HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1965 May 3 , 1965 j Kent, Washington jRegular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present : , Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodwortht City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, and accepted by motion. Clerk's and Treasurer's Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file. i , WATER Derbyshire Discussion was had on the purchase of the Derbyshire Water Co. It was ascertained that the City Attorney would have to draft an or- dinance to establish a special fund to cover this expenditure. The agree- ment was read by Mr. Bereiter and a motion passed for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to execute the contract and bill of sale. East Hill - A motion was passed for the City Attorney- to prepare the necessary documents to annex the tank site on Fast Hill recently purchased from the Martells, after it was ascertained that the city would use this site for muncipal purposes. A motion was passed for the firm of Dames & Moore to be engaged to make ! a soil investigation of this site , if the estimated cost for their serv- ices is satisfactory. Strain noted that a one million gallon tank, ele- vated 100 feet would be located on this site. Ranney Well Site A motion was passed for the City Attorney to look into the Ranney Well situation and to report back to the council. Water District 58 A motion was passed for the Mayor, the City Engineer and the Water Committee to meet with officials of WD 58 to come to some agreement as to the boundaries. It was decided that the City Officials would attend the district 's regular meeting on May llth at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the matter. HEALTH & North Mooney reported that the sewer plans for the north end looked SANITATION favorable and that Hill & Ingman were preparing the necessary papers to submit to the government for a federal loan. He opined that the project would be completed in late 1966.. TYie City Engineer was instructed to write to the land owners in the area, so that the Council would have assurance that the majority are in favor of the project. Woodworth comm- ended Mooney on the fine job done in conducting the survey to ascertain the feelings of all concerned. Air Pollution A report was read from Fred Frazier on a meeting he had attended in Seattle regarding air pollution. A copy of Seattle 's ordin- ance covering air pollution will be forwarded to the Health & Sanitation ! Committee for study. Garbage Trucks A letter was read from Judge Fiori concerning an accident involving one of the city's garbage trucks, and expressing concern over the procedure used in collecting the garbage. Sup't. Kendall reported that the circumstances were unusual and that it was the driver's fault.. STREETS Woodworth's motion was passed for the City Engineer to send a letter to Olympic Pipe Co. instructing them to repair the sidewalk on First Ave. I and to use Fourth Ave for ingress and egress in the future. The City Attorney was authorized to take action if they fail to comply. Freeway The City Engineer reported that the State Highway Department has requested approval of several rights of way and needed an immediate answer so that additional public hearings would not have to be held. It was ascertained that the overpass at 4th Ave was provided for in the ori- ginal resolution, and is not shown on these drawings because the drawings depict the rights of way plans only. A motion was passed to approve the rights of way plans for frontage roads as shown on the drawings. James Street The City Attorney reported that he hoped to have some word from the Milwaukee Railroad on the James Street crossing by Friday. He further advised that a hearing vefore the State Utilities and Transport- ation Commission since the agreement was reached on a negotiation basis. The Commission will check the information supplied by both the city and the railroad, and, if satisfied, will approve the crossing. Bereiter stated that it would take from two to four weeks for them to have an investigator assigned to this. Pozzi reported that the funds for paying j the railroad would come from the cent gas tax fund. i Discussion was had on the installation of water lines under the tracks in this area before the extension of James is completed.. Sherwood was inst- ructed to proceed with such plans. He estimated the cost to be approxim- ately $2,000, which would be covered by funds from the water construction fund. ZONING Rugg Ordinance 1296, amending Ordinance 1294, by correcting the legal description for the Rugg rezone, was read and passed by motion. ! ( LIGHTS Resolution 540 , authorizing the sale of the city's light standards to Puget Power was read and passed by motion. The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the bill of sale. A 20,000 lumen light was authorized for 4th & Crow, in front of the new fire station. . I ( PLATS Armscrest #5 Upon the City Engineer's recommendation, a public hearing was set for the May 17th meeting on the Armscrest ##5 plat. Cambridge Sherwood recommended that the streets and utilities of i Cambridge be accepted, subject to minor correction. Motion so made and passed. � I i Fairfield The City Engineer recommended that the plat of Fairfield be accepted, subject to minor corrections. Motion so made and passed. I SAFETY Bob Carroll announced that the Safety Council would like to organize COUNCIL a committee for the study of handling radio-active material. Bereiter reported he would provide Carroll with a copy of the state statutes covering same. Mayor Thornton requested Carroll to contact the Police Chief and the Fire Chief on forming a committee. !CITY HALL The Building Inspector reported that some damage had been done to the City Hall during last week's earth quake, and the City Engineer was in- structed to engage a structural engineer to check the building as soon as possible. It was noted that a large public hearing was scheduled for the next meeting. I Retirement System By motion, a letter was authorized to the Statewide City Employees Retirement System concurring with the plans of Charles Bridges, City Clerk, to retire before August 1, 1965. LIBRARY Mayor Thornton announced that the King County Library Board had scheduled BOARD a meeting with Kent for Wednesday, May 15th, and urged all who could possibly do so to attend. FIRE DEPT Woodworth noted that the new Headquarters Fire Station had been dedicated ' on Sunday, May 2nd. A letter was read from Don Bogard, certifying that the station had been completed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations as set forth by the city. POLICE An application for a card room license was referred to the Police Comm- COMMITTEE ittee, with the power to act. CONFERENCES AWC A motion was passed designating the Mayor and Durand as voting & delegates at the annual convention of AWC. CONVENTIONS � The bulletin requesting a "Memorandum of Understanding" regarding the ` Puget Sound Regional Transportation Planning Program, was returned by Pozzi, and referred to-the Planning Commission, on his motion. The City Engineer and his assistant were authorized to attend the annual j APWA convention in Wenatchee on May 5th, 6th and 7th. A motion was passed confirming the Mayor's appointment of Owen Buxton as a liason to the King County Fair from Kent. CITY A letter was read from the American Legion requesting permission to PROPERTY level a portion of city property for a parking lot adjacent to the Legion . Hall. By motion this was referred to the Park Board and the Street Comm- ! ittee, with copies of the sketch to be sent to each'. I CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: j Interest Bearing Warrants : Payroll $ 34,885.18 Current Expense 4,982.49 LID 245 Kent News Journal 14.11 Fire Station Constr 2,356.65 LID 2LF6 Hill & Ingman 5$0.54 Water 3 , 489.38 LID 249 Hill & Ingman 4,385.$61 Water Construction 70,191.08 Street 1, $63 .03 Sewer 1,462.24 Sewer Construction 1,909.61 Garbage 955.74 MEETING ADJOURNED 9:35 P.M. Library 63 .89 Park 485•26 Parking Meter 43 .53 LID 233 9. 58 LID 240 6. 55 Chas. Bridges I City Clerk i Alex Thornton, Mayor i