HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/07/1965_ I Kent, Washington June 7, 1965 I ,I I Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, trong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain, Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter,' City Councilmen: Arms City Engineer Sherwood. j Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, and accepted by motion. i WATER East Hill Strain reported that the plans and specifications for the East Hill tank site were proceeding and that a lower bid could probably be obtained later when the contractors weren't so busy. James Street A motion was passed giving the Water Committee the power to act in arr- anging for the water lines to be laid under the tracks on James Street. The City Eng- ineer was instructed proceed as soon as possible so as not to delay the extension of James Street. Derbyshire Ordinance 1300, adopting a system or plan of additions to the water system by purchasing the Derbyshire Water Company, and providing for the issuance of interest bearing warrants to cover the cost of same until the water revenue bonds are sold, was read and passed by motion. It was ascertained that there was no real property involved. Rates & Policies It was noted that the City Attorney was working on an ordinance cov- ering changes on acreage charges for both sewer and water. Mooney F3tated that he want ed the changes to be effective before fall. HEALTH & Bereiter reported that he was working on an ordinance covering the use of privies in SANITATION the city. Plant A petition containing 108 signatures was presented by Mr. Carter. The signa- tures protested the foul odor coming from the treatment plant on the Russell Road, and i asked that the city take action to alleviate the situation. Kristofferson reported that the odor was caused from sauerkraut juice having been dumped into the sewer, and that there seemed to be no chemical that would combat this odor. Mooney suggested that!, Western Processing Company be contacted to see of they had some use for the kraut juice, and the City Engineer was instructed to check into this and report back in a week. School A motion was passed authorizing Kristofferson and Schrantz to attend a school on sewage treatment in Pullman, June 9th to Ilth. LIGHTS Durand moved for a letter .to be sent to Mr. Putnam of PSP&L, stating that the city had no objection to a mid-August starting date for the installation of the mercury vapor lights. Motion passed. BIDS Bids were read on cars for the Police Department. Valley Garage's bid for two cars, with trade-in allowances for two cars was low at $ 1,749.00 including tax for two. A motion was passed for the bid to be awarded to Valley Garage, if the Purchasing Agent so recommended. Bids on a single car, with no trade-in were read, and Strain's bid was,,, read as low at $2,099.63. A motion was passed to so award the bid, if the Purchasing Agent so recommended, with Ted Strain abstaining from voting. It was later found that Valley Garage's bid for a single car was low at $2, 177.88. Strain's bid at $2,099.63 did not include all of the items specified. By letter, Strain's declined the bid, and, upon the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent, the bid was awarded to Valley Garage. STREETS Freeway Discussion was had on the East-West Expressway and the Council agreed that arguing over the proposed route might delay the completion of the Valley Freeway. A letter from Jim Curran on the subject was read, and amotion was passed to place it on file. It was noted that the East-West Expressway project was some eight to ten years in the future, and noted also that the city had requested the John Graham Company to spend no more time on alternate route studies'. Woodworth noted that progress was lagging on the Valley Freeway between Renton and Kent, and moved for a letter of inquiry to be sent to the Highway Department. Motion passed.'; S 212th Sherwood reported that the county plans to complete the bridge, and the state plans to have the S 188th Freeway interchange finished by Nov., 1966. Boeing, there- fore, has requested that the city schedule the improvements to S 212th to coincide with this date. Present plans call for adding a 6' strip to the street to make the two lanes wider. No cost has been estimated as yet. The matter was referred to the Street Committee for study with instructions to report back at the next meeting. It was noted that the City Engineer should be included in the discussion. FIREWORKS Woodworth noted that the applications for permits to sell fireworks inside the city were all in order and had been approved by the Fire Chief. His motion to approve the permits was passed. ZONING Carpinito & Hartnett A public hearing was opened on the application of Carpinito & l I Hartnett for a rezone from R2 to C3 and MI. There were no objections and it was ascer- tained that the Planning'Commission had recommended that it be approved. The public hearing was closed, and the City Attorney was instructed to draft the ordinance. ARMSCREST Ordinance 1301, approving the plat of Armscrest #5 was read and passed by motion. #5 LIBRARY Pozzi made a motion for a letter to be sent to the Library requesting that they make a report on how much it would cost to have the city run the library, and requesting that such a report be presented within two months. Motion passed. Mooney's motion for the library to make a breakdown shoeing how many users Five outside the city for the next six months was passed. Mayor Thornton was requested to see if he could have the Library problem put on the agenda for the AWC convention. Mayor Thornton's reappointment fo Gertrude Fox to the Library Board was confirmed by the Council. , BUILDING Buxton reported that bids for further remodeling of the City Hall would be forthcoming soon. Sherwood reported that the Army Engineers had inspected the building and that the city was eligible for federal funds to cover the repairs which came to approximately $1800. BRISCOE A motion was passed to accept the 10% petition filed for the annexation of the Briscoe ! ANNEXATION School after it was ascertained that the petitioners would assume the existing bonded Indebtedness of the city. MUSEUM A letter was read from the White River Historical Society proposing that Kent share in the cost of a museum to be owned jointly by Kent and Auburn. The proposed loca- tion is at S 276th, partly in Kent and partly in an area to be annexed by Auburn. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for study. ! CLAIM A letter from the State Attorney General 's Office regarding a claim for damages to a state-owned car, driven by Mr. Campbell, was referred to Bereiter. PLANNING Mayor Thornton announced that the John Graham Company would present an off street park- ing and traffic analysis on Wednesday at 9:30 AM in the City Hall. He requested that the following people be notified and requested to serve on a citizen's committee on off street parking: Lou Kheriaty, Bob Coen, Don Bell, Jr, Don Bogard, Jim Curran, Pete Curran, Tom Bailey, Clarence Shoff, Roy Rugg, Howard Edline, Jim Bouer, and Don Walker. AWC The Mayor noted that the AWC convention would be held in the Winthrop Hotel next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The secretary was instructed to secure an agenda from the AWC. A notice from the AWC announcing a Park Dept. workshop on Friday, June 18th in Tacoma was referred to Barney Wilson. VISITORS Janeile Schmitt and Georgine Mills, Kent's representatives to Girl 's State at Ellensburg ', were welcomed to the meeting by Mayor Thornton. The third candidate, Renate Rekevics, was unable to be present. I A group from Kent Junior High studying city government were also present. They inclu- ded: Mike Foster, Ron Ness, Lowell Walmsley, Mark Johansen and Ellen Reiten. Homer Paulson appeared before the Council to protest the action taken by the street foreman last week which resulted in Paulson's discharge. Mayor Thornton stated that this was not a matter for Council action, and that both he and Kendall would meet with Paulson to discuss it. i (, CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $6,448. 14 Fire Station Construction 4,824.82 Water 2,836.46 Water Construction 3,000.00 Street 7,267.00 Alex Thornton Sewer 1,207.07 Mayor. Sewer Construction 1,500.00 Garbage 670.69 Library 107.00 j Park 784.96 Parking Meter 36.07 LID 230 10.84 j Interest Bearing Warrants: LID .246 Hill & Ingman 421.40 LID 249 Dames &.Moore 4,658.82 LID 249 Hill & Ingman 6,435. 11 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. _c Bridge City Clerk i