not been dedicated entirely. Pozzi stated that ther.e is much controversy in the neighborhood regarding the opening of the street , as residents feel it would become a thoroughfare. Pozzi moved that each councilman confer -with the Engineering Department to become familiar with the information on file and to presenttheir Bitten recommendations to Joe Street , Masters d, motion carried. A letter was received from S. L. Savidge, Sr. of Valley Investors , concurring with the engineers that the S. 200th St. route would be the most acceptable as ' a connector between the East and West Valley High- ways . The question was raised as to whether the City should begin exploration of rights-of-way acquisition Pozzi moved that this matter be referred to the Street Committee, City Engineer and City Administrator, Arm- strong seconded , motion carried. . It was noted that Ordinance 1332 WATER Water Charges states "On any connection over two inches , . the minimum charge shall be the actual costs of the meter installa- tion , plus eight-seven and one-half (87.5%) per cent" . The 87.5% figure is inked in on the original ordinance and the water foreman believes the figure should be 37 '5%. Armstrong moved to hold over discussion on the matter to the next meeting, Masters seconded , motion carried. Resolution 595 , declaring the city' s intention to form an LID for installation of a water line to serve prop- erty along the East Valley Highway from '192nd to 180th was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved to adopt the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Pozzi moved that the Engineer' s department provide information regarding this project, to any who mah request same, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mr. Hubbard of 532 Kennebeck and Mr. Bachmeier of 510 Kennebeck queried the Council regarding the shortage of Kent water supply, asking what plans are being made to correct the situation. Mayor Thornton read a re- port from the consulting engineers , noting that in their particular area, a pumping station was desirable . Ramsey further explained the problems in this aBarnierea, noting that further study was underway. moved to refer the matter to the water committee and City Engineer, Masters seconded , motion carried. WATER It was noted that the city has an easement across property owned by Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Evenson , which wanders through their property. They have signed a new easement to the city which follows their property line and is acceptable to the City Engineer. Armstrong moved that the certain easement, Auditors File No. 425 648, be released and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign such release as prepared and approved by the City Attorney and to sign and record the new easement , Masters seconded. Under discussion , the City Engineer explained that it is near the' O' Brien tank at about S. 222nd between 94th and the valley floor. Motion carried. HEALTH & ULID #1. Barnier moved that the Mayor be authorized SANITATION to . sign permit number 97233 with Norpak Industrial Park .for pipe line installations in ULID ##1, revising the original permit , Masters seconded. The City Attorney stated he would review the permit with the City Engineer; motion carried. Masters moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with Milwaukee Railroad for a pipe line installation in ULID #1, across railroad property. Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that soils engineering services will be needed on the dewatering aspects and backfill place- ment in conjunction with ULID ##1. Woodworth moved that 'Dames & Moore be retained to make soils -engineer- ing tests as needed during construction of ULID #1, Barnier seconded, motion carried. A letter from Richard F. Krutch, Attorney representing Mr. Norman Hayden was read, stating that as a result of pumping and sewer improvement work on ULID #1, his property has been severely damaged . Woodworth moved that the City Engineer notify the contractor involved , his bonding agent , and that the matter be forwarded to the City Attorney with all information concerning any damage so that he may reply to tie request of Mr. Krutch, Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Garbage. Resolution 598 , providing for approximately , 2 5.00 to acquire 35 - two yard containers and 15 one-yard containers for the Garbage Department was read by the City Attorney. It was explained that although this item is not covered in the budget , the expenditure could be approved by resolution since the council has the right to make expenditures from funds received in excess of estimated revenues . Woodworth moved to adopt the resolution , Barnier seconded, - motion carried. Call For Bids. Pozzi moved that the City Clerk issue a call for bids for the furnishing of 35 - two yard and 15 - one yard containers in accordance with City specifications , to be opened at 3 :00 p.m. , Tuesday, August 27th in the office of the City Administrator, to be tabulated' and brought to the Council for con- sideration September 3 , 1968. Masters seconded , motion carried. Des Moines Sewer District. Resolution 597, approving Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 19 -25 concern- ing expansion of their system, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for adoption of the resolu- tion , Barnier seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Easements. Mr. Dick McGovern of 84th Ave. S. spoke SANITATION from the audience , charging that the city' s agent had used unethical practices in procuring easements for the sewer project. He stated that his family had ' giVen' the '..easement�; after the city' s agent had implied that they could not be paid for it and had learned later that others had been paid. He opined that there should be a blanket city policy for all easeeents , and implied fraud. He further alleged that it seemed that those who opposed the LID were subsequently paid for easements. Barnier took ex- ception to this statement and invited McGovern to talk to him further about this. The City Attorney requested Mr. McGovern to submit his complaint in writing. Mill Creek. Barnier moved that the Hill, ingman and Chase study of the Upper Mill Creek Sanitary Sewer be adopted as a part of the comprehensive I sewer plan of the City of Kent , Masters seconded, motion carried. Cambridge #6. Barnier moved that the sewer problems in Cambridge #6 be referred to the Health & Sanitation committee and City Engineer, Lee seconded, motion carried. Barnier moved that the request from Philip Jones, owner of Willo-Vista Trailer Village for the formation of an LID to install a sanitary sewer lateral in his trailer village, be referred to the Health & Sanita- tion committee, City Administrator and City Engineer for further study, Lee seconded, motion carried. Barnier moved to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution of intent to form an LID for instllation of a sanitary sewer and lift station to serve a portion of Tract 26 , Horseshoe Acres Addition , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Pozzi moved that Hill, Ingman & Chase be instructed to proceed with design of the lift station and sewer systemfbr the Horseshoe Acres LID, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LIGHTS Ordinance 1525 , providing for the placement of most electrical and communication lines underground in all future developments , was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved to pass the ordinance , Masters seconded. Under discussion , Masters stated that the developers contacted did not seem opposed to the proposed ordinance. Motion carried. Masters reported that Mr. Street and Mr. Putnam will meet this Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. to review Renton ' s comprehensive street lighting program. FINANCE It was noted that in the 1968 budget an error was made in anticipated revenue designated '.'Governors Fund" , leaving the Parks & Current Expense funds $7,130.14 short . The anticipated allocations were : Parks , $33,601.50 and Current Expense $44,828.80. On City Administrator Street ' s recommendation , Armstrong moved that the City Treasurer be directed to credit Parks with $33,601.60 and to credit Current Expense with $37 , 698.66 , Masters seconded, motion carried. Armstrong moved that a $2000 surplus be transferred from "School Center Leader" expense to "Materials &. Supplies" all within the maintenance and operation budget of the Parks & Recreation budget for 1968, Lee seconded , motion carried. i EMERGENCY Water - LID 252. The public hearing was opened on ORDINANCES the proposed emergency ordinance providing for $18,860.03 to pay LID 252 assessments against city property. There were no comments or objections motion. from the floor and the hearing was closed by Emergency Ordinance 1522A was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded. Under discussion , Mr. Street noted that in the future such items should be budgeted. Motion carried. Health & Sanitation - ULID #1. The public hearing was opened on the proposed emergency ordinance pro- viding for $32,945.46 to pay the ULID #1 assessments on city owned property. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Emergency Ordinance 1523, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. CITY Mr. Street reported that he has met with the architect HALL regarding the new city hall and stated that the firm will commence reviewing potential sites next week. i ANNEXATION Samuel. The public hearing was opened on the Samuel Annexation . There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Masters seconded. Under i discussion , Armstrong asked if owners of contiguous property had been contacted regarding the possibility of being included in this annexation. It was deter- mined that the city had not done so and the City Attorney pointed out that this is a function of the Boundary Review Board, and they had proposed no changes to' the boundaries of this annexation . Motion carried. Keck. It was noted that the Boundary Review Board did not invoke jurisdiction on the Keck Annexation. Pozzi moved to set the public hearing for August 19th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. ZONING Blevins. Masters moved that the public hearing on the Blevins rezone be continued to August 19th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Pozzi moved that Mr. Blevins be notified that this is the final continuation the Council will consider, , and that on August 19th the petition will either be in proper order for consideration or the hearing will be held and any request denied, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Kent Estates Plat Portion - Ortiz Annexation. Ordinance 17, approving the zoning of R- for a portion of the 52 Ortiz Annexation , known as the Kent Estates Plat was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. Under discussion , it was determined that the Hicks residence and Skagen property were not included inthe R-4 zoning. Motion carried. Kaltenbach Portion - Kaltenbach Annexation. Mr. Bastian , representing Mr. Kaltenbach, answered questions posed by the City Attorney and concurred with the following conditions : They will abide by R-3 requirements re :. set backs, will accept R-3 height restrictions, the streets will be dedicated, density will be R-3 standard and the area will be platted. Considerable discussion was had regarding street widths. Mr. Bastian had proposed an 80' wide main street , 52 ' wide residential street and a 45 ' radius at end of each cul-de-sac. Armstrong moved to amend the contract to state the main street should be 801 , the residential 601 , the streets ending in cul-de-sacs 52 ' and the radius of the cul-de-sac . 45 ' , Pozzi seconded. The City Attorney noted that the revised contract would have to be signed by Mr. Bastian ' s client , Mr. Kalten- bach, and advised that the ordinance could be passed now, and publication held until the signed revision is received by the city. Armstrong ' s motion carried. Ordinance 1526 , approving the zoning of R-3 for the Kaltenbach portion of the Kaltenbach Annexation was read by the City Attorney. Armstrong moved for passage of the ordinance with publication to be held as above described, Masters seconded, motion carried. SALT BREEZE Pozzi moved to set the public hearing for the final PLAT plat of Salt Breeze for August 19th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. KENT ESTATES Ordinance 1528, approving the final plat of Kent Estates PLAT was read by the City Attorney. Barnier moved for passage of the ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. I PARKS & Baffaro moved to confirm the Mayor's re-appointment of RECREATION Berne Biteman to the Park Commission for the period August 1968-1971, Pozzi seconded, motion carried . I i A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read commend- in& the city' s participation and acquisition of Mill Creek Canyon for a community park and green belt , as well as on their selection of the architect to design the new city hall. CONFERENCES Woodworth moved to grant the request by Fire Chief & Foster to attend the Western Fire Chief's Conference CONVENTIONS in Las Vegas , September 8 - 12, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. COUNCIL Mr. Street advised that he was working on an improved PROCEDURES agenda and invited suggestions from the council prior to 'his submission of the resoluti cn on council procedures. Armstrong moved and Masters seconded that the vouchers be approved as submitted and warrants drawn for the same , with the exception of City Transfer' s claim which was. erroneously listed as motor oil. Authorization was given for the Clerk to pay the claim if it was determined it was for road oil. Motion carried. Payroll for July 1968 81,090.74 Current Expense . 6 ,270.22 New Shop Account 35.90 Water, 20,948.60 Street 6, 886.09 Art. St . UAB 8-1106(l ) 1, 480.8o Art. St. UAB 8-llo6(2) 17, 796.73 Sewer 71,1o9.61 Garbage 11,577.47 Library 172.44 Park 2,009. 94 Interest Bearing Warrants Arterial Street UAB 8-11o6(1) Hill, Ingman & Chase 1, 53.99 Hill, Ingman & Chase 26.81 S. 212th LID 253 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2 ,184.73 Arterial Street UAB 8-1106(2) Hill, Ingman & Chase 273.25 Hill, Ingman & Chase 17, 523.48 1967 Water Construction Kendall Construction Co. 4, 720.72 North Kent Water Daily Journal of Commerce 36.60 Chicago, Bridge & Iron Co. 29, 383.4o Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 6o,261.41 Hill, Ingman & Chase 89.76 Hill, Ingman & Chase 7, 650.44 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1, 395.14 1967 Sewer Construction Hill, Ingman & Chase 66.52 Hill, Ingman & Chase 282.97 Hill, Ingman & Chase 24.46 Hill, Ingman & Chase 449.76 Hill, Ingman & Chase 690.03 Hill, Ingman & Chase 27,065.22 Murphy Brothers 6,050.93 National Construction Constructors Pamco The Bank of Calif. '.52,254.0. Tri-State Construction 133,27).78 Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel. 193, 386.06 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :40 p.m. Respectfully 'submitted, MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie J en ,. Ci y Clerk