HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/19/1964 Kent, Washington CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 11-2-64 October 19, 1964 ADDED ITEM WATER Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilmen: Armstrong, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Two Clerk's Reports and one Treasurer's Report submitted, accepted and placed on file. WATER East Hill Water Co A motion was passed for the city to ratify the bill of sale and the warranty deed whereinthe City of Kent acquires the business of the East Hill Water Company as of October I, 1964, and authorization given the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents. A check, in the amount of $284.92 was accepted by the city as the East Hill Water Company's share of the personal property and real estate taxes for 1964. It was ascertained that the shareholders who are not presently connected will pay a hook-up and meter charge, but will not pay the acreage or front footage charges. Existing hook-ups will be exempt. Second Transmission Line Strain reported that the Johnsons would not allow the con- tractor on their property until the easement had been executed. A meeting was set for Tuesday, the 20th, to discuss the terminology of the easement prepared by the City Attorney. STREETS Reiten Road Pozzi reported that the Reiten Road would be blacktopped by the end of the week. Mayor Thornton asked the City Engineer if the city had acquired the deed from Mr. Rugg to the triangular piece of property at the foot of Reiten Road. Sherwood reported he would check on the legal description. Van de Vanter Storm Sewer A protest against the Van de Vanter Storm Sewer, LID # 248, was read. A letter, signed by eight property owners was introduced, requesting that their names be removed from the petition against the LID. Both communications placed on file. Drainage City Engineer Sherwood reported that the new owners of the Bonel Trailer Court had agreed to grant an easement for the drainage ditch. The Mayor requested that the acquisition of the easement be expeditied so as to be effective before the heavy rains. LIGHTS Durand's motion to have the following 7,000 lumen lights installed was passed: 4 from 42nd Ave. S. around the bend to the Reith Road (near the water tank) I at the corner of 42nd Ave. S. and the Reith Road I on 42nd Ave. S. on pole # 26008 I on the corner of 42nd Ave. S. and S. 261st I on the dead end of S. 261st C) I on the corner of Lake Fenwick Road and the Reith Road F-r I on the Reith Road on pole # 25042 ` A light was also authorized for the corner of the Old Military Road and the Reith Road, �y if investigation deemed it advisable. Durand moved for Puget Power to be authorized to install 4 7,000 lumen lights on 80th S. 4Q U. between the East Valley Highway and 180th. It was pointed out that the installation of these lights, in conjunction with Tukwila's installation of 2 similar lights would in t3W no way change the policing status of the two cities. Kent has elected to install these � � lights as a safety factor only. Motion passed. 0 ? Bereiter reported on the proposal made by Puget Power to buy city-owned standards for C.> $ 12,900. He said that Renton had just signed a simiiar agreement and that he would report further at the next meeting. jPARK Bereiter reported that he had received a letter from GSA, granting Kent an extension ' SITE of time till Jan. 15th, 1965, in which to submit tentative plans for the use of the Ajax-Nike site as a park. I, PARK A request from Barney Wilson for reimbursement of mileage funds spent while on Park & ; BOARD Recreation business for the past year was referred to the Park Board. iZONING A communication was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the rezone request of Kent Industrial Center for MA to M-1 be granted. By motion, a public hearing was set for the Nov. 16th meeting. The Planning Commission also recommends that the original application made by Jackson & Clements be approved, or, if it is desired to rezone a larger area than that described in the original application, the city delay the matter until the John Graham Company renders a report OM t;he. desirability of rezoning the area C-I . A motion was set a public hearing for November 16th passed, with Armstrong and Pozzi voying nay. Mr. Curran objected to the procedure, stating that this is the same rezone that the Council voted to deny. Mr. Thatcher, attorney for the applicants, opined that it was a differnet situation entirely, since it includes more property than the original two lots. PLANNING A letter of resignation from the Planning Commission from Jim Bouldron was read COMMISSION and regretfully accepted. The City Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Bouldron. COMPREHENSIVE A progress report from the John Graham Company on the study of the Kent core area PLAN was read. A motion was passed to have the company send copies of these reports directly to the Councilman so they could be studied at their leisure. The report was placed on file. PIERCE'S Bereiter recommended that the city not spend the. # 3,000 bond money on repairing PLAT the street until errors in the plat were corrected. A motion was passed for the City Attorney to write to Mr. Ranta, spokesman for the group, advising him of these facts. BENSON Armstrong reported that the 757o petition for the Benson Center Annexation would CENTER be completed and submitted again. CITY Armstrong noted that Puget Power had checked, and had found that the fence at PROPERTY the north lagoon site was, indeed, on city property and that it would soon be moved. LIBRARY The Council, by motion confirmed the Mayor's re—appointment of Mrs. Loys Blanton to the Library Board. FIRE One bid was read for the construction of a pump testing pit for the Fire Dept. DEPT The bid, in the amount of $2,875.70, plus tax, from Joe Schwartz Construction Company, was, by motion held over until the Fire Chief returns next week to give his recommendation. FINANCE A communication was read from McLean & Company agreeing to purchase up to $65,000 face value of additional City of Kent Sewer Utility Warrants. The question was raised as to the availability of funds held over from the West Hill sewer project. By motion, the agreement was referred to the Finance Committee, with the power to authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the agreement. CLAIM The claim for damages from the J.C. Penny Cc for alleged faulty water lines was rejected by motion, upon the advice from the City Attorney. EAST HILL Strain moved for letters to be written stating that the City will supply water to PLATS the Highes Ulleland Plat and the Plemmons Plat on the East Hill, now that the transfer of the East Hill Water Company has been completed. CONFERENCES Authorization was given for the city to bear the expenses for Barney Wilson to AND attend the Recreation Annual Convention at Tacoma October 25th, 26th and 27th. CONVENTIONS Authorization was given for the city to bear the expenses for Kristofferson to attend the Pollution Control Conference in Spokane, October 22nd to 24th. Woodworth reported that Officer Hancock had recently completed a course in "Search and Seizure". Armstrong made a motion to approve the following Interest—Bearing warrants to be drawn on the Water Construction Fund: Walter & Pauline Niemczyk $ 1800.00 Glenn & Martha Couch 700.00 Motion seconded and passed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $ 8,081. 15 Water 2,500.00 Sewer 387.05 Street 4,901.96 Garbage 456.85 Library 181.65 Park 148.61 Parking Meter 121.95 Fire Bond Fund 360.00 Meeting Adjourned: 10: 10 P.M. - Chas. ridges City Clerk