HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/15/1968 Kent , Washington April 15 , 1968 I Regular meeting of the Kent City .Council called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Masters and Pozzi , City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . Treasurer and Budget Reports submitted and accepted by' motion. BIDS City Hall Bonds. The following bids were read on bonds for anew city hall, after it was determined that each was accompanied with a check for $56,500.00 : National Bank of Commerce Net Int. Cost : $647,670.00 e.t al Effective Rate : 4.66285 Seattle First National Net Int. Cost : $626 , 780.50 et al Effective Rate : 4.5125 Peoples Nat 'l Bank of Wash. Net . Int. Cost : $620,006. 25 in conjunction with: Blyth Effective Rate : 4.46368 & Co. , Inc. , Foster & Mar- shall, Inc. and Dain , Kalman & Quail Inc. Paul Flint of McLean & Co. , the city's financial advisors , tabulated the bids and determined that the Peoples National Bank bid was low. Armstrong moved to accept the low bid , Lee seconded, motion carried. Flint suggested that the certified checks of the other bidders should be promptly returned, and that the City Attorney be authorized to pro- ceed with the bond counsel for the printing of the bonds and arranging for final delivery of same. Armstrong so moved, Lee seconded, motion carried. Armstrong moved that that the finance committee be empowered to instruct the City Treasurer to invest funds from this bond issue immediately, at the most advantageous interest rate, Barnier seconded, motion carried. WATER The City Engineer reported that the final estimate on Icy Creek Well Drilling has been submitted and recommended that it be approved and the contract accepted. Baffaro so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer presented Change Order #2 for the six million gallon tank project at 240th and 98t.h Ave. to grant a 30 day extension and recommended approval , since inclement weather has delayed the work. Armstrong so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer presented a proposal from Dames & Moore to do soils investigation work on the site of the six million gallon water tank at So. 208th, noting that the soils report is vital to the engineer' s design program and to John Pain ' s court action for acquisition . Lee moved to approve this proposal,' Masters seconded, motion carried. Icy Creek. Lee moved that the City Attorney draft a hold harmless agreement before authorization is given for the Kiwanis-sponsored clean-up project. . Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The Mayor suggested that the City Engineer investigate the financial feasibility of having three water tanks repainted. STREETS The City Engineer reported on the meeting held last Tuesday with the State Highway Department regarding the Kent Des Moines Road widening and the realignment from Military Road to th.e West Valley Highway. He noted that the Highway Department went over the proposed, plan , received verbal comments offered by the city and chamber representatives and requested that the city submtt their comments in writing. It was noted that those councilmen who were absent from the meeting should familiarize themselves with the plan before the letter _ is sent. Pozzi moved to authorize the City Engineer to send the city' s comments to the Highway Depart- ment , Masters seconded , motion carried. STREETS Vacation - Lincoln Ave. The City Engineer noted that sometime ago, under Ordinance 1409 , the city vacated a portion of Lincoln Ave . , but retained the right to grant easements in the area, so it was not a true vacation . Mr. Collins has now requested that this cloud be cleared from the ordinance and the City Engineer so recommended, noting that the city retained a 20 foot access to tie the alley in with public right- of-way. Lee so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer noted that the street committee has set April 24th at 7 : 30 p.m. as the date to informally discuss the James St . improvement with property owners between the West Valley Highway and Mill Creek and has set May 1 at 7 : 30 p.m. for discussion of the area from Mill Creek to the Benson Highway. James St . The City Engineer reported receipt of a deed and letter from James Curran , representing Mr. Schoenbachler regarding improvements of James Street extension for a dedicated right-of-way. He noted that the letter stipulates that the improvement of James St. to the West Valley Highway will be accomplished within 2 years. Armstrong moved that the City Engineer, along with the City Attorney and street committee negotiate with Mr. Curran on this matter. Barnier seconded, motion carried. A letter was read requesting a traffic signal' at 2nd and Meeker and was , by motion , referred to the street committee. Pozzi moved that the contract for street design with Hill & Ingman be assigned to the new name of Hill, Ingman , Chase & Co. , and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the covering document , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Parking. Pozzi noted that the signs prohibiting parking in various areas will be installed soon and that the proper ordinances will be drafted by the City Attorney. BUILDING Baffaro noted that on Thursday, April 18th at 7 : 30 P•m• , a •meeting was scheduled to screen _architects for the new ,city hall building. Shop Building. The City Attorney noted that a letter has been received from Don Bogard stating that the performance bond by Busch Construction was never fiied with. the city and recommending that the city not pay the 10% retainage until the bond is delivered' and that Mr. Busch had requested that the bond requirement be waived. Armstrong moved to refer the matter to the building committee with power to act , after conferring with the City Attorney, City Engineer and Don Bogard. Pozzi seconded,- motion carried. Baffaro noted that if the city is still interested in acquiring the Valley Elementary School, they should so advise the School Board making an offer - for the facility as. the Board is considering expending $250,000.00 to remodel the school. He noted that the appraised value . is $570,000.00. City Hall. The Mayor noted that it would be advisable to have the property appraised in the library block, the proposed site of the new city hall. Barnier and Masters opposed this site , favoring the city owned pro- perty at the treatment plant site, noting that more could be spent on the actual building if property did not have to be purchased. Barnier commented on the lack of interest shown by the merchants in the proposed off street parking LID. Armstrong concurred in part and stated that the John Graham plan suggested the city hall should be downtown . He opined that the .property on the west die of the Valley Elementary school would allow t*ice as much room as that on the east. It was notedthe choice of the site should be disuussed with the architect . HEALTH & ULID #1. Contract IV North Sewer. Bids on SANITATION ULID #1, Contract IV, opened on April 1 were presented as follows : Tonnesen-Slead 713, 920.00 Charles J-. Dorfman 818,652.00 Salem Sane & Gravel 833 , 531.00 Tri-State Construction 847, 501.00 Harold Kaeser Co. 864 ,910.00 Morrison-Knudsen 894 , 999.00 National Constr. Co. 1,039 , 979.00 Lundberg Constr. Co. 1,179 ,813.50 Contract V - North Sewer. Bids on ULID #1, Contract V, opened on April 8 were presented' as follows : Murphey Bros. 1,027 ,199,00 National Constr. Co. 1 ,046 ,073 .00 Tri-State Construction 1, 136 , 979.00 Charles J. Dorfman 1 , 148, 526.00 Salem Sand & Gravel 1 , 152, 167.00 Harold Kaeser Co. 1 , 266, 320.00 Barnier stated that low bidders have been made known on Contracts 2, 3, 4 and 5 , noting that in Contract 4 , the Tonnesen-Slead bid, which is approximately $105 ,000.00 less than the next low bidder, is con- tingent upon an award within 30 days. The City Engineer recommended that the Tonnesen-Slead bid be awarded, •subject to EDA approval and interim financing , to take advantage of the low bid. The City Attorney opined that the council could waive the 120 day hold period on these bids. Ramsey requested that all the contracts be awarded tonight . Barnier moved to award contracts to the respective low bidders as follows : Contract 2 - Constructors Pamco 1,387 ,650.00 Contract 3 - National Constr. Co. 614 ,153.00 . Contract 4 - Tonnesen-Slead 713 , 920.00 Contract 5 --Murphey Bros . 1,027, 199.00 subject to EDA approval and sttisfactory interim financing arrangements , Masters seconded, motion carried. ULID #1. The City Engineer presented a request from Tri-State Construction for a 60 day extension of time on Contract #1 due to the flooded condition of the fields . He recommended it be referred to the sewer committee for report at the next meeting. Armstrong so moved, Lee seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a meeting regarding interim financing on ULID #1 was scheduled for 8 :00 p.m. on Thursday, April 18th at the City Hall. LIGHTS Masters queried the City Engineer on the city' s acceptance of West Smith Street . Mr. Sherwood pointed out that the street had not been accepted because the parking lot had been extended right to the street , which is in conflict with city standards. FINANCE An emergency ordinance for $15 ,000.00 for funds for equip- ment and personnel for upgrading the city' s accounting system was read in its entirety by the City Attorney. The , public hearing was opened. There were no objections or comments and the hearing was closed. Action on the matter was held to the May 6t1i meeting on Pozzi ' s motion , seconded by Baffaro and carried. ZONING It was noted that the following four public hearings were scheduled for this meeting-, but have been held up at Planning Commission level : Zoning of Kaltenbach Annexation Zoning of Lorentson Annexation Zoning of Ortiz Annexation MacPherson request for rezone from R-1 to C-1 Lee moved to set the public hearings on the above items for May 6th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was unofficially stated that the MacPherson rezone had been withdrawn. BENSON The City Engineer presented a Bill of Sale from CREST #3 General Investment Co. relating to water and sewer lines in Benson Crest #3 and recommended that it be accepted. Armstrong so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter from Mrs . Clinton Graham was read in appreciation FIRE of Officer Bean ' s presentation on "glue Sniffing" at their April 1 PTA meeting. Barnier moved to place the letter on file and .to commend Officer Bean , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. APPEAL Wasnick. The public hearing was opened on the appeal filed by Mr. Wasnick against the action of the Board of Adjustment in refusing to grant a variance to allowthe construction of a 7 unit apartment building in an R-2 zone. Mr. Wasnick presented revised sketches to the council , noting that he is now requesting 6 units rather than 7. The Board of Adjustment minutes of March 6th, pertaining to this matter were read. Mr. Poole , City Planner stated that the proposal submitted tonight was more acceptable than the one originally submitted. Ob- jections were heard from Mr. Hardy, Mr. & Mrs . Bill Pearson , Larry Clements and John Llewellyn . A petition signed by property owners in the area was read objecting to the variance for the following reasons : 1) the proposed area is in an R-2 zone for duplexes only, 2) it is incompatible with the surrounding property, 3) it would constitute a traffic hazard on James St . , 4) it does not comply with the comprehensive plan , 5 ) it would cut off the view of the valley for 5 property owners and 6 ) the people living directly east of the proposed area would be looking onto a parking lot and a row of garbage cans. Mr. Varacalli spoke in favor of the proposed buildings . The City Engineer pointed out that the 30' building height now permittedin this R-2 zone would also obstruct the view. He noted that there is R-2 zoning surrounding the property and R-1 northcf James Street . Baffaro moved to deny the appeal and to uphold the action of the Board of Adjustment as outlined in their Resolution #75 . Pozzi seconded. Upon roll call vote , the motion carried unanimously. ANNEXATION Samuels. The 75% petition for the Samuels Annexation was presented, along with a letter from the City Engineer :certifying that signatures thereon represent owners of property aggregating more than 75% of the assessed valua- tion . Armstrong moved to accept the petition and refer it to the. Boundary Review Board, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Tom Keck. The 10% petition for the Keck Annexation was presented, along with a letter from the City Engineer certifying that signatures thereon represent owners of property aggregating more than 10% of the assessed valua- tion. Armstrong moved to refer the matter to the annexation committee , Barnier seconded, motion carried. OPEN Barbara Pistoresi spoke from the audience, suggesting that HOUSING the city adopt an open housing ordinance. She presented a copy of the proposed Seattle open housing ordinance to the council, which was placed on file . STADIUM Resolution 590, endorsing the Riverton area for a stadium site , was read by the City Attorney. Baffaro moved for passage of the resolution , Barnier seconded, motion carried. PARKS & The City Attorney introduced an emergency ordinance for RECREATION $5, 212.22 for an additional park department employee from May through December 1968. Masters moved to set the public hearing for May 6th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Barney Wilson requested permission to obtain appraisals RECREATION of property around Lake Fenwick preparatory to applyings for federal funds , noting that the cost of such appraisal could be borne by funds currently budgeted dtforhat land Wilson acquisition . The City Attorney suggested confer with Jack. Pain on selection of an appraiser. Upon Lee ' s motion , permission was granted to do so, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. A letter from Barney Wilson was read officially requesting permission to use the property around the new water tank on 240th for park purposes . Barniemod to accept ptithe on letter and place it on file , g se on carried. CENSUS The City Clerk reported that the census has been completed and the unofficial count is 15 , 835• CONFERENCES Lee moved to authorize Barney Wilson ionto attend the nce 2Spokane , & Annual NW DistrictParks CONVENTIONS April 21 through April 24th. Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Armstrong ' s motion , seconded by Lee was passed approving the following claims : Current Expense 22 , 567.71 Water 4 ,079.6o Street 17 , 544.13 LID 253 153.75 UAB 8-1106(1) 60.00 Sewer 5 , 251.75 Garbage 3 , 524.34 Library 247.23 Park 3 ,898.31 Fire R/P 255.00 Interest Bearing Warrants . N. Kent Water Richard F. Murray 165.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 11 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MAYOR , MA : Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , City Clerk