HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/04/1965 Kent, Washington October 4, 1965 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, and accepted by motion. WATER North. Sherwood recommended that the city accept the completed contract for LID 246 and that monies due the contractor be withheld as part of the liquidated damages due the City of Kent. Motion so made and passed. i Sherwood requested that date of the final hearing for LID 246 be changed from October 16 to November I. Motion so made and passed. I BIDS - East Hill Water. The following bids were read on the one-million gallon stand- pipe: Chicago Bridge & Iron: $98,890.00; Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co. : $99,319.00 and American Pipe & Construction Co. : $ 106,792. 10. Mr. Besslinger of Pittsburgh-Des Moines pointed out that Chicago Bridge & Iron had included a clause In their bid which qualified the bid and could possibly allow for extra time in completing the job. He noted further that time on such bids as these was the same as money. A letter which was delivered to the City Clerk from Mr. Tredwell was read, explaining that the clause in question was meant as a clarification to the general conditions contained in the specifications. A motion was made and seconded to award the bid to Chicago bridge & Iron, provided that the clause in question be deleted. Under discussion, the City Attorney recommended an executive session, and a motion was passed for the council to adjourn. By motion, the council reconvened. A motion was passed to award the bid to Pittsburgh-Des Moines on their bid of $99,319.00. There were 5 bidders for the modification to the Park Orchard Pump Station: Austin, Shoreline, Crown, Hoagland and Casebolt. By motion, the bid was awarded to the Austin Co. upon their low bid of $17,600.00. There were 10 bidders on the East Hill Water Mains project. Motion passed to award Schedule No. I of this bid to Shoreline Construction Co. low bidder at $72,055.95. A motion carried to award Schedule No. 2 to Shoreline, low bidder at $20,839.50. Strain noted that funds for these projects were included in the bond issue for the 2nd transmission line. Clark Springs. Strain made a motion that we give 30' easement to Mrs. McClelland from the Ravensdale Road to her property on the far western side of our property for ingress and.egress. Armstrong made an amendment to the motion to include a nominal fee to be set by the Chairman of the Water Committee with power to act. The amendment passed over Mooney's nay. The motion carried over Woodworth's nay. I HEALTH & Armstrong moved that Lige Dickson's bill, in the amount of $8,699.72 be included in t SANITATION tonight's claims and that payment be authorized at such time as the contractor presents the City Clerk with a signed voucher. Motion carried. A motion was passed for the City Clerk •to write a letter to the Highway Department asking them to put in the crossing on 84th Avenue so there would be adequate drainage so as to absolve the city from claims for further flood damage. Rooney noted that the privy constructed by the Jolly Roger Motorcycle Club was still in existence, and .moved for the City Attorney to be instructed to enforce the ordinance. it was noted that the City Engineer had written to the club some time ago regarding this infraction. Motion passed. i i TRAFFIC A copy of a letter to Norwood Cunningham, from the State Highway Commission, was read CONTROL reporting that their traffic survey showed that a traffic signal in the Norpac vicinity on the East Valley Highway is not indicated at this time. It was further reported that a left'-turn lane would be considered in the future. Motion carried to place letter on file. I CONFERENCES A motion was passed authorizing Glen Sherwood and Joe Engeln to attend the APWA & CONVEN- Meeting October 13, 14 and 15 in Spokane, and for Marie Jensen and Robert Walker to TIONS attend the Finance Officers Meeting also in Spokane October 20, 21 and 22. i Mayor Thornton congratulated Noel Bicknell upon having been named president of the Valley Regional Planning Association, and commended him for his many civic contribu- tions to the city. i CITY It was noted that the state would take part of the city shops for the proposed freeway, j PROPERTY and the city should be contemplating a new location. This was referred to the Building Committee and Buxton stated he would arrange a meeting for discussion. Gib Kendall asked that Department Heads also be asked to attend. . FINANCE A motion was passed authorizing the City Treasurer to reinvest $80,000 together with an additional $20,000 of Arterial Street funds in 180-day treasury notes. i i RICHARDS HYLINE A public hearing was opened on Richards Hyline Acres Annexation. There were no ACRES objections and the hearing was closed. A motion was carried for adoption of Ordinance No. 1317, approving the annexation. Zoning for this property will be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting October 12th. I 1966 Public hearing opened on the proposed 1966 Budget. The budget was read aloud and BUDGET it was suggested that a meeting be held with the appropriate King County people in order to arrive at a satisfactory agreement concerning the salary of the Recreation Director. The public hearing was closed. Motion passed to adopt Ordinance No. 1318, for the 1966 Budget. Motion carried to pass the Tax Levy Ordinance No. 1319. Motion carried to adopt Ordinance No. 1320 establishing the annual salary t6r -the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. i PAYROLL FOR SEPTEMBER, 1965 - $40,926.43 CLAIMS FOR OCTOBER 4, 1965, APPROVED BY MOTION AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense 10,782.62 Garbage 661.37 Water 11,915.71 Library 372.91 Water Construction 4,372.27 Park 346.97 Street 10,738.07 Parking Meter 30. 18 Sewer 1, 190. 14 LID 245 5.00 Sewer Construction - 5,347.67 Interest Bearing Warrants: LID 246 - Hill & ingman 76.86 LID 249 - Hill & Ingman 2,544.45 i Austin Construction Co. 11,785.93 Tri-State Construction Co. 13,301.01 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:50 arie J en City Clerk I I I I' i I I I I I I � i i 'I I I