HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/03/1966 -----------
Kent, Washington j
January 3, 1966
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present : Councilmen:
Armstrong, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Berelter.
In the absence of Mayor Thornton, Councilman Pozzi served as Mayor pro tem.
Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion.
STREETS Freeway. Sherwood reported he had had discussion with the Highway Department
and recommended that the city go on record that we will fine grade the strips
adjacent to freeway, from 4th Avenue to the Milwaukee tracks and also under-
take the seeding and planting of trees and necessary maintenance thereof.
t,btion so made and passed. It was noted that the trees could be obtained with-
out charge and that the Park Department would do the maintenance work.
A letter was read from C. G. Prahl, clarifying the misunderstanding between
the state and the city and confirming that the interchange location where the
East-West highway intersects with the Valley Freeway will be north of Willis
Street and that the location of the East-IJest highway only as far East as 4th
Avenue is acceptable to the City of Kent. He further stated that planning
for the location of the East-'Jest highway easterly of 4th Avenue is being
withheld until our planning consultants have completed their study. By motion,
the letter was placed on file.
jA letter was read from Mr. Garmt Nieuwenhuis of the Western Processing Company
suggesting that the Valley Freeway and the East Valley highway each be made
one-way. By motion this letter was placed on file.
James. Pozzi reported that due to inclement weather, work on James Street
wasn't as yet finished but that it is ready for blacktop and the signals are
Traffic Control. Woodworth questioned the City Engineer regarding response to
the city's various requests from the State Highway Department. It was determined
that no answers had been received as yet.
WATER Strain noted that the city had a chance to buy the lot containing the reservoir
and pump in the Derbyshire area from Big K through Wheeler Realty. It was
ascertained that the price of the property was $3300 gross, and Strain opined
that this was a good price considering the cost of the equipment contained
j therein. A motion was passed to purchase the lot for $3300 gross, contingent
upon a letter from the People's Bank stating that the reservoir and facilities
are free and clear. Mr. Wheeler was present and stated that such a letter
would be forthcoming from the bank.
A motion was passed for the City Clerk to write to each water district asking
them for information on existing or proposed extensions of mains or on annexations
North End. Reference was made by the City Attorney to a letter from Hill and
Ingman regarding the amount due Hansen Construction Company for the LID 246
project. It was noted that attorneys for the City Transfer have filed notice
with the city that they have not been paid by Hansen for work done on this job.
Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, a motion was passed to protect i
the interest of City Transfer before payment to Hansen is made.
Strain reported that Mr. Harvey Littler moved his house from the path of the
freeway to 424 N. Kennebec and felt that he should not have to pay any more
than $ 100 for a water connection, since he had paid it before. Strain stated
that he felt this was correct and he signed the application, however, after
looking into State Laws, the City Treasurer sent Mr. Littler a letter saying
he had to pay acreage charge and front footage charges in amount of $170 in
addition to the $ 100 he had already paid. A motion was passed for the City
Clerk to send a letter to Mr. Littler advising him that the City has taken
this under advisement and under state laws we are obligated to charge him
this amount.
Strain reported on the controversy over the connection charges for Pennington's
property. Strains motion was passed to accept the sum of $250 per lot ($750
total ) as Pennington's total connection fee for water service, on the grounds
that there was a water line serving the .property at the time he purchased it.
HEALTH & North.^ Mooney reported that Hill & Ingman were proceeding on engineering on
SANITATION the proposed North End LID for sewer facilities and that the public hearing
would probably be held in February.
South Sewer. Mooney moved for approval of Estimate No. 4 in the amount of
$53,708. 17 for Tri-State Construction Co. Motion carried.
I !
Lagoon. Mooney moved that the City Attorney proceed in acquisition of a 60
foot right-of-way into the lagoon on 212th. Motion carried.
Flood Control. Strain moved for the Mayor to be authorized to sign approval
of a King County Resolution for the formation of the Green River Flood Control
Zone District. Discussion was had as to whether this action would commit the
the City financially. The City Attorney stated that he was not as knowledge-
able in this field as he would like to be but that it was his impression that
before any sizeable amount of money could be spent, the district would have
to have authorization of the voters. He further noted that the hearing for
the creation of the district will be held in the commissioners chambers at
9:30 a.m. on January 10th and urged the City Engineer to attend. The approval
by the City must be filed before the zone can be formed. If no action is taken,
approval is assumed. Sherwood noted that this is the most logical way to handle
this drainage. problem, and though one city couldn't do the job alone, the
drainage district could. Motion carried.
The City Clerk was instructed to have the Street and Water Superintendents
supply the City Engineer with information as to how much space they will need
for a new layout. It was determined that the state has not as yet contacted
the city with regard to purchasing the city shops.
Lagoon Site. Armstrong noted that the leases for Narita and Reano were now up j
for renewal. It was thought that Narita's lease could be renewed until 1967
but some question was raised concerning Reano's lease. Ramsey reported that
a large pumping station would most likely be located on the site Reano. has
leased and therefore the buildings might have to be removed during 1966. By
motion, the renewal of the leases was ordered held over until the next meeting.
Garbage,,_ Mooney reported that in a demonstration recently, a packer picked up
the garbage for the business district in one pickup compared to two pickups
with present equipment. fie recommended that Sherwood send a reminder to the
business people to return the forms within next two weeks, so we would have a
better picture as to the industries' reactions to the dumpster proposed. Thus
far, the majority are in favor of it. A recommendation will be made by the
committee- after Mr. Buxton returns.
ZONING A letter from the City Engineer was read recommending that an area East of
Thompson now zoned M-I be rezoned to C-3. By motion this was referred to the
Police Comm.
BEST CREST A public hearing was opened on the West Crest plat. There were no objections !
from the floor and the public hearing was closed by motion.
Ordinance 1330 approving the plat of West Crest was read and passed by motion.
UTILITY TAX The City Attorney noted that any comments regarding the proposed utility tax
ordinance should be forwarded to him as soon as possible.
Payroll for Dec. 1965 40,061.27
Current Expense 3,021.34
Water 1,701.82
Water Construction 36,503.92
Street 1 ,516.66
Arterial Street Fund 347.97 Interest Bearing Warrant;
Sewer 1, 164.53 LID 249
Sewer Construction 1,500.00 0123 - Hill & Ingman 2,891.41i
Garbage 1,444.39 0124 - Tri-State Cons. 53,708. 17
Library 48. 18
Park 1, 154.71
Parking Meter 17.25
Interest Bearing Warrant: LID 246
0123 - Kent News Journal $ 18.90
0124 - Hanson Excavating Co. Inca $15,919.45
0125 - City Transfer $ 1003.76
Respectfully submitted,
Alex hornton Marie Jens
Mayor City Clerk