HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/20/1966 Kent, Washington
June 20, 1966
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor
Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi and Strain, City Engineer
Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion.
Clerk's, Treasurer's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion.
STREETS Parking Meters. Pozzi reported that the City of Mt.Vernon had expressed
an interest in buying Kent's parking meters. the meters cost $12,470.00
three years ago and $2,750.00 is stil•I owed to the garbage. fund for re-
payment of a loan to the Meter Fund. He asked that the Council decide upon
a price. Armstrong stated that thus far the City had only agreed to hood
the meters until July I, not to take them out entirely. The City Clerk was
instructed to contact the Meter Company regarding prices for used meters,
pending the City's decision on removing same.
James. Pozzi stated that James Street from 4th Avenue to the West Valley
H ighway is now closed for paving preparations.
S. 212th. Pozzi moved that the City's Bond Attorney be asked to draft the
papers necessary to implement the So. 212th Street L. I .D. for the next
council meeting. Strain seconded, motion carried.
Mrs. Miller asked about the proposed L. I .D. for S. 212th and Pozzi requested
that she get an appraisal for her property so that the City can compare it
with their appraisal.
Traffic Control. A letter from M. A. Allan, President of the Highline
College, was read requesting that a study be made of the traffic situation
at Highway 99 and So. 240th Street. Chief McQuery stated that he would
get a report on accidents ,in this area from the Washington State Patrol
as soon as possible.- Upon Armstrong's motion, the City Clerk was instructed
to write a letter to Mr. Allan that the City will explore the situation and
report back to them.
LIGHTS Durand stated that the City is working with Puget Power to get better
lighting on the East Valley Highway.
Upon Durand's motion, the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to
Puget'Power authorizing them to make a study of the lighting needs of the
Horseshoe Acres area. Strain seconded, motion carried.
WATER Strain noted that the million gallon standpipe on the East Hill is installed
and stated that the Austin Construction Co. is progressing. on the Park
Orchard pump station.
Strain further noted that the Contractors are working on the preliminary
design for the roof for the one million gallon reservoir and that these
improvements will be made with help of EDA. funds.
Strain noted that he had received a letter from the East Hill Community
well Co.' requesting the City's cooperation in the company's replacement of
the 2 inch water line with a 6 inch line, on IOOth Ave. S.E. Armstrong moved
that this be referred to the Water Committee with the power to act. Mooney
seconded, motion carried. Strain noted that he and the City Engineer will
meet with Mr. Wilson on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the subject.
TRAFFIC Mr. Joe Conale of 24830 38th Ave. So., one of the 15 people. who requested
CONTROL a four-way stop sign at the intersection of 249th St.' and 38th Ave. S.,
stated that he felt that the traffic study at that intersection was inade-
quate, since a written report was not on file. The City Engineer stated
that it was virtually- impossible to conduct full-time studies on requests
of this type, and that every heavily-populated residential area had similar
corners. - Pozzi moved for the City Engineer and the Chief of Police to make
a more thorough study of the matter, seconded by Durand and passed.
Ordinance 1356, reducing the speed limit from 50 to 40 MPH on the West Valley
Highway near Tukwila was read by the City Attorney. The City Engineer moved
for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Buxton seconded, motion carried.
Upon Pozzi 's motion, the City Engineer was also instructed to write a letter io
Tukwila requesting them to'raise their speed limit to 40 MPH, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Ordinance 1357, prohibiting parking on Central Avenue during the hours of
6 - 9 am and 3 - 6 pm was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage
and adoption of the ordinance, Buxton seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Buxton read a proposal from System Heating and Air Conditioning Company of.
Seattle for an air conditioner for the Council Chambers and Mayor's office.
The net price installed is $2,382.00. Buxton moved to accept this estimate
figure in accordance with specifications in their letter of June 6, 1966.
Durand seconded. Buxton stated that this conditioner would take care of the
Mayor's office and possibly the Parks and Recreation Office. Armstrong
moved to amend the motion for Buxton to check to see if provision could be
made to convert the air conditioner to the court room when the council chamber
was not in use. Amendment seconded by Durand. Buxton noted that this would
increase the costs. Anendment passed, motion passed.
FINANCE Armstrong moved that bills to the City should not be accepted later than
5:00 p.m. on the Friday night preceding the Council meeting. Mooney seconded,
motion carried.
Armstrong moved to accept the proposal of McLean and Co. to purchase interest
bearing warrants at 5% issued to Hill & Ingman in the amounts of $855.72 and
CORRECTED-REFER TO $3,688.52 and Dames & Moore in the amount of $5,783. 10, drawn against the
MINUTES OF 7-5=66 Sewer Revenue Bond Construction Fund - 1966. Durand seconded, motion
FRANCHISE Mr. John Monson of CoJorcable, Inc., Inquired as to whether any action had
been taken on the proposed television cable franchise. The City Clerk was
instructed to contact all three interested companies when the City Attorney
Is ready to meet with them.
LIBRARY Armstrong noted that a meeting with the Library Board is set for Thursday,
June 23rd at 7:30 p.m. and urged all to attend.
HEALTH & South Sewer, The City Engineer stated that the contractor on the South End
SANITATION Sewer Project will be starting tomorrow to restore the streets.
It was noted that the final hearing date on the South End Sewer L. I .D. should
be set at the next meeting. Pozzi noted that some action should be taken
by the City Engineer's office to Inform residents in the area that they are
required to hook up to the sewer within a specified time.
North. Mooney reported that the Mayor, Council and Engineer met regarding
the law suit against LiD 250. He stated that with the money market as tight
as it is the interest rate on the bonds for this project may be higher. He
noted that the law suit would delay the project and that a trailer court in
the area already is faced with a health hazard. The court has its own water
and septic tank systems and the King County Health Department has been
checking the water each month since February. One test showed that the water
from one trailer house was contaminated.
Mr. Wagner stated that he moved into said trailer court in May and within a
week his son had dysentery and was subsequently hospitalized. He again became
ill when given water from the tap two weeks later, as did other members of
the family. Mr. Wagner further stated that this afternoon he and other court
residents found reports in their mail boxes stating that the water in the
trailer court was not fit to drink. The City Engineer stated that it is
quite easy to have one water test out of 7 show contamination due to a dirty
faucet or some like circumstance, but t.his is not proof of contamination of
the whole system. It was felt by some that the septic system was inadequate
and was thus causing contamination of the well.
North Sewer. The following bids were read for Contract B:
Rodon, Inc. 643,788.00
F. J. Schade, Inc. 669,376.68
Murphy Bros., Inc. 687,690.00
0. R. Alia, _Inc. 693,,981.46 .
Tri-State Const. Co. 714,376. 18
Hannon & Dominico 792,765.79
It was noted that the engineer's estimate is $767,000.00 Mooney's motion
to hold these bids over .for two weeks was seconded by Buxton, motion carried.
Bid. Sewer Roddinq Machine. Bids were read for a Sewer Rodding Machine
from Waterworks Supplies Co. of Spokane, $4,793.20 and from Flexible Pipe
Tool Co. of Oregon, $4,745.84. Durand moved to accept the low bid submitted
by Flexible Pipe Tool Co., Mooney seconded, motion carried. Pozzi voted nay.
Air Pollution. A letter from the Valley Regional Planning Commission was
read, recommending that the City of Kent adopt an air pollution ordinance
similar to the ordinances adopted by Seattle and King County. Upon the
Mayor's request Mooney agreed to work with Fred Frazier on this.
POLICE & Chief McQuery intoroduced the three new patrolmen: Larry Jilbert, Bob
FIRE Chittenden and Kenneth LaBelle, who were sworn in by the City Clerk.
A letter frm Fire Chief Foster was read expressing his appreciation for
permission' to attend the Fire Convention in Wenatchee and reporting on
various subjects pertaining to the meetings. Upon Strain'.s motion, this
letter was placed on file.
GAS & OIL The Cfty Clerk introduced bids for gas and oil. Pozzi stated thot other
cities join with the County on calls for bids and thus get a better price.
Armstrong moved to hold the bids and for the City Clerk to check with the
County Purchasing Agent, Durand seconded, motion carried. Strain voted nay.
ZONING A communication from the Planning Commission was read recommending that the
following applications be approved:
Hugh H. Newell R-I to MHR
Benton's Realty R-I & R-3 to R-4.
W. L. Sheit-bon R-3 to R-4,
Maxfield & others to R-4
The Planming Commission recommends that the Mathiason & Sargent application
for R-2 to R-4 be denied. By motion, public hearings were set for the
July 18th meeting for these applications.
WEST CREST Mr. Roy Toland noted that Ordinance 1339, approving the plat of West Crest
#2 had been passed on April 18th, subject to a hold harmless agreement for
drainage of the cul-de-sac. He stated he had met this requirement, and
could not obtain a release from the owners adjacent, as the City Engineer
also requested. Both the City Attorney and City Engineer pointed out that
twice in the past, the City has been sued over drainage problems. Toland
granted that there was always some element of risk, but felt he had complied
with the City's requests. Pozzi moved for the Mayor and City Engineer to
sign the plat, Durand seconded, motion carried unanimously.
GREEN VALLEY Ordinance 1355, approving the Green Valley Heights #4 Plat was read by the
HEIGHTS #4 City Attorney. Pozzi moved to approve passage and adoption of the ordinance,
Buxton seconded, motion carried. Strain voted nay.
NAZARENE Ordinance 1364, approving the Nazarene Church Street Vacation was read by
CHURCH the City Attorney. Pozzi moved to approve passage and adoption of the
STREET ordinance, Strain seconded. The City Engineer noted that deeds have to be
VACATION obtained in order to make the cul-de-sac on the end of the street. Pozzi
amended his motion to hold publication of this ordinance until the deeds
are transmitted to the City. Strain seconded, amendment carried, motion
MID VALLEY Ordinance 1361, approving the Mid Valley Land Annexation was read by the
ANNEXATION City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Strain
seconded, motion carried.
GOODWIN Ordinance 1362, approving the Goodwin Annexation was read by the City Attorney.
ANNEXATION Strain moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Armstrong Seconded,
motion carried.
MCGRATH Ordinance. 1363, approving the McGrath Annexation was read by the City Attorney.
ANNEXATION Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded,
motion carried.
MILES DRAKE It was noted that Miles Drake has stated that he will assume his property's
ANNEXATION share of the existing bonded indebtedness and is willing to pay the cost of
the annexation. Upon Durand's motion, seconded by Strain, the City agreed to
entertain the annexation petition. The City Engineer was instructed to assist
with the preparation of the 75% petition.
THOMAS The Mayor read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce to the City of Auburn
ANNEXATION requesting that they delay action on the Thomas Annexation 107o petition until
the Valley Regional Planning Commission gives it more study.
PLATS y nwood. Ordinance 1358, approving the Wynwood plat was read by the City
Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Mooney
seconded, motion carried.
Kentwood Glen. Ordinance 1359, approving the Kentwood Glen plat was read
by the City',Attorney. Armstrong moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance,
subject to plat certificate correction. Strain seconded, motion carried.
Cambridge #4. Ordinance 1360, approving the Cambridge Plat was read by the
City. Attorney,. Pozzi moved for passage and adoption of the ordinance, Durand
seconded, motion carried.
PARKS Buxton noted that a strip 66 feet wide and 458 feet long on Crow Street, lying
between 5th Ave. So. and the Milwaukee tracks would make an excellent neighbor-
hood parka He moved for the Park Department to be authorized to develop and
maintain a playground at this site. It was noted that the site would have to
be filled and drain the installed. He noted that this will make a larger play
area then some lots the City is negotiating for for $4000.00 or $5000.00, and
that five new apartment houses under construction will increase the population i
in the area. The City Engineer noted that it should be understood that if 6th
Avenue was ever extended, this right-of-way would have to be used. Strain seconded
the motion. The City Attorney was instructed to draft whatever documents were
necessary. Notion carried.
Beautification. Mrs. Hogan requested, permission for the Park Department to work
with the Street Department and Water Department to clean the area and plant
shrubbery at the triangle at Reith and Kent-Des Moines Roads, also the triangle
of land at the East Valley Highway this side of the bridge. Mrs. Frazier noted
that the West Hill Park also needs work.
Acquisition. Mrs. Hogan noted that she had met with Gordon McKay of the John
Graham Co., regarding acquisition of open space land in the Mill Creek Canyon
area and had a letter from him outlining proper procedures. She further stated
that we should not delay in taking option of this land as there are now plans
for buildings in the area. She estimated the cost at from $ 10,000.00 to $20,000.00.
The City Attorney will report on this after studying McKay's letter.
Strain noted that last Tuesday the Mayor spent much time with Luis C. Catubig,
Councilman of Dagupan City, Phillipines and suggested that an Award of Merit be
sent to him.
Current Expense 8030.53
Water 2742.01
Water Construction - 64 ' 10, 199.97
Street 1515.67
Sewer 593.65
Sewer Construction - 66 1.85
Garbage 199.82
Library 261.70
Park 128.42
Firemen's Relief & Pension 138.00
Int. Bearing Warrants - LID 250
0005 - Daily Jrl. of Commerce 326.80
Respectfully submitted,
Alex Thornton, Mayor Marie Jen , City Clerk