HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/05/1967 II Kent , Washington September i , . 1967 I Regular meeting of the Kent City Council. called to order at j i 8 :00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong , Buxton , Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth , City � Attorney Bereiter , City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . HEALTH & Yorkshire . The City Engineer recommended that SANITATION Estimate #31 the final bill on the Yorkshire Off-Site Sewer. be paid in tonights bills. Mooney so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1478 , providing the method of payment for the Yorkshire Off-Site Sewer was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Mooney seconded, motion carried. Since he was absent during the reading of the ordinance , Durand abstained from voting. Connection Request . The City Engineer stated that on October 17 , 1966 , the Council acted to give approval for sewer connections to a i acre tract East of the Oxford Addition , and that subsequently the owner decided that he could not go ahead with the development . At that time , the real estate agent asked that the approval be transferred to a parcel lying South of that .loca- tion , which the council approved. Now the owner of the first tract again wants to connect and the City Engineer recommended approval be given . Mooney stated that it is not contiguous to the City at present . Pozzi moved that 'the matter be referred to the City Engineer and sewer committee. Woodworth seconded. Under discussion , the City j Engineer stated that if approved, it would be on the same basis as the other agreement . Armstrong asked if the city could require that they annex if the property owner changed and the parcel be- came contiguous . The City Attorney stated that we could not , but a "late comers" connection charge could be inforced. Mooney noted that if. they become contiguous , the city could ask them to annex or we could encourage them to form a ULID which would serve 1000 acres throughtout that basin . Motion carried. Garbage. Ordinance 1476 , changing rates for garbage containers was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. I James St . Repair. The City Engineer recommended that the emergency ordinance providing for funds for Mottner & McCutcheon for emergency repair on sewers on James St . be delayed until the next meeting. Woodworth so moved, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. North Sewer. The City Engineer reported that EDA met last week with the sewer contractors and engineers at a pre-construction conference and they would give their approval to award the con- tract to Tri-State , subject to being furnished with rights-of-way and easement schedules . It was noted that certifications for same will be forthcoming from Jack Pain . t STREETS The City Engineer stated thatBert McNae had submitted deeds for rights-of-way south of Meeker St . on approximately 65th Ave. South, noting that the City Attorney has not as yet examined. the deeds . 11 it Mooney moved that the City Attoxxxy be instructed to contact the Highway Dept . and Peter Kiewit to es , So. Central and Third Avenue get Meeker , Jam back to standards , also any other streets in need of repair .. Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Off-Street Parking. Jim Curran stated that a property owners meeting was tentatively set for September llth regarding the proposed LID to carry out the proposals of the John Graham plan for off-street parking. He stated that a week ago the bonding attorneys indicated that the plan LID would en- - ou is adequate. Ile stated that this compass the Bauer lot , the lot between the Bank of Kent and the Taylor Clinic , two lots on 3rd Ave. and Gowe , all the lots on Smith between 2nd and 4th, and City Transfer' s lots . He stated that the cost would be spread on the square feet within the LID area with credits allowed for people already providing parking. Ile further explained that the area involved was bordered by Smith, Titus . the NP Railroad and 4th, excluding the school. t WATER LID 252. Ramsey stated that the plans and specifica- tions will be ,submitted to EDA soon and if acquisi- tion of the rights-of-way can be accomplished soon , the project could possibly commence next month. West Hill. The City Engineer stated that his staff is running elevation and profile checks and the plans for improving service on the [Jest IIill by installation of an additional water main are almost complete. Specifications have to be drawn up yet . Water. Main Extension . The City Engineer stated that a water main extension is needed at the Senior High School. Ile noted that by extending an 8" water main from the Hilltop Restaurant , 400' Westerly along the Kent Kangley Road, they could be connected to the 1 million gallon tank and have more adequate service. j The line would ultimately be looped to serve the Crow Road. The City Engineer noted that the school district has agreed to provide for installing the main and the City will provide the materials . Ile requested authorization for $1600.00 for materials . Strain so moved, Mooney seconded, motion carried. WATER & SEWER The City Engineer reported receipt of an application SERVICE for extension of city utilities to an area outside the city, just East of the Gregg Wilson Annexation . � The proposed plat indicated both a 56 , street and a street , and the City Engineer pointed out 60, is the standard width for street right-of-way. The City policy in the past has been against extension of utility lines until the property is annexed. Mooney & Strain agreed that water and sewer service could be granted if the plat was annexed. Pozzi stated that he felt the 60' street right-of-way standards should be en- forced and moved that the application be denied. Motion died for lack of a second. Mooney moved that the applica- tion be referred to the sewer and water committees for study, Buxton seconded. Mr. Watkins , one of the owners of this project , stated that they are willing to annex to the city and put in a 60' right-of-way, but would like to proceed at once instead of waiting for annexa- tion proceedings. Armstrong asked if the utilities could be extended with the stipulation that they seek annexa- tion , and Strain objected to this terminlogy. The City Attorney opined that if the property was sold, any agree- ment would be unenforceable with the new owner. Durand � moved to amend the motion to include the street and j annexation committees and to grant power to act to the committees . Buxton seconded. Amendment and original motion carried. A meeting was then scheduled for 10:00 a.m. September_ 6tb . I WATER & SEWER Mr. Hauge requested sewer and water service for his ! SERVICE plat on Scenic Hill , which is outside the city, but contiguous. Armstrong stated that if this property is contiguous to the city and Mr. Hauge would seek annexation , the city would make water and sewer service i available. GARBAGE Mooney reported that the Health & Sanitation Committee had approved the redraft of the garbage contract and that it had been forwarded to Erath' s attorney. BUILDING Buxton reported that 52 building permits were issued for the month of August for a total of $14 , 000 ,000.00 for the year. He noted further that the Engineering Dept. will move into Shoff' s building soon . i CIVIC CENTER A letter from John Fournier, Chairman of the Civic Center Citizens Committee was read submitting five recommendations for establishing a Civic Center in Kent . Woodworth moved to place the letter on file , Mooney seconded, motion carried. The Mayor noted j that there will be a meeting tomorrow night to discuss these five points and suggested a consultant be en- gaged to present a plan for design and plans for a new city hall. Woodworth questioned this action until some determination is made as to the availability of the elementary school. It was noted that the School Board would meet on Thursday this week. Woodworth moved to have the City Attorney draft a resolution to provide bonds for a new city hall, including acquisition of property, for the November ballot , Buxton seconded. Under discussion , the Mayor stated that we will have a figure for the amount of the bonds by next week. Jerry Anderson stated that the intent of the recommendation is for the bond issue to be pursued at the earliest possible time that is feasible , and that he felt that the presentation of a plan as the Mayor suggested, would sell the bond issue. Pozzi noted that the project should be brought to the attention of the press. Strain opined that the issue needed more preparation , even if it meant missing the November ballot . Paul Barden noted that there would be a county wide election in February, which could in- clude this issue. Woodworth; s motion carried. i Ile noted that the proposed resolution would come before the council at the next meeting, for consideration , and thus would make the public aware of the matter. Wood- worth moved for the Mayor to be authorized to engage a consultant , to supply cost figures and plans for a new city hall, but not to exceed $5000. Buxton seconded, motion carried. STRAWBERRY The public hearing was opened on the Strawberry Lane LANE PLAT Plat. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to approve the plat and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Mooney seconded, motion carried. i EMERGENCY The public hearing was opened on the proposed emergency ORDINANCE ordinance providing for $104 ,000.00 for the new utility building. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Emergency Ordinance 1475 , providing these funds was read by the ( City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Mooney seconded, motion carried unanimously. i I ARIVISCREST Engineering. Hauge stated that his surveyor had not #6 as yet set the street grades on Tilden Ave. and the Assisitant City Engineer had therefore refused to issue Any more building permits . Ile reported that the sewer is already in and the houses are higher than the street level. The City Engineer stated that we are trying to avoid future problems and that it is common practice that the street grade should be established before building. I Mooney noted that in Armscrest A there were complaints about water standing in front of homes and moved that the City Engineer's office ' s stand be confirmed., Armstrong seconded, motion carried. I i I Hauge stated that two weeks ago he applied for a building permit and a note on it stated that the City Engineer ' s office wanted a title report and survey. Ile stated that the Building Inspector looked at the site and okayed it and he started the work and got the permit the next day, for which he was charged double . The City Engineer stated that there had been no call for inspection and Hauge was pouring without an inspection , and he had therefore authorized the double fee . The Mayor recommended that Iiauge meet with he and the City Engineer at 9 :00 a.m. on Wednesday to discuss this. 4LTENBACH The 10% petitionerr the Kaltenbach Annexation was VNEXATION presented , along with a letter from the City Engineer certifying that signatures thereon represent owners of property aggregating more than 10% of the assessed valuation. The Mayor noted that there are 64 acres ad- jacent to this which could be included. Mr. Hewitt stated that there are 2 or 3 people in the area that have agreed to be included, thus making certain that there will be enough for the 75% petition. Hill, Ingman and Chase stated that water and sewer service would be available in early spring. Woodworth explained that a meeting could be set with the owners of the additional 64 acres to determine if they wish to be included in this annexation , thus incurring a two week delay in the proceedings . This was agreeable to Mr. Kaltenbach , and Mr. Hewitt was authorized to represent him in the annexation. ORENTSON It was noted that the annexation committee had met with NNEXATION the Lorentson family Inc. and recommended that the 10% petition be approved. Buxton stated that the petitioners had agreed to assume their proportionate share of the exist- ing bonded indebtedness of the city. Mooney so moved, Strain seconded , motion carried. The City Engineer noted that the county took exception to the legal description and 'asked that they include to the centerline of the boundary streets , including that portion ofthe street which was excluded in the Benson Center Annexation. It was determined that this would be discussed at the Board of Review meeting. The 75% petition on the proposed annexation was introduced along with the Engineer ' s certification that the signatures con- tained thereon represented the owners of 75% of the assessed valuation. By motion , the Board of Review hearing date was set for September 14th at 10:00 a.m. The City Attorney noted that the Boundary Review Board has not been put into operation as yet , as required by the new state law. The council elected to continue with the usual annexation pro- cedure until word is received from the Governor. OLICE A letter from LeRoy Baerny was read requesting approval to OMMITTEE move his tavern from its present location at 205 N. Central to a location East of the Safeway Store in Benson Center. Woodworth moved for the City Clerk to advise the State Liquor Board that the city approves such a move , Mooney seconded, motion carried. Strain ' s motion , seconded by Armstrong was passed approving the following claims : Current Expense 3 , 959.07 Water 4 , 501.74 Street 10, 201.99 LID 251 932.70 Sewer 16 , 794 .59 Garbage 4 , 312.60 Library 161.20 Park 222.91 Sewer Const. 66 Issue 2 35 456 . 66 76 , 543.76 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water Sewer Const . 66 Issue 2 Hill & Ingman 5 , 601.33 Mottner & McCutcheon 55 ,024.41 Chicago Bridge 60, 986.90 Sewer Const . 67 ULID #1 Yorkshire Sewer Const. Fund Hill & Ingman 2 , 802.48 Mo is Constr. C . 10 , 2 9.97 t' i49•_ .Str Co. 3 , 735.52 Respectfully submitted , IRI�'�tll� Alex Thornton , •Flavor Marie Je . en . City Cleric A