HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/04/1965Kent, Washington January 4, 1965 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Armstrong, Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. YTATER Horseshoe Acres (LID 245) A motion for the city to accept the completed project of LID 245 was passed. Transmission Line Ramsey reported that Coluccio Construction Co. almost finished work on the second transmission line. HEALTH & North By motion, authorization was given to the Mayor to sign the SANITATION contract change order agreement with George W. Slater Co. for the north treatment plant. The project will be complete in approximatley, 2 weeks. South Mooney reported that representatives from Hill & Ingman and 1 McLean & Co. would meet to discuss the best means of financing a sewer project in the south end. After program is prepared a meeting will be held with the residents of the area to explain the details and to hear their ideas. Federal Funds Resolution 535, designating Mayor Thornton as the representative of the city and authorizing him to sign all necessary documents.for the federal grant was read and passed by motion. Ordinances It was noted that discussions should be initiated on chainging the water and sewer ordinances. STREETS Freeway Sherwood noted that representatives of the Highway Dept. would be at the City Hall on Jan. 7th from 2 to 5 P.M. and from 6:30 to 8:30 to answer questions on the East-West Expressway and the Freeway. The public hearing will be held in the City Hall on Jan. 8th at 10:00 A.M. Pozzi commended Gib Kendall for the excellent job done by the street crew during the recent snow. Walks Discussion was had on the poor condition of the sidewalks on First Ave. from James to Smith. Strain said he thought that the city would be liable for accidents caused by the faulty.walks. The City Attorney was instructed to check the status of the city's insurance in this area. The City Engineer noted that he had a meet- ing scheduled with the NP Railroad to discuss street improvements in this section. Strain suggested that the owners of the property be notified that if they didn't repair the sidewalks, the city would do so and bill the owners. Parkin; Sherwood reported that he would recommend that parking be prohibited: On Meeker from the Milwaukee tracks West On Central from James North On Smith from Kennebec East to Jason These recommendations will be presented in letter form before the next meeting. Pozzi and Woodworth requested copies prior to the meeting. LIGHTS By motion, the following lights were authorized: GREEN VALLEY: 1 on 250th on the first pole West of 43rd 1 on 248th on the second pole West of 43rd on the corners of 42nd and 43rd on 249th, 250th & 251st 1 on Pole #104, Fast of Titus on Reiten Road. PLANNING Graham Co Mayor Thornton reported that Mr. Cysewski of the John Graham Co. would meet with the city officials on Wednesday morning to discuss the Freeway and to ascertain the city's participation in the study of the planning. The city will. keep track of the man hours spent on this project, as $3,000 in services has been designate( as the city's share. Frank Warnke, legislator for District 30 was welcomed to the meeting by the Mayor. He stated he would back legislation to allow cities to finance off street parking facilities. Warnke also reported that he expected to be assigned to the Highway Committee and would follow the Freeway project with interest. A progress report from the John Graham Co. was placed on file. King County A letter was read from Ding County Planning Comm- ission Dept. offering additional copies of a new County Comp- rehensive Plan at *4.00 each. By motion, the City Clerk was authorized to purchase additional copies for the Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the City Engineer. ZONING A public hearing was opened to discuss the advisability of having public hearings on rezones held before the Planning Commission prior to the hearings held at Council level. There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1281, amending the zoning ordinance (No. 1071) and providing for public hearings to he held hefore the Planning Commission, including notification of same, was read and passed by motion. LIBRARY Mayor Thornton reported that the Library Board had expressed some interest in enlarging the library. The 2 mill levy was discussed and the consensus of opinion was that it could be lowered. The Mayor requested some of the Finance Committee to attend the Board meeting with him on Thursday night. NIKF-AJAX SITE Mrs. Hogan, of the Park Board reported that the price on the 8 acre site had been set at I!'25,000, which would mean a cost of :!'12,500 for the city. By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to write to the GSA to inform them that the city is no longer interested in acquiring the property, thus leaving the way clear for the School District to acquire it. CIVIL SERVICE By motion, the Councilconfirmed the Mayor's appointment of the Civil Service Board for the Fire Dept: Dori Bell, Jr, lIar•old Goedecke, John MacGregor, and Phvliss Mauritsen, Secretary. Mayor Thornton introduced Leslie Flue, who is making a report on city government for his Boy Scout troop. CLAIMS PRFSRNTFD AND ALLOVIL:D AS FOLLOWS: Current ]expense 7)711.91 `rater 3,565•$1 Water Construction 117060.52 Street 2:963.08 Sewer 3,092.56 Sewer Construction 16,385.69 Garbage 406.92 Library 302.02 Park 1)202.18 Parking Meter 28.97 LID 243 5.29 Fire Bond Fund 15743.94 Payroll 30:448.55 Interest Bearing; Warrants LID #245 929.16 LID #246 17,803.69 MEETING ADJOURNED 9:30 P.M. r "Chas. Bridges City Clerk Alex Thornton Mayor