HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/15/1965 Kent, Washington
March 15, 1965
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8.:OOP.M. Present :
Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain
and Woodworth. Also present : City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood,
City Clerk Bridges.
Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed, with this addition,
;approved by motion: "Resolution 536, setting a public hearing date for April
5th, 1965 for the vacation of a portion of 72nd Ave . , was read and passed by
Treasurer 's Reports were submitted, accepted and placed on file, by motion.
WATER ROCK CREEK Sherwood reported he had received a supplemental permit
To a contract covering installations of intake facilities at Rock
Creek, and suggested that the Mayor be authorized to sign same.
Motion so made and passed.
WATER REQUESTS Requests for water service from Miles Drake for the
Q q
proposed plats of Jacobsen's Third Addition and Coates ' Addition,
both in the East Hill Water Company area were presented. A motion
was passed to inform Drake that water could be supplied, provided
the covering; city ordinances were complied with. Strain reported
that Drake had also submitted a request for water for Brumbaugh 's
Homestead Acres Plat. A motion was passed to inform him that the city
will serve water if a proper water district is formed, or if the plat
joins with Water District 105.
A letter was read from Mrs. Minshull requesting approval for a res-
idence on the SW corner of 92nd S & S 202nd to be annexed into Water
District 58, since Kent water will not be extended on 92nd for some
time. The City Engineer reported that the house in question is in-
side the city limits. Strain opined that this would be an infringe-
ment upon our agreement with WD 58. His motion to deny the request
was withdrawn. A motion was passed to refer the request to the Water
Committee for further study.
SECOND LINE Discussion was had on the advisability of releasing the
final payment for Coluccio on the second transmission line. Bereiter
j suggested the following motion: With the understanding that we have
received the okay from the City Engineer that the new water line pro-
ject has been completed to the satisfaction of the engineer 's office,
that the authorization for the final payment to Coluccio be made
with acknowledgement of receipt of the releases from all the parties
except four and the understanding that the final payment will not be
made to Coluccio until there has been received by the City Attorney
a letter, guaranteeing the city that the final four easements have
been complied with and the terms of the contract have been complied
with. Motion so made. Under discussion, it was noted that the con-
tract requires the contractor to secure the releases, and Armstrong
noted that without the releases the job could not be considered com.
plete. Ramsey noted that the final payment had already been delayed
30 days. It was ascertained that the city had worked with Coluccio
before and had found him to be an honorable man and a good contractor.
Bereiter, upon being questioned, stated that once the city had released
the oayment, it would be considered as an acceptance of the job.
Upon a call for the question, no one voted in favor of the motion,
and it was defeated unanimously. The City Attorney was instructed to
explain the city's position to Coluccio.
HEALTH & NORTH Mooney reported that Hill & Ingman were making application on
j SANITATION e_haTf of the city for federal funds for the north sewer project.
Ramsey reported that he would soon schedule a meeting to discuss same.
PLANT A letter was read from the Dept. of Health, Education and
Welfare, reporting that final payment of federal funds had been cert-
ified for the modification of the treatment plant. Letter filed.
GARBAGE Kendall noted that the newpaper would carry an article this
week bringing attention to "clean up week", and also notifying the
public that garbage cans with broken bottoms must be replaced.
CATS Mooney reported that the city seems to be overrun with cats,
and a motion was passed to have the Police & Fire Committee look into
the practicality of requiring cats be licensed.
ORDINANCES Discussion was had upon the delay of a report due on the
feasibility of changing the water and dewer ordinances with reference
i to acreage charges. It was pointed out that the recent illness of
Paul Flint' of McLean & Co. had contributed to the delay. The City
Attorney was instructed to contact someone else in McLean's office,
and to make a report as soon as possible.
SEWER DISTRICT A letter was read requesting Kent 's review and
approval of a resolution of the Des Moines Sewer District. By motion I
this was referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee.
STREETS ARTERIAL PLAN A public hearing was opened on amending the 6 year
arterial plan. Sherwood explained that the amendment would include j
the O'Brien Rd from the Russell Rd to the West Valley Highway,==S. I
240th from Pacific Highway west to the city limits, == a portion of
4th S, from Crowe to Saar, == and would delete portions of Gowe from
4th to the West Valley Highway, == and to delete a portion of Willis
from Naden to the West Valley Highway.
Mr. Hill and Mr. Lamb asked about the city's plans for James St. in the
vicinity of the Benson Highway. Sherwood reported that this area was
included in future plans, but that no date had been. set. Hill &
Lamb reported that speed regulations were constantly broken in the
East Hill School area, particularly during the hours from 6:30 AM
to 8:30 AM and from 3 :30 PM tp 6:30 PM. This was referred to the
Police Committee, and Woodworth requested that license numbers of
speeders be reported directly to the Police Dept.
The public hearing was closed, and a motion was passed for the City
Attorney to draft the resolution necessary to amend the 6 year street
RAILROAD Pozzi made a motion for the Mayor and City Clerk to be
directed to enter into an agreement with the Chicago Milwaukee
Railroad whereby we will pay them $19,804.00 for easements, signals
and expenses connected with extending James Street across the tracks
through to the West Highway. It was pointed out that this had
nothing to do with the Railroad 's franchise. The motion was passed.
The City Engineer was instructed to inform the Northern Pacific that
they will have to move their signals on James as soon as possible so
the city can proceed with the street improvement.
Woodworth reported that he had answered Mr. Magee 's letter about the
blockage of the city streets by trains, and had also sent a letter to
the railroad.
LIGHTS Durand reported that the City Attorney would have the contract with
Puget Sound Power & Light ready for the next meeting.
BUILDING Buxton reported that the new Headquarters Fire Station was almost fin-
ished and that the Fire Dept could probably move in by the end of the
month and that remodeling of the City Hall was already. underway.
BENSON A petition for annexation of the Benson Shopping Center and Benson
CENTER Crest was presented along with a letter from the City Engineer stating
ANNEXATION' that the signatures thereon represented owners of property aggregating
more than 10% of the assessed valuation. A motion was passed for the
city to accept, noting that the petitioners would be required to
accept the bonded indebtedness of the city. A short recess was called
and the Council met with some of the petitioners. Upon reconvening,
it was reported that the petitioners would assume the existing bonded
indebtedness. A second petition for annexation was presented along
with a letter from the City Engineer stating that the signatures
thereon represented owners of property aggregating more than 75% of the
assessed valuation. This petition was accepted by motion. A motion
was passed to convene a Board of Review for 1:00 PM on Wednesday,
March 24th in the Kent City Hall, and a motion was passed to set a
public hearing on this annexation for the meeting of April 5th.
ZONING LENCI A recommendation from the Planning Commission of the Lenci
request for a rezone from MA to M1 has been received. By motion a
public hearing on same was set for the April 5th meeting.
RUGG A recommendation from the Planning Commission on the Rugg
request for a rezone from R1 to C3 has been received. By motion a
public hearing on same was set for the April 5th meeting.
TONELLI ANNEXATION A recommendation has be received from the Planning
Commission on the zoning for the Tonelli Annexation, suggesting the
area be zone R1, R3 , R4 and Ml. A public hearing was set for the
April 5th meeting.
PLANNING A monthly progress report from the John Graham Company was read and
placed on file.
FINANCE A letter from Orman Smith, realtor, regarding the rejection by the
FHA of mortgage insurance for a duplex in Kent was read. By motion,
referred to the Finance Committee for study over Woodworth's and
Strain 's nays.
Current Expense $ 3,429.64
Fire Bond Fund 2,265.77
Water 1,213 .99
Street 5,097.10
Sewer, 1,332•26
Sewer Construction 1, 500.00
Garbage 421•55
Library 30.$0
Park 200.24
LID 241 10. 58
Interest Bearing Warrant, LID 246
Northern Pacific Railway Co
City Clerk
Alex Thornton