HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/01/1967 Kent , Washington May 1, 1967 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 3 :00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion . HEALTH & Yorkshire Off-Site Sewer. The City Engineer noted SANITATION that awarding of the bid on the Yorkshire Off-Site Sewer has been held in abeyance pending acquisition of an easement from a property owner. Ile stated that the easement has been acquired and recommended that Morris Construction of Tacoma, low bidders at $24 ,327.21 including tax, be awarded the bid and proceed with the project . Mooney so moved, Woodworth seconded, motion . carried. The City Engineer recommended that payment of $550.00 be authorized to Mr. Mill.er., the property owner, in connection with this easement for the sewer. Mooney so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer reported that the drainage problem on Woodland Way was investigated and it was found that there are no driveway tiles for one lot . The engineer- ing staff will follow up on this problem. Sewer Reauest . A letter from Hughes and Hughes was read requesting sewer service at 256th and 116th. Mooney moved that they be allowed to connect at their expense under the usual engineering requirements . STREETS The .public hearing was opened on the McNae request to have a 60 ' right-of-way incorporated into the City s comprehensive plan for a street to run southerly from Meeker St . opposite the West boundary of the Kent West Center. It was noted that the Planning Commission had recommended approval. The City Engineer stated that the deeds have not been submitted to the City. Armstrong moved that the public hearing be continued to the 15th of May pending receipt of said deeds , Strain seconded, motion carried. Pozzi voted nay. Resolution 572 , was read by the City Attorney authorizing the State to withhold $3 ,850.00 from the City' s gas tax money to be used as Kent ' s share of the 'cost of the Green River Transportation Study. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the resolution , Durand seconded, motion carried. Railroad. The Mayor recommended that a letter. of commendation be written to the Milwaukee Railroad regarding the recent improvement to the crossing over the Milwaukee tracks. Mooney so moved, Strain seconded, motion carried. Traffic Control. A letter from M. A. Allan , President , Highline College , was read requesting that some steps be taken to alleviate the traffic condition at So. 240th and Highway 99• The Mayor stated that the City had met with the Midway Chamber of Commerce and were to meet again to determine what funds could be put intp this traffic device. It was noted that the County - Engineer had reported that a light was not needed at this inter- sec�ion. Pozzi has recommended that $10,000.00 be allo- cated. The Mayor expressed the hope that perhaps the next budget could include money over the $10,000.00 to alleviate this situation . It was recommended that a letter be written to Mr. Allan , advising him of the action taken. Pozzi recommended that a letter be written to the Chamber stating that following the recent boat and trailer show the barricades had still not been removed on Monday. WATER LID 252. Resolution 571, declaring the intention to form an LID for water improvements was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. A resolution regarding Watershed Work Plans and making King County Kent ' s agent for the purpose of coordinating the program, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth recommended that the matter be referred to the Mayor for further study. The City Engineer noted that the O'Brien Water Co. had permits for crossings under the NP tracks and that NP has sent an amended permit in favor of the City, since these are now city lines . Woodworth moved to refer to the City Attorney for his approval , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. A letter from Kenneth D. Martin was read requesting water service for three lots on 114th Ave.. S.E. Strain moved to refer the matter to the water committee , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Water and Sewer Request . The City Engineer stated that water and sewer service has been requested for the Turnkey housing development on the East Hill and that they propose to have their own water mains on the pro- perty and a' master rueter at the street , to be of adequate size for fire control. Woodworth moved to refer this to the [dater Committee , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. The City Engineer stated that the sanitary sewers would be city sewers which will require easements and rights-of-way for maintenance and operation. He stated that the question is whether there has been any agreement on connection charges. Mooney noted that the developer had stated the lines would be 'built to standard specifications and that they would pay the usual outside-the-city rates . The City Engineer stated that a sewer TV test will be required. POLICE & Woodworth noted that Chief Foster has been successful FIRE in finding a used aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department , in the City of Bellingham. He noted that such an expenditure has not been budgeted and moved that the City Attorney draft an emergency ordinance to provide for $4 , 500.00 for this rig and that the Mayor or Fire Chief be authorized to write a letter to the City of Bellingham advising him of this action , Strain seconded, motion carried. Buxton stated that the Fire Department held a fire drill on the old house owned by the City at the old lagoon site. He noted that this was accomplished by students of the Tacoma Vocational School under the direction of the Fire Department . • Woodworth noted that copies of the Fire Chief' s annual report were submitted to each councilman and requested that they review it . Dog Pound. Mooney noted that he has had many complaints about dogs roaming on school grounds and upsetting garbage. He felt that some consideration should be given to a leash law. Mayor Thornton stated that the City of Auburn is willing to continue the joint opera- tion of the dog pound with Kent , but that we should have our own •vehi.cle and driver next year. BUILDING Utility Building. Buxton noted that Don Bogard, Architect , is progressing on plans for the utility building. He requested that a meeting with all depart- ment heads be called for 11 :00 a.m. , Wednesday, May 3rd. FINANCE A letter from the City Treasurer was read advising that the current auditor had suggested the use of universal warrants for the purpose of borrowing money to cover expenditures from temporarily insolvent funds , be dis- continued, and loans from other funds be substituted. Woodworth moved that this be referred to the Finance Committee , Mooney seconded, motion carried. A letter from the City Treasurer was read requesting authorization to reinvest $65 ,000.00 of 1964 Water Construction Fund monies , together with up to $15 ,Q00.00 in cash from the same fund, in U. S. Government Treasury Bills for a period of 90 days. Armstrong so moved, Mooney seconded, motion carried. CORDON Buxton noted that the annexation committee .recommends ANNEXATION denial of the Cordon Annexation request and moved that the City Engineer set up a meeting with Mr. Cordon to secure necessary signatures to make this a more desir- able area in size. Mr. Cordon was present and was agreeable to meeting with the committee , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. CLAUSING It was noted that the Council had met with the proponents ANNEXATION and that they had agreed to assume their share of the city' s existing bonded indebtedness . The Engineer ' s office has not as yet received the 75% petition . ZONING Drake Annexation . The public hearing was opened on the zoning of the Drake Annexation . It was noted that the Planning Commuission recommends R-1 , with Bud Poole ' s approval. Mr. Drake requested R-3 zoning and pointed out that several real estate people had advised him that the property was not very suitable for R-1 development . Then he noted that the only substantial single family develop- ment is to the South and his plan is to build 4 unit town houses which he felt would not lower the value of the property. Mr. Drake stated that this area could be served by sewer and water and that no one had appeared before the Planning Commission hearing to object to his proposal. It was determined that under Kent City Code , it is not required that individual notices of the public hearings be sent on the zoning of newly annexed areas . Notices are , however, posted and published. The public hearing was closed by motion. Mooney moved that the matter be referred back to the Planning Conunission for further study, since the Planning Commission had post- poned a request for similar zoning in the James & Clark area. Armstrong seconded. Mr. Bicknell reiterated the Planning Commission ' s opinion that the property at this time is suitable for R-1 zoning and that perhaps some- time in the future it could be rezoned to R-3, Strain stated that he felt that the people within 200 feet of the area to be zoned should be notified. The City Attorney advised that this recommendation should be made to the Planning Commission as a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance . Motion carried over Pozzi ' s nay. Wilson Annexation. The public hearing was opened on the zoning of the Wilson Annexation to R-11 upon the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission . Mrs. Skagen , who owns the West 200 feet of this property stated she did not want her property zoned R-4 , but wanted it zoned commercial. The City Engineer stated that the legal description for the R-4 urea had inadvertently included Mrs. Skagen ' s property. The hearing was closed by motion. Woodworth moved that the Skagen property be deleted from the legal description and the Wilson property be zoned R-4 and that the zoning of the Skagen property be referred back to the Planning Commission. Mooney seconded, motion carried. Oien Annexation . The public . hearing was opened on the proposed zoning of R-3 and R-4 for the Oien Annexation , as recommended by the Planning Commission - There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Ordinance 1447 , approving the zoning of R-3 and R-4 for the Oien Annexation was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Strain seconded, motion carried. i Ordinance 1448 , approving the zoning of R-1, R-2, R-3 , R- f and C-3 for the East Hill Annexation on which a public hearing was held on April 17, 1967 was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Durand seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1449 , approving the Rentonites rezone from R-4 to C-3 on which the public hearing was held on April 17 , 1967 was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Strain seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the Stroud rezone has been postponed by the Planning Commission . CITY Resolution 570, requesting a special election for the GOVERNMENT Council/Manager form of government was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the resolution , Strain seconded, motion carried. 1,TYNWOOD Drainage. The City Engineer noted that there is a PLAT drainage problem in the Wynwood Park plat and that the City Attorney had not approved the hold-harmless agree- ment . Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the street committee , Mooney seconded, motion carried. Pozzi voted nay. LIBRARY A letter was read from Mary Johnson , Custodian of the Library, requesting extension of employment for another year, as her retirement date is August 1, 1967. It was noted that last year the city had adopted a policy whereby extensions would not be granted after retirement age had been reached. Mooney moved that this be referred to the Mayor for study for two weeks , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Buxton and Durand voted nay. PLANNING Woodworth noted that the newspapers had recently criti- cized the Valley Regional Planning Commission , as well as Puget Sound Governmental Conference and H.U.D. He requested that the VRPC give the City a brief resume of their program. PARKS & A petition was presented demanding the removal of the RECREATION fence at the Alexander Street Park. Mrs. Danielson spoke. on behalf of the 8 signators , stating that the renters of her duplex at 606 Alexander were unable to turn their cars around due to the close proximity of the fence. Pozzi opined that the city had erred in allowing the duplex to be moved into the R-1 area ' in the first place and that the fence could have been placed even closer to the property line . Further , complaints of the petitioners included the charge that Mr. Sorenson -had been unable to make use of a building permit which he had purchased from the city. The City Engineer stated that the cost of the permit could be refunded. Mr. Stevens charged that he was not in favor of viewing a park from his home and that the children had destroyed his flowers and deposited rocks in his yard in passing to and from the park. The petitioners also objected to the fact that the matter had not been brought up at Council meetings until 11:00 p.m. and that they wished it heard earlier so as not to be required to stay so late. Woodworth noted that due to the heavy agenda for the City, council meetings lasting this late had become the norm, and that all would like to have business over earlier. I-Ie then moved for the petition to be accepted and placed on file and for the departments concerned to further investigate the matter and report back at the next meeting. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. i i A letter from Mrs. Hogan was read regarding the Mill Creels Canyon property. She stated that no agreement has been reached on a purchase price for the property, and recommended three steps which might be taken . Mrs. Hogan noted that they would have to receive the approved application before getting involved at all. The City CO RECTEO • REFER TO Attorney noted that we cannot allow the appraisal price MI �TES OF to be disclosed, as it would hurt our bargaining power. 5--/5•G Woodworth moved that the Park Department be given the requested authorization , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Woodworth moved that a letter be written to Dr. Willis"' Shaw commending him on his receipt of the recent Jaycees Distinquished Service Award, Durand seconded, motion carried. Strain ' s motion , seconded by Armstrong, was passed, approving the following claims : Current Expense 2 , 302.77 Water 1,672.53 Water Construction 9 , 904.64 Street 3 , 546.17 .LID 251 47 , 767 .09 Sewer 2 , 346 .44 Garbage 967. 30 Library 259.96 Park _ 903 .03 70, 169.93 Interest Bearing Warrants 1966 Sewer Const. Issue II Mottner & McCutchen 21 , 339.91 Payroll for April 60, 214. 34 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 :20 Respectfully submitted, V 77 7, MAYOR Alex Thornton , -Mayor Marie Jensen , City Clerk i