HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/07/1967 I
Kent , Washington
August 7 , 1967
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand, Mooney,
Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood.
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion .
WATER The City Engineer stated that the Hamilton Road Water I
Co. channels have been connected to the City of Kent
system and noted documents for transfer of system,
easements , franchises , etc . are ready for execution.
Motion passed for the Mayor to sign the agreement.
West Hill. Strain recommended that as soon as possible ,
a line be put in from the elevated tank on the West
Hill and connect it with the line coming down Military
at 264th to alleviate the water pressure problem, noting
that funds would be provided by an emergency ordinance
if necessary. His motion for the City Engineer' s staff
to proceed wih the engineering work passed.
STREETS Pozzi moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
to sign and make payment for the deed pertaining to the McNae
property, Woodworth seconded. Under discussion , Pozzi
stated that payment is for street right-of-way on the
first part of the So. 212th street project. Motion
The City Engineer noted that the Highway Dept. has not
completed restoration of some of the streets. He noted
that he will meet next week with the Highway Dept.
Woodworth recommended that a letter be written to them
commending them for their fine' cooperation while working
in our City and requesting restoration of the streets ,
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
Alley Vacate - Lower Scenic . A letter from Douglas K.
Felker, Atty. representing Frank Teter was read regard-
ing the specific proposals that Mr. Teter has worked
out with the Engineering Dept . relative to relocation
of the roadway and vacation of a dedicated alley of
property owned b Mr. Teter. Pozzi moved to refer the
P Y own Y
matter to the street committee with power to act ,
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
A letter from Jerome Johnson was read submitting three
quit claim deeds on behalf of Jarvis , Rugg et al, to
accomplish the dedication of property for the creation
of a road connecting the Black Diamond Road and S.E.
256Lh St. Pozzi moved that the communication be re-
ferred to the City Attorney, Durand seconded, motion
Off-Street Parking. Strain stated that there will be
a preliminary meeting with property owners on a proposed LID
for off-street parking on August 28th at 8:00 p.m.
It was noted that city officials had met with Mr. Meadow- 1
croft regarding West 0owe properties. Pozzi stated that
if we go to a mall on Meeker St . it is important that
property be obtained for an alternate street . Pozzi
noted that the 11 discuss the matter
with Mr. Foster,
y will
Mr. Barden and Mr. Cunningham to try to have it placed
on the state system, which would necessitate legilative
action. The Mayor noted that the property is needed but
lack of funds presents a problem. Paul Barden stated
that if we communicate with Mr. Meadowcroft and tell
him we wish to negotiate to buy the property, we will
have time to meet with Mr. Foster to discuss an alter-
nate route for Meeker. Woodworth moved that Meadow-
croft be informed that we will request a meeting with
! Mr. Foster and Prahl to try to get the state to help
i in purchasing this property, Strain seconded, motion
carried. Mooney moved that a letter be written to Mr.
Meadowcroft indicating our intention to negotiate , Strain
seconded, motion carried. Mooney stated that at the
same meeting with Mr. roster , it should be emphasized
that the earliest possible date should be set for
construction of the much discussed East-West route.
STREET Ordinance 1472, approving the Matelich street vaca-
VACATIONS tion was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved
for passage and adoption of the ordinance subject
to receipt of the warranty deed from Mr. Matelich,
Strain seconded, motion carried.
Ordinance 1473 , approving the Rowbottom street vaca-
tion was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved
for passage and adoption of the ordinance subject to
receipt of the signed warranty deed from the Kent
Medical Center, Durand seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & LID 254 , North Washington Sewer. The public hearing
SANITATION was opened on the proposed North Washington Sewer LID
254. Two protests were read, one from the Kent West
Associates stating that the preliminary estimates are
much greater than stated at the Initial meeting which
was held relative to the formation of said LID and another
from Richard McCann , Attorney, representing Bruce
Hopkins stating that there is already a sewer on the
West Valley Highway going in front of their property
which is adequate for the needs of said property. Mr.
McCann stated that they feel that they should be able
to connect to the front sewer. The City Engineer re-
' ported that this sewer is a shallow 6 inch line , on
the East side of the lot. He noted that there are no
i properties on the West side of the Highway that are
presently hooked up to that sewer and that the property
could not be fully served by that line. Crossing the
!i highway with the line would not be practical due to a
water main and a storm drain on the West side. Glen
Sparrow representing Kent West Associates , protested
that in the preliminary discussions the proposed costs
were considerably lower than those presented in the
preliminary assessment roll. He stated that he had
checked with contractors working in the vicinity, and
they were of the opinion that the job could be done for
about $15.00 per foot less than the engineers proposed.
He noted that if the costs were in this price range ,
plus engineering costs , they would reconsider. He
stated that Kent West would have to connect with side
sewers at a different time and therefore cost of such
connections should be deleted from their assessment.
He reported that Kent West would give an easement for j
the line to cross the property. The City Engineer
stated that these estimates were based on $18.00 a
foot for pipe in place , plus man-holes and foundation
gravel. The Mayor pointed out that additional depth
and well pointing increased the cost of the project.
Mr. McCann asked if any of the costs were for other
than construction purposes and the City Engineer stated
that contingency items such as sales tax, engineering
and legal services were included. The cost of the call
for bids would be between $1000 and $1500. He also
stated that this estimate is based on a 16 foot depth
and that a 10 foot depth would be cheaper. The Engi-
neer noted further that three connections would be made
from Kent West directly to the line and not to the man-
holes. It was noted that Kent West owns 57% of the pro-
perty involved in the proposed LID. Mr. Hudziak of 405
N. Washington stated that in the preliminary discussions
regarding this LID, the estimates were $7 or $8 a foot
and now the bill is twice as much and he felt the resi-
dents had been misinformed as to the probable costs.
Mr. Meier protested on the same grounds. Mr. Hudziak
stated that he wished to go on record that he would
rather hook into the East side line which is closer to
his home. Mooney moved that the public hearing be closed,
Durand seconded, motion carried. Mooney moved that this
project be abandoned due to the high percentage of pro-
testors , Strain seconded, Under discussion , the City
Attorney explained that preliminary discussions were held
with the property owners prior to the formation of an LID
for the purpose of explaining the project and answering
questions of the property owners , a course which is not
usually taken in other cities . He noted that if owners of
more than 60/ of the property were against the project , it
would automatically be defeated. Motion
The City Engineer recommended that a soils investigation
be authorized by Metro Engineers on a 72 inch sewer from
S. 188th to S. 212th. He noted that this will be a joint
usage by Metro and the City of Kent and the estimated
cost would be $15 ,000.00 to $18,000.00. Mooney so moved,
Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
North Sewer. The City Engineer requested authorization
for, the Mayor to sign an easement to Metro conveying to
them certain sewer lines at the North lagoon site. The
document has been approved by the City Attorney. Woodworth
so moved, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Garbage. A letter from Mr . Hoof, Attorney representing
Mid-Cities Garbage Co. was read regarding application for
a franchise to collect garbage in the Yorkshire area,
which was recently annexed to Kent. It was noted that at
the time of the annexation , there were no homes in the
area. Mooney moved to refer the matter to the City
Attorney for action , Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Mooney moved that the Council approve payment for ease-
ments to Novak, Ritchey and Phillips from Sewer Construction
Fund - 67 , for the North Sewer ; Durand seconded, motion
carried. Mooney noted that the Schoenbachler parcel is
no longer needed and moved that the City Attorney take
the necessary steps to abandon the acquisition of the fee
for right-of-way, Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
A letter from George Mack was read suggesting that the
following motion be approved: "that the City issue a
warrant on the Sewer Construction Fund, 1967, payable
to Peoples National Bank of Washington to be exchanged
for warrants numbered 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8, 9 ,and 10
issued on "Local Improvement Fund, District No. 250. "
The Sewer Construction Fund, 1967 warrant shall be in the
amount of $7 , 586.67 plus accrued interest on those Local
Improvement Fund, District No. 250 warrants to date of
issuance of the Sewer Construction Fund, 1967 warrant .
Armstrong so moved, Mooney seconded, motion carried.
A letter was read from A. Gigli of Peoples National Bank
amending their proposal to purchase warrants payable from
Sewer Construction Fund, 1967 created when ULID #1
replaced Kent LID 250. Armstrong moved to accept the
jproposal and requested copies be sent to George Mack,
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
Water & Sewer. A letter from James Curran , Attorney for
John F. Dehnert was read, asking what arrangements could
be made to reimburse Mr. Dehnert for his expenditure for
water and sewer lines and related facilities within the
plat of his West Hill property. Pozzi moved to refer the
matter to the sewer and water committees , Durand seconded,
motion carried.
FINANCE The City Engineer reported that the City Treasurer stated
that there are 1/20 gas tax arterial funds invested and
bonds are maturing. The City Engineer recommended that
the Finance committee be authorized to reinvest these.
Armstrong moved that the City Treasurer invest the funds
after concurrence of the Finance committee , Durand
seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & Woodworth reported that preliminary meetings have been
FIRE held with the Fire and Police Depts. on the upcoming
budget .
A trophy for third place in Class A of State hose evolution
competition was presented by the Fire Chief. Firemen Tilley,
Mickelson , Berg and Storement , who particpated in the competi-
tion were introduced by Fire Chief Foster.
A letter was read from Elden Williams requesting
permission to erect Courtesy Shopper Rest Benches
in the City. Strain moved to refer the matter to
the Police and Fire Committee , Mooney seconded,
motion carried.
LIGHTS Durand moved .for the removal of a 20,000 lumen light
on a switch pole two spans north of 240th on the West
side of Benson ; the installation of one highway light
on 83rd Ave. at the corner of 266th in the triangle
in Kent Thomas Road, ,and for a letter to be sent to
Puget Power requesting that one old light standard
still in use at 3822 So. 250th be replaced with a new
one , Strain seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Woodworth moved to authorize the City Attorney to enter
into the amended lease for Mr. Shoff' s store, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Buxton reported that the total number of building per-
mits for the month of July total 69 for a valuation of
$1. ,784 , 312.00 and total building permits for the year
j total $11,692 ,000.00
Buxton stated that the new utility building is running
on schedule and should be completed in 120 days from
August 6th.
BIDS The following bids were read for fuel and diesel oil:
City Transfer P.S. 300 $3.50 per barrel
P.S. 200 .1100 per gallon
P.S. 100 .1218 per gallon
Thorp & Thomson P.S. 300 $3.85 per barrel
P.S. 200 .1295 per gallon
P.S. 100 .1395 per gallon
Standard Heavy Diesel .1245 per gallon
Fuel for Grader
Woodworth moved that the bid be awarded to City Transfer
on all three fuel oils. Strain seconded, motion carried.
Pozzi moved that the bid be awarded to Standard for diesel
fuel , Strain seconded, motion carried. Mooney 'refrained
from voting.
SEWER Mooney noted that Mottner & McCutcheon is finished with
REPAIR the James Street repair work and moved that an emergency
ordinance be drafted to cover payment to them, Strain
seconded, motion carried. j
SS&M A letter from Charles Burgeson was read regarding an
alleged violation by the SS&M Co. in that hauling opera-
tions have been conducted from the hours approximately
5 :00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. daily. Pozzi stated that as
acting Mayor he had received a call Thursday evening from
the City Attorney informing him that SS&M were violating their
permit . He reported that he toured the operation with
Mr. Sanwick and felt that they were complying with all
the conditions , so he lifted the restriction on the hours
governing hauling. Pozzi stated that SS&M are now asking
for an extension of time on the conditional exception , as they
were delayed in starting. Pozzi moved for an extension
until the Board of Adjustment meets in September, granting
them the same hauling time that Peter Kiewit had in Kent
(5 :00 a.m. to 11 : 30 p.m. ) . Motion lost for lack of second.
Mr. Sanwick stated that the granting of an 11 : 30 p.m. shut
off time is critical to the operation . The City Attorney
stated that authorization of an extension of hauling hours
must come from the Board of Adjustment but Mr. Lee , Attorney
representing SS&M opined that the City Engineer had the
power to grant such extension . Pozzi stated that the
project will have $50,000,000.00 in it by the time it is
finished and will be an asset to the City. Mooney noted
that the project is on their own property and that they
have been most cooperative. Durand agreed with this , but
stated that the construction company had never adhered to
the time restrictions regarding hailing. Lee stated that
in all of the previous discussions , the objections seemed
to be based on the use of the public streets and noted
that they are not using public streets but rather a
bridge which they constructed. Bob Carroll, Chairman
of the Board of Adjustment stated that the provisions
were put in to protect the people and had nothing to
do with the public streets. Carroll stated that a
special meeting of the Board of Adjusmtne would require
special notices-. A letter from Mr. Sanwick to the
j City Engineer requesting the extension was read. Durand
asked who had agreed to extend the hours to SS&M. Andy
Anderson , the Contractor reported that Police Chief
McQuery was in favor of the hauling hours to keep the
traffic off the streets during peak hours. A letter dated
July 5 , 1967 from Lee to Sanwick was read by Sanwick
stating in essence that the hourly restrictions did not
apply since the city street was bridged and public traffic
was not obstructed and that the City Attorney had con-
curred with this interpretation by phone. The City i
Attorney objected to the use of the letter, stating that
he had conferred with the City Engineer' s office and had
called Lee back within 15 minutes upholding the Engineer's
stand that the bridging of the street did not authorize
SS&M to operate outside the scope of the hours set by the
B/A, and that Lee must have known this when he wrote the
letter to Sanwick. Sanwick stated that he made a mistake i
in accepting the restricted hours and noted that the pro-
ject required longer hauling hours. Armstrong asked if
Mr. Lee and Mr. Sanwick would hold the city harmless if
a temporary extension was allowed. Lee and Sanwick agreed
to this . Pozzi moved that the Mayor be instructed to
inform the City Engineer that when he receives a hold
harmless agreement from SS&M, he allow hauling from 5 :00 a.m.
to 11: 30 p.m. , Monday thru Saturday until the matter could
be heard at the regular meeting in September of the Board
of Adjustment and also to extend their permit to that time , j
Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Strain and Durand
voted nay.
OLYMPIC The ordinance approving the Olympic View Estates Plat was
VIEW held over pending receipt of the bond, on Mooney' s
ESTATES motion .
BENSON It was noted that the public hearing on the plat of Benson
CREST #3 Crest #3 was held on July 17th, but that no action had been
taken by the council. The City Engineer stated that the
problem is that of sewer service. By General Investment
deeding only the North half of the street , the sewer, being
5 feet South of the center line , is not in the right-of-way.
The City Engineer recommended that the council resolve the
problem of the easement before accepting the plat . Mooney
noted that the sewer is now on private property since Mr.
Peretti , of General Investment Co. had sold the property
3 months ago, placing the city in the position of having
to deal with a private party. Mr. Peretti was present and
explained his position , noting that his company had given
an easement to the end of the sewer line, and would give an
easement to the Eastern boundary if payments for extension
of the sewer line were allowed to his company. Armstrong
noted that proposed annexations in the area would be de-
pendent upon that sewer for service also. Armstrong moved
to withhold approval of the plat until the sewer situation
is resolved. Mooney seconded. Under discussion , Strain
asked if the easement was needed to serve the plat and the
City Engineer stated it was, if city sewers were to serve it.
PLANNING A letter from A. J. Ladner was read submitting his resigna-
tion from the Kent Planning Commission. Woodworth moved
to regretfully accept his resignation and requested that a
letter of appreciation be sent to him, Buxton seconded,
motion carried.
The Planning Commission requested an executive meeting with
the Council on Tuesday, August 15th at 7: 30 p.m. to review
the proposal for revision of the comprehensive plan.
CONFERENCES A letter from the Chairman of the Civil Service
& Commission , was read requesting permission for
CONVENTIONS Mrs. Richard Mauritsen to attend the International
Conference of Public Personnel Assoc. to be held in
Vancouver, B.C. on October 1 , 2 , and 3. Strain moved
to approve the request , Mooney seconded, motion
Strain Is motion , seconded by Durand was passed
approving the following claims :
Current Expense 9,043.73
Water 6, 384 .28
Street 4, 3689.66
Arterial St. 2 , 322.76
So. 212th LID 251 54, 120.48
So. 212th LID 253 100.00
Sewer 14 , 134.oi
Garbage 12, 507.36
Library 47. 34
Park 2 148.85
109 -7-
Interest Bearing Warrants
N. Kent Water
D. L. Swanson & Betty Swanson 2, 200.00
M. B. Donahey 50.00
Walley Hansen & Anna Hansen 2 ,900.00
Deana V. Waller 3 ,000.00
Tom Coppage 500.00
Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. 36, 528•03
Hill & Ingman 479•88
Hill & Ingman 843.97
Richard F. Murray 120.00
J. Carroll Shoe & Assoc . 100.00
46 , 721.M
ULID #1 Sewer Constr. 67
Hill & Ingman 8 , 906.92
Hill & Ingman 7, 529.51
Hill & Ingman 4 , 502.84
Merritt G. Dyer 167.50
Richard F. Murray 952.50
Pioneer Nat ' l Title Ins. Co. 218.82
Arden-Mayfair Inc. 1,980.00
Vada Ranz Ritchey 1, 580.00
S. A. Taylor 3 ,000.00
Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence , 14 ,027.10
Gay & Moch, Dr.
Fenton , Conger & Ballaine 9 , 975.00
Walter Renschler
(Blevins - Easement Judgment ) 412.50
(Catholic Bishop of Seattle) 2 , 350.00
(Horn - Easement Judgment ) 440.00
(Gat•tavara) if 558.00
(Carpinito) " It 476.00
(Casey) " of 380.00
(Masters ) 485.00
(Costello) " " 1,063.00
(Sentrup) 2,648.00
(Barnier) " " 1, 263.00
(Barnier) " " 724.00
(Bouvier) '.' 2, 435.00
(Phillips ) " " 180.00
(Carambas) if656.0o
(Novak) It " 3, 110.00
(Reef Resturant ) " 1,682.00
(Western Gear) 589.00
Peoples Bank 8 ,006.86
National Bank of Wash. 81.81
0, 3 0.3
ME ETI J OUBNrV!4 p.m. <s;
� yz Respectfully submitted,
...... Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Je en , City Clerk