HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/19/1966 Kent, Washington
September 19, 1966
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8;00 p.m. ' Present: Mayor
Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , S+rain and Woodworth,
City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion..
Clerk's, Treasurer's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted, and placed on file by motion.
STREETS Valley Freeway. The City Engineer noted that he had met with Peter Kiewit j
relative to the Valley Freeway construction. The contractor does not
anticipate using So. 259th, but will construct a private road about 300
feet north of it,, and will commence on the first of the month.
Street Vacation. The City Engineer stated that at the last Planning
Commission meeting, consideration was given to a request by Mr. Hauge
for street vacations for portions of Lincoln Avenue and portions of j
Walnut Street and an alley, in order to allow the plat of Armcrest 06 j
to proceed. The request was approved. Woodworth moved to set the
public hearings for October 17, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Traffic Control. The City Engineer stated that the "no parking" signs
on Central Avenue should be installed soon and that the striping would
proceed as soon as the paint arrives.
A letter from Noel Bicknell was read urging the Council to take action
on the traffic problems on Central Ave. to the Green River Bridge.
Upori Woodworth's motion, this was referred to the Street Committee,
Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Otis Brown of 525 W. James St. requested that the council take action
enforcing tFe speed limit on James Street. The Mayor noted that this
subject will be investigated.
The City Engineer noted that the State Highway Department had indicated
that the city could make use of the Reith Road Gravel Pit without cost.
Upon Woodworth's motion, the City Engineer was requested to make a
written request for authorization.
Walkways. Pozzi reported that he had received a letter from the Kent
Public Schools requesting blacktop walkways for the schools in the city
limits. Pozzi stated that he hoped to make it a joint venture and would
report back after studying the proposal and conferring with the street
So. 212th. A letter from McLean & Company was read proposing interim
financing which may be necessary up to $360,000.00 for the "South 212th
Street Construction Fund" and providing for the sale of 5% interest
bearing warrants. Armstrong moved that this proposal be accepted and
the Mayor be authorized to s.ign . it, Mooney seconded, motion carried.
So. 212th. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1384, providing for issuance
and sale of $300,000.00 of General Obligation Bonds for So. 212th Street
Improvements. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance,
Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Upon Woodworth's motion, the law firm of Roberts, Sheffelman, Lawrence,
Gay and Moch were authorized to represent the city in the suit on LID
251, Improvements to So. 212th. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
A . letter from Vern Parmenter was read requesting extension of employment
for one year after December I, 1966, as required by the Statewide Retire—
ment System, since he will have attained age 65 by that date. Upon Wood—
worth's motion, this was referred to the Street Dept., Pozzi seconded,
motion carried.
HEALTH & North Sewer — LID 250. Mooney noted that the holding period on Contract
SANITATION G for Mottner &.McCutchen expylires on September 27th and moved for the
engineer to request an extension in time on this item, Strain seconded,
motion carried.
A letter from Tri-State Construction Co. was read agreeing to extend
the holding period until January, 1, 1967 on Contract D for LID 250,
provided the contract Is adjusted accordingly.
A letter from Sunset Realty, Inc. was read advising of a proposed new
development north of the Oxford Addition and asked for Council 's advice
in overcoming the cost of a sewage lift station. Armstrong moved this
be referred to the Sewer and Finance committees, Pozzi seconded, motion
LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation of two 7000 lumen lights on 36th Place
So. which runs east of the Benson Highway, one light to be on the end
pole and one on the third from the end. Strain seconded, motion carried.
UTILITIES Strain stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Flannery regarding
CHARGES his water bill, and moved for some consideration to be given to him for
water shut-off and reconnection fees in the amount of $ 15.00 due to
extenuating circumstances. Durand seconded, motion carried. Armstrong
voted nay.
Mooney moved to have one person delegated from each utilities department
to be on call on holidays. Durand seconded, motion carried.
Kent Swim Klub. A letter from the Kent Swim Klub was read requesting
special consideration on their sewer charges. Woodworth moved that
this letter be referred to a committee of non-Swim Klub members who will
report back next meeting. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE A letter. from James Gay was read, including statements covering legal
services in connection with LID 246 and LID 250. Paul Flint recommended
that the fees for LID 246 be paid out of the"Water Construction Fund -
1964", Woodworth so moved, Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Strain moved that $40,000.00 of the "Water Construction Fund" monies
be reinvested for another 60 days by the City Treasurer, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Regarding LID 250, the City Attorney noted that if another method of
handling the city's sewage, other than LID 250 is selected, then this
money would have to be paid from other than an LiD source. The City
Attorney recommended that these attorneys' fees and- costs should be
charged as a part of LID 250, with the understanding that if this LID
is not concluded, there would have to be an alternate means of financing.
Upon Paul Flint's recommendation, Armstrong moved to defer action until
the next council meeting. Mooney seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Buxton moved to approve the lowering of the ceiling In 'the Mayor's
Conference Room and installation of duct work in the Parks & Recreation
office. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
YORKSHIRE The City Engineer stated that the Planning Commission had approved the
PLAT final plat of Yorkshire. Upon Pozzi 's motion, the public hearing was set
for October 3rd, Durand seconded, motion carried.
DUNNING The 75% petition for the Dunning Annexation was introduced along with a
ANNEXATION letter from the City Engineer stating that the signatures the re-
presented the owners of property aggregating more than 75% of the assessed
valuation. A motion was passed to set September 28th at 11100 a.m, for
the Board of Review. A public hearing on the annexation was set for
October 17th by motion. A letter from the Kent Public Schools was read
requesting that the Grandview School be annexed along with the Dunning
Annexation, however, the Dunnings did not wish to withdraw their petition
and resubmit another to Include the school at this time. Mooney stated
to et neighbors of the Dunnin's
d work with Mrs. Hogan to try 9
that he would r 9 Y 9 9
to annex to the city and include the school.
ZONING Wilson. Ordinance 1385, approving the rezone submitted by Selma Wilson
from C-3, M-1 and R-I to MHR was read by the City Attorney. Strain
moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded,
motion carried.
Chase. Ordinance 1386, approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Chase from
M-1 and R-3 to R-4 was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Boeing. Ordinance 1387, approving the rezone submitted by the Boeing Co.
from M-A to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Kendall. Ordinance 1388, approving the rezone submitted by Mr. Kendall
from M-A to C-3 was read by the City Attorney. Durand moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Upon Woodworth's motion, seconded by Strain, public hearings were set for
October 17th for the following rezone applications:
Campbell R-2 to R-4
General Investment Co. R-I & R-3 to .C-3
Stanley & Gillispie C-1 to M-2
Tanaka M-A to M-1
Behar M-A to M-1
Mead & Samuels M-A to M-2
Ben Smith M-A to M-1
Motion carried.
PLANNING Armstrong moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Gordon Hall to
COMMISSION the Planning Commission, Mooney seconded, motion carried.
PARKS Mrs. Sorenson of 817 Chicago St. and Mrs. Danielson of Alexander St.
objected to the proposed neighborhood park in that area, stating that
there are no preschool children living in the vicinity and that it
would cut off access to their properties. Durand moved that no further
action in the development of this park be taken until a report from the
City Engineer is received. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
A letter from Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission was read
advising of the proposed plan for developing adjacent to the Green
River Gorge. Woodworth moved that this letter be placed on file, Durand
seconded, motion carried. Mooney moved that the Commission be advised
that this property was purchased by the city as a watershed. Woodworth
seconded, motion carried.
CONFERENCE & The City Clerk requested authorization to attend the Finance Officers
CONVENTIONS Conference in Renton on October 19, 20 and 21 . Armstrong so moved,
Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
• Pozzi 's motion, seconded by Woodworth was passed, approving the following claims.
Current Expense 5,935.45
Water 7,717.57
Water Constr. 1964 2,776.40
Street 3,856.05
Sewer 1 867.33
Garbage 3,469.35
' Library 6.73
Park 137. 16
Fireman's Relief & Pension Fund 138.00
' Interest Bearing Warrant
LID 249
Tri-State Constr. 39,330.00
Respectfully submitted,
Alex Thornton, Mayor Marie .Jensen, City lerk