HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/05/1967 Kent, Washington June 5, 1967 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order atC18000 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion, with the following correction to page 4, Paragraph 1: authorization for the City Treasurer . ..."to discontinue the use of universal warrents as recommended by the most re- cent auditor, and that loans from other funds be used instead.. .. ." HEALTH & Sewer District. The City Engineer reported that the City had met with represent- SANITATION atives of the Cascade Sewer District to discuss the service boundaries. James St. Sewer. The City Engineer stated that it was noted two weeks ago that the paving on James Street was settling. A TV camera was pulled through the sewer in an attempt to locate the trouble. The picture proved unsatisfactory however, and two quotations were received from sewer contractors to repair the problem. Mottner & McCutchen are now repairing the damage at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00. He noted that it was necessary to close a portion of James Street to traffic and that the street should be open next week. Mooney moved that action taken be made a matter of record, Pozzi seconded, motion carriedu Yorkshire Plat. Mooney reported he had received a copy of a letter McGrath had sent to the City Engineer, by registered mail, noting that the first home in the flat :v, l•:'. '.,� rpd9t WuI&bye;),rready .folobc cup iincyydeigii1y. andiTequesthagpaetdon.lon,,the proposed::. sewer sewer agreement. The City Engineer stated that he had received no such letter. Mooney moved that the City Clerk write a letter to McGrath Homes stating that the contract has been let and sewer service will be available as soon as possible. The City. will fulfill their portion of the contract as soon as McGrath fulfills their obligation. Durand geconded, motion carried. Metro. Mooney noted that the Pollution Control Commission has presented water quality control standards and that Metro and Hill & Ingman feel that they are out of reason. He stated that a letter has been written to the Pollution Control Comm- ission and moved that the Mayor and he be authorized to sign it. Strain seconded, motion carried. Metro. Mooney moved that in order to have the plans and specifications for the North Sewer project conform with our Metro contract, that Hill & Ingman be autho- rized to proceed with the necessary additional engineering so required, with compensation for this work to be on the basis outlined in SectionX (f) of the exsisting contract with the City dated May 7, 1959, Strain seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney stated that to comply with EDA requirements, Section 10 of the contract with Metro must be amended. tie noted that in our contract it called for, after construction of joint lines, those lines would be turned over to Metro, how- ever under the grant of' EDA, .it is necessary to amend the agreement. Resolution 575 adopting the amendment, which is designated as Exhibit A of said resolution, was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the resolution, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. North Sewer. Ordinance 1455, changing LID 250 to ULID #1 and providing for interim funds was read by the City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Under discussion, the City Attor- ney stated that this will allow the city to go forward in issuing bonds. Chase explained that a ULID provides for guaranty features and the bonds can be sold before the construction starts rather than after completion, as in an LID. Drainage Problem. Mooney reported on a. septic tank drain field problem at an apartment building at 3012 So. 240th owned by Francis J. Richter. He stated that the building had been inspected and that the Health Officer deemed it a health hazard. The City Attorney requested authorization to take any and all legal action necessary to protect the tenants. Pozzi so moved, Durand seconded, motion carried. STREETS A letter from Reed & Associates was read proposing the establishment of 72nd ave. So. as an Arterial. Mooney moved to refer the matter to the street committee to report back, Strain seconded, motion carried. A letter from Stanley Rea was read advising of a traffic hazard caused by parked cars at the exit to their driveway on Kent Des Moines Road opposite the Happy Canyon Tavern. Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the Police Deportment, Strain seconded, motion carried. A letter from the Washington State Highway Commission was read advising that it is no longer necessary to match the 1/2C gas tax allocation with 25% of funds from some other source and explaining the procedures to be followed. Upon Mooney's motion, the matter was Feferred to the street committee, Buxton seconded, motion carried. I i WATER LID 252. The public hearing was opened on the proposed North End Water LID 252. Walt Ramsey explained the rates of assessments which total $498,000.000 and re- commended that the assessments against property owned by Pioneer Sand & Gravel be studied, since they are already being served. The written protests were read. Dr. Barnier spoke in behalf of Mrs. Root, stating that her property is also ser- ved by Pioneer's lines and that an assessment against this property should be paidic- to Pioneer and not to the City. Tom Frye, Attorney representing the Goodnews Bay Mining Co., purchasers of the Hashagen property, protested that the notice of hearing was sent to 'Mr. Hashagen and not received by Goodnews until today, thus making it impossible for them to study the situation. It was pointed out that notices are sent according to those listed as owners in the King County Assessors office. The City Attorney asked Mr. Frye if he would waive any irregularity in the notices, if the hearing was held over to June 19. Frye con- curred. Stewart Neilson, Attorney representing Rufino Ordonio asked for a clarification as to the distribution of the connection fees paid by a land-locked property owner when he connects to the line. Bill Chase explained that such fees would be placed in the water revenue fund. James Nelson, representing the Milwaukee Railroad and the Milwaukee Land Co. protested being assessed for right-of-way. He further stated that the project would not benefit the land. He noted that the property owned by the Milwaukee Land Co. is 35 acres which is adequately served by water with a 121, main. The methods of figuring the assess- ments and the location of the lines was explained by Bill Chase at the request of Dud Taylor. There were no further protests. It was explained that protests could be filed for 30 days after the adoption of the ordinance ordering the improvement. Durand moved to continue the hearing to June 19th, Buxton seconded, motion carried. A letter from Reed & Associates was read requesting that the Water Main LID 252 assessments legal description be changed to reflect the dedication and transfer of property to the So. 212th project, owned by the Kent Center % N.W. Clein. Pozzi moved to refer the matter to the City Engineer, Buxton seconded, motion carried. A certificate from Hill & Ingman of the estimated cost and property valuation for LID 252 was read. Mooney moved to place the letter on file, Durand seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer requested a meeting with the water committee to discuss the claim. for a refund made by the Masonic Lodge. Stream Guaging. Strain moved to approve payment of $550.00 for stream guaging for the. next year to the U. S. Department of Interior. Mooney seconded, Motion carried. BUILDING Buxton reported that the building permits issued for the month of May total 49 equaling $1,504,680,00. Permits for the year total $8,267,433,00. Buxton moved fbrtthbr:ihsgiLlahipn aittwo flag poles, one at Fire Station L and another at Fire Station #6 on the West Valley Highway, also. for a portable air conditioner to be installed in Aukeen Court office, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. DOG LEASH The Mayor noted that we have no way of enforcing the proposed dog leash law at LAW the present time. Mooney stated that the matter could be put on the fall ballot and suggested the matter be held over to the next meeting. ZONING Sebastian. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Al Sebastian for a rezone from R-3 to R-4. The minutes of. the'Planning Commission were read containing their recommendation to deny the rezone. Mr. Link and Mr. & Mrs. -Hudgins residents of the area, stated that they had no objections to the rezone. Discussion was had on the problem of an access road. The City Engineer stated that it would be unwise to open 100th Ave. to South 248th. The public hearing was closed by motion. Strain moved that the rezone be approved for reasons that it is iri the best interest of the health and welfare of. the citizens of Kent. Under discussion, Woodworth noted that the City could agree to dedicat- ing 30 feet for 252nd but that it should be widened and completed at the pur- chasers expense. Buxton stated that he was familiar with the property and was in favor of the rezone. Motion carried. Mooney moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried. Hoss Bros. The public hearing was opened on::the application submitted by Hoss Bros. for a rezone from R-1 to R--4, in the Lake Fenwick area. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends denial, their minutes having been read alouid. Harry Olson representing Hoss Bros. stated that no one in the.'area had protested the rezone and that multiple zoning already exists in the area, which would be the best use of the land. Lois Hewett representing the Lake Fenwick Country Club stated that road righs-of-way have been donated. Noel Bicknell stated that the 8lanning Commission took into consideration that there were no concrete plans brought forth and that the utility connections were a problem. The City Attorney stated that any plans �iibm btefl>wohldndot have to be followed to the letter. Mr. Olson stated that rhwer costs per R-4 unit would be low enough so that it would be feasible, whereas sewer costs for individual homes would be prohibitive. It was pointed out that proper sewer facilities would necessitate a lift station. Mr. Calvert, president of: the corporation, stated that the property consisting I 343 i ZONING df 11 acres has been up for sale for four years, and that it is not suitable for single family. residences. The public hearing was closed by motion. Pozzi moved to uphold the Planning Commission' s recommendations and deny the rezone, Woodworth seconded. Under discussion. Woodworth recommended that more information on proposed facilities be submitted by the applicants and a new application be filed. Upon Buxton's question, the City Engineer opined that septic tanks would not be practical Motion carried over Buxton' s nay. Graf & Still. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Graf & Still fora rezone from DI-1 and R-3 to Mf[R. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Strain moved to uphold the Planning Commissionts recommendations and approve the rezone, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1452, approving the rezone was read by the City Attorney. ". Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Durand seconded, motion carried. Mead. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Herb Mead for a rezone from M-A to M-1. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommands approval. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Woodworth moved to uphold the Planning Commission's recommend- ations and approve the rezone. Mooney seconded, motion carried. Ordinance1453, approving the rezone was read by the City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, buxton seconded, motion carried. EMERGENCY Fire Dept. The public hearing was opened on the proposed Emergency Ordinance ORDINANCE providing for $4,500.00 for a used aerial ladder truck for the Fire Dept. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Emergency Ordinance 1454, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Pozzi seconded, motion carried unanimously. ZONING Upon Woodworth's motion, seconded by Strain, public hearings were set for June 19th for the following rezones: Stroud R-1 to R-4 Vickery R-3 to C-2 Waller R-1 t& R-3 to R-4 Woyvodich M-2 to MIIR and for the initial zoning of the Miles Drake Annexation and for the zoning of the Skagen portion of the Wilson Annexation. Motion carried. STONECREST Resolution 576 releasing the Stonecrest #2 plat bond was read by the City Attorney. PLAT The City posted $19000.00 for improvements to a cul-de-sac on Crest Ave. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the resolution, Durand seconded, motion carried. CORDON The 75% petition on the proposed Cordon Annexation was introduced along with the ANNEXATION engineers certification that the signatures contained thereon represented the owners of 75% of the assessed valuation. By motion, the public hearing was set for June 19th and the City Clerk was instructed to request a waiver of the Board of Review. WYNWOOD Bill Stewart, owner of the Wynwood Park Plat stated that the City Engineer requires PLAT that the storm sewer must be in before the paving of the street, Stewart has been unable to come to an agreement with either Calhoun Construction or Mr. Clark to run a storm sewer either way. Pozzi moved for the City to accept Stewart 's hold- harmless agreement with the City Attorneys approval. Durand seconded, motion carried, over Woodworth's nay. PLANNING The Mayor recommended that the Council approve final payment to the John Graham Co. from the State. Woodworth so moved, seconded by Buxton, motion carried over Mooneyts nay. APPEAL Griffin-Jensen. The public hearing was opened on the Griffin-Jensen appeal from fencing restrictions set up by the Board of Adjustment. It was determined that the l Fire Dept. had no objection to dumping cold slag at the site. Mr. Ehrlichman, Attorney for the appelants, stated that his clients could not economically fence the entire fill site, but that they would put up a gate and ditch the area to prevent private parties from driving in to dump garbage. Mr. Spurgeon, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Snow and Mr. Calls spoke in opposition. Robert Carroll stated that the intent of the Board of Adjustment was to require fencing of the site being filled currently not to fence the entire property. Mr. Sherwood concurred with Mr. Carroll. Mr. Ehrlichman stated that if this is the case, he would like to have it spelled out so that he could present it to his clients. The City Attorney stated that the appli- cants could be instructed to maintain a site fence around the actual dumping opera- tion and that any movement of the fence would be subject to the approval and inspec= tion of the City Engineer's office. Mr. Spurgeon requested that the Military Rd. and Des Moines Rd. sides of the site be fenced. The public hearing was closed by motion. Pozzi moved that the Board of Adjustment 's condition be amended to read not to exceed 1000 feet of fencing to be put on the site under the discretion of the City Engineer, Strain seconded. Under discussion, the City Attorney suggested the motion state that they be required to provide a ditch or some other means of obstr- ruction and that each area being filled should be fenced, not to exceed 1000 feet plus a 50 foot setback area to be fenced. The motion was so restated and seconded. Mooney stated that the Board of Adjustment's restrictions were made in good faith, Pozzi agreed. Woodworth suggested the matter be given more study to preclude the denial of the appeal, Pozzi withdrew his motion, Strain withdrew his second. Pozzi moved to uphold the Board of Adjustment's decision and for the applicants to be required to live up to the restrictions set by their resolution #65, Strain seconded, motion carried. HOUSING Buxton moved to approve the FHA Workable Plan for housing for senior citizens, sub- mitted by 'Wm. Hill and requested the City Clerk to write a letter to FHA stating that Kent has no objections to this program. Mooney seconded, motion carried. TOUR Denver Grigsby invited the Mayor and Council to tour the SST Mock-Up at 9:45 a.m. on. the 15th of June in Seattle. VALLEY Discussion was had on a resolution of the VRPC asking support of the local REGIONAL cities to endorse the VRPC as a Planning Agency. The City Clerk was instructed PLANNING to send copies of the resolution to the Councilmen for their perusal for action COMMISSION at the next council meeting. PARKS & Mrs. Hogan requested permissive park use of the reservoir site on James Street RECREATION for a neighborhood park after the tank is in. Strain so moved, Durand seconded, motion carried. CONFERENCES Upon Pozzils motion, seconded by Strain, Mayoir Thornton was given authorization & to attend the National League of Cities Convention in Boston the last of July CONVENTIONS and first part of August; also authorization was given for the City Clerk and Mayor to attend the AWC Convention in Seattle, June 21, 22 and 23. Motion carried. Strain's motion, seconded by Mooney, was passed approving the following claims: Current Expense $ 9,878,05 Water 5,024.34 Street 10,731.78 So. 212th Constr. (LID 251) 54,939.68 So. 212th Constr. (LID 253) 1,422.85 Sewer 1,958.23 Garbage 1,746.50 Library 57.21 Park 2,101.82 87,860.46 Payroll for May 1967 60,001.74 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water 1966 Sewer Constr. Issue Hill & Ingman 303.65 Mottner & McCutched 9,367. Hill & Ingman 2,617.03 Hill & Ingman 928. MEETING ADJOURNED: 12:25 A.M. Respectfully Submitted Alex Thornton , Mayar rk MJ/pm