HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/02/1966 Kent, Washington
May 2, 1966
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton,
Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City
Attorney Bereiter
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion.
STREETS James. The Mayor suggested that a call for bids be issued to blacktop
James from Ist Avenue to the West Valley Highway. Pozzi so moved,. Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
Traffic Control . Woodworth asked if state action had to be taken to obtain
a right turn lane on Meeker at 6th and also on Central at James. The City
Attorney opined that state approval was not necessary.
S. 212th. Discussion was had on the traffic problem existing on So.212th
at the East Valley Highway where reflector posts were making it difficult
for trucks to make right turns, Woodworth moved that this be referred to the
traffic engineer. Strain seconded, motion carried.
The City Engineer reported that the city recently acquired through a quit
claim deed, a piece of land adjacent to the West Valley Highway on 212th.
The State Highway Department must have this property in their name before
they can spend any money on channelization of the intersection. The City
Engineer recommended that the City authorize the Mayor to execute the quit
claim deed. Woodworth so moved, Strain seconded, motion carried. Buxton
.voted nay.
The -City Engineer reported that he, Walt Ramsey, and highway specialists
have been meeting with O'Brien residents to discuss the value the improvements
to the street will bring to them. The City Engineer recommended that the
city authorize condemnation certificates and that appraisals be obtained so
as to be in a position to present an offer to the residents. The City
Attorney requested a letter be written advising him to order condemnation
certificates. Hill & Ingman will furnish the legal descriptions. Pozzi so
moved, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Pozzi moved that a letter be sent to Seattle City Light requesting the removal
of the pole on James Street on the North corner at the intersection of James
and the West Valley Highway so traffic could be expedited. Durand seconded,
motion carried. .
WATER Strain requested- that the Council set priority with Hill & Ingman for capital
improvements on the water system. He instructed Hill & Ingman to set the
following priorities:
1 . The six million gallon reservoir on 98th Ave. S.
2. Completion of Clark Springs
3. Roof on three million gallon reservoir on Scenic Hill
4. The six million gallon reservoir on North side
Strain so moved, Woodworth seconded and under discussion, at the request of
the City Engineer, it was ascertained that the 98th Ave. S. six million gallon
tank would be tied into the existing valley system.
HEALTH & North End. A communication was read from Dave Mooney in which he reported that
SANITATION he and Bill Chase met with Senator Warren G. Magnuson and Congressman Brock Adams
Jim Foley, the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Lambert O'Malley of EDA, to
discuss arrangements for 'Auburn, Kent, Tukwila and King County projects on water,
sewer and access road applications for the Green River Valley. Secretary Foley
did indicate' that the cities could move ahead with their bidding procedures on
the job without jeopardizing their applications before the agency. Both Senator
Magnuson and Congressman Adams have expressed their satisfaction that everything
has now been done on the local level and that they will await final approval of
the engineering report by Secretary Foley, which is expected shortly.
Woodworth moved that the bids be cal#ed for and opened on the following
dates, with provisions that each have a holding period of 90 days.
Contract A — May 25th, 1966
Contract B — June 8th, 1966
Contract C — June Ist, 1966
Contract D — June 15th, 1966
Contract E — June 22nd, 1966
Contract F — June Ist, 1966
Contract G June.29th, 1966
Strain seconded, Discussion was,�had on the advisability of calling bids
before all the easements have been secured and the City Attorney noted that
the contracts contain a clause which will protect the city if a delay occurs.
Motion carried. Armstrong voted nay.
North. Ordinance 1345, a Plans & Systems Ordinance for the North Sewage
Treatment Plant and authorizing sewer revenue bonds in the amount _of $800,000.00
was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved to approve passage and
adoption of the ordinance, Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
Ordinance 1346, a construction easement condemnation for LID 250, was read by
the City Attorney. Buxton moved to approve passage and adoption of the
ordinance, Woodworth seconded, motion carried.
The City Attorney read Resolution 555, approving the Des Moines Sewer District
Resolution 1966-12. Pozzi moved to approve passage and adoption of the reso—
lution, Strain seconded, motion carried.
The City Attorney stated that a motion was in order to authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to sign the West Side Soil Conservation document as a part of
the Green River Flood Control project, with the stipulation that this does
not constitute a financial obligation to the City. Woodworth so moved,
Durand seconded, motion carried.
A letter was read from Robert Gaines, Mayor of Auburn, stating that he felt
that Kent, Auburn and South King County should proceed further on discussions
o6 pbtl6tt,on '66ntroi: ',!Strathr-m6vod-fhet,thii'llb tertbpurefirred to the sewer
committee and that they be Instructed to initiate a meeting with interested
cities. Armstrong seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & FIRE Woodworth moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an emergency
ordinance for $ 16, 191 .58 for the Police Department for motorcycles, equipment
and 3 additional patrolmen from June through the end of the year. Pozzi
seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE Armstrong noted that the Bevarrt property is now paid off in full .
EMERGENCY The City Attorney read Ordinance 1343, providing increases for employees .in
ORDINANCE the engineer's office and providing salaries for two new employees. The
public hearing was opened, there were no objections from the floor, and the
hearing was closed. Woodworth moved to approve passage and adoption of the
ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried.
UTILITIES The ordinance regarding an internal utilities tax was held so that water and
other committees may review it. The City Attorney will send a copy of the
proposed ordinance to Strain for study.
FRANCHISE The City Clerk read an application from Colorcable, Inc. for a franchise for a
term of twenty years. for the right to construct and maintain closed circuit
television cables, consisting of poles, crossarms and other appurtenances
attached thereto. Mr. Stone, from Colorcable, stated that they will draw up
a sample ordinance to present to the council. The Mayor requested that Wood-
worth work on this with the City Attorney.
COURT The City Attorney reported that he, along with other attorneys of the area,
had voiced a protest against the decision of the King County Commissioners to
reduce the size of the Aukeen Court District. The statutes provide that the
district. cannot be over 60,000 if it is served by only one judge. The area
will not be reevaluated for another four years now, and this cuts down the
chance of the Aukeen District of having a second judge. - The Commissioners
suggested that the City Attorney seek remedial legilation in the state legis—
lature. Woodworth moved for the', City Attorney to send a letter to the Commi—
ssioners stating the city's objections, Strain seconded, motion carried.
PLANNING Armstrong stated that the Planning Commission should be asked to consider
COMMISSION holding meetings every two weeks. Strain moved for Armstrong to propose this
change to the commission, Durand seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney r._.
stated that the proper procedure would be to recommend to the Planning Comm!-
: ssion that they consider a change in the zoning ordinance, providing for
meetings every two weeks.
LEGISLATION A communication from the AWC was read, requesting That the Chamber of Commerce
endorse Initiative 226. Upon Pozzi 's motion, this was referred to Larry
Woodworth, Strain seconded, motion carried. Woodworth noted that he would
be attending the chamber lunch later in the week. Durand stated he would
see if the Junior Chamber of Commerce would help with this also. '
PARKING METERS A communication from the Kent Chamber of Commerce was read requesting that
the parking meters be removed from the streets now that the six months trial
j period is over. Armstrong moved that this be referred to the Police committee.
Strain seconded, motion carried.
GREEN VALLEY Upon the City Engineer's recommendation, the ordinance approving the plat of
. HEIGHTS Green Valley Heights 05 was held for corrections until May 16th.
MID VALLEY Durand noted that the Council had met with the proponents of the proposed
LAND ANNEXATION Mid Valley Land Annexation and had ascertained that they would assume their
share of the existing bonded indebtedness and that they had agreed to bear
the cost of the publications necessary for the annexation.
GOODWIN The public hearing on the Goodwin Annexation was opened, there were no ob-
ANNEXATION jections from the floor and the hearing was closed. The City Clerk noted
that the waiver for the Board of Review had been received. Strain moved
to approve the annexation and to instruct the City Attorney to draft the
ordinance. Durand seconded, motion carried.
ZONING Kent-West. Ordinance 1340_ approving the rezone of Kent West Associates
from M-1 to C-3 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved to approve
passage and adoption of the ordinance, Strain seconded, motion carried.
Commonwealth Investors. Ordinance 1341 , approving the rezone of Commonwealth
Investors from C-1 to C-3 was read by the City Attorney. Durand moved to
approve passage and adoption of the ordinance, Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
City of Kent. Ordinance 1342, approving the rezone of the City of Kent from
M-1 to C-3 was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved to approve passage and
adoption of the ordinance, Durand seconded, motion carried.
Ordinance 1344, amending the business license ordinance, was read by the
City Attorney. Armstrong moved to approve passage and adoption of the ordi-
nance, Strain seconded, motion carried.
A letter from the Police Chief was read stating that his vacation began May 2,
1966 and during his absence Lleutenanc McQuery will be in charge of the Police
Department. Woodworth moved that the letter be placed on file, Armstrong
seconded, motion carried.
j A letter from the King County Mental Health-Mental Retardation Planning
Committee was read requesting that the City of Kent take action through a
resolution to affirm the joint cooperation between this community and the
Planning Committee. Upon Durand's motion, the matter was referred to the
City Attorney for further study. Strain seconded, motion carried.
The Mayor stated that he, the City Engineer and Mr. 0. Putnam of Puget Sound
Power & Light will attend a meeting on May 3, 1966 at the Seattle Chamber of
Commerce to hear an announcement on plans of Overmyer Warehouse locating in j
Payroll for April , 1966 430147. 18
Current Expense 40511.29 Interest Bearing Vlarrants LID 249
Vlater 1, 107. 10 Tri-State Const. 16,759.05
Water Construction 30.62 Austin Construction 60430.90
Street 2 270.63 '
Sewer 972.53 LID 250
Garbage 1,220.49 -----
Library 59.32 Pioneer Nat ' l Title Ins. Co.
Park 1, 187.61 4,801.80
Firemens Relief & Pension 138.00 Richard F. Murray 832.50
n�— Respectfully submitted,
eVJe s , City C ler�c