HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/15/1967 Kent , Washington
May 15 , 1967
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8 :00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand, Mooney,
Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney
Upon Armstrong's motion , duly seconded and passed, minutes of the last
meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion , with the following
correction to paragraph 2 , page 6 : . . . . " that the Park Department pro-
ceed with the application to State and Federal. Agencies for matching
funds . "
Clerk' s , Treasurer ' s and Budget Reports . submitted, accepted and placed
on file by motion .
WATER The City Engineer presented a water agreement
between the City of Kent and General Investment
Co. wherein water mains installed in Benson
Crest Additions are deeded to the City of Kent ,
and future hook-ups will be subject to a "late-
comers" charge. The City Engineer recommended
that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to
sign the agreement. Strain so moved, provided
the City Attorney approves the document , Mooney
seconded, motion carried.
North Water LID 252. It was noted that the public
hearing for the proposed North Water LID project
will be held on June 5th.
Strain moved that the request for water service
on 114th S .E. submitted by Kenneth D. Martin be
granted, if approved by the City Engineer. Mooney
seconded, motion carried.
Strain noted that Fire Chief Foster advised against
the master meter proposed for the Turnkey housing
development on the East Dill and moved that they be
required to have individual meters. Mooney seconded,
motion carried.
A letter from the Kent Masonic Hall Assoc. was read
requesting a refund of $474.00, paid in 1959 , for
front footage charges for a water line that could not
be installed. Woodworth moved to refer this matter
to the water committee to report back, Durand seconded,
motion carried.
Discussion was had on the proposed Resolution for Water-
shed-Work Plans , which would authorize King County
Engineers to act as contracting agent for Kent . Wood-
worth objected to the wording of the document , stating
that if the County could designate the width of drainage
ditches , then he could in essence, obligate the city
financially. Buxton noted that there would be a meeting
of the Soils Conservation Advisory Committee in Kent on
Tuesday evening. Buxton stated that he realized the need
for drainage in the valley, but did not concur with. some
of the locations proposed. Woodworth moved that a letter
be written to Mr. Despain requesting a meeting to further
discuss the proposal, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Baldwin Sammis , President of the Valley Regional Planning
Commission stated that that organization wa.s in favor of
the City' s adoption of the resolution . Ile noted that all
of the county will have to pass on any expenditures.
HEALTH & Bids. The following bids were read for containers for
SANITATION the garbage department :
Freuhauf $9 ,050, plus tax
De Wald $9 , 938 , plus tax
Paul K. haggard $12 , 921, plus tax
Strain moved that the low bid submitted from leruehnuf be
accepted, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Mooney stated that the week of May 22 through
May 26 will be proclaimed "Clean Up" week and that
the Street Department will pick up debris placed
at the curb , without charge.
Mooney stated that both Heath & Aero Structures
had requested the city to make garbage compacting
equipment available through Mr. Erath, the disposal
contractor. Erath has been unable thus far to
supply this service , but was agreeable to the City
Attorney' s suggestion that these two firms have the
service supplied by another firm, until he has the
necessary equipment . The City Attorney stated that
these companies should work out an agreement with
Erath, subject to the approval of the Health &
Sanitation Committee . Motion so made by Strain ,
seconded by Woodworth and passed.
The City Engineer noted that a Resolution from the
Des Moines Sewer District was received, relating
to improvements in their sewer district , none of
which lies within the Kent City Limits. The City
Engineer recommended that we acknowledge receipt
of same and state that we have no objections to
. the project. Woodworth so moved, Mooney seconded,
motion carried.
STREETS The City Engineer stated that on Wednesday, May 10
at 7 : 30 p.m. , the Mayor and lie attended 'a meeting
on the rapid transit program in Renton , He stated
that further studies will be undertaken for various
linking of the cities .
Bids. The following bids Zvere read fora truck
for the Street Department :
Bowen Scarff $10, 921.20, incl. tax
Reo $11, 769. 39 , incl. tax
Paul Haggard (Body' & IIoist Only) $2, 300.00
Under discussion , the Street Superintendent stated
that Reo meets the specifications better, however,
they are over the amount .budgeted. It was noted
that the• Bowen Scarff truck would be satisfactory.
.Pozzi moved that the low bid sub►nitted by Bowen
Scarff be accepted, Mooney seconded, motion carried.
Upon Strain ' s motion , seconded by Durand, public
hearings were set for June 19th for the. following :
Eide Street Vacation
Bisyak Street Vacation
Rowbottom Street Vacation
Matelich Street Vacation
Final Plat of Olympic View Estates
Motion carried.
Traffic Control. Pozzi noted that there will be
a meeting tomorrow at 10 :00 a.m. regarding traffic
LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation of: one (1) 7000
residential light on the second pole to the East of
38th So. on 249th Street , one (1) 7000 residential
light at the West end of Cambridge Court at the cul-
de-sac across from the Totem Junior High and one (1)
7000 residential light on Woodford Avenue on the first
pole South of George Street. Ar►nstrong seconded,
motion carried.
BUILDING Buxton reported that plans for the new utility
building are progressing and that we should have
a report soon from the Civic Center Citizens
Committee relative to plans for a new City Hall.
FINANCE Armstrong moved that the City Treasurer be given
authority to discontinue use of universal warrants
CORRECTED • REFER TO as recommended by the most recent auditor, Strain
MINUTES OF (v'S'(v7 seconded, motion carried.
A letter was read from John A. Cherberg, Lieutenant
Governor reporting that a large share of the bills
-supported by the cities had passed, including pro-
visions which will benefit the cities financially.
Strain moved to place the letter on file , Armstrong,
seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & A letter from Raymond J. Needham of Green River
FIRE Community College was read requesting permission
to explain the school ' s new Law Enforcement pro-
gram at the City Council meeting. Woodworth moved
to direct this to the Police Officers Assn . , Strain
seconded, motion carried.
CORDON Buxton stated that the proposed Cordon Annexation
ANNEXATION had been initiated prior to .the appointment of
the annexation committee. Ile further stated that
the committee preferred to see a larger area
annexed, however the adjoining property owners
do not wish to be included at this time. Ile noted
that petitioners have agreed to assume their share
of the existing bonded indebtedness of the City:
Buxton moved that the City Engineer be instructed
to proceed with the regular annexation procedure ,
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
ZONING SS&M Co. The public hearing was opened on the
application submitted by SS&M Co. for a rezone
from R-1 and R-2 to R-3. It was noted that the
Planning Commission had recommended approval .
.There were no objections or comments from the
floor and the hearing was closed by motion .
Pozzi moved to uphold the Planning Commission ' s
recommendation and approve the rezone. I-looney
seconded, Woodworth moved to amend the motion
to have the Easterly 100 feet remain as is , in
its R-1 zoning, Strain seconded, amendment carried
over Pozzi ' s nay. Motion carried. Ordinance 1450 ,
approving the rezone was- read by the City Attorney.
Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance ,
Woodworth seconded, motion carried.
Upon Durand' s motion , seconded by Strain , public
hearings were set for June 5th for the following
rezone applications :
Boss Bros . R-1 to ,R-4
Sebastain R-3 to R-4
Graf & Still M-1 & R-3 to MIIR
Mead M-A to M-1
Motion carried.
DRAINAGE Wynwood. The City Attorney recommended that the
city withhold approval of the storm drain designs
as submitted for Wynwood because they do not provide
long range protection . Woodworth moved to refer the
matter to the street committee. The City Engineer
stated that the storm sewer will have to be installed
before the street can be paved. Armstrong seconded,
motion carried.
APPEAL Umberger. The public hearing was opened on the appeal
of the Umbergers from the Board of Adjustment 's
Resolution #64 , denying a variance in an R-2 zone to
allow the establishment of a beauty shop in the down-
stairs of their home at 315 Summit Avenue. The petition
from Mr. & Mrs . Umberger was read, as were letters from
residents in the area, who were in favor of the shop.
The minutes of the Board of Adjustment were read. The
City Attorney read the provisions of the- City Ordinance ,
explaining that a home occupation can be allowed unless
it is specifically excluded, as beauty shops are. Pozzi
stated that he is in favor of having the ordinance changed
to .include beauty shops and similar businesses , and
reluctantly moved to uphold the Board of Adjustment ' s
decision and to deny the appeal, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried. Mooney moved that
this particular part of the ordinance be
referred to the Planning Commission for study- t ' r
ing the feasibility of amending the ordinance
to allow such home businesses, Pozzi seconded, .
motion carried.
Griffin-Jensen . Durand moved to set the public
hearing for June jth on the appeal from the Board
of Adjustment ' s restrictions submitted by Griffin I
and Jensen , Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Mooney noted that in the last week or so they have
been dumping a great deal of plaster board in the
area. The City Attorney stated that he will work
with the City Engineer on this matter.
WILSON Ordinance •1451, approving the zoning of R-4 for a
ANNEXATION portion of the Wilson Annexation was read by the
' City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and
adoption of the ordinance , Strain seconded, motion
EMERGENCY A proposed emergency ordinance providing for funds
ORDINANCE for the purchase of an aerial ladder truck for the
Fire Dept. was introduced. A public hearing on the
matter will be held at the June 5th meeting.
HOUSING A letter from William H. Hill & Assoc . was read
advising of his desire to sponsor , construct. and
manage low cost housing for the elderly within
the City of Kent . Mooney moved to refer the matter
to the Building Committee for study, Strain seconded,
motion carried.
LIBRARY It was noted that the Mayor had recommended that
the request from Mary Johnson , Library Custodian ,
for extension of employment for another year after
retirement age , be denied in keeping with City
policy to allow no more extensions. notion so made
by Buxton , seconded by Durand and carried.
PART{ It was noted that the Mayor and two Councilmen made
a tour of the park at Alexander Street and that the
problem was investigated by the proper departments.
There were no comments from the floor.
DOG LEASH Mooneystated that at the next council meeting he
LAW will ask the City Attorney to prepare an amendment
to the present dog ordinance , prohibiting dogs from
running at large , noting that he had received
numerous complaints on the subject.
EAR HJUAKE The City Engineer informed the Council that the
E earthquake damage expenditures had been audited,
and approved with the exception of $6.00, and that
upon the government ' s request we will be required
to return the unused portion of $3 ,747.00. Durand
moved to accept the report and place it on file ,
Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
COMP. McNae Request. The continued public hearing was
PLAN reopened on the McNae Request to incorporate a
street into the Comprehensive Plan . It was noted
that the Planning Commission recommends approval.
There were no comments from the floor and the
hearing was closed by motion . Pozzi moved to up-
hold the Planning Commission ' s recommendation and
approve the request. Woodworth seconded, motion
carried. Strain moved to instruct the City
Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance , Mooney
seconded, motion carried.
VALLEY Baldwin Sammis stated that there will be a meeting
REGIONAL of Mayors of the area on Thursday, May 13 at noon .
PLANNING IIe noted that any funds for planning, parks , etc.
COMMISSION will come from HUD through the Puget Sound Regional
Conference. Ile noted that we need a full time
planning staff. Woodworth asked if the VRPC could
become the planning organization for the valley.
It was determined that the VRPC is a legal entity,
recognized by the City, but that the State and
Federal Agencies do not recognize VRPC as a planning
Strain ' s motion , seconded by Armstrong was passed,
approving the following claims :
Current Exp. 7 ,058 .61 Interest Bearing Warrants
Water 4 , f3f33- 36 N. Kent Water Constr.
Street 5 , 770.41 Hill F; Ingman 833 . 56
LID 251 3 , 820.47
LID 253 911.8.26 Sewer Constr. 66 Issue II
Sewer 2,023.92 Hill & Ingman 7" 5. 30
Garbage 3 , 912. 31
Library '17 . 57
Park 332. 73
Fire R&P 216.75
Mooney noted that the City has been negotiating for
sewage disposal. He stated -that inasmuch as there
have been some corrections made to the original pro-
posal , he proposed to have the meeting recessed to
8 :00 p.m. , Tuesday, May 16th to allots sufficient time
to study the amended proposal.
Tuesday, May 16 , 1967
,Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand, Mooney,
Strain and Woodworth.
The recessed meeting reconvened upon Durand' s motion , seconded by
Strain , motion carried unanimously.
METRO Mooney stated that the Health & Sanitation Committee
unanimously recommends that the Council approve the
proposed contract with Metro whereby that agency
would' provide sewer service for present and future
Kent needs. Ile noted that the costs for service to
home owners and businesses would increase , 'but that
adoption of the agreement is the best way to insure
.adequate service at the lowest attainable cost .
Mr. Curran anti Mr. Barber spoke from the floor re-
questing additional information which was supplied
by Mr. Chase , Consulting Engineer and Mr. Mack,
legal counsel. It was determined that the proposed
rate to residents would be $4.50 per month.. It was
pointed out that Metro will pay $756 ,000 for the
west hill trunk sewer, the south pumping station and
force main , the North sewage lagoon and outfall and
the south treatment plant and outfall, and the Winner
Street lift station and force main . This proposed
agreement will provide for some joint city and
Metro lines and Metro will permit the city to use
their lines. Chase noted that under this •proposal
the assessments for the North Sewer project would
be lowered to an estimated $5.00 per front foot
and 0.7 cents per sq. ft .
Both Mr. Ellis and 1�Ir. Gibbs of Metro spoke briefly,
concurring with the Council ' s thinking that this
agreement was a bettter proposal for both parties
than those previously submitted, since the resulting
project would be larger and sufficient for a longer
period of time. In answer to the Mayor ' s question ,
Ellis stated that Metro proposed no new increase in
rates. Chase pointed out that rates could not be
increased unless costs escalated and that if rates
were increased, the increase would be for the entire
Metro system. Mr. Grisby read a statement from the
Boeing Co. , in favor of the agreement and request-
ing that as soon as possible , the city reevaluate
their method of figuring sewage rates on the rate
of water consumption.
Curran commended the Council on the proposed agree-
went , and stated that lie hoped some attention would
soon be given to problems in other areas as well.
Resolution 574 , authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to sign the proposal for presentation to the METRO
Council at their meeting on Thursday for their con-
sideration , was read by the City Attorney. Mooney
moved for passage of the resolution , motion seconded
by Armstrong and carried unanimously.
Yorkshire Off Site Sewer. Upon the City Engineer ' s
recommendation , Woodworth moved that the Charles
Miller easement be accepted and filed, in connection
with the Yorkshire Off Site Sewer. Motion seconded,
and carried.
Watershed Work Plans. Mr. Brad Gillespie from the
King County Engineers office explained the proposed
resolution amending the agreement of the Watershed
Work plans. Upon the City Attorney' s question , it
was determined that the resolution would not autho-
rize the County to commit Kent to the expenditure
of any funds without authorization .by vote of the
council. Woodworth stated that the resolution
appearedto give the County a free hand regarding
size and locations of drainage ditches. Gillespie
explained that his. office had and would continue
to work with the City Engineer on all phases of
the project . Upon Mooney's motion , Resolution 573
passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted
�7;;,74/—Z 64;
Alex Thornton ,• Mayor Marie Jensen , City Clerk