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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/03/1967 Kent , Washington January 3 , 1967 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Buxton , Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, vith these additions and corrections , which were approved by motion : On Page 2 , note that discussion was held before passage of Ordinance 1414 , also : the meeting for discussion of the East-West route is set for January 9 rather than January 19 and public hearings were set for January 16t!, rather than January 19th for the rezones listed on Page 4 . STREETS Traffic Control. A sketch of the Green River Valley Transportation Plan with a projection for 1990 was shown by the City Engineer. It was the general opinion that the projection of traffic was far too low. Woodworth stated that the Council should get together to discuss the matter before the meeting scheduled for January 9u' with the Highway Department . Pozzi stated that Smith St. will be changed back to two- way traffic about January 11 , as soon as the weather permits painting. Buxton stated that 3 or 4 cars are parked all day just West of First Ave. S. on the North side of Smith St . and are creating a traffic problem and should be investigated. BUILDING Buxton reported that building permits issued for the year 1966 totaled $36 ,072 , 120.00, far over Renton , Auburn , and even , Tacoma. Buxton stated that he is working with the Planning Commission on changes to be recommended regarding building setback requirements , height , R-5 , etc. He further stated that he would like a citizens committee appointed to work with him in order to have a definite plan for the voter ' s approval for a capital improvements program for a new City Hall. HEALTH & Mooney stated that letters are being circulated to residents SANITATION on West Hill asking them to contribute to a fund to fight the Board of Adjustment decision to allow a sanitary land fill for Kent Highlands . Ile stated that they are having a meeting at the Sunnycrest School at 7 : 30 p.m. on January 5 regarding this matter and noted that an appeal on the matter was scheduled for January 16th. WATER A letter from Frank Berger requesting permission to extend a water main was referred to the Water Committee for action by motion . LIGHTS Mooney stated that there is a street light being pulled out into Meeker Street at Central Ave. Durand noted that he would contact Puget Power on this. Upon Mooney' s motion , the City Clerk was instructed to again write to Puget Power to request that they straigten the pole at Smith and Central , Durand seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Authorization was given on Armstrong' s motion , seconded by Mooney, for the City Treasurer to invest $110,000.00 of Arterial Street Funds in 180-day Treasury Bills . Motion carried. Upon Armstrong ' s motion , seconded by Mooney, authorization was given for the City Treasurer to invest $150,000.00 of 1966 G. 0. Bonds - So. 212th, in 90-day Treasury Bills , motion carried. The Mayor stated that we just received $42,000.00 from the State and instructed the City Attorney to draft an emergency ordinance to ear mark it for new utility buildings to re- place the old buildings . The City Attorney noted that a letter of explanation is forthcoming covering the delay in receiving this money. ARMSCREST The public hearing was opened on the final plat of #6 Armscrest #6. The City Engineer noted that a sewer easement has been shown since 1960 on proposed plats and it was shown on the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission , but was deleted on the final plat. He recommended that the plat be rejected until some action is taken on this matter. Mr. Hauge stated that he felt that this is not a matter f(r the Council or the City Engineer , but between he and Mr. Collins , who sold him the property. Mr. Collins stated that he had an easement and the City Attorney opined that existence of an easement would show in the title report if it has been recorded. The City Engineer stated that this sewer question was one of the details that the city called to the attention of the plattors in 1960 at the time the preliminary plat was being drafted. Upon questioning, the City Engineer stated that it is not necessary for the city to have jurisdiction of the sewer line in question and that sewers would be available to the -lots. He noted further that without the easement , Collin ' s sewer could be cut off. The public hearing was closed by motion . Armstrong requested the City Attorney to read the proposed ordinance. Woodworth moved for passage of Ordinance 1415 , approving the Armscrest #6 plat , Pozzi seconded, Upon Armstrong' s question , it was determined that approval of the plat could cause no embarrassment to the. city. Motion carried unanimously. ZONING. Ordinance 1416 , approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Wynn from C-3 to NHJR was read by the City Attorney. Durand moved .for passage and adoption of the .ordinance , Strain seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1417 , approving the rezone submitted by General Investment Co. from R-3 to R-4 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Buxton seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1418, approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Vale from M-A to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Durand seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1419, approving the rezone submitted by Investment Exchange from R-1 to R_4 was read by the City* Attorney. Mooney moved or passage and adoption of the ordinance , Durand seconded. Under discussion , Mooney noted that two letters were received from the actual owners , as well as the applica- tion made by Investment Exchange. Armstrong questioned whether this could possibly be considered spot zoning. Motion carried. Ordinance 14201 approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Burke from C-3 to MHR was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Buxton seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1421 , approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Gragonier from C-3 to MHR was read by the City Attorney. Armstrong moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Mooney seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1422 , approving the rezone submitted by Mr. I-Ielgath from C-1 to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance , Mooney seconded, motion carried. EAST HILL The City Attorney reported that the Board of Review had by ANNEXATION motion , recommended in favor of the annexation . Durand moved to set the public hearing for January 16th on the East Hill Annexation , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. GREGG WILSON A petition for annexation was submitted by Gregg Wilson , along ANNEXATION with a letter from the City Engineer certifying that the signatures thereon represent owners of property aggregating more than 10% of the assessed valuation . Mooney stated that this property is not contiguous until the decision on the East Hill Annexation is made , after the public hearing. He moved that action be withheld until then and a letter be sent to Mr. Wilson advising him of this action , Strain seconded, motion carried. ZONING Armstrong noted that the King County Planning Commission should be notified of any proposed city rezones which are close to the city limits and therefore might affect the county.. Mr. Frazier stated that he thought the Planning Commission secretary had been instructed to do this in the past. INSURANCE The Mayor suggested that the proposal for group life in- surance for all city employees , submitted by the North American Life Insurance Co. be accepted. Woodworth so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Mooney mentioned that County Engineer Gonnason has- resigned and moved that the City Cleric write a letter thanking him for his past cooperation with the City of Kent , with a copy to the County Commissioners office, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Curran noted that the Kent Chamber and other valley chambers have met with legislators from the 30th and 47th legisla- tive districts about mutual problems . He noted that this group would meet every Saturday and suggested. that someone be delegated to represent the city. Strains motion , seconded by Armstrong was passed, approving the following claims : Current Expense 6395.79 Water 4488.33 Water Constr. 64 7955:48 Street 1576.81 Sewer lo6o.79 Garbage 226.o8 Library 77.78 Park 255.34 22,03 . fo Interest Bearing Warrant North Kent Water Constr. Hill & Ingman 1 , 142. 35 Respectfully submitted, Alex Thornton , Mayor �Mar�ieJe��, CitY Clerk