HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/19/1968 413. ' Kent , iJ,�shington February 1-9 , 196 Regular meeting of the Bent City Council Ives called to order , 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro , Bernier , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Voodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Engineer Sherwood. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and acccptod by motion . Budget and Treasurer Reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . STREETS East-West Expressway Route . Discussion was opened on the route for- the East-West Express-,,Tay. Chub roster of the State Highway Departm.-nt stated that the highway department has evaluated a number of routes and has Beard that the city planned to reserve the Mill Creel; Canyon area for park and open space and if this is so , highwoys should not preclude that use . Ile stated further that the highway department is interested in the city' s designations for park use , but if the site is not designated for par]- use , it is a functional place to place the expressway. It was determined that the city intends to reserve the canyon area for open space . roster rerluested that a letter to that effect be sent to the hi ghiva y department , so that other routes may be considered . Iie pointed out that the city is not expected to make a decision until. the public hearing is held. Pozzi so moved , Baffaro socondod . Under discussion , it was pointed out that the 111, nning Commission favors the southerly route as recommended by the John Graham study. Motion carried. LID 255 - Improvement. of So. 220"th. Pozzi noted this pro- posed LID has the highest percentage of favorable comment of any he had seen. Pozzi moved that LID 257) be initiated and the proper ordinance be drawn , lJoodwortli seconded . Under discussion , it was noted that tho council did not meet- as a council committeo regarding this matter, as was proposed at the last meeting. Pozzi withdroir his motion , Woodworth withdrew his second. Woodworth moved to approve the proposed LID and for the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Armstrong seconded . Under d-iscussion , Armstrong noted that protests may be filed in the 30 day period after passage of the ordinance and that protests amounting to 60% were sufficient to kill the LID. Upon roll call vote , the motion carried unanimously. Traffic Control . Paul Barden noted that discussion had (, been held regarding rewiring the signal li.(rht -t Smith Street and Ile . Central so that north bound tr ffi.c on Central would be stopped long enou. h to Llo:: time for left turns onto Smith by southbound traffic from Central . He stated that lie had been informed that the job was miuimp.l and the cost would be borne by the IIiDlilvay Departiw�nt . The City Engineer noted that this particular item. ;ras not in- cluded in the recomeendations of the Chamber of Commerce . Mr. roster of the IIighway Dopartment stated that lie hoped Dlr. Barden was correct and that tho proposed changes would be no problem. IIe requested that a ]_otter be 5;riti en to the highway department regarding this matter . Pozzi so moved , Barnier seconded , motion carried . Willis St . Opening. Woodworth moved to tnlcc: the tabled motion regarding opening Willis Street under temporary signalling, off the -table , Plasters seconded , motion carried. Chub roster stated that the railroad perman^nt signals will be installed within three weeks and tliat tho state would not open Willis St . to traffic until tlint date . The tabled motion and second were withdrawn . Armstrong moved to delay - the opening of Willis St . for three weeks or until the permanent signals are installed, piasters seconded. Pozzi stated that he preferred to see a time limit of 30 days specified . Notion carried , c:ith Pozzi and Bernier voting nay. STREETS Traffic Control. Pozzi moved that it be made a matter or record that the street committee is studying the possibility of paying for a traffic light at Highway 99 and 240th out of 1/20 gas tax funds , Barnier seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer reported receipt of a letter from James Curran regarding a deed for James Street extending west to Russell Road to serve the city shops . Ile noted that Mr. Curran has the deed and is holding . it subject to the city agreeing in writing that it is the city ' s intention to build a 30 foot gravel street on this right of way with proper grade so that there will be no drainage problems . The City Engineer recommended that the council authorize such a letter. Pozzi: so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. Pozzi informed the council that on February 23 at 1 : 30 p.m. in Olympia, the Subcommittee on Industrial Development on the Joint Committee on Highways will hold a meeting regarding railroad crossings . Ile noted that the Mayor, City Engineer and Paul Barden will attend. A letter from John Frazier was read requesting that the speed limit on Military *Road from the Kent Des Iloines Road south to the Kent city limits be reduced to 25 miles per hour. A supporting petition signed by approximately 94 property owners was also presented. Lee moved to refer the matter to the Police Committee , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Spur Track Crossing 4th Ave . S. A resolution of the Chamber of Commerce was read into the record, stating that the committee had investigated the problems con- cerned with railroad crossings , and containing five recommendations in connection thereto. Masters motion to refer same to the Street Department carried over the dissent of Pozzi and Woodworth. It was noted that an ordinance granting to NPRR a spur track crossing across Both Ave. S . in the vicinity of S. 212th, was introduced at the regular council meeting of November 20, 1967. On December 4 , a motion to grant the franchise , and to pass the ordinance was tabled. The motion has subsequently tabled several times to this date. The matter was taken from the table- by motion . Mr. Benaroya produced a drawing and pointed out the subject property and the plan to serve 350 -acres east of 34th Ave . S. in the industrial area with a loop line to cross 34th near 212th and S. 196th and also to cross S. 203th. Mr. Foster of the Highway Department agreed that grade separations in this area are impossible , and that Benaroya had done what was requested of him, that is to initiate a plan which would show how his proposals would fit in with the development of the area. Mr. Benaroya agreed to bear the cost of installing signals devices and of a traffic light at S. 212th, which will both be submitted to the city in writing. It was pointed out that Benaroya will bear the expense of all the rail and that future developers could possibly be asked to share the cost of extending the line. Woodworth pointed out that the city would not have a part of determining these charges . Comments from the floor were offered by Mr. Jenner of NPRR, Reverend Gretz and Mr. Sanwick. It was suggested that Benaroya's plan be recommended to the Planning Commission for reference on future spur crossing requests , and that a similar plan be considered forthe West Valley Highway. Upon being queried, it was pointed out by the City Attorney that the penality for not adhering to the restrictions con- tained in the proposed ordinance was cancellation of the franchise. Mrs. Masters objected to the proposed ordinance, since it grants only one crossing and Benaroya' s plan calls for two, stating that it should first be determined if the loop plan would be approved. The City Engineer stated that he supported the concept north of 212th, but did not support any plan to cross 212th to serve south, primarily because it interferes with any possibility of ever getting an interchange at S. 212th and the Valley Freeway. Iie felt that there was no justification in bringing that spur to the south nor would he support another crossing in the vicinity of the NW Steel Rolling Mills . He further stated STREETS that perhaps in the zoning ordinance , we could provide a different class of industrial use for that area lying south of 212th and east of the EVII remaining industrial and not to be served by rail, if necessary. Upon roll call vote , Woodworth, Barnier, Pozzi, Lee and Armstrong voted aye. Masters and Daffaro voted nay. Motion carried, passing Ordinance 1497 , granting the franchise. WATER The City Engineer reported that in reviewing the low bid of Kendall Construction for the water main project on Military Road, a mathematical error of $1138. 38 in the city' s favor was discovered. The City Engineer recommended that this correction become a part of the .official minutes . seconded, motion carried. Woodworth so moved, Lee WATER & The City Engineer stated that sometime ago, the city SEWER adopted an ordinance which called for reimbursement in lieu of assessment where abutting owners did not pay for water and seder mains , .but were charged only at the time a connection was made or use was made of the. facility- Ile recommended that the City Attorney draft an ordinance , stipulating the reimbursement applicable for each line. Armstrong moved to refer the matter to the water committee , Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Barnier noted that the sewer and finance committees met SANITATION last week to, discuss the use of the city acreage at the treatment plant site and recommended that six acres sebe designated to the Park Department for playg and that the remainder be leased to 1NIr. Narita as in the past . Barnier moved for the City Attorney to draft the lease for council approval, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Emergency Generator Bids . Barnier moved to award the bid for the gas emergency generator to Instrument Lab, low bidder, at $5 , 154 .00, plus tax, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. LIGHTS Masters reported that the Mayor , City Engineer and she had met with Puget Power representatives and are in the process of f omulating a long range lighting program for the city, to facilitate requests and to more efficiently budget our needs for the future. BUILDING Baffaro stated that the council will meet with the school board to discuss the Valley Elementary School property on Wednesday at the school administration building at 7 : 30 p.m. POLICE & Cable TV. Woodworth reported that the licensing committee FIRE held a meeting with interested parties relative to the TV cable franchise and had drafted a proposed ordinance , which was then introduced by title only. Woodworth moved that the City Attorney peruse the material contained therein for presentation at the next meeting, Masters seconded, motion carried. AIR A letter from the Air Pollution Agency was read reporting POLLUTION their findings regarding the Northwest Steel Rolling Mills and noting that they are not in violation of King County Air Pollution Resolution #32554 , however, they would be in violation of the proposed Regulation 1, which would super- cede Resolution #32554 , if adopted. Woodworth movedNW to place the letter on file and to send a copy el Rolling Mills , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. FINANCE City Hall Bonds. Upon the recoimnend.ation of Paul Flint , authorization was given by motion for the . bond counsel to prepare the ordinance for the city hall bonds for considera- tion at the March 4th meeting, and to authorize Flint and the Chamber to work with the local paper in tale printing of the prospectus . BOUNDARY Three letters were received from the Boundary Review REVIEW BOARD Board regarding the Lorentson Annexation , Kaltenbach Annexation and Ortiz Annex. stating that since the Board did not invoke its jurisdiction within the specified time period, the applications have been approved. Pozzi moved to set the public hearings for March 18 for these annexations , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. CAMBRIDGE #2 The City Engineer recommended that the plat bond for Cambridge #2 be released, since the city has accepted the bill of sale . Pozzi so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. CITY Discussion was opened on the two proposed amendments ADMINISTRATOR to the City Administrator ordinance. The City Attorney stated that Barnier ' s motion to amend Sec . 1 to add the underlined words : "'rile City Ad- ministrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and City Council" , was contrary to state statutes. f. The original motion wa's withdrawn . Barnier moved to ad.opt the proposed amendment to Sec. 6 by deleting the underlined words : "no person elected to member- ship on the City Council shall , subsequent to such election , be eligible for the appointment of City Administrator until one year has ela sed followin cr the ex iration of the last term for which he was elected" , Masters seconded. Upon roll call vote , Armstrong Lee, Pozzi and Woodworth voted nay, Baffaro, Barnier and Masters voted aye . Motion failed. PLANNING A letter from Gordon Hall of the Planning Commission , was read recommending to the Council to have M. G. Poole appear at a meeting of the King County Commissioners to protest a proposed rezoning of property near the city limits of Kent as a representative of the City of Kent. Barnier so moved, Baffaro seconded. The City Attorney stated that he had advised the commission that they had the authority to send a representative of the Planning Commission to such a meeting. Barnier stated that the city should be represented. Upon being queried by Armstrong, Poole stated that the County Planning Commission informs the Kent Planning Commission of any rezones pending near the Kent city limits and, in turn, the Kent Commission supplies info on proposals near the county line. Woodworth opined that Poole would attend such a meeting as a representative of the Planning Commission . The motion and second were. wi.thdrawn . Barnier moved that the Council authorize the city planner to be present at the County Planning Commission meetings when they pertain to the City of Kent . The Mayor noted that this is primarily a function of the Planning Commission and did not require action of .the Council. Motion died for lack of a second. PLANNING Secretarial Help. A communication from the Planning COMMISSION Commission was read requesting stenographic help for the Planning Commission and. Board of Adjustment meet- ings. It was determined that this steno would be officed in the City Engineer 's office, the salary to be jointly paid by the Commission and the engineer' s office. Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to draft a resolution covering the transfer of necessary funds , with the approval of the Finance Committee , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. UNION The City Attorney noted that a petition has been received from the Department of Labor & Industries , in which the Teamsters Local 910 request certifica- tion to represent all employees of the street , water, garbage , sewer and parks department , excluding super- visors , for the purposes of collective bargaining. A hearing is to be scheduled for the week of March llth and the City Attorney suggested that a council committee be selected to study the new law on collective bargain- ing and to represent the city. The Mayor stated that a committee will be selected to do so. PARKS & The Mayor ' s reappointment of Mrs. IIogan to the RECREATION Park Board for a three year 'term was confirmed by motion. Baffaro moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance as requested by the Park Board for a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the 1969 budget , Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong asked what the the money will be used for. The City Attorney stated that it must be used for capital improvements , but each improvement need not be indicated. Motion carried. Pozzi ' s motion , seconded by Armstrong was passed unanimously to approve all claims , except the Shaw Disposal claim which should be studied by the Mayor and if he finds it in order, to approve it also. Current Expense 5 ,339.93 Water 5,040.71 Street 5 ,931. 38 Sewer 603.23 Garbage 7, 373.77 Library 316.60 Park 1, 892.68 Firemen ' s R&P 255 .00 27, 3 Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water Walter W. Renschler 1,875.00 Walter W. Renschler 2 , 500.00 � 967 Sewer Construction ULID #1 Satoru, Todoshi & Masaru Kato 7,394.00 Murphy, Ruud, Wells , Abrams , .Savidge 555.00 Circle "K" Inc . , A Wash. Corp.. 1,095.00 Frank Kolstee 400.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 11 :05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alex Thornton Marie J sell Mayor City Clerk