HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1964 137 �
Kent , 'rda-hington
July 6, 1964
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at `' :G'O P .Vi. Present :
flavor Thornton, City attorney Bereiter, Councilmen : Arrn�tron�-, Buxton, Durand,
Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth .
I' Tiinutes of tre last meeting al?l,rove)d as pi inted .
Clerk 's report submitted , accepted and placed on file .
WATV 2nd Line strain noted tl!at there were only 4 more easements to obtain for the
2nd supplr line from Clark Springs. The City Attorney reported that he was
waiting for an appraisal of the Northern racific railroad property.
LID 245 Porse Shoe Acres A public hearincr, was opened on the preliminary
assessment row for LIT` 24' . A petition aaairist the LID was introduced ,
contai_nin- 11 sirnatures from � families . Discussion was had with residents
of the area as to the size and location of the water mains . Mooney explained
that the estimated coF�t of the project included the cost of hvdrants and
noted that there were none in the area now. A letter was read from Mrs.
Bertha Delaney requesting tl,ail' a 61' main be :i_ricluded on tIe East side of �.
State and on Rexford Ave . The City Engineer reported that this wasincluded
in the overall plan . A letter from the City 1ngineer was read certii'ving the
estimated cost of the LIT) to be +)58, 022 . 77, of which :�52 , 77u. 53 is to be
r borne by the propert', owners in the district . Pot' letters and the petition
vrere Ilaced on file . Puhlic hearing closed by motion . Ordinance 1254 creati g
the T-ID was read and passed by motion.
North land LTD Strain reported that he had received a letter from f';,ner•son
h',atcFe— urging the city to delete from the North ISnd LII? that iaain running
west from the Vilest Valle,r Yighway on 212th arid, to serve the sewage disposal
plant by a line rurininf7 westward from the West Vallcy highway on an eae:ernent
directly to the plant . Discussion was had as to the a-visability of granting
this request. By motion, the Water Committee was given the power to act in
this matter so the Hain could be deleted if an easement to run a line
to the sewage disposal plant was obtained from vir. I'icardo.
Franchises PTooney rioted the difficulties encountered over franchises when the
city annexed new areas . The Cite Attorne,r was a:-!ied to study the statues
covering same and make a recommendation.
ITFALTI' ;0TD Treatment Plant A 3(.' day time extension was granted to Highline Ilumbin
SAr'TTATION 8c, Beating for the modifications to the Treatment I'lant .
rarbare City Attorney Lereiter reported that an agreement had been reached
with Iiiicmanus whereby he would pay `N; .CC per month for, each of the '8months
he has been in arrears, . Authorization wis riven to the City Treasurerto .de-
termine thn garbage rate For c:icl� motel delendinr upon the volume .
Claims Letters from the City Attorney were read recornrnending that the claims
of both Firs . Harold R. Ieterson and 'luilliams Janes Calvert be rejected . 14oti qJ
so made , seconded. and passed.
LIGIrT° Citlr Attorney Bereiter reported that he had received information from the
Association of 'llashin ton Cities regarding the purchase of the city' s light
fixtures by Puget Sound. Power �, L;aht . lie reported that after considering
their- information and doing; some research on the nuns-tion, he thou;-;ht that the
city would have to f-;et an appraisal of the facilities , call for bids, and
publish a notice of hearing. Ile stated tie would rel;ort further as soon as he
acouired more information.
Armstrong made a motion for the City Clerk to be authorized to sell Water
Utilities ';Jarrant- up to the amount of 1'.50G, (:CU to 'IcLean w Co. , with interes
not to exceed 4"`. [,lotion passed .
FIT" STATIC" Armstronrr made a motion for the cit�r to call for, bids for the proposed
new fire stations. on Julir 20th , said bids to be awarded on August 3rd .
P'lotion pas=-ed .
ICLTC7 ',rloodworth reported his committee would meet with the City Officials this
C011,1ITT117 week to discuss tl•e taxi ordinance anr' the felon registration ordinance .
YVI"T S'JTI" Pete Curran reported that the Kent Swim Klub Yad a problem concerning the
KLIIB method of billing; for the fool facilities . Ile felt that, it would be unfair
to charge sewatre raters that ^r ^ based on water consumption. The Council
requested tlat he state his problem in writing to the Sewer e ',later Committee
and the matter was referred to them.
PLANNING B1r motion the Council approved the 14avor 's alpointment of 'Pony Ladner to
COII[ Ic�'ION the I lannin � l-omrni:-, -ion. A Lett-? from tl e I Lanning Coumiission was read
proposing* a placque in memory of Glenn I';ennedy and ast ing the Council 's
opinion on the subject . Mayor Thornton appointed a committee of Durand , strai
and Armstrong to make a report to the Planning Commission by July 14th .
70NING Appleton A public hearing was opened on the Appleton request for a rezone
from M to I -l. There wr= no objections and the hearing was. closed. Crdinaice
1? 2 approving the rezone was readand pas_ed by motion
Richards ( Tncoeq ) A public hearing was opened on the Richards reauest for a
rezone from I11-1 to ( -3 . The Planning Commission recommended that the reques
.be denied. City Attorney Bereiter made it known to the Council that lie had,
at one time, represented 11"Ir. Hich.ardr- on another, mutter. Richards stated
that he had been called out of the cit« on an emergence and had therefore
been unable to attend the Ilanning Commission meeting to explain his plans
for the property involve,.. There were no objections from the floor, and on
its own motion, the Council referred the matter back to the I'larining Commis-
sion, requesting that they hear it again at their- earliest convenience.
Carpenter )innexAtion A public hearing; wasopened on the, zoning; of the Car-
penter annexation. The Planning Commission recommended R-1 for the entire
area. There were no objections and the hearing was closed.. Ordinance 1353
approving the zoning wa-- passed by motion.
Horseshoe Acres Annexation A public hearing was opened on the zoninCD
g of they
Horseshoe E{cres annexation. The Planning Uomrni;lion recommended I.'II'R, C-3 ,
Td-1 and R-l. People owninm 5 acre tracts which extend from tl: East Valley
highway to Iaple Lane objected to C-3 zoning for, only part of their property
They felt that if the front 250" was zoned C-3 the rest of the property would
be unsalable. After some discussion was had about wi�)qt was permitted in C-3
or M-1, the City Attornev read from the ordinance explaining the limitations
of each . Several objections were voiced against having any M-1 in the area.
Since there were so mania objections, the 111avor suggested that the people fora
a committee to rnent with the Planning Commission sub=committee to discuss the
problems. By motion th:e. hearing was continued to the next Council meeting.
STT1177 S Cre.-t Ave . Pozzi moved for. the oouncil to recind motions passed at the June
and the June 15th council meetings providing; respectively for an LID for, cur is
on Crest Ave . 'and for fill &. TN ,man to be authorized to do the engineering
work for an LTr for curbs, gutters, storm sewers and.,street surfacing for
Crest Ave. Motion passed. Pozzi moved for Pill 6 Lr! man to be engaged as
consulting engineers for a project to be known as the Van de Vaster storm
sewer LID. He asked that the city allow T,15, ' (.C; toward this project and fell;
that the drainage problems in the area would be solved by this plan. The
motion passed and the City Engineer and the Street Committee were asked to
consult with Nill fir, Ingman to determine the exact area involved. I,1r. Stier-
wood explained to -r. Acree of Lat-rel Street that City polic" o:, Street
improvements did notapprove of programs which did only part of a job.
Street uacationd Pozzi moved for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance toi
change the city policy on street vacations, mainly to reduce tle fee from
$100 to $50. The motion passed. Vacation requests from Kent Floral, City
Transfer and Ed Pike were referred to the Planning Commission and it wa:; nota
that these would come under the new policy.
Extension of James Bereiter requested additional compensation not to exceed
. 1,000 to cover additional work, and counsel, if lie deemed it necessary, for
seeing the railroad condemnation suit through to the securing of the ease
ments and the hearing before the Washington Utilities and Transportation
Commission. Motion so made and passed.
STRF17TS 1,10odford Ave . Bereiter reported that the condemnation suit for 'Woodford Ave
would be heard in court July 16th.
HOUSTNO Letters from the Kent Business &. Professional '�V'omen's Glub and from the King
County Labor Council endorsing the senior citizen low-cost housing program
for Kent were read. h letter frorn the Kent Chamber of Commerce oplosing the
program was also read . BT motion, the letters were placed on file. Mayor
Thornton remarked. that it seemed pointless to pursue the plan any further an
asked thataction be taken tonight. Strain moved to take- the matter off the
table . Tviotion seconded and passed with ,'�rmstrongls^c nay. ''.voodworth stated
that he hadn't expected to comment on the utter at this meeting since it wa
scheduled for the meeting of the 20th. Ile rel orted that the committee was
not in favor of adopting the Elan and moved for the resolution to be denied.
Motion seconded . Under discussion, Armstrong stated that he had understood
that the natter would not be brought to a vote until the next meeting. Ile
stated that while he was not in favor of having king County Housing Authorit
operate the housing program, he was in favor of the program itself. lie note
that while the city objected to using federal funds for this program, they
used federal funds for sewer and water projects frequently. . Ile then comment d
on the poor condition of some of the apartments where senior citizens were
now living, Motion passed. with Armstrong 's n,�iy
Convention By motion the h>ayor was authorized to attends the American Municipal Con-
gress Convention in Miami July 25th to 29th. Mayor Thornton announced
that he had been asked to be a voting delegate for the state, and reported that
a Boeing plane was to be delivered to I''iiami at; that time and he had been
offered a complimentary trip, one way. It was �certained that the city wool
bear the costs of the trip.
Payroll $ 33,072.44
Current Expense 7,723.94
Water 17,660.96
Water LID NW 6,027.$$
j Street 3,319.48
Sewer 2,704.45
Sewer Construction 22,284. 51
Garbage 1,207.05
Library 158.69
Park 837. 50
Parking Meter 57.78
has. Bridd/ges
City Clerk
� I