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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/03/1967 Kent , Washington
April 3 , 1967
Regular meeting of the Kent. City Council called to order at 8 :00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand,
Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City
Attorney Bereiter
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion .
Clerk's report submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion .
HEALTH & Mooney moved that Hill & Ingman be authorized
SANITATION to proceed with design of a setter in the
vicinity of the West Valley Highway with com-
RRECTED REFER TO pensation to be on the basis outlined in
• Section X (f) of the existing engineering con-
INUTES Qf � tract with the City dated May 7, 1959 , Strain
... seconded, motion carried.
STREETS LID 251. A letter from Scarsella Bros. Inc. was
read requesting an extension of the completion
date of Contract No. 07-1-00100 regarding -S . 212th
St. Improvements to July 9 , 1967. Pozzi so moved,
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
LID 253. Ordinance 11143 , implementing LID 253
for Phase II of So. 212th Improvement was read
by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance , Pozzi seconded,
motion carried.
Traffic Control. The City Engineer stated that
he will attend a meeting on April 4th relative
to the Green River Valley Transportation Study.
Vacation. Discussion was held on the vacation
of a portion of the alley between State & Burke
Streets submitted by Don Eide. The Planning
Commission 'recomends that this not be approved
until all the rest of the alley is included, in
compliance with the engineer ' s recommendation .
The City Attorney noted that this matter should
now be referred back to the Planning Commission
to consider vacating the entire alley and
recomended that a letter of explanation be
sent to Mr. Eide. Woodworth so moved, Strain
seconded, motion carried.
WATER Strain reported that two meetings were held with
people regarding the North End Water LID and
that they were in favor of the LID.
Hamilton Road Water Co. Upon Strain ' s motion ,
. the City Attorney was instructed to draw up the contract
for the city' s acceptance of the Hamilton Road Water
Co. , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. -
BUILDING Buxton reported that the building permits issued
thus far for this year total $4 , 853 , 325.00.
Utility Building. Buxton reported that the
preliminary plans for the utility building are
ready for a call for bids. He noted that he
would like to have each councilman confer with
the City Engineer to approve the plans . Buxton ' s
motion to be. authorized to hire an architect
POLICE & Woodworth reported that Motorcycle Officer Hancock
FIRE was injured and hospitalized today following an
accident .
SEWER & WATER The City Engineer recommended that the request
REQUEST by Mr. Rice for sewer & water dervice for a pro-
posed project in the East IIill area, be provided
at the property owners expense under the city ' s
usual requirements. Mooney so moved, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE A letter from the City Treasurer was read request-
ing authorization to reinvest $150,000.00 of 111966
G. 0. Street , South 212th" fund monies, into U. S .
Government Treasury Bills , $$50,000.00 for a period
of 90-days and $$100,000.00 for a period of 120-days.
Woodworth so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion
BIDS Car - Fire Dept . The following bids were read for
a car for the Fire Department :
Strain ' s Auto. Co. $$2 ,676.32, including tax
Bill Hazelett $2 ,695 .77 , it it
Bowen Scarff $2, 738.38 , "
Upon Woodworth' s motion, the bid was awarded to
Strain ' s Auto, Mooney seconded, motion carried.
CIVIC CENTER A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read
offering their support and assistance in the
development of a new Civic Center. Mooney moved
that a letter of thanks be sent to them, Woodworth
seconded, motion carried.
ZONING It was noted by the Clerk that the public hearing
on the Stroud rezone formerly ' set for April 17th
will be postponed to the May 1st meeting.
McLeod & Chase. Ordinance 1444 , approving the
McLeod & Chase Rezone from•M-A to M-1 was read
by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance , Buxton seconded,
motion carried.
EMERGENCY Health & Sanitation . The public hearing was opened
ORDINANCES on the Emergency Ordinance providing for $27 ,000.00
for new garbage containers. There were no objections
or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed
by motion . Emergency Ordinance 1441 was read by
the City Attorney. Armstrong moved that the ordi-
nance be amended to add "maximum of 6% interest" .
Durand seconded, and motion carried. The amended
ordinance- was passed unanimously upon Durand' s
motion . Mooney moved that the City Clerk be
authorized to call for bids for the purchase of
these containers , Strain seconded, motion carried.
Building. The public hearing was opened on the
Emergency Ordinance providing for $47 , 500.00 for
a new utility building. There were 'no objections
or comments from the floor and the hearing was
closed by motion . Emergency Ordinance 1442 , was
read by the City Attorney. Armstrong moved that
the ordinance be amended to add "maximum at 6%
interest" , Buxton seconded, motion carried. The
amended ordinance was passed unanimously upon
Buxton ' s motion.
CLAUSING The 10% petition for the Clausing Annexation was
ANNEXATION presented along with a letter from the City Engineer
certifying that signatures thereon represent owners
of property aggregating more than 10% of the assessed
valuation . Mooney moved that a meeting with Dr.
Clausing be set for 7 : 30 p.m. , April 17th, Buxton
seconded, motion carried.
CITY Mooney moved for a 5 minute executive session ,
GOVERNMENT Durand seconded, motion carried. Mooney moved to
reconvene , motion carried. The Mayor reported
that the Council had met with a Chamber of Commerce
Committee to explore the possibility of changing
to •a manager/council form of government.
Sick Leave. A proposed sick leave ordinance was
read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved to refer
the matter to the Finance Committee for clarifica-
tion of the Industrial Insurance section, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Durand' noted that on the night of March 6th, the
Council moved to set the hearing on the SS&1`1 Co.
Appeal for Tlarch 20th, and to comply with the time
limitations on mailing of notices , they are mailed
the same day. Pozzi stated that he felt that it
was not wise to so expedite these hearings . The
City Attorney agreed and explained that the first
appeal was filed on February 27th so that in this
case there was ample time for the notices to be
The Mayor suggested that an annexation committee
be formed and requested Buxton , Armstrong and Pozzi
to serve
Mooney questioned the legality of the Council
hearing appeals from the Board of Adjustment ' s
decisions . The City Attorney stated that this
was legal, and noted that this procedure gives
the citizen the right to appeal to the Council
rather than Superior Courts , which are over-crowded
and would be costly to the appelant.
APPEAL SS&M Co. The public hearing was reopened on the
appeal from the Board of Adjustment ' s decision in
granting a conditional exception to the SS&M Co.
for removal of dirt in an R-1, R-2 and R-4 zone .
Mr. Lyle Schneider, Attorney for Mr. Clements ,
noted that while the property was referred to as
the Tonelli-Marlowe property, they had not signed
the application for the conditional exception .
He also noted that there was not a contract between
the applicants and the city, that view property
would be destroyed and that the Board of Adjustment
had not made proper findings in rendering their
decision . He noted the irregularity of filing for
a conditional exception before filing for a rezone.
Mrs. Lloyd asked who Mr. Schneider ' s clients were
and if they lived within the 200 ' area to the sub-
ject property. Mr. Schneider named 18 property
owners he represented, but was unable to state
which were actually within the 200 ' bounds . Schneider
further stated that this area had a beautiful view
and should be reserved for residential purposes ,
and filed a sketch of the area with the clerk. Mr.
Sherwood noted that the contour maps which he first
disapproved were made more comprehensive with addi-
tional clarifying information and he had then approved
.them as conforming with city requirements .
At the City Attorney' s request the minutes of the
March 20th Council meeting covering this hearing
were read, as was Resolution #61 of the Board of
Adjustment. Councilman Armstrong requested that
he be excused from voting on this issue , since he
had been absent from the city for some time. Tile
City Attorney read from the City Code regarding
applications to the Board stating that the application
may be made by any owner or tenant . Mr. Lee , Attorney
for SS&M Co. explained that SS&M, a partnership con-
sisting of J . Harold Sparkman , K. A. Sanwick and J . Elroy
McCaw, were the contract purchasers and had been before
the application was filed. Mr. Sanwick noted
that a $100,000.00 bond had been posted as re-
quired by the Board of Adjustment ' s Resolution
#61, to guarantee compliance with the restrictions
enumerated in the Resolution. Mr. . Crose questioned
the feasibility of the firm replanting the area ,
opining that the gravel surface which would remain
after the excavation would not be suitable for
planting. The City Engineer noted -that a proposal
had been furnished by SS&11I showing that plans for
the replanting will follow the specifications used
by the State Highway Department , including top soil
if necessary. It was also noted that the Resolution
provided that the Conditional Exception was for a
six month period only. City Attorney Ber. eiter noted
that there is no requirement that the rezone applica-
tion 'must preceed the application for a Conditional
Exception. Mr. Lorenz stated that the hauling of
the dirt would cause a serious traffic problem on
the East Valley Highway. Mooney moved to close the
public hearing , Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
Pozzi moved to uphold the action of the Board of
Adjustment , for the reasons outlined by the Board
and for the appeal to be denied. Upon a roll call
vote , the motion carried, the following votes being
cast : Buxton , Pozzi , Mooney, Strain anU Woodworth
AYE, Durand NAY, and Armstrong refrained from voting.
CSNVNOS & On Woodworth' s motion , permission was granted for
V N I NS the City Engineer and the Assistant City Engineer
to attend the APW meeting in Bellingham, April 12
through 111.
Armstrong' s motion , seconded by Strain was passed,
approving the following claims :
Payroll for March 1967 $59 , 539.67
Current Expense 2 ,732.02
Water 1, 221.04
Street 2,074.12
Sewer 1,004.21
Garbage 14 , 187.11
Library 3.65
Park 168. 95
LID 251 17 , 500.97
LID 253 7 759 .53
�46551-7 0
Interest Beajdng Warrants
N. Kent Water Constr. Fund
Hill & Ingman 10,663. 38
Pioneer National Title Ins . Co. 625.20
Hill & Ingman 184.14
Hill & Ingman 350.11
11 ,322. 33
Sewer Constr. 66 Issue II
Hill & Ingman 596.43
Mottner & McCutchen 17 259.26
17 855-69
Respectfully submitted,
Alex Thornton , Mayor' Marie Jensen , City Clerk