HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/20/1965 Kent, Washington iSeptember 20, 1965 the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Regular meeting of Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth, City Engineer Sherwood, City Attorney Bereiter Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed and accepted by motion with the following corrections: ( I ) Under South Sewer, page 3, should read $433,000; (2) Under Parks, page 3, should read Mill Creek Canyon instead of Canyon Mill. Clerk's, Treasurer's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion. been in touch with the Geological Survey office. WATER Icy Creek. Sherwood advised he had They have been continuing to guage the stream even though the controls have been washed out,, however the guaging is not as accurate as it had been before. An appointment has been made with them to discuss building a stairway to the guaging station and discussion will be held as to who will install same. East Hiil. Strain advised bids for East Hill water facilities would be submitted September 30. Hamilton Road Community Water Co. Strain reported he had written to the Hamilton Road Community Water Co., Kent, advising them of the action necessary for the city to take over this system, and is awaiting their reply. A letter was read from Mr. Don Orr, Kent Public Schools, concerning a water hookup for a proposed elementary school in the vicinity of 118th Ave. S.E. Strain made a motion that we write him a letter advising it is now feasible for the City of Kent to furnish water to this area. HEALTH AND 84th Avenue. The City Engineer reported that the pipe line for the 84th Avenue SANITATION storm sewer is in and the contractor should be able to complete the manholes and shoulder restoration. He has been in daily contact with the State Highway i Department, but as yet-they have not put in the crossing. Crest Ave. Pozzi advised there had been quite a number of people at the meeting re the storm sewer on Crest Avenue. He and the City Engineer will meet again with these people to give them an Idea on the probable cost of an LID. The property owners have indicated their willingness to temporarily repair the situation them— selves, if necessary. South End. Mooney advised Tri—State making good progress on the south sewer project; North End. . Mooney reported that the committee had advised Hill & Ingman to have the easements prepared and ready for the property owners so we can meet with them by the first week in October. A letter was read from Mrs. E. Stacie reporting that she is billed for a sewer connection though it is impossible for her home to be connected, and requesting a refund. A motion was passed to refer this to the Sewer Committee with the power to act. Mayor Thornton suggested meeting with McLean and Co. soon regarding water and sewer II connection charges. The meeting was set for I :00 p.m., Tuesday, September 28 at' City Hail. STREETS Traffic Control. Woodworth reported that as soon as the John Graham Co. completes their study of the traffic flow pattern, consideration will be given to the matter of stop signs on Harrison at 4th Avenue. Woodworth advised that per Armstrong's suggestion, a couple of parking spaces had been removed near the intersection of Ward and State Streets, thereby eliminating a dangerous situation. Crossing on James Street. A motion was carried for the city to send a letter to the NPRR stating that the city intends to go ahead with the work at Ist Avenue and i James Street on October I, and to further advise them that we expect them to fulfull their agreement with the city in regard to this work. It was noted that the Water Department had some work to do there while the crossing is closed, and the City ' Engineer was asked to coordinate the work. i Extension of Marion Street. A communication from the Planning Commission was read recommending the extension of Marion Street to tie=in with the proposed plat of j ng was set for the October 18th meeting. VJynwood. By motion a public hear! Freewa . Mooney reported that some people who lived in the path of the freeway were 'l buying property in order to move their homes. He asked that the newspapers caution prospective buyers to check with the Engineer's office as to the amount of land required for a home in the various zoning categories. i BIDS Bids on Pipes. Three bids were read on cast iron pipe from ( 1 ) Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., (2) Western Utilities Supply Co., and (3) United States Pipe and i Foundry Co. By motion, the bid was awarded to Western Utilities on their low bid of $3.41 ft. for 10" pipe, and $2.59 ft. for 8" pipe after their letter was read stating that the pipe would be of ASA thickness Class 22, of 21/45 iron with no reduction in wall thickness. j FAIRFIELD Sherwood recommended that improvements in Fairfield addition be accepted by city so ADDITION plat can be filed. Notion carried. ARMSCREST On the City Engineer's recommendation, a motion was passed to approve the improvements #4 in Armscrest #4 and to release the plat bond. OXFORD Sherwood recommended that the bill of sale for water mains and sewer lines in the ADDITION vicinity of the Oxford addition be accepted and the bill of sale be recorded with the County Auditor. BUILDING Buxton advised that remodeling of the City Hall should be completed by the next meeting. METERS Mayor Thornton said many people living in the path of the freeway who plan to move their homes to new locations were disturbed over the fact that they may be required to pay for another water meter. Woodworth moved that matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion passed. PRELIMI— Mooney requested that the budget allow for one extra man for the Sewer Department. NARY Mayor Thornton reported that copies of the preliminary budget were on file with the BUDGET City Clerk and requested that any requests for changes be made promptly. Strain will meet with Mrs. Hogan to discuss the Park Department budget. UTILITIES A letter was read from the new Mayfair Market wherein they suggested a utility collection station where, customers could pay their water, garbage and sewer, bills. A motion was passed that a letter be written to Mr. Rettig, Mayfair Markets, advising him that it would be impossible for the City of Kent to enter into an agreement like this.' RICHARDS A letter was read from Mr. Ralph Stender reporting that the King County Commissioners HYLINE have agreed to waive the Board of Review proceedings in the matter of the Richards ACRES Hyline Acres annexation. It was noted that the Mayor has also agreed to dispense with ANNEXATION the Board of Review in this case, and by motion a public hearing was set for the October 4th meeting. ZONING Chase Rezone. Ordinance No. 1316, amending Ordinance No. 1312, correcting the legal description was read and passed by motion. ARTERIAL Resolution No. 547, amending the Six—Year Arterial Street Plan, was passed by motion. STREET PLAN The City Engineer opined that the state would have to approve the project before gas money could be used to purchase the house to allow for the extension of Gowe Street. Mooney moved that Street Committee meet with City Attorney and City Engineer and be empowered to act on acquiring this piece of property. i PROPOSED Woodworth announced the proposed ordinance for licensing cats will be prepared for the ORDINANCE next meeting. LIGHTS Armstrong noted that M-. Peretti had requested that the city consider street lights for Benson Crest. By motion this was referred to the Street Light Committee. ( PARKS Mayor Thornton requested the City Attorney to amend the ordinance creating the position j Pf Recreation Director and Superintendent of Parks so that the salary paid for each position will be clear. The City Attorney reported that a Real Estate Contract had been executed with Charlie Waller for a piece of property in Mill Creek Canyon. A Park Department voucher in the amount of $2, 100, representing a partial payment, is included in the claims for tonight's meeting. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS, BY MOTION: Current Expense 2, 156.37 Garbage 433.04 Water 799.29 Library 507.00 Street 6,091.01 Park 2,354.53 Sewer 416.38 Parking Meter 113.71 LID 246 Interest Bearing Northern Pacific Railway — $496.43 j MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:07 p.m. Marie Jen e City Cler 1