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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/07/1964 ----------- Kent, Washington December 7, 196h Regular• meeting of the Kent, City Council called to order at 8:00 P-111. Present : Ivlavor Councilmen :I-men Thornton City Attorney Bereiter) Armstrong Buxton, Durand, Plooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed , by motion. Treasurer's) Clerk 's and Budget Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file, by motion. WATFR Second Line Strain reported that all of the pipe for the second line was now in place, and that the costs were under the amount bid , thus far. Lester Letters were read from the Dept. of Agriculture and from Senator Jackson's office acknowledging r .celpt of the City's letter and resolution concerning watershed aces, with specific reference to Lester. The letters were placed on file. Mooney reported that the School Board would meet at the Meridian Jr. High on Dec. l7th at 7 :00 P.M. to discuss water problems. Strain in(] the Mayor were asked to attend. Hli:ALT14 & North End By motion, an. extension of time to January l8th, 1r;165 w-',Is SANITATION granted to Slater Construction contractors for the north sewage fac- ilities. Federal Grant A letter was read from the Pollution Control Commission informing the city that Kent has qualified for a grant not to exceed f�44,880. Mooney 'scat-i that a meeting would be called after the first of the year, at which the committee, the City P'.ngineer, and Hill & - Ingman representatives would explain the South end project to the res idents of the area, so as to preclude the expenditure of monies in this area if the residents will not approve the project. STREETS Freeway Mr . McKay and Mr. Dunn of the State Highway Dept. were preseriL to request the City ?s tentative •,approval of the freeway route and the diamond interchange. Discussion was had on the subject of the proposed underpass at Shinn Street. A motion was passed for the city to approve the tentative plans, with a letter authorizing to the State Highway I Dept. indicating that the tentative approval is based on this inclusion : that the grade of the freeway will he kept up to the extent that it will not preclude an underpass at Shinn Street. 14r. McKay explained that the purchase of the rights-of-way would commence about May 19b5, since approvals would have to go through channels after the public hearing in February. House 14ovinE, The Cite Engineer expressed a need for better control by the city over house movers, and requested autorization to work with the City Attorney in drafting an ordinance which would require the movers to furnish a route plan, and a timetable of tile flours during which they expected to be on the cit-ly streets. Mooney reported on the recent re- ports about discourteous police officers directing traffic for a house n the East Valley Highway on Dec . I. moving job o It was explained that these were not Kent Policemen, but were part of an escort service en- gaged b­ the house moving firm. The City Attorney and the City Fngin- eer were authorized to review the ordinance. 9 T I F,E T S S. 240th The City Engineer reported that S 21+0th near the Ilighline Jr 73-o—Ilege would be improved by the County. It was noted that part of this lies within the city limits of Kent and discussion was had as to the manner in which the costs would be divided. Sherwood reported that h ., the Mayor) flozzi and the Chief of Police would meet on Tuesday with - college officials and King County ofFicials. A ieport wrill be made after the meeting. LIGHTS By motion lights were authorized for the following locations, all on the West side of 94th S. : I on the corner of 248th S &194th S 1 on the lst pole ") of pole 24637 I on the 1-st pole S of pole FRANrHISFS White River Water Co An ordinance granting a franchise to the White Fiver Iiiater Company was -introduced by the City Attorney. Discussion was had on the advisability of granting such a franchise for a lof1g -1 period as 25 years. A motion was passed to change the period from 25 to 5 years, with Strain voting nay. Olympic Pipe Line An ordinance to grant a frnachise to the Olympic Pipe Co. was introduced. Action was deferred to allow study of the matter. The City Attorney was requested to study and review all franch- ices now existing and report on same. FINANCE Valley Regional Planning' Commission Armstrong moved for the �',200 budgeted for the Valley Regional Planning Commission be allowed and � be forwarded to them. Motion passed. It was ascertained, by motion, that the city would continue to cont- ribute to the retirement fund for Mr. Cavanaugh, the City Treasurer, for the 1 year extension period. I TAB 'A report from TAB, a data processing service, was referred to tFe finance committee for study. BIDS Van de Vanter Bids were read on the storm sewer job for Van de Vanter By motion, the bid was awarded to W. C. Frost of Renton, low bidder at t23 ,767.40, subject to the aquisition of the necessary easements. 84th Ave. S. City Clerk Bridges read the bids on the storm sewer job on 84th Ave. S. By motion, action on awarding the bid was deferr- ed till the next meeting, pending a meeting with the drainage district representatives. EASEMENT A motion was passed for the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Gerden Clark whereby the city will pay : 1500 for the aquisition of an easement for the Van de Vanter storm sewer. TONFLL,I The second petition for annexation of property owned by August ANNEXATION Tonelli and others was presented, together with a letter from the City Engineer reporting that the signatures represent owners of property aggregating more than 75% of the as:;essed valuation of the area. By motion, a Board of Review meeting was set for 1:30 P.M. on December 16, 1964 ( RAILROAD Pozzi moved for the City Engineer to write to the Northern Pacific Railroad regarding the crossing at James St. & lst Ave. N. and for a copy of the letter to be sent to the Street Committee. Motion passed. PLANNING It was noted that it has been six weeks since a report has been re- ceived from the John Graham Co, and that the city is anxious to have their comments on off street paeking, so that meetings can be arranged with the merchants after the first of the year. Park Site It was noted that a letter from the John Graham Co would be forthcoming stating that the Nike-Ajax site would be unsuitable for park purposes. Mrs. Hogan noted that the Kent School District would get the buildings and the upper 10 acres. A motion was passed for the City Attorney to write to GSA, advising them that the city is no longer interested in acquiring the property for park purposes, after the letter is received from the John Graham Co. PLANNING The City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary documents to COMMISSION• set a public hearing for Jan. 4th, 1965, to discuss an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would require the Planning Commissin n to hold public hearings on rezones. ZONING Kent Industrial Center Ordiance 1277, approving the rezone for Kent Industrial Center from MA to MI was read and passed by motion. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWI?D AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense 5,698.41 Water 1,749.55 Water Construction 170097.12 Street 4:985. 56 Sewer 1, 852 .90 Sewer Construction 30,614. 55 Garbage 392.74 Library 16,764.01 .Park 572.63 Fire Bond Funds 18,793 .36 LID # 245 19,336.48 LID // 246 54, 799.71 I I MEETING ADJOURNED 10:10 PM ;J O h ` Chas. Bridges City Clerk Alex Thornton Mayor I I