HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/02/1967 I Kent , Washington October 2 , 1967 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton, Councilmen : Armstrong , Buxton , Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth. City Attorney Bereiter. City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk' s and budget reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . i 1 HEALTH & North Sewer. Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation , SANITATION an extension of 60 days was granted to Mottner & McCutcheon by motion , on Contract O. LID 249. The City Engineer noted that on July 3 1967 , the Council had considered the problem of a double assess- i ment charged against Mr. Hutchinson ' s property , and had agreed that he should be reimbursed for one connection charge. The City Treasurer has requested that the council make it clear that the payment of $168.49 is to be made to the LID fund in favor of Mr. Hutchinson ' s account and not to him directly. Mooney moved for the City Clerk to write a letter to the City Treasurer clarifying the matter, Buxton seconded, motion carried. Mooney noted that three have been numerous complaints regarding burning of trash at a drive-in at 1605 W. Meeker. The Fire Dept . has requested that they contact Mr. Walker to secure the use of a dumpster type container. The City Engineer stated that residents of the Cambridge area were in the habit of clearing their property of rocks and expected the city crews to haul the debris away, and j that 12 truck loads of rock were recently picked up by the Street Dept . The Mayor suggested that notice be given that the city is not responsible for such hauling. Lou Koszarek noted that the precedent was set through word of mouth rather than through the developer , Mr. Morrison or his salesmen . Mr. Koszarek opined that if the city collects' the existing debris , he felt that the practice would be discontinued. Mooney moved that the Street Dept. be instructed to remove the debris once more and for the City Clerk to issue notice that this practice must cease , Woodworth seconded. Amendment carried, motion carried. Strain and Pozzi voted nay. WATER Strain reported that the six million gallon reservoir is 67/ complete and the painting will begin the first part of November. Ile also noted that the installation of the main on So. 218th is being delayed pending condemnations , which are scheduled for court on October 24th. i Strain moved that Hill , Ingman , Chase & Co. be authorized to prepare contract plans and specifications for extension of the 16" water main on the East Valley Highway from 192nd So. Northerly approximately 2000 feet . Compensation for the engineering shall be in accordance with the city' s con- tract dated Sept . 18 , 1967 , Armstrong seconded . motion carried. STREETS Off-Street Parking. Curran noted that the off-street parking i committee is considering objections raised and stated that a meeting is scheduled on Thursday morning at which figures will be submitted. Arterial Street Plan . The public hearing was opened on the revision of the year arterial street plan to include So. 212th from the Valley freeway to the East city limits and for j a portion of Pacific Highway from Des Moines Rd. to So. 240th St . , including a traffic signal at So. 240th. The City Attorney read the premble of the proposed resolution . There were no comments from the floor and. the hearing was closed by motion . Resolution 579 , providing for including these streets in the comprehensive plan was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the resolution , Durand seconded, motion carried. STREETS Upon Mr. Hartlaub ' s inquiry, the City Engineer stated that if approved, the proposed traffic light at So. 240th would probably be scheduled for the third quarter of next year , at a cost of $30, 000 to $40 , 000. Mr. Hartlaub asked if some less costly signalling device could be temporarily installed, since the situation is critical and there is no other alternate route. Pozzi noted that when Highline College was designed , the State did not provide for a traffic light but now that the highway is in Kent , the city is expected to provide the light . Pozzi stated that if the request for the light is turned down , the city will meet again with the school board to see if something can be worked out . The Mayor suggested that perhaps an amber light would be helpful temporarily. Woodworth moved that the, matter be referred to the street committee , Armstrong l seconded, motion carried. The Mayor advised Mr. Hartlaub that the committee would report back at the next council meeting. jJames Street . A letter from Don Orr was read regarding the proposed widening of James Street , stating his concern about the safety of children crossing this street to the East Hill Elementary School. A copy of a letter from the City Engineer to Mr. Orr was read explaining that a pedestrian overpass is planned at the school as well as sidewalks on both sides . A letter from Lambuth Sill & Co. was read advising of their intention to purchase property for industrial use at So. 228th and the [lest Valley highway and requesting permission to cross the West Valley Highway with a railroad lead track. Pozzi moved to refer the matter to the street committee and City Engineer, Mooney seconded motion carried. Pozzi noted that j the council will be notified to attend the meeting when it is scheduled. i I A letter from Joseph Carpinito, Charlies Waller , John Harvey and Angelo Carpinito was read agreeing to dedicate land to establish a 30 foot road within a 60' right-of-way for a frontage service road ending in. the vicinity of Jason Street . The letter and the attached map were referred to the street committee by motion . j Mooney noted that the City' s signs depict the correct population of 14 ,009 , but that the Chamber of Commerce signs still carried the 12 . 000 figure. Mr. Grigsby declined to have the city change the Chamber ' s signs . Street Vacation . Ordinance 1482 , approving the Teter street vacation was read by the City Attorney, Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Strain seconded , motion carried. j BUILDING The City Engineer recommended that Change Order ##1 for Busch Construction for the City Shops Contract be approved , allow- ing for roughing in plumbing for two water coolers . Durand so moved , Buxton seconded . motion carried, with Armstrong & Mooney voting nay. Buxton reported that the total building permits issued for September was 52 , for a total amount of $592 ,861.00 and the total for the year , to October lst is $14 , 597 , 230.00. Utility Building. Buxton stated that the construction of the new utility building is proceeding ahead of schedule. Engineering. Buxton noted, that the enlarged quarters in the Shoff Building for the engineering department should be ready for occupancy before the next council meeting. i LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation of six additional lumen lights on Military Road from Reith Road southerly to the Cambridge entrance , Strain seconded, motion carried. POLICE & Woodworth noted that he is attempting to meet with people FIRE from the Northern Pacific Railroad regarding Mrs . Bauer ' s complaint regarding the excessive train whistles . I i I. _-- T__ FINANCE Resolution 580, transferring $2200 of Park Funds from to Maintenance & Operation was read by Capital Outlay the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the resolution Durand seconded , motion carried. A letter from the City Treasurer was read requesting authorization to reinvest $60, 000 of Arterial Street Funds for a period of 90 days. Pozzi so moved, Arm- strong seconded, motion carried. BUDGET Copies of the proposed 1968 budget were distributed to the audience and the public hearing on the 1968 budget was opened. The figures were read aloud and comments or questions invited. James' Curran opined that a better way was needed to get financial information on the dis- tribution of funds to the public . The Mayor noted that Budget Reports and voucher distribution information was readily available . Mr. Koszarek asked if there were monies provisioned under Parks for development in the Cambridge area. The Mayor stated that there were. After all who wished to speak were afforded that opportunity, Pozzi moved to close the hearing, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Ordinance 1480, adopting the budget for the year 1968 , was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Strain seconded, motion i carried. TAX LEVY Ordinance 1481 , fixing the tax levy for the year 1968 , was read by the City Attorney. Buxton moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance Woodworth seconded, motion carried. CIVIC ' The City Attorney again read the letter from John Fournier, CENTER Chairman of the Civic Center Citizens Committee regarding the five recommendations for establishing a Civic Center in Kent . Pozzi moved that the City officially endorse the five points of the Civic Center Citizens Committee , Buxton seconded , motion carried. i A letter from C. W. Iles was read advising that the Board of Directors of the Kent School District will set up a meeting between the Board and the City Council as soon as they receive written instruction from the State Superintendent regarding the possibility of the City acquiring the Valley Elementary School. By motion , the letter was placed on file. P.S .G.C . Noel Bicknell noted that the city should. take steps to become KING COUNTY members of the PSGC and the King County Air Pollution Commission , AIR the City Attorney was requested to prepare the proper resolu- POLLUTION tions for the next meeting. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 10-16-67 ANNEXATION Boundary Review Board. Armstrong moved for the City Clerk to send a letter to the Governor requesting that he appoint i the .Boundary Review Board committee , and to supply the city with the necessary information for filing annexation applica- tions which have been considerably delayed. Mooney seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney suggested that once the 75% petition has been accepted by the city, that the City Clerk have the various annexation petitioners submit a check to the City. payable to the King County Treasurer, in the amount of $100 , as is required under the Boundary Review Board rules. The check and pertin ent papers will then be forwarded to the King County Courthouse. Armstrong noted that this would include the Lorentson Annexation which has been held, pending the appointments to the Boundary Review Board, and moved for the City Clerk to take the action described by the City Attorney. Motion seconded & carried— Ortiz and Kaltenbach. Mooney noted that the council had [net with Mr. Ortiz and. Mr. Hewitt , the Kaltenbach representa- tive , and that both had agreed to assume their share of the city' s existing bonded indebtedness. IIe moved for the 10% petitions to be accepted by the city. Motion carried. The 75% petition for the Ortiz Annexation was introduced, along with a letter from the City Engineer stating that the signatures thereon represent 75% of the assessed valuation . By motion , the petition was accepted. Mr. Ortiz stated that he planned to proceed with the development of this area as � ANNEXATIONS soon as possible . The City Engineer noted that water and sewer extensions are in the city now. STADIUM Mooney noted that during the past week, an announce - attle firm that they were will- ment was made by a Se ing to build a stadium on their property in North j Kent , and lease it to the County. In the ensuing discussion , Jim Curran stated that he felt all Kent sites should be considered and criticized this particular j proposed site as railroad tracks on each side could cause congestion . Mooney moved for the City Clerk to write a letter to Mr. Sparkman , with copies to the Governor and Joe Gandy stating that the City appreciates being considered as that possible site and indorses locating the stadium within the corporate limits of Kent . Buxton seconded , motion carried. unanimously. j i CONFERENCES & By motion authorization was given for the City Engineer CONVENTIONS and Assistant City Engineer to attend the American Public Works Association Fall Conference in Walla Walla on October 11 , 12 and 13th and for the City Engineer to attend the Planning Association of Washington meet- ing in Pullman on Friday afternoon , October 13th and Saturday, October 14th. j Mooney reported that U.S.M.C. recruiter Sg. Guenther Griebau had been authorized to use City parking space . Sgt. Griebau was introduced and presented a gift to the Mayor on behalf of his Commanding Officer. Strain ' s motion , seconded by Armstrong was passed approving the following claims : Payroll for September 1967 $58 , 140.71 Current Expense 5 , 371.57 Water 23 , 594,10 Street 4 ,017.19 Sewer 6 , 222. 37 Garbage 8 ,899.07 Library 247.47 Park 73.75 i , 425.52 I, Interest Bearing Warrants j N. Kent Water j Chicago , Bridge & Iron Co. 81 ,415.15 I � Sewer Constr. 66 Issue 2 Mottner & McCutcheon 36 . 547.87 MEETING ADJOURNED: 0:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ]MAYOR " rk Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jens n CiLy C, ( I i j i