HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/17/1968 Kent , Washington June 17 , 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present : Mayor .Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Barnier Lee, Masters, Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Engineer. Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerks and Treasurer Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion . WATER LID 252. The public hearing was opened on the final assessment roll for LID 252. Letters of protest were read from the following: Mr. Nieuwenhuis , Dr. Jerome Barnier, Attorneys Maschetto . & Alfieri, on behalf of Vincenzo and Incoronato DiPietro and from John Axelson on behalf of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints . At his request , Barnier was excused from sitting on the Board of Equalization since he had made written protest. There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Pozzi moved that all written protests be referred to the engineers and water committee for evalua- tion , to be reported at the next meeting, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer noted that the water committee has been exploring alternative tank sites for the north six million gallon reservoir. He recommended that the Mayor be empowered to authorize a soils investigation of one of these alter- native sites at a cost of approximately $2 , 500.00 to the .water budget . Upon Armstrong' s query, 'the City Engineer stated that any additional costs would not be directly related to the water department. Lee so moved, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Lee reported that the water .committee is investigating additional sources and is reviewing all agreements in existence with water districts . BUILDING City Hall Site. A letter from Butler & Walls was read noting that appraisals on the property located on either side of the Kent Elementary School is due on or before July 1, 1968 and stating that their fees will be based on a per diem of $125.00 for Paul Walls and $75.00 for Roger W. Walls . Masters noted. that the Building Committee recommends Fred Bassetti & Co. as choice of architects for the new city hall and moved to approve this appointment , Barnier seconded. Under discussion , the Mayor stated that the committee screened 20 architects and that the they had inspected buildings in various cities. He noted that Don Orr, Pete Curran , and Jack Stewart had assisted the council committee. Motion carried. Woodworth moved that letters of appreciation be sent to lhe committee , Masters seconded, motion carried. Masters moved that letters be sent to the other architects , advising of the appointment and expressing appreciation for their proposals on this project , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. LIGHTS Masters reported that Puget Sound Power & Light is making a survey to establish a comprehensive lighting plan for the city. Masters noted that street light requests had been received from Mrs. Howard. Smith in the Lake Fenwick area and Mr. William Brett in the Cambridge area. She moved for 4 street lights to be installed in the Lake Fenwick area and 3 lights in the Cambridge area according to the sketches filed with the City Engineer and for the City Clerk to so advise Puget Power, Lee seconded, motion carried. The City Clerk read a proposed ordinance presented by the Chamber which would require underground wiring in proposed new developments . Woodworth moved that the Proposed ordi- nance be referred to the lighting committee for study, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. I POLICE & Police Chief McQuery and the City Attorney recommended FIRE that the city' enter into a Mutual Aid Agreement with King County. Woodworth moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and sign said agreement , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Fire Chief Foster introduced Firemen Larry S.torement, Syd Mickelson , Henry Opel and Chris McKay who participated in fire hose competition in Walla Walla last week. He presented a first place trophy won by this group. STREETS James Street . A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read recommending that James St . be four laned with a fifth lane for left turns at certain intersections . Wood- worth moved to refer the matter to the street committee, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Pozzi reported on the proposed project for widening James Street , noting that meetings have been held with property owners and reaised the question as to whether sidewalks would be included in the proposed LID. Bill Chase of Hill, Ingman & Chase , stated that he would check this out with the Urban Arterial Board, noting that in some circumstances , sidewalks are eligible . Traffic Control. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was requesting that cost estimates be made available to determine the expense of developing South Central Ave. into a four & five lane arterial from Titus St . to the Green River and also requesting that traffic counts be made on Central Ave. south of Titus St . By motion , the matter was referred to the City Engineer and street committee. A letter was read from Lyle Schneider, Attorney representing Mr. E. L. Maddox, stating that the city has been trespassing on the Maddox property on the Frager Road and asking if the city desires to purchase the proper right-of-way. Pozzi moved to refer the matter to the City Attorney, City Engineer and street committee, Masters seconded, motion carried. East-West Route. Barnier stated that he felt that the council should go on record as to their proposal for the East-West route. Pozzi noted that the Highway Dept . has not made a formal presentation on any one route. The City Engineer opined that the Highway Dept. . did not want the city to make a choice until they take forml action , and that formal hear- ings -would be held about August 1. Woodworth moved that the City Engineer write to the State Highway Dept . asking if the Department wants the city to take action before the formal hearings , Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Paul Barden agreed with Barnier and suggested that the council make a recommendation prior to the route hearing. Motion carried. Paul Barden reported that there was a safety committee meeting regarding railroad crossings recently and that under the proposal; Kent would occupy a low priority for funds , com- pared to larger cities . He stated that he would provide copies to the council. SS&M. Pozzi stated that a progress report is expected on July l from the City Engineer regarding the SS&M project . HEALTH & Des Moines Sewer District . Upon the City Engineer ' s re- SANITATION commendation , Barnier moved for approval of Resolution 592, approving a system of additions and betterments to the Des Moines Sewer District , Lee seconded, motion carried. Central Valley Interceptor. The City Engineer recommended that .Constructors Pamco, Contractors on the 72" Central Valley Interceptor be given authorization to open cut So. 212th at 4 : 30 p.m. next Saturday and will work through Sunday to accomplish this, noting that he expects an adjustment of $500.00 to $1000.00. Woodworth moved to give authorization to commence at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, Barnier' seconded. Armstrong moved to amend the motion to allow the contractor to make an adjustment of $750.00, Masters seconded. Amend- ment carried, with Pozzi voting nay. Original motion carried unanimously. HEALTH & ULID A, Contract V. Barnier noted that Murphey Bros . SANITATION has .agreed to accept interest bearing warrants , and moved that they be given notice to proceed, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. ULID #l. The City Attorney noted that at the last council meeting, the public hearing was held on the final assess- ment roll for ULID #l, protests were heard, written pro- tests were received and the public hearing was closed. The protests were then referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee and the consulting engineers for consideration . Recommendations for adjustments and/or corrections for the following numbered assessment items were read by Barnier: numbers 31, 127, 169, 170, 172, 174, 183, 184, 185 , 207, 210, 212, 219, 276 , 502, 508, and 516A. Barnier moved to approve these alterations to the roll, and that they be- come a part of the ordinance , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1518, confirming the final assessment roll for ULID #1 in the amount of $1,695 ,623.68 was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordi- nance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Barnier re- quested that those people who had requested adjustments which had not been granted be given the opportunity to con- sult with the consulting engineers . BIDS Water Dept . The following birds were read for pipe and hydrants for the water department : PIPE 6'.' 8" 12" TOTAL Pacific States 1.979 2712 Ti.764 16 , 170.22 + tax U. S. Pipe 2.01 2.86 4.83 16 ,433.84 + tax 12 HYDRANTS Pacific Water Works 4 ,034.37, inc . tax Western. Utilities 4,032.99, inc . tax H. D. Fowler 3, 956.68, inc . tax Lee moved to award the bid for the pipe to Pacific States , low bidder. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Woodworth moved to award the bids on the hydrants to II. D. Fowler, low bidder, subject to approval by the Fire Depart- ment and water committee, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. CITY PROPERTY Mr. Jim Robards of 120 S. Kennebec noted that the city property just south of" him should be cleaned up and asked of the city' s plan for the proposed street . The City Engineer explained the problems ; the necessity of lowering gas and water lines , etc. , before the street could be laid out, but that the cleaning of the lot could have been accomplished by a phone call to his office. HIGHLANDER Ordinance 15201. approving the Highlander Plat was read by PLAT the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. Under discussion , the City Engineer noted that there had been a change on the plat with which the Planning Commission had concurred. Motion carried, with Armstrong abstaining. GOODNEWS The public hearing was opened on the Goodn.ews Bay Annexation . BAY There were no comments or objections from the floor and the ANNEXATION hearing was closed by motion . Ordinance 1519, approving the annexation was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. ZONING KGP Investment . It was noted that Mr. Kleweno had requested that the continued public hearing for the KGP rezone request from R-2 to R-4 be referred back to the Planning Commission. Pozzi so moved, Barnier seconded, motion carried. KENT Woodworth moved to set the public hearing for the final ESTATES plat for Kent Estates for July 1, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. APPEALS Haute. By motion , the public hearing was set for July 1 on the appeal filed by Mr. Hauge on the action of the Board of Adjustment in refusing to grant a variance to allow construction of a house in an R-1 zone in a slightly under minimum lot . Bruns. By motion , the public hearing was set for July 1 he appeal filed by Mr. Bruns on the action of the Board of Adjustment in refusing to grant a variance to permit access over existing driveways from First Ave. and from Crow St. , with 13 ' entrance from Willis St. PLANNING The council unanimously approved the Mayor' s appointment COMMISSION of Tom O'Connell to the Planning Commission . CREDIT A progress report from the Kent Federal Credit union was UNION read and placed on file by motion . PARKS & Mill Creek Canyon . Mrs . Kogan stated that the second RECREATION appraisal on the Mill Creek Canyon property is due on June 25th, noting that two appraisals are required. The City Attorney stated that there are two contracts , one from HUD and one from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation and that it is required to enter into both con- tracts for which the park board is now requesting authorization for the Mayor to sign . The contracts constitute the official application for the funds. The City Attorney pointed out that the city' s commitment was not clear and stated that re- gardless of the appraised figure , if condemnation proceedings are necessary, the value of the property could be set by the court. Armstrong noted that in a recent condemnation , the court ' s figure was three times that of the appraiser ' s figure. It .was pointed out that the proposed grant was for $45 ,750.00 or 50/ of the cost of the property, whichever is less . Rev- erend Gretz stated that this contract is being used through- out the country and is a standard form. Woodworth moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract . Pozzi seconded, Under discussion , Armstrong opined that the contract should not be signed yet because the cost to the city is undetermined. Barnier agreed, stating further that the proposed price for the property was outrageous . Woodworth expressed confidence that if condemnation was necessary, the jury would decide on a figure that would be reasonable and just . Upon roll call vote , Woodworth, Pozzi, Masters and Lee voted aye. Barnier and Armstrong voted nay. Motion carried. A letter from Dr. Christian , President of the Kent Area Activities Council was read', expressing appreciation for the use of the Memorial Park on May 30 for the annual Fun Feast Festival. By motion , the letter was placed on file. ZONING Kaltenbach Annexation . It was noted that the zoning for the Kaltenbach Annexation had been referred back to the Planning Commission for clarification . Palzer Portion . Mr. Poole stated that at the July llth Planning Commission meeting, he recommended that the Palzer portion be zoned R-1 and noted that they requested R-3• Poole noted that they have since submitted a specific site plan which would remove any objection he had to R-3 and recommended that the Palzer portion of the annexation be segregated and referred back to the Planning Commission for consideration as R-3 zoning, with restrictions as shown on the site plan . Pozzi so moved, Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong asked to see their proposal. Mr. Emanual then presented maps and briefly explained the pro- posal. Motion carried. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommendations for the remainder of the annexation are as follows : Voogt Portion R-3 Boeing Portion M-1 Frankford Tracts Portion R-3 Strip along River R-A Tom O'Connell noted that Mr. Bastian had stated his clients Would not oppose any type of rezoning requests that might be sought by the people to the north or south. Mr. Bastian ZONING concurred with this statement. Pozzi moved that the portions be zoned as stated above as recommended by the Planning Commission for reasons outlined in their minutes . Masters seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong pointed out to the council that the Boeing portion on the east side of the river has been recommended for M-1 and that the .owners of the west side pro- posed to have that portion as a recreation area: There R-A and followed a discussion as to what is permitted under M-1, M-A zonings . Poole pointed out that there is no zoning classi- fication covering a recreation area. Barnier stated that it would set a good precedent if strips along the Green River could be designated as recreation area. The City Engineer recommended M-A zoning for the portion lying east of the White River (Boeing portion ) . Armstrong moved to amend the motion to M-A zoning for the Boeing portion , Woodworth seconded. The amend- ment carried over Pozzi ' s nay. The original motion carried unanimously. By motion , the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance. OPEN Woodworth noted that a public hearing had been scheduled for HOUSING this meeting on the proposed open housing ordinance , but the committee had not as yet received an answer to the City Attorney' s request to the State Board Against Discrimination requesting clarification of certain points . The City Attorney not that 49.60.130 of State Laws stated that said Board would bear expenses connected with hearings. The Mayor stated that there were some objections to the ordinance in its hearing present form. Armstrong moved to postpone until the nett meeting, Masters seconded. Under discussion , it was noted that there will be a meeting of the council as a whole to discuss this before the next council meeting, provided a response is received from the State Board Against Discrimina- tion . Motion carried. Armstrong ' s motion , seconded by Masters was passed approving the following claims : Current Expense 6,825.74 New Shop Acct. 493.00 Water 4,077.51 Street 10, 902.63 Sewer 528. 36 Garbage 3 ,831.67 Library 34, 307.54 Park 3, 103.03 Fire R/P 255.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :45 P.m- ;; Respectfully submitted, `� ` 7� �;,Fs MAYOR '��� ••' Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen n , Cit Clerk