HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/06/1966 Kent, Washington September 6, 1966 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, 'Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion. Clerk's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion. STREETS The City Engineer noted that the Highway Department submitted an agreement for the city to sign regarding certain work to be done in conjunction with the Valley Free- way in protecting water and sewer lines. The cost to the City would be $1682.20 and the cost to the State would be $34,557.80. Upon Mooney's motion, seconded by Strain, the Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement. Motion carried. The City Engineer further noted that this work would be done on James Street, Smith, Willis and So. 262nd, or in any place a water or sewer line would cross the Valley Freeway. The Highway Department will be informed that the city proposes larger pipe lines along this route. i The City Engineer stated that a pre-construction conference will be held Thursday, September 8, with Peter Kiewit Company and the State Highway Department to discuss the Valley Freeway work. He noted that the Police Department will have a representa- tive participating in the discussion. The City Engineer stated that he and Gib Kendall looked at the Frontage Road, East of the Valley Freeway from 228th to So. 218th with Highway Department representatives and that this road is about to be turned over to the City. Traffic Control. The City Engineer noted that the Highway Department has approved "no-parking" on Central Ave. and that signs have been ordered and should be de- livered in approximately two weeks. Woodworth suggested that the press be notified of this action. So. 212th. The public hearing on the final roll of LID 251 was opened. Written protests were read on behalf of Hazel Sentrup, N. W. Clein, Earl McLaughlin, Rufino Ordonio, Raymond Anderson, Anson Brooks, Bert McNae, Parsons, Hart &-Co. and George Wollenberg. Mr. Bert McNae represneting Mr. Picardo objected to the method of assessment and the method of evaluating the amount of improvement to the property. There were no further comments from the floor and Strain moved to close the public hearing, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Woodworth moved to recess for five minutes to review the protests, Strain seconded, motion carried. After a short recess, Durand moved to reconvene, motion carried. The City Clerk read the names of the protestors for consideration by the Council. No action was taken to adjust the roll. Pozzi moved for reading of the Ordinance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1378, confirming the roll for LID 251 for improvements to So. 212th was read by the City Attorney. _Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Woodworth seconded, motion carried unanimously. Ordinance 1376, providing for purchase of right-of-way for So. 212th was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Strain, motion carried. Ordinance 1378, confirming the final assessment roll for LID 251 was read by the City Attorney. Mooney moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Buxton, motion carried. HEALTH & So. Sewer. The City Engineer stated that he had received clearances from the SANITATION Department of Labor & Industries and from the State Tax Commission on the Austin Company's contract for the South end Sewer. Money moved to authorize release of the 10% retained, seconded by Armstrong, motion carried. Ordinance 1379, confirming the final assessment roll for LID 249 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Strain, ,motion carried. The City Engineer was authorized to notify Mrs. Playford of the reduction in her assessment. North Sewer. The City Attorney read a letter from Attorney John Cogan, stating that his clients have moved to dismiss the action on the suit pending on LID 250. Woodworth moved that this letter be placed on file, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney noted that this action was taken by the protestors in an effort to assist the city in reaching a final determination on the sewer project. He further stated that Metro has presented figures to the city at a recent meeting and that the city's financial consultants, McLean and Co., the consulting engineers, Hill & Ipgman and consulting attorney, George Mack, will analyze these figures and will give their opinions before the next council meeting. The City Attorney stated that the officials of the City of Kent, as well as Mr. Cogan and Metro officials, have been instructed by Judge Mifflen not to discuss the details. or figures until they report back to him with their analysis. A letter from Rodon, Inc. was read agreeing to an extension of time to January 1, 1967 for Contract B for LID 250. Upon Mooney's motion, seconded by Strain, this letter will be placed on file. Motion carried. A letter from Brock Adams to Dave Mooney was read acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolution passed by the Associated- Improvement Clubs of South King County. Upon Mooney's motion, seconded by Durand, this letter was placed on file. A letter to Dave Mooney from Warren Magnuson was read acknowledging receipt of a copy of the resolution passed by the Associated Improvement Clubs of South King County. Upon Mooney's motion, seconded by Strain, this letter was placed on file. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read stating that they will continue to back the City on the proposed LID for the North end sdwers. Upon Buxton's motion, this letter was placed on file, Durand seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1377, amending Ordinances 1333 and 1346, providing for payment for right of-way - LID 250, was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, seconded by Durand, motion carried. Mooney noted that the holding period ends on September 20 for Contract C on LID 250, North Sewer, which was awarded to National Construction at $511,348.00. Upon Mooney's motion, the City Engineer was authorized to request an extension of time. Woodworth seconded, motion carridd. .dames Curran noted that the Council would be well advised to have independent financial evaluation of any proposal for the good of the community and for the mutual satisfaction of all. Air Pollution. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read urging the City of Kent to support the over-all Air Pollution Control Regu3atibn. Upon Woodworth's motion, seconded by Pozzi, this letter was placed on file, motion carried. Garbage. A letter was read from Mr. Clifford Hoof, Attorney, representing the Mid-Cities, Garbage Co. objecting to the fact that the City of Kent Utilities Department notified customers of Mid-Cities Garbage Co. to pay directly to the City of Kent. Upon Mooney's motion, seconded by Woodworth, this was referred to the City Attorney. Motion carried. Mooney moved for .Erath to be authorized to continue garbage collection until December 31, 1966 in accordance with his proposal written in July. Drainage. A letter from the Department of Conservation was read stating that areas lying within the Green River Flood Control Zone would require .a flood control per- mit from the State before any building permit could be issued by the City. Pozzi moved that this be referred to the City Engineer, City Attorney, and Mayor. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Buxton noted that as a commissioner of Drainage Ditch District #1, he knew of many requests for relocation of existing ditches. Buxton requested a meeting of the Council and Jim Curran, Attorney for the district regarding this matter. -Armstrong seconded, motion carried. WATER Strain noted that preliminary design work is underway for the roof over the existing 3 million gallon reservoir and that he would check with the city's financial ad- visors on ways and means to provide two new 6 million gallon reservoirs. A letter from David Best, Attorney was read requesting release of an easement owned by the City of Kent for water lines across property located at the Southwest corner of the Kent Kangley Road and State Highway No. 2. The City Engineer stated that he was unable to read the photo-copies of the documents submitted with the letter, however, the easement is not in use and probably would not be used. Mooney moved that this matter be tabled for two weeks so the City Engineer could further examine the documents, Strain seconded, motion carried. Orilla Water System. James Curran noted that as attorney for the Orilla Water System, he wished to point out that it is important to the City of Kent that they control water service in that area. He noted that offers have been received from other sources to serve the area, but that the people would prefer City of Kent water. LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation of a 7000 lumen light on Pole #916 on East Hemlock Street, Strain seconded, motion carried. ZONING Chase. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Mr. Chase for a rezone from M-1 & R-3 to R-4. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Upon Durandfs motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried. ` i Boeing. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by the Boeing Co. for a rezone from M-A to M-1. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Upon Strain's motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Selma Wilson. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Selma Wilson for a rezone from C-3 & M-1 & R-1 to MHR. There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. Upon Armstrongfs motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance, Mooney seconded, motion carried. Kendall. The public hearing was opened on the application initiated by the City for Mr. Kendall 's property for a rezone from M-A to C-3. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended that this rezone be referred back to them for reconsideration in view of the fact that Mr. Weiser had withdrawn his application for the adjacent property. Mr. Bicknell noted that rezoning the Kendall property alone could, in his opinion, be considered spot zoning. It was noted that though Weiser- had withdrawn someone else could request a rezone for the Bon property. The public hearing was closed on Mooney's motion. Mooney moved to approve the Kendall rezone and the City Attorney was instructed to draft the ordinance. Motion ' seconded by Woodworth and carried. Armstrong moved for the city to initiate a rezone for the Bon property as originally sought by Mr. Weiser. Motion seconded by Woodworth and carried over Pozzils nay. Meier. Ordinance 1380, approving the Meier rezone from M-1 & R-2 to R-4, C-3 and M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Buxton moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Harn. - Ordinance 1381, approving the Harn rezone from R-2 to C-3 & M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Buxton seconded, motion carried. MCGRATH Ordinance 1382, approving the McGrath Annexation Zoning to R-1 was• read by the ANNEXATION City Attorney. Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Buxton seconded, motion carried. MID VALLEY Ordinance 1383, approving the Mid-Valley Land Annexation zoning to MA was read by LAND the City Attorney. Armstrong moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, ANNEXATION Durnad seconded, motion carried. DUNNING It was noted that Mrs. Dunning has expressed willingness to assume her property's ANNEXATION share of the city's existing bonded indebtedness. The City Engineer was requested to assist with the preparation of the 75% petition. CITY SHOPS A letter from the State Highway Commission was read stating that the warrant is now ready to pay for the city's utility building and that they will arrange to take possession of the property for the State. Upon Armstrongts motion, seconded by Woodworth, this letter was placed on file, motion carried. PARKS West Hill. Jack Hanson, representing property owners on the West Hill in the Cambridge area, inquired about development of the proposed park at 268th and Military Road. Mrs. Hogan noted that the comprehensive plan including this project is coming up for discussion on the 14th of this month. Mrs. Hogan presented a map to the Council requesting use of city owned street right-of-way property for a neighborhood park. She stated that Kiwanis had offered $900.00 for equipment for the park. The City Engineer stated that the City has no use for the property at present. Woodworth moved that the Park Department be authorized to use it for a park on a permissive use basis, Buxton seconded, motion carried. SISTER CITY A letter from Gordon S. Clinton was read commending the city on the recent affiliation between Kent and Kaibera, Japan. Upon Mooney's motion, this letter was placed on file. Strain seconded, motion carried. KING COUNTY Buxton reported that the annual King County Fair held August 19, 20 and 21 at FAIR Enumclaw had been a success and expressed appreciation for the fine job done by Miss Laura Wade and Bill Stevens of the Park Department. CONVENTIONS A letter from the Association of Washington Cities was read reminding the City that Kent is the host city for the dinner-meeting to be held at Meeker!s Landing at 7 :00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 28. It was noted that those wishing to attend -should notify the City Clerk, A letter from the National League of Cities was read inviting the Mayor and officials of the city to attend the National League of Cities, to be held December 2 through 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Wood- worth moved that the Mayor be delegated to attend, expenses paid, Mooney seconded, motion carried. A letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement System was read reporting that Vern Parmenter will reach normal retirement age by December I, 1966, and requesting noti.fication of Council action. Woodworth moved that this matter be tabled to allow time to receive a letter from Parmenter, Mooney seconded, motion carried. Strain's motion, seconded by Durand was passed, approving the following claims: Current Expense 4,220.52 Water 5,330.80 Water Construction 308.74 Street 4,310.54 Arterial Street 397.35 Sewer 1, 177.82 Garbage. 158.87 Library 47.44 Park 205.73 16, 157.81 Interest Bearing_Warrants LID 249 Hill & Ingman 497. 16 Austin Const. 6,040.00 Sewer Construction 1966 - Issue H Hill & Ingman 4,329.41 Hill & Ingman 688.52 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10: 10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alex Thornton, Mayor Marie Jens . City lerk