HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/1968 i
Kent , Washington
April 1, 1968
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at
8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong,
Baffaro, Lee , Masters , Pozzi and City Attorney Bereiter, City
Engineer Sherwood
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted
by motion .
Clerk' s Report submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion .
STREETS James St. The City Engineer reported in 1965 ,
using in part , 1/20 gas tax money, the city paved
James St . from the West Valley Highway to the NP
tracks. At that time the city agreed to. pay the
Milwaukee Railroad $19, 804 .00 in order to secure
the crossing. He recommended that the recently
received bill in that amount be paid. Pozzi so
moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Off=Street Parking._ A letter from James P. - Curran
was read submitting his resignation , effective
April 1, 1968, as chairman of the off-street parking
committee. Denver Grigsby stated that the matter
would be considered at the board meeting of the
Chamber on Wednesday.
Cu_ gini Vacation . . The City Attorney noted he would
arrange a meeting with the street committee as re-
quested by Cugini ' s attorney.
An Access Report and letter from W. C. Bogart ,
District Engineer, Washington State Highway Commission
was read advising of the location and design for a
section of proposed State Route 516 and requesting a
conference for consideration of the proposed improve-
ment . Armstrong moved that a meeting be set for 7 :00
p.m. on April 9th, Lee seconded, motion carried.
The Mayor requested that the City Engineer notify thu
State Highway Department that Meeker St . west of the
Milwaukee tracks should come under the same paving
program already proposed. Pozzi so moved, Masters
seconded, motion carried.
Pozzi stated that the committee had requested informa-
tion from the Association of Washington Cities regard-
ing time limits for posting political signs , but has
not received a reply as yet .
A letter from- the Union Pacific Railroad was read
regarding the city' s desire to use portions of
railroad property for location of sewer lines ,
water lines and roadway, before the execution of
the proper documents. The railroad agrees to the
city' s use of the property providing the terms and
conditions outlined in the letter are met . The
City Attorney stated that he had confereed with the
City Engineer on this matter and recommended the condi-
tions be accepted. Pozzi moved that the Mayor and
City Clerk be authorized to sign this document ,
Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
WATER Icy Creek. The City Engineer reported receipt of a
letter from the U. S . Department of Interior, Geo-
logical' Survey Division , requesting the city' s parti-
cipation in stream gauging at Icy Creek for another
year. Keith Anderson , the city' s geologist ," stated
it was now unnecessary and recommended that the
stream gauging be discontinued. Lee moved to approve
Anderson ' s recommendation and for the City Engineer
to notify the proper offices , Armstrong seconded,
motion carried.
WATER A letter was read from Dr. Melvin Rugg, representing
the Boys & Girls Committee of the Kiwanis Club , re-
questing permission to allow members of their club
to have a work party one weekend in May at the Icy
Creek property owned by the city. Pozzi moved to
refer the matter to the Police and Fire and Water
committees , Masters seconded, motion carried.
Lee noted that the water committee, City Engineer
and consulting engineer are working on a study of
new water sources.
HEALTH & Contract IV - North Sewer.
opened today
statedSANITATION that bids on ULID 1,
and will be presented at the next meeting.
Contract II - North Sewer. Bids on ULID #1, Contract
II, opened on March 18 were presented as follows :
Constructors-Pamco 1 , 387,650.00
Frank Collucio Constr. 1, 5.60,765 .00
Morrison-Knudsen Co. 1 , 648 , 255.00
Artukovich, Healy & Kordick 1 ,739,655.00
Harold Kaeser Co. 1 ,876, 385.00
Contract III - North Sewer. Bids on ULID #1 ,
Contract III , ,opened on March 25 were presented
as follows :
National Constr. Co. 614 , 153.00
Salem Sand & Gravel 64o,493 .90
Murphy Bros . Inc . 7571578.00
Harold Kaeser Co. 759, 370.00
Tri-State Const . Co. 807 , 904-50
0. R. Alia, Inc . 836 ,440.00
Shoreline Constr. Co. 879 , 390.00
Tonnesen Const . & Slead 1 ,030,840.00
Frank Collucio 1, 307 ,177.50
It was noted that provision has been made to hold
these bids for 120 days before awards are made.
A petition signed by Mrs. Darby was introduced for
sanitary sewers to serve property along Military
Rd. lying north of the Kent Des Moines Road. Pozzi
moved to refer the matter to the sewer committee ,
Lee seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Bascom Plummer, representing the Star Lake
Community Club requested information on having that
area become part of the Kent ' s sewer district .
Pozzi moved that a meeting be arranged with the City
Engineer, and the Sewer Committee , Armstrong seconded,
motion carried.
LIGHTS Masters reported receipt of a formal request from
Puget Power to accept the street lighting on Shinn
Street . The City Engineer pointed out that until
the d.eed for the street has been transmitted to the
city, the city cannot accept the maintenance of the
A letter signed by Johnny' s Food Center, East Hill
Cleaners and the East Hill Branch of the National
Bank of Commerce was read requesting a street light-
ing program at the intersection of 104th S.E. and
256th S.E, and in the immediate vicinity. Pozzi
moved to refer the matter to the lighting committee ,
Lee seconded, motion carried.
A letter from Fred Day was read requesting street
lighting contiguous to apartments now under construc-
tion at S.E. 236th. By motion , this matter was
referred to the street lighting committee.
BUILDING Baffaro reported that the council and Mayor are
visiting city halls in the state to gain information
on design , cost , etc.
FINANCE An emergency ordinance for $15 ,000 for equipment
and personnel for upgrading the city' s accounting
system was introduced by the City Attorney. Arm-
strong moved to set the public hearing for the April
15th meeting, Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
Armstrong moved to authorize the City Treasurer to
make adjusting transfers to correct errors for
various water construction funds , as requested by
the Treasurer' s March lst letter, Pozzi seconded ,
motion carried.
POLICE & A letter from Oscar Hanson , Principal of Sunnycrest
FIRE School was read expressing appreciation for Officer
Bean ' s presentation on narcotics . Armstrong moved
to send a copy of the letter to the Police Chief,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
ANNEXATIONS Ortiz. Ordinance 1505 , approving the Ortiz annexation
to be effective on the 20th day of April was read by
the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the
ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Lorentson. Ordinance 1506 , approving the Lorentson
annexation to be effective on the 20th day of April
was .read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for passage
of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried
with Armstrong abstaining.
Kaltenbach. Ordinance 1507, approving the Kaltenbach
annexation to be effective on the 20th day of April
was read by the City Attorney. Armstrong moved for
passage of the ordinance , Lee seconded, motion carried.
STRAWBERRY Ordinance 1508, approving the Strawberry Lane Plat
LANE PLAT was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage
of the ordinance , Baffaro seconded. Under discussion ,
the City Engineer stated that the names of Kenneth and
Doris Martis should be added to the plat documents. He
noted that the plattors desire to deposit $6 ,700.00
in cash in the bank, in lieu of securing the customary
$5 ,000 bond. These funds would require the approval
of the City Engineer to pay the contractor as the
improvement.s are completed. The City Attorney opined
that the proposal was . acceptable as long as the City
Engineer had agreed to administer the disbursement of
the funds. Motion carried.
CAMBRIDGE The City Engineer presented a bill of sale for water
#3 & #4 mains , sanitary sewers , storm drains , street improve-
ments , etc . , in Cambridge #3 and #4 and recommended
that it be ' accepted and the plat bond be released.
Armstrong so moved, Lee seconded, motion carried.
PLANNING The City Engineer advised that a meeting will be
held on April llth at the Renton Inn , sponsored
by the Valley Regional Planning Commission and
encouraged the council to attend.
ZONING R-5. The matter regarding consideration of deleting
R-5 zoning from the present zoning ordinance was
held over until the Planning Commission brings the
recommendations to the council.
IMPROVE- In answer to the Mayor' s query, the City Engineer
MENTS stated that the City Attorney and he are checking
the platting ordinance to determine if the city
has the authority to request that sidewalks be in-
eluded in new plats .
COUNCIL The proposed resolution regarding procedures for
PROCEDURES council meetings was left on the table.
PARKS & The City Attorney requested that the Park Department
RECREATION make a written request for permissive use of the
property around the new water tank on 240th for
park purposes.
Reverend Gretz of the Kent Park Board, commented
on Barney Wilson ' s request for the addition of. one
staff member to the Park Department from May to
December at a cost of $4 , 934.00 and suggested that
an emergency ordinance be drafted to cover this
.expense. Masters so moved, Baffaro seconded, motion
BOAT & A letter from William J. LaClair of the Chamber of
CAMPER Commerce was read requesting the council to prohibit
TRAILER SHOW, parking on 2nd Avenue from Gowe to Harrison on April
25 , 26 and 27 for the Boat & Trailer Show. Armstrong
moved that permission be granted, Lee seconded. Under
discussion , Tom Perkins stated that fire lanes will
be kept open . Po zzi noted that the barricades were
not removed promptly last year and they should be
picked up on Sunday this time. Motion carried.
Armstrong motion , seconded by Masters was passed
approving the following claims :
Payroll - March 1968 74 , 543, 35
Current Expense 4 , 571.90
Water 4 ,465 . 94
Street 2 ,431.93
Art .' St . (8-1106(1 ) 1 , 302.20
Art . St . (8-1106(2) 19.05
Art . St . (4th St. ) 487.73
Art . St . (James ) 19, 804.00
So. 212th LID 253 806. 37
Sewer 1 , 224.75
Garbage 1 ,478. 35
Library 283 .10
Park 362.6o
Interest Bearing Warrants
North Kent Water
Hill & Ingman 99.83
Hill & Ingman 732.38
Hill & Ingman 592.92
Hill & Ingman 564. 32
19667 Sewer Constr. ULID #1
Tri-State Constr. 20,633.84
Metropolitan Engr. 2, 368. 31
Hill & Ingman 10, 781.29
Daily Journal of Commerce 104.40
Daily Journal of Commerce 101.50
Respectfully submitted,
MAYOR �---�
Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen, Cit Clerk