HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/12/1968 Kent , Washington February 12, 1968 Woodworth moved to reconvene the meeting at 8 :00 p.m. , Barnier seconded, motion carried. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier , Masters and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion. Clerk' s and Treasurer Reports submitted, and accepted by motion. STREETS LID 255 - Improvement of S. 228th St . The public hearing was opened on the proposed LID for improving So. 228th St. Letters of protest on behalf of Western Gear, and on behalf of Toni Bernasconi were read. Walt Ramsey of Hill, Ingman and Chase explained the zone method of assessment used in the computations and reported that the total cost of the project was estimated to be $875 ,000, of which $787, 500 would be contributed by the State Urban Arterial Funds , leaving only approximately 10%t or $87, 500 to be raised by the LID. Mr. Turner, attorney representing Western Gear Corp. stated. that his client would not benefit by the proposed improvement , since it was already served by adequate highways . Duncan Bonjourni , representing Mr. Bernasconi objected on the same grounds as well as on 14 other points , all of which were read aloud by the Clerk. Mr. Bonjourni pointed out also that a parcel of property formerly owned by Mr. Bernasconi and now owned by the state was also included in the legal description . Ramsey stated that the legal description would be checked for error. Mr,. Sanwick of SS&M spoke in favor of the project . Barnier opined that the proposed street appeared to be an arterial which would principally serve industry. and not necessarily benefit individual owners. He asked if there was some way that the city could pay the amount of the proposed assessments. Woodworth noted that a street improvement does improve the abutting property. After all who wished to speak were afforded the opportunity, the public hearing was closed. Woodworth moved that the council members presently sitting as a council committee report their recommendations to the council as a whole at the next regular meeting on February 19 , Arm- strong seconded, motion carried. Railroad Spur _- EVH. A letter from Jack Benaroya was read regarding the proposed grade crossing over the East Valley Highway for the Northern Pacific Railroad requesting that action be postponed until the February 19th meeting. Wood- worth so moved, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Vacation . The public hearing was opened on the Cugini request for vacation of a portion of Willis St . The appraisal of the property, made by J.Carroll Shoe & Assoc. was read by the Clerk. There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Mr. Parker, representing 1,1r. Cugini stated that Mr. Cugini was out of the state and requested that action on the matter be hold over to the March 4 meeting. Woodworth so moved, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Railroad Crossings. It was noted at the meeting of January 2, the City Clerk was instructed to write to the railroads , requesting information on what type of safety devices are avail- able for railroad crossings . Answers to this inquiry from Northern Pacific , Chicago, Milwaukee , St . Paul & Pacific Rail- road and the Great Northern Railroad were introduced, stating that the matters would be discussed at the hearing before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Woodworth moved that these letters be referred to the Street Committee , Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that on Thursday, February 15th, a public hearing will be held in the Kent City Hall by the Subcommittee on Safety of the Joint Committee of Highways relative to public highways and railroad grade crossings. A meeting of the Washington Utilities & Transportion Commission and the railroads will be held in the near future . STREETS Willis St . Woodworth reported on the letter from Washington State highway- Comm. with their proposal to open Willis St . to traffic as soon as the rail- road crossing is complete and proposing to use temporary signing and flashers . IIe moved that their proposal be granted with the stipulation that there be caution signs prior to the approachingcrossing and that the signs be installed before the street is opened, Armstrong seconded. Barnier moved- to table the motion until the next meeting, Armstrong seconded, motion carried . Traffic Control. Discussion was had regarding the street signalling on 240th & IIi.ghway 99• The Mayor suggested that the matter be referred to the street committee to consider using gas tax monies to obtain the light . Baffaro so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. 'East-West Route. The Mayor noted that several dis- cussions have been held with Mr. Foster of the Highway Dept . relative to the city' s preference for _the route of the East-West Expressway. Mr. Barden noted that Mr. Foster would be attending the February 19th meeting. Barnier opined that the public should be aware of dis- cussi.ons on this matter and after some discussion , it was determined to discuss the subject at the February 19th meeting. So. 212th. The City Engineer reported that some time ago discussion was had regarding crossing So. 212th St . with a casing for a sanitary sewer line at which time it, was explained that the contractor would drill a test hole in the middle of the street to test the 'well opera- tion . It was found that the water table had not been lowered. A meeting was held with Dames & Moore , reprc- sentatives from HIC and representatives from the City of Kent to discuss the matter, resulting in a letter from Tri-State , stating that they intended to trench across So. 212th, bury a well point header system under the street and resurface it for . traffic . Dames & Moore stated that they felt that this is the only practical method of getting the casing under the street and that there was no advantage in delaying. The City Engineer stated further that as soon as proper conditions are placed upon Tri-State , the street will be cut and the •well points and header will be installed. The City Engineer noted that the Urban Arterial Board has approved application for funds for 4th Avenue from 228th south to Harrison. He recommended that HIC be authorized to proceed with design under the present UAB approved contract. Woodworth so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. WATER Clark Springs. The City Engineer presented Change Order #2 in the amount of $632.00 for the Clark Springs Well Drilling Operation for work in relation to the slotted screens in the pipe. Woodworth moved to approve the change order, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & The City Attorney reported receipt of a document from SANITATION McNeely - Boone for a sewer easement west of the Bonnl Trailer Court and recommended that it be accepted and recorded. Masters so moved, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LIGHTS Masters moved to authorize the installation of a street light on pole #25031 on Military Road in the vicinity of the Grace Baptist Church, which will complete the lighting on Military Road to So. 252nd, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. LIGIiTS A letter from James Snow was read requesting the installation of a street light at So. 2511th P1. and Military Road. Masters reported the matter had already been investigated and moved to grant the request , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Masters moved to instruct the City Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Mr. Putnam of Puget Power for their prompt action in installing tree lights on the Kent Des Moines Road. Woodworth seconded ,rnotion carried. BUILDING Baffaro moved to approve a change order for.. the city shop building to furnish and install aluminum inter- locking threshold and weather stripping to the jambs and heads of 5 exterior passage doors at the cost of $31.00 per door. Barnier seconded, motion carried. POLICE & A letter from the Bob Carrolls of 18437 East Valley FIRE highway was read requesting that the council reconsider the request for a one year extension after retirement age made by Margaret Collisson . Baffaro moved that this matter be reconsidered, Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Masters noted that this was considered once by the committee and the decision was to reaffirm the city policy of mandatory retirement at age s65. Baffaro & Barnier voted- aye, + and Armstrong voted nay. Motion failed. Armstrong noted that this was no reflection on the work. performed by Tubs. Collison and praised her efficiency. The City Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. & Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Collison advising them of this action . CITY Upon Baffaro ' s recommendation , the City Clerk was PROPERTY instructed by motion to notify Blue Banner that the City is not at this time interested in selling the property they inquired about . LICENSE Franchise. Woodworth stated that he received. a letter COMMITTEE from the attorney regarding Telecable franchise and that the license committee would meet this week to discuss the matter. CITY HALL A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read recommend- ing that the Mayor and Council consult the University of Wash. School of Architecture and the American Institute of Architects to inquire is to the most effective method of selecting a qualified committee to interview pros- pective architects. Woodworth moved to place on file , Barnier seconded, motion carried. COUNCIL Masters moved that the Council adopt new council pro- cedures , noting that the A.S .C. Handbook has a proposed resolution which could be adopted. She requested that the Council adopt either Roberts Rules of Order or Reeds Rules of Procedures , Barnier seconded. Woodworth stated that the idea might have merit , but that he preferred to see the proposed new rules before voting. Motion carried; with Armstrong and Woodworth voting nay. CITY Barnier moved to amend Ordinance 1494 , regarding the ADMINISTRA- office of City Administrator in two places. 1. Sec. 1, TOR Page 1, line 14, which reads "the City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. " to be amended to read " . . . pleasure of the Mayor and City Council. He then read the reasons for the proposed change , as signed by himself, Masters & Baffaro, stating that this would further enhance the Council ' s position of being responsible to the people for an effective and responsive type of City Government. 2. Also to amend Sec . 6 , Page 3, line 3, which reads " . . . No person elected to membership on the City. Council shall, subsequent to such election , be eligible for the appointment of City Administrator until one year has ela sed followin the expiration of the last term for which he was elected" , by striking out all of the underlined words after Administrator. Barnier read the reasons for the proposed change ; signed by himself, Plasters and Baffaro, stating that they- felt that nothing in the foreseeable future indicates the possibility of a councilman from this city being genuinely qualified to serve in this capacity, thus eliminating the likelihood CITY of this position becoming politically motivated or ADMINISTRA- controlled. Masters seconded. Armstrong moved to TOR amend the motion to add that this be considered by the Council at the next meeting on February 19th, Woodworth seconded the amendment . The amendment carried over Baffaro' s nay. The motion as amended carried over Baffaro' s nay. The Mayor noted there would be an executive session of the Council on Thursday, at 7 : 30 P-m- to discuss the final five applications as recommended by the screening committee. ELECTION Woodworth moved that a letter of commendation be sent to the Chamber of Commerce for their help in promoting the Special Election on January 23 , Masters seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Armstrong moved to authorize the City Treasurer to invest any excess city funds , Barnier seconded, motion carried. UNION The mayor noted that the city has requested a meeting with the Dept . of Labor & Industries regarding the procedures necessary to deal with proposals of various unions recently made to city employees. SCHOOL The Mayor noted that a meeting will be held with the .PROPERTY School Board to further discuss the Valley Elementary School property on Thursday, at 7:00 p.m. (This meeting was subsequently postponed to a later date to be announced) . PLANNING Zoning. The public hearing was opened to consider the deletion of R-5 zoning from the city' s, present zoning ordinance. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval. Charlie Waller stated that the Planning Commission will report tomorrow night as to whether they will recommend a substitute for R-5 zoning and opined that there should be no hurry to delete R-5 , since no one has ever made application for it. Dick Land stated that this recommendation was made to avoid the possibility of such requests . A subcommittee of the Planning Commission is studying the advisability of pro- posing; some type of high-rise zoning to achieve higher density without having R-5. Armstrong and Woodworth both noted that they would like to hear the Planning Commission ' s proposal presented. Barnier moved to close the hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried. Barnier moved that any action be held until the March 4 meeting, Dusters seconded, mo.tion carried. PLANNING A letter from Dick Land, Chairman of the Planning Commission , COMMISSION regarding the Kent Traffic Circulation Plan was introduced. It was noted that copies had not been forwarded to council- men as indicated on the original and the City Clerk was instructed to have the Planning Collunission 'secretary forward copies . ANNEXATIONS Boundary Review Board. The City Engineer stated that he had been notified by the Boundary Review Board that they have no jurisdiction over the proposed Lorentson and Kaltenbach Annexations as they had allowed -60 days to elapse without taking action. Armstrong moved that a letter be sent the Boundary Review Board requesting in- formation on the status of all City of Kent applications and their recommendations on each, Masters seconded, motion carried. KENTWOOD The public hearing was opened on the Kentwood Hills #2 HILLS ##2 Plat . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Baffaro moved to approve the plat and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. KENTWOOD The public hearing was opened on the I:entwood HILLS ##3 Hills #3 Plat . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to approve the plat and for the City Attorney to be instructed to draft the necessary ordinance , Masters seconded, motion carried. GREEN VALLEY The public hearing was opened on the revised plat HEIGHTS #6 of Green Valley Heights #6. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval, with the stipulation that no vehicular access to Reith Road should be allowed for any of the lots in the plat that front upon Reith Road and that the necessary ad- justments be made to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. It was ascertained that the developer will concur with this stipulation . There were no continents or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to approve the plat and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. PARKS AND Resolution 586 , was read by the City Attorney, stating RECREATION that the City of Kent desires to secure land known as Mill Creek Canyon , for open space land, at an estimated cost of $91, 500, of which $45 , 750 would be contributed by HUD. The resolution would authorize the Mayor to execute and file the application for the grant . Baffaro moved for passage of the resolution , Barnier seconded. Upon being questioned, the City Attorney reported that passage of the resolution does not prevent the city from negotiating for a better price on the subject property, nor does it oblige the city to buy this particular site . ' It was pointed out that funds for this type of grant were available as follows : 500/o Federal, 25% State and 25 Local. Motion carried. Mrs. Hogan requested permission -to work with the City Attorney to establish a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Park Department for the 1969 budget . The Mayor stated that he felt it was too early to discuss the matter. BIDS Military Road Dater Main . The following bids were read for the Military Road Water Main : Land Development Co. $40, 200.42 , incldg. tax Kendall Construction $331784. 33; incldg. tax Argentieri Construction $43 ,029.55 , incldg. tax F. J . Schade $36 ,208.26, incldg. tax Coluccio Construction $35 ,292.58, incldg. tax Morris Construction Armstrong moved to award the bid to Kendall Construction , low bidder, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mobile Emergency Generator Set. The following bids were read for the Mobile Emergency Generator Set : Gas Instrument Lab. $5, 154.00, plus tax Pacific Diesel $5, 340.00, plus tax Diesel Instrument Lab. $5,614.00, plus tax Pacific Diesel $$6, 325..00, plus tax It was noted that the Sewer Dept . recommended the low bid for the gas model, submitted by Instrument Lab. Woodworth so moved, Masters seconded. Under discussion , Barnier opined that the diesel generator would be more economical to operate and would last longer at a cost of only approximately $500.00 more than the gas model. The City Engineer stated that the plan is to run the machine for some period every week and felt that the gas generator would be satisfactory under this arrangement . Woodworth withdrew his motion , Masters withdrew the second. Woodworth moved to hold the bids over until the next meeting, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Motorcycles . Only one bid was received for two motor- cycles for the Police Dept : Drager 's Harley-Davidson Co. $4 , 140.00, with trade, inc . tax Upon the recommendation of the Police Chief, Woodworth moved to accept the bid, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. • i BIDS Police Cars . The following bids were read for. the Police Car : Valley Garage $2 ,476.00, with trade, inc. tax Strain ' s $2,261.05 , with trade , inc . tax Bill Hazelett $2, 345. 95 , with trade , ibcl tax Bowen Scarff $2 , 320.77 , witli trade , inc. tax Woodworth moved to award the bid to Strains , low bidder, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The following'bids were read for the Detective Car (no trade-in ) : Bowen Scarrf $2 ,266.61, Incl. tax Bill Hazelett $2 ,000.52, Incl. tax. Strain ' s $2, 177.32 , Incl. tax Woodworth moved to award the bid to Bill Hazelett , low bidder, Baffaro' seconded, motion carried. Armstrong ' s motion , seconded by Barnier was passed approvnig the following claims : January 31 Payroll $70,007.43 Current Expense 3, 317.49 Water 3 ,003.64 Street 4 ,485.93 LID 253 (S. 212th) 6 , 315.00 Art . St. UAB //3-110641) 4 , 235.20 Art. St . UAB #3-1106- (2) 1, 169.82 Sewer 1 ,253.44 Garbage 193.47 246.01 Library 944.93 Park —30, 179.93 Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water 0 �0 i5O Warren F. Moore etal 150. 0 Andersen & Kelly Richardson Well Drilling C.o. 9, 509.78 Chicago Bridge & Iron 8, 760.15 Hill& Ingman 1,631.63 Hill & Ingman 74.32 Richard F. Murray 150.00 Sewer Constr. 1966 Hill & Ingman 967 . 96 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID #1 - 513.75 Richard F. Murray 5 , 817.04 Hill & Ingman . Hill & Ingman 206.68 Metropolitan Engineers 63.33 08 Metropolitan Engineers 1, 563 George A. Gwerder 3, 116.00 Tri-State Constr. Co. 57 , 390.01 Roy L. Barrett 525.0 00 Joyce V. ' Barnier 00.00 Herbert I. Hemingson 200.00 Clark, Topinka, T.C. Lund Stock Steel & Supply Co. 400.00 Foster Bradford 440.00 Walter W. Renschler 1,757 .00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 11:00 P-m-1. Respectfully submitted, ar'YOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen en , City Clerk