HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/04/1968 418 Kent , Washington March 4 , 1968 Meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Engineer Sherwood I Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted . by motion . STREETS Vacation - Portion of Willis. It was noted that the public hearing was held on February 12th on the Cugini request for vacation of a portion of Willis Street and that council action was held to this date at the petitioner ' s request .. Mr. Pain , Attorney for Cugini was afforded the opportunity to speak on Barnier's motion , which passed over Pozzi ' s nay. Pain objected to the amount of the appraisal of the property as submitted by J . Carroll Shoe & Assoc . at $1.10 per sq. ft . Ile stated that the same property had been appraised by the state at $. 37-1/2 per sq. ft . He noted that Shoe ' s appraisal was based on the value of the surrounding property and that it must be remembered that the portion for which vacation is sought is only a strip 40 wide by 308 ' long and should be appraised on it ' s size . The City Attorney pointed out that this method of handling street vacations comes under a new statute and suggested that action could be held over to afford Mr. Pain the opportunity to present his views , and for the City Attorney to check with the Associa- tion of Municipal Attorneys . He noted the importance of research on the matter, as the city could be l ..�. setting a precedent since this is Kent ' s first appli.- l ?' cation under the new statute . Barnier moved to hold action to the April 1st meeting. Masters seconded , motion carried, over Pozzi ' s nay. Spur Track Crossing. Barnier moved for the council to reconsider Ordinance 1497, which was passed at the February 19th meeting , and which grants to NPRR authorization for a spur track across 84th Ave . S . in the vicinity of S. 212th. Barnier opined that the passage of the ordinance had been premature , that it should have been held until after the hearing before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Comm. He further noted that physical feasibility had not been explored in depth, and that the granting of the l.. fracnchise as presented is not compatible with good planning. Baffaro seconded the motion . Upon a roll call vote , the motion failed , with Lee , Woodworth, Pozzi and Armstrong dissenting. LID 255 . Ordinance 1498 , ordering LID 255 for im- provements to S. 22 th was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded. Under discussion , Barnier opined that Mr. Bernasconi ' s property was not benefited by the LID and stated that the time will come when such parcels will have to be excluded from LID' s . Pozzi stated that LID' s increase the property values . Motion carried unanimously. Gowe. Discussion was had on the proposed LID to im- prove W. Gowe and the City Engineer was requested to provide the necessary information as soon as possible . Pozzi reported that the crossing on Willis St . is running I two weeks behind schedule . He stated that no communica- tion has been received from the Highway Dept . as yet regarding rewiring the signal light at Smith and No. Central and that the committee will meet as soon as word is received. STREETS 72nd Ave. The City Engineer stated that sometime ago, the city discussed the possibility of including 72nd Ave. on the comprehensive plan as an arterial street, but. definite action had not been taken. Property owned by Puget Power would be split by this proposed alignment , and they had therefore designed a power .substation around the proposed street . They have requested that the city, by letter, recognize the problem this poses and state that the city would not expect those high tension lines to be buried. Denver Grisby stated that several property owners had objected to the street proposal. Mr. Sherwood pointed out that the council, had referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for a clarification of the legal description and that the Commission determined that they would not submit it again until it was heard again as a part of- the new Comprehensive Plan. Barnier moved to have Puget Power send a representative to explain the details to the council, Masters seconded, motion carried, over Pozzi 's nay. 'ORRE TED • REfER TO The City Engineer recommended the Mayor execute two ease- s ments from Puget Power to the City, one on So. 212th and �IINUT S OF ,•, 8 one on So. 2-28th. Pozzi so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. WATER Clark Springs. The City Engineer recommended approval of Change Order W3 in the amount of $5 , 569.00 on the Clark Springs Well Drilling Project , for additional screening in the pump- ing well and for additional work on test well #2. Woodworth so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. A petition for a proposed water LID to serve an area north of 196th to S. 18Oth on the East Valley Highway was presented. Pozzi moved to refer the matter to the water committee and engineering department , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & S.. 212th. Barnier reported that last week the sower com►nittoo SANITATION met with the contractor, Mr. Augustino, a representative from Dames & Moore , Walt Ramsey and the City Engineer regarding the sanitary sewer line crossing at S. 212th. Barnier moved to grant a 90 day extension to the contractor for the work on S. 212th only, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer presented requests from Mr. Milton Link and Phil Jones for extension of city sewers to serve the . Garden Apartments and Willo Vista Trailer Park, lalong with an engineering agreement for the city to perform engineering necessary for that ' extension. Armstrong moved to' ki'Ant the request , Masters seconed, motion carried. The Mayor reported that "Clean Up" Week will be scheduled in April and that numerous meetings have been held with the Chamber of Commerce regarding beautification . Letters were read from Mr. Alvin Henning requesting city sewer and water service for property at 104th & 264th. Pozzi moved that they be referred to the proper committees, Baffaro seconded. It was determined that the property is not contiguous to the city. Motion carried. POLICE & Woodworth noted that there would be a Kent Safety Council FIRE meeting on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the board room at the School Administration building to discuss ambulance service in the area. He stated that he will be unable to attend, but that Fire Chief Foster will be present and that any .other council members would be welcome. BUILDING The Mayor noted that underground wiring should be considered for future plats and that some revisions should be made to the-mechanical code, uniform building code and fire prevention code. FINANCE A letter from the City Treasurer was read requesting authoriza- tion to make adjusting transfers to correct drrors for various water construction funds, a list of which was included. Arm- strong moved to refer the matter to the Finance Committee with power to act , Lee seconded, motion carried. CITY SHOPS A proposed lease to the State of Washington for 270 square feet in the new shop building, to house the electrical inspector for $75.00 per month was intro- duced. After some discussion , Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the City Engineer and City Attorney for renegotiation. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. CITY HALL An ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds for a new city hall was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong questioned the issuance of the bonds before we actually need the money, since interest is involved.. The motion and second were withdrawn , and discussion followed wherein the City Attorney stated that approval of the ordinance could be delayed until the next meeting, to allow time to check with the financial advisors. Woodworth so moved, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. COUNCIL A proposed resolution regarding procedures for council d by the City Attorney. - Some pro meetings was presente posed changes were presented by Masters, and; she moved that the resolution be tabled until the next meeting to allow the council time to review same. Baffaro seconded, motion carried. FRANCHISE Ordinance 1499, previously introduced at the last meet- ing was read in its entirety by the City Attorney. The ordinance grants a franchise to Valley Cablevision Inc . to construct and maintain a community antenna television system throughout the city,. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. LAW DAY Resolution 587, designating May '1 as "Law Day USA" , was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. CENSUS Armstrong moved that the City Clerk conduct the yearly census enumeration again this year, Lee seconded, motion carried. BIDS Cars — Engineering Dept. The following. bids were read for two cars for the Engineering department , with one Valiant in trade: tINUTLEO RRECTED • REFER TD Strain 's 4,823,83, with trade , inc. tax 0r Valley Garage 4 ,545.75, with trade, inc . tax Bill Hazelett 4,850.00, with trade, inc . tax Bowen Scarff 4 ,797.00, with trade, inc. tax Woodworth moved to award the bid to Strains , low bidder, Barnier seconded, motion carried. So. 218th - Su 1 Main. The following bids were read for the So. 21 th - Supply Main Project : Schedule A Schedule B Bert Robinson 298,917.85 298,791.12 Salem Sand & Gravel 195,201.00 199,832.45 Frank Coluccio 316, 258. 38 311,625.15 Matthews 229, 347.90 236,497.90 O' Leary Constr. 26o,188.29 272,950.54 F. J. Schade None 199, 978.40 W. C. Frost 273,502.40 275,422.60 Harold Kaesar 248,688.8o 256,924.08 All bids plus tax. Lee moved to award the bid to Salem Sand and Gravel of Salem, Oregon , low bidder. Woodworth seconded, motion carried unanimously. J PARKS & Ordinance 1500, creating a cumulative reserve fund RECREATION for the park department was read by the City Attorney. Baffaro moved for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong asked if the ordinance specified the source of the funds to be accumulated. The City Attorney stated it did not , noting that such funds could be gifts, etc. , or that the Park Department could, in their annual budget request , ask for funds to be budgeted for this fund. He further stated that any park department funds which were surplus at the end of 'the fiscal year could not be placed in this fund and allowed to accumulate over a period of years. He noted that monies placed in this fund must be used only for expenditures spelled out in the ordinance and a vote of the people is required to use the funds for any other purpose. Motion carried. SAMUEL Woodworth reported that the annexation committee ANNEXATION recommended that the 10% petition for the Samuel Annexation be accepted and so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. PLATS The City Engineer recommended that ordinances approving Kentwood Hills #2 and Kentwood Hills #3 Plats and Green Valley Heights Plat be held over, pending receipt of pertinent documents . ZONING R-5. It was noted that the public hearing to consider deleting R-5 from the present zoning ordinance had been held on February 12, and that no action had' been taken by the council, pending a report from a Planning Commission subcommittee as to the advisability 'of replacing R-5 with a high rise classification . Mr. Poole reported that the subcommittee had not as yet completed it 's report . Action on the measure was therefore held over to the next meeting. UNION The Mayor appointed. Councilmen Lee , Woodworth and Pozzi to meet with the Department of Labor & Industries representative at 10:00 a.m. on March 21st, regarding the proper procedures to deal with proposals of various unions recently made to city employees. He noted that the City Attorney and he will also attend. CIVIL The Mayor's appointment of Warren Bell to the Civil SERVICE Service Commission was confirmed by motion. It was COMMISSION noted that John Fournier Jr, had been unable to serve in this capacity as he is not a resident of the city. LIBRARY The Mayor's reappointment of Art Pommer to the Library BOARD Board for a five year term, was confirmed by motion. Armstrong's motion , seconded by Pozzi was passed, approving the following claims: Payroll for February 72,963.22 Current Expense 6 , 540.98 Water 4 , 366.69 Street 1,943.62 LID 253 63.75 Art. St. UAB. #8-1106 0) 1,134.94 Art. St. UAB #8-1106 (2) 1 , 947.43 Sewer 23, 341.96 Garbage 1, 155.13 Library 305.68 Park 906.82 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water Hill & Ingman 551.34 Hill & Ingman 466.73 Hill & Ingman 1,898.83 Richardson 's Well Drilling 1 ,041.86 Anderson & Kelly 817.43 Walter W. Renschler 2, 500.00 Walter W. Renschler 350.00 Daily Journal of Commerce 124.20 --------------- Interest Bearing Warrants (Continued) N. Kent Water 285.00 Richard F. Murray Pioneer Nat ' l Title Ins. 10.45 1Q67 Sewer Constr. - ULID {#1 Hill & Ingman 10,477 . 98 Hill & Ingman 95 .79 Tri State Constr. Co. 23 , 798 . 31 1Q67 Water Constr. Richardson Well Drilling 2, 686 .16 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � MAYOR Alex Thornton , Marie Jensen , City Clerk Mayor