HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/20/1967 Kent , Washington November 20, 1967 Regular meeting of the lent City Council called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor 'Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong . Durand , Mooney. Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter . City Engineer Sherwood I . Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed . with the following corrections authorized by motion : On page 1 referring to water line acquisition . it should read on So. 21"th, rather than So. 223th . Page 2 , referring to the request for sewers by Mr. Chinella and Mr. Rice , should be clarified to read that the applicants will not oppose further ULIDs. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 12 4-67 Clerk' s . Budget and Treasurer Reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . STREETS The City Engineer noted that the street committee , fire chief and lie had met with the State Highway Department regarding a slope and drainage easement in conjunction with the widening of the West Valley Highway . near the West Valley Fire Station . The City Engineer stated that the papers have been prepared by the State Highway Department providing for payment to the city for the easement and he recommended that they be approved by the Council. Durand so moved , Strain seconded motion carried. Resolution 531 , approving the easement was read and passed by motion . The City Engineer stated that he received a request from the Urban Arterial Board for the city to enter into project agreements regarding So. 223th and James Street . The City Engineer recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the project agreements . Mooney so moved , Armstrong; seconded , j motion carried. i The City Engineer noted that lie has received copies of vouchers from the Urban Arterial Board necessary for use in requesting funds and requested authorization for the City Engineer to sign them on behalf of the city. Pozzi so •moved , Durand seconded . motion carried. . Ordinance 1491 , granting the U.P.R.R. a spur track crossing on 68th Ave. So. and introduced at the last meeting . was i read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance , Strain seconded , motion carried over Durands nay. An ordinance granting a spur track crossing at 34th Ave. So. to the Northern Pacific Railroad was :introduced by the City Attorney to be considered for passage at the December 11th meeting. f The Mayor noted that the Milwaukee Railroad crossing has no signalling device at 277th and requested. that a letter be written to Mr. Foster calling this to the attention of the IIighway Dept . HEALTH & Garbage. The City Attorney stated that lie will represent SANITATION the city in court tomorrow regarding Mid Cities Garbage vs. City of Kent regarding the jurisdiction of the city over garbage collections in annexed areas . YORKSHIRE The City Engineer stated that he has received the Bill of j Sale for street . sanitary sewers . water mains and storm drain improvements contained in the Yorkshire development and recommended that the Council accept these improvements , noting that the plat bond could probably be released if replaced by a maintenance bond. Woodworth moved to approve , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. i 1 WATER Strain moved that the request from Mi Chinella and Mr. Rice to connect to the city water be granted under the City Engineer 's supervision provided that the expense for installation be their responsibllity and that they will support future ULIDs , Arm- strong seconded motion carried . The City Engineer reported receipt of an easement from Mr. I Sutherland for a water main for extension of the Derbyshire water system and recommended that the easement be accepted. Strain so moved Pozzi seconded motion carried. I Receipt of a letter from the Kent Jaycees *as reported by Strain proposing that the city buy an acre of land located at 1''24th Ave. S.E. Strain moved to refer -tlie matter to the water committee to negotiate witll them , Armstrong seconded motion carried. I Ramsey reported that the completion date for the six million gallon reservoir is expected before the first part of January. i Strain stated that the 213th supply line should be completed before the roof of the three million gallon reservoir is started. lie also noted that the line of Military Road should be completed the last part of January and the north end LID project will start next spring. LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation of three residential 7000 lumen lights on the second pole West of 42nd Ave. on 260th, one at the corner of 260th and 44th Ave . and one across the street from the residence at 11326 - 261st Armstrong seconded motion carried. Durand moved for the approval and acceptance of the lighting system in Kentwood Glen ' s Second Addition aid for the city 'to take over their street lighting program, Strain seconded motion carried. i i Durand recommended to hold acceptance of the lighting system in tile ! Yorkshire Addition until we have more information on the degree of completion . BUILDING The City Engineer stated that lie received a proposed change order for the city shop building for several changes , including room for the State Electrical Inspector for a total of $1820.50- � The City Engineer recommended that the change order be approved , subject to reaching an agreement with the State regarding rental I fees for the office space they would occupy. Pozzi so moved , Durand seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong noted that he felt that the State should foot a portion of the bill. Woodworth I moved to amend the motion to include that this be referred to the City Engineer for action , Pozzi seconded , Amendment carried. Motion carried. POLICE & Fire Protection - Schools. Mooney' s tabled motion regarding FIRE fire hydrants was taken off the table . Fire Chief Foster re- ported that he , Mooney.. Mr. Orr. Mr. Iles and the City Engineer met last week with Don Bell. Mr, Orr stated that he would take the matter up with the school board with the recommendation that an engineering firm be hired to design a system for the schools , with the Kent Meridian High School to have first priority. Mooney withdrew the motion lie had tabled at the last meeting. Woodworth moved that a letter be written to the school board authorities requesting that the city be informed of future action in this matter . Armstrong seconded , motion carried. BIDS Durand moved that the city call for bids for the publishing of legal notices for the corning year , Strain seconded , motion carried. CITY HALL Woodworth noted that he had heard that the city would receive a proposal for a lease-purchase agreement to provide a new city hall and asked that the City Attorney look into the legal aspects of such an arrangement . I FINANCE Councilman Mooney reported on the need for adequate space for city offices as well as expansion of the recreation and library facilities . I1e noted the city' s outstanding bonded indebtedness , and reported that the - city could authorize an inside levy for bonds without the vote of the people in the amount of $393 , 422. If authorized7 by the voters additional G. O. bonds could be issued in the amount of $$4 , 139 . 148- He further pointed out that when the 97 acres housing the sewage treatment facilities are released to the city by Metro the sale of this property should bring approximately $$1 , 000 , 000- ZONING It was noted that the following public hearings scheduled for tonight have been held over at Planning Commission level- Upon Pozzi ' s motion , seconded by Durand, public hearing dates were reset as follows : Bauer Rezone R-1 &/or R-3 to M1111 Jan . 2 , 1963 Jankelson Rezone M-A to M-1 Feb. 5 , 1963 To consider deleting all references Feb. 5 , 1963 to R-5 zoning from the zoning ordinance Motion carried. Monarch Investment .. The public Bearing was opened for a rezone from R-1 to R-3 , submitted by Monarch Investmmnt . The City Clerk read a letter from Jack Briggs of Monarch Investment requesting that the hearing be deferred to December 13th. Pozzi moved to defer the hearing to December 13th, Armstrong seconded . motion carried. PLANNING The Mayor 's reappointment of Richard Land to the Planning Commission was confirmed on Strain ' s motion , which passed unanimously. BENSON The City Engineer stated that the final plat of Benson Crest CREST #3 #3 has been approved by the Planning Commission , however the latest title report shoals that additional names are needed for the dedication. Ile stated that the sewer easement is in escrow and will be released to the city upon closing of a sale associated with the plat and recommended that the council approve the plat subject to the delivery of the sewer easement and proper execution of the dedication . Pozzi moved to accept the plat , subject to the conditions set forth by the City Engineer, Woodworth seconded. Under discussion Armstrong stated that the easement is contingent upon a real estate deal. Fred Day noted that this property is not within the plat , but is contiguous thereto. The City Attorney asked if the problem would be solved if the money is placed in escrow. Fred Day agreed, stating that the money would be in the escrow office in the morning. Armstrong moved to amend the motion that this plat not be accepted until the real estate transaction pending is closed and the necessary ease- ments are received by the city Strain seconded. Amendment carried, with Pozzi and Durand dissenting. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance 1492 ,. approving the Benson Crest #3 plat was read by the City Attorney. Durand moved for passage of the ordinance , subject to the previous motion and amend- ment thereto . Pozzi seconded, motion carried. FLOOD A letter from Charlie Waller was read submitting his resigna- CONTROL tion from the Green River Flood Control Zone District Advisory Committee. Mooney moved to regretfully accept his resignation and requested that a letter of appreciation be sentto him, Strain seconded, motion carried. AIR Woodworth moved. that the City Clerk write t'o the Air Pollution POLLUTION Board requesting a copy of their findings on their investiga- tion of the Northwest Rolling Mills air pollution problem, Strain seconded , motion carried. i i ASSOCIATION Woodworth noted that the attended the AWC Legislative OF WASH. District meeting and learned that the Boundary Review CITIES Board will probably not take any action on any annexa- tions until after the first of the year. CONFERENCES & By motion , authorization was given for Dottie Devinney CONVENTIONS to attend the National Recreation Conference the first week in December with reimbursement of 5100 toward expenses . The Mayor noted that lie and the City Attorney attended the Puget Sound Governmental Conference meeting and noted that George Perry from Penton will represent valley cities. Strai.n ' s motion seconded by Armstrong was passed approving the following ' claims : Current Expense 4 , 461.69 Water 9 , 528.38 Street 3 915.25 Art : Street 23 , 399.84 LID 251 8 . 000.00 LID 253 3 . 225.00 Sewer 706.73 Garbage 196.64 Library 30.33 Park 911•03 Fire R&P 216.75 53 775 .19 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water Hill & Ingman 1 , 334.50 Water Constr. 67 Hill & Ingman 6 . 060.21 Sewer Constr; 1967 ULID #1 Wash. State Iiwy. Dept . 10.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :45 p.m. Respectfully submitted . MAYOR Marie Jensen . Cit Clerk I