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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/16/1966 Kent, Washington
May 16, 1966
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and
Woodworth; City Engineer Sherwood; Attorney Holm took the place of City Attorney Bereiter, who
was on vacation.
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion.
Clerks, Treasurer's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion.
STREETS Traffic Control. Woodworth read a letter signed by 15 people requesting a four-
way stop sign at the intersection of 249th. St. and 38th. Ave. South. Woodworth
moved that the Police Committee be given the power to act in conjunction with the
traffic engineer. Durand seconded, motion carried.
Woodworth read a communication from the Kent Safety Council asking the City to
consider prohibiting parking on Central Avenue between James Street and Titus
Street during the hours of 7 - 9 A.M. and 3 - 6 P.M. Woodworth moved that the
Police Committee be given the power to act. Durand seconded. Woodworth noted
that he is going to set a meeting of the Police Committee at 10:00 A.M., Thursday
morning and requested the City Clerk to notify the business people on Central Ave.
He also asked that the newspaper give this some publicity. Motion carried.
WATER Strain reported that the stand pipe on the East Hill is completed except for
painting and that the Park Orchard pump station should be completed in about six
fie noted that a location for the'.north' side six million gallon reservoir has not
been secured as yet and asked the City Engineer to check into it.
HEALTH & North. Mooney reported that a statement regarding EDA funds should be made this
SANITATION week. He noted that the expense incurred for his trip to Washington, D.C. was
$475.60 and that he wanted the records to show that this would not be billed to
the City or to the N. Sewer project. Woodworth moved that this be referred to
the Finance Committee for fur ther. discussion, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Mooney voted nay.
A' letter from John P. Cogan, Attorney, ,was read requesting that at the Council
meeting the agenda include some time for discussion regarding LID 250 and request-
in that information regarding LID 250 be made available to him. Mr: Cogan was
lagvised that all information was readily available at the City Clerk's office.
e City Engineer reported that,at ,the present time protests totaled approximately
%. Mr. Cogan asked questions` regarding future plans for utilities in the North
area and requested information on the zoning of the section. It was determined
there were no permanent plans, tof,yhave'any of the East Hill area drain into the
iroposed LID 250 project. Mr:. Cogan asked how much the assessments would be
decreased if the EDA funds were granted. Mooney opined that the cost would be
Cut from 40% to 45%. Mr. Bouvier stated that he felt there had beep'.an error. in
s assessment and City Engineer Sherwood stated that he would be glad to go over
tie figures with him in the Engineer's office.
LIGHTS Durand moved for the installation..of;.a 20,000 lumen light on pole #35 on the
West Valley Highway. Strain seconded,.tmotion carried.
Durand noted that the light near`'Holland's on the West Valley Highway was put in
on an LID basis as Mr. McHugo had stated and that it had been relocated on another
pple to give better lighting.
Durand stated that he had received a letter from Mrs. Calbert requesting a light
on 96th. Avenue at 240th. St. He,noted` that there is no road to cut across 240th.
and felt that a light should not be installed at this time.
FINANCE Armstrong stated that Narita's. lease for a portion of the disposal plant property
lies expired and moved that the' Finance Committee negotiate a new lease with Mr.
Narita. Mooney seconded, motion carried.
k letter was read from the City;Treasuzer requesting authorization to reinvest
$100,000.00 of 1964 Water Constction Funds in U.S. Government Treasury' Bills
for a period of 180 days. Armstrong so moved, Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Buxton stated that he has not received word from the State regarding the amount
they will pay for the utility building and that the street department has started
to fill for the new utility building.
ZONING Matelich. The public hearing on Matelich's application for a rezone from R-3 to
R-4 was opened. Ed Pike stated that he felt that there would not be sufficient
parking space for an R-4 zoning. The public hearing was closed. Woodworth moved
to uphold the Planning Commission's. recommendation and to approve the rezone for
the reasons stated in their report. Strain seconded, motion carried. Upon Wobd-
worth's motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance.
Sorenson. The public hearing was opened on Sorenson's application for a rezone
from M-1 to C-3. It was ascertained that the Planning Commission approves the
rezone. Mr. Drury stated that he owned property adjacent to this and he understood
that the Planning Commission would initiate proceedings to zone the adjoining prop-
erty C-3, but that the subject had not been introduced at the Planning Commission
meeting. The City Engineer stated that the Planning Commission was to have aged
on this matter 'at their last meeting and opined that it had been overlooked in the
unusually crowded agenda. The public hearing was closed. Mooney moved to uphold
the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request for the reasons
stated in their report and instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary or-
dinance. He also moved to instruct the City Clerk to write a letter to the Plan-
ning Commission requesting that the property adjacent to the South and West be
zoned to correspond with the area. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Peretti. The public hearing on Perettils application for a rezone from R-3 to C-3
was opened. Mr. Ed Pike, who owns the apartments nearby stated that he had not
been notified of a hearing on this matter. It was ascertained that the law requires
that those living within 2001 must be notified by mail, and that Pike was not within
this specified area. Mr. Pike further stated that at the time the property was
annexed, the City agreed that there would be an R-3 buffer zone. Woodworth stated
that he objected to the word "agreed", as the City cannot "agree" since changes
are constantly being made.
Dale Snow of 24869 - 132nd. S.E., stated that he lived directly West of the prop-
erty up for rezone and noted that it was announced in the Kent paper that there was
going to be a roller skating rink and dance hall built there. He further stated
that the lending institutions say that it will be very difficult to borrow money
to build apartments there if this is so. He felt that the main objection would be
the noise during late hours.
Richard Robinson of 12233 Ashworth Avenue North, who will manage the proposed
roller rink, stated that there will be no noise outside the rink and that it will
be run according to rules and regulations set out by the Police Department. He
noted that it was not scheduled to be used as a dance hall but could be used for
many things, church groups, etc.
Mr. Pike stated that he would like this hearing continued at another time so he
could get legal representation.
Durand moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion died for lack of a
second. Mr. Pike then asked for a postponement for 120 days, that he may attempt
to sell his apartments before such a rezone would become effective. Woodworth
noted that the issue was a proposed rezone, not the use of the property, and that
applicants for rezones were not required to disclose the proposed use.
The public hearing was closed. Woodworth moved to uphold the Planning CommissionIs"i
recommendation and to approve the rezone for the reasons stated in their report and
to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance. Pozzi seconded,
a roll call was taken; all voted yes, except Strain,who voted nay.
Mr. Pike asked if he could appeal this action and Mr. Holm stated that the basis
of such an appeal would have to be that the city acted arbitrarily and that C-3
is an unreasonable zoning for this area.
STREET Nazarine Church Street Vacation. The public hearing was opened on the Nazarine
VACATION Church Street Vacation. There were no objections from the floor and the hearing
.was closed. Armstrong moved to uphold the recommendations of the City Engineer
that certain areas be held for utilities and access at the East end of Cedar Street
adjacent to properties on Alvord. and instructed the City Attorney to draft the
necessary ordinance. Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
ZONING Stephanus. A communication from the Planning Commission was read recommending
that the application submitted by Paul Stephanus for a change of zoning from R-3
to R-4 be denied. Mr. Curran who is representing the applicants stated that there
was a possibility that this application would be withdrawn. Woodworth moved<'to
continue this until the next council meeting, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Midway Associates. A letter from 'the Planning Commission was ,read recommending
that the application submitted by Midway Associates for a change of zoning from
R-1 to C-3 be denied and further recommending that the property be considered for
R-4 in lieu of C-3. By motion, the public hearing was set for June 6th.
Burke. A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that
the application submitted by Thomas J. Burke fok a change of zoning from M-1 to
C-3 be approved. By motion, the public hearing was set for June 6th.
PLATS A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending the approval
of the final plats of Green Valley Heights #4, Cambridge #4, Wynwood Park and
Kentwood Glen #2. By motion, public hearings were set for June 6th. for each plat. 1
KENT HIGH- Ordinance 1347. approving the Kent Highlands Annexation, was read by the City
LANDS Attorney. Woodworth moved to approve passage and adoption of the ordinance,
ANNEXATION Durand seconded, motion carried.
KENT HIGH- A public hearing was opened on zoning of the Kent Highlands Annexation to R-4 and
LANDS M-2. There were no objections from the floor and the public hearing was closed:
ANNEXATION Ordinance 1348, zoning the area R-4 and M-2 was read by the City Attorney.
ZONING Woodworth moved to approve passage and adoption of the ordinance, Strain seconded,
motion carried.
BIDS The following bids were read for a tractor-mower for the Street Department:
BBvergreen Equipment Regular $4,666.34
Hydraulic 5,145.56
Cox Machinery Regular 4,185.87
Hydraulic 4,449.50
Tool Crib Regular 3,778.46
Hydraulic 4,299.46
Ray Bock Regular 3,523.47
Hydraulic 3,754.68
All figures include tax. Upon Woodworthts motion, seconded by Strain, the bid
was awarded to Ray Bock Co. on their bid of $3,523.47 for the tractor mower with
regular lift. Motion carried.
Loader. Bids were read on the loader from Howard Cooper in the amount of
$22,392.58, Star Machinery - $24, 278.60, Air Mac - "$26,039.00 and N. C. Machinery
$28, 115.24, and it was noted that only one had met the specifications. Pozzi
moved that .these bids be rejacted and the City issue a new call for bids with the
specifications written by the Street Department and the bid forms to be supplied
by the city. Strain seconded, motion carried.
EMERGENCY The City Attorney read the proposed emergency ordinance for the Police Department
ORDINANCE totaling $15,324.27 and providing for the purchase of three used motorcycles,
radios and equipment for them and salaries for three new police patrolmen.
Upon Woodworth's motion, the hearing was set for June 6th. Strain seconded,
motion carried.
RESOLUTION Resolution 556, endorsing the King County Mental Health & Mental Retardation
Planning Committee was read and passed by motion.
DOGS Ed Pike inquired as to what procedure should be followed to request a leash law
for dogs. Mooney stated that he would call Mr. Pike after the City Attorney
obtains more information concerning the procedure for placing this question on
the ballot.
MCGRATH The City Clerk introduced the 75% petition on the proposed McGrath Annexation.
HOMES Woodworth moved to instruct the City Clerk to set a Board of Review for May 25th
ANNEXATION and to Set the public hearing for June 6th. Pozzi seconded, Motion carried.
MID VALLEY The City Clerk introduced the 75% petition on the proposed Mid Valley Land Annex-
LAND ation. Woodworth moved to instruct the City Clerk to get a Board of Review for
ANNEXATION May 25th and to set the public hearing for June 6th. Pozzi seconded, motion
PARKS Mrs. Hogan reported that the Park Board had found a suitable lot on Hemlock Street
for a neighborhood park and suggested that an emergency ordinance be drawn for
this project. Durand noted that he felt there was too much traffic there and was
told that this area would be completely fenced. The Mayor stated that we should
avoid emergency ordinances, if possible. Pozzi moved to have the ordinance drawn
up, Strain seconded. Woodworth moved to amend the motion to refer this to the
Finance Committee first and have them meet with the Park Board and report back.
Strain seconded, amended motion carried.
LIBRARY Armstrong reported that he had attended a meeting with the Library Board relative
to changes in the contract with the County. He stated that the County proposes
billing on a capita basis at $4.15. This figure would pover maintenance and
operation of the library and amounts to $48,000.00 per year, based on the 1965
population. Woodworth moved to send a letter to the Library Board requesting
this proposal in writing, Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
SOIL Charlie Waller reported that regarding the East West Watershed Work Plan, the
CONSERVATION estimates are not very realistic. He suggested that the council take no action
to'bind the City to this plan until an additional estimate is filed. The Mayor
suggested that Mr. Waller review the matter with the City Engineer.
A communication was read from the Statewide City Employees Retirement System
stating that council action is required to extend the membership of Mary H. Johnson.
She will attain normal retirement age by August 1, 1966. Pozzi moved that we get
recommendation-of the Library Board. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
A communication from the South King County Arboretum Foundation was read requesting
the Mayor td endorse their program. Woodworth moved that this letter be referred
to the Mayor for his action. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
A letter from Telecable was referred to the Police Committee and the City Attorney
by motion, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Current Expense 2000.01
Water 4204.98
Water Construction 30,599.94
Street 7918.05
Sewer 1601.90
Garbage 1203.01
Library 164.88
Park 346.62
Firemens' Relief & Pension 138.00
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jen e , City Clerk