HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/18/1964Kent, Washington May 18, 1964 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Rereiter, Councilmen: Armstrong Buxton, Durand, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain, and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Clerk's and Budget reports submitted, accepted, and placed on file, by motion. WATER A petition, signed by approximately 15, was read, requesting a water LID for the East side of Lake Fenwick. By motion, referred to the Water Committee. HEALTH & SANITATION North End Mooney reported that work was progressing on the North Kent sewage treatment facilities, and a call for bids would be issued soon. Plant City Engineer Shbrwood reported that the treatment plant was Bac�cR -in full operation again. STREETS James Pozzi reported that the discussions with the Milwaukee Railroad on the James Street extension problems were at a standstill. Bereiter reported condemnation was being considered and that he would report further at the next meeting. West Hill A letter was read from Fire District #30 endorsing the extens on of S. 268th from 40th W to the Military Road. A petition was read from residents of the area requesting that the street be opened to relieve the congestion in the area. By motion, referred to the Street Committee. Woodford Bereiter reported that the suit to condemn a portion of Wood ford Ave. for a road to the park would be presented in court this week Pierce's Addition Mooney asked the City Attorney what had been done toward repairing the portion of 45th Place S. Bereiter reported that the bonding company will settle when we can give them a figure as to the probable cost. The amount of the bond is $3,000. Pozzi said he doubted that the street could be fixed for that amount and he was against the city repairing the street and then trying to collect for it, in as much as the street had never been accepted by the city. It was ascertained that the City Attorney would make his services avail- able to residents of the area who wish to bring suit on this issue. BIDS Bonds Bids were read on the $200,000 bond issue for the Fire Depart- ment. The National Bank of Commerce was low bidder at 3.35217%• By motion the bid was awarded to the NB of C, subject to verification, and the return of the bid bond checks was authorized. Trucks Bids were read on two pick-up trucks for the Water De art2eentt. By.motion the bid was awarded to Bowen Scarff low bidder at 15,0 0.88 including tax for both trucks, with trade. Cars Bids were read on two cars for the Police Department. By motic the bid was awarded.to Valley Garage, low bidder at $2,000. including tax for both cars, including trade ins. ZONING Wolvin A public hearing was opened on the Wolvin application for a rezone from MA to M-1. There were no objections, and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1237, approving the rezone was passed by motion. Johnson A public hearing was opened on the application of Fran John- sonand Norman Anderson for a rezone from MA to C-3• There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1240, approving the rezone was passed by motion. BBooe�in& A public hearing was opened on the Boeing request for a re- zone from MA to M-1. There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1240, approving the rezone was passed by motion. Walms��ltyy�� A public hearing was opehed on #she Walmsley request for a rezone�rom R-3 to R-4. The application originally requested R-4 to and C-3 zoning but the Planning Commission recommended the granting of R-4 only, for all the lots in Block 2 and in Block 3, which was acceptable to the applicant. Mr. Harold Schultz -of Woodford Avenue presented a petition against the rezone, signed by 28 residents of the area. The signers felt that R-4 for this area would result in in- creased traffic congestion and would decrease their property values. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ZONING Zoning (Continued) Walmsley stated that the apartments would be built whether the rezone was granted or not, that it was a question of density. Walmsley re- ported he was willing to dedicate a portion of the land necessary for the extension of State Street North of James. The public hearing was closed, by motion. Pozzi moved for the Council to approve the rezone as recommended by the Planning Commissin.Motion the seconded dzone eEs andreapassed with Durand's nay. Ordinance 1239 approving passed by motion with Durand's nay. Aaber Baker A peal A public hearing was opened on the appeal filed by g Fue Company against the Board of Adjustment's Resolution #30, which granted a Conditional Exception to allow a wrecking yard on the Baker property on Highway 99. The resolution stated that burning would not be allowed. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kay both of Aaberg Fuel Company spoke against the wrecking yard and Mr. Kay submitted a petition with sig- natures of approximately 170 who were against the measure. Letters of protest were r6ad from the Midway Chamber of Commerce and the Salt Air Hills Community Club. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Baker knew the plans for the wrecking yard when the property was rezoned to M-1 in January. Baker said that the earnest money agreement was not drawn until after the rezone. Mr. Human, who proposes to operate the wrecking yard state he felt that the "no burning" restriction would be obsolete when the state law requiring incinerators was passed. 11oodworth said that his understanding of the restriction would preclude burning in an inciner- ato r as well as an open fire. A motion to reverse the Board of Adjust -I ment's Resolution was passed unanimously. Griffen Appeal The continued public hearing on the Eldon Griffen ap- peal was opened. Mr. Don Davidson of Kirkland, representing Mr. Griffe explained that the delay in presenting the proof of.title was due to the fact that some of the documents were unrecorded. Bereiter and Cur -I ran agreed'that they were not satisfied as yet as to the legal owner Davidson pointed out he would ship of the property. soon have a title report which would prove that Griffen was the technical owner, and that both Griffen and Bay Construction Company were willing to guarantee by bond that the land would be properly used in compliance with Kint's ordinances. By motion the hearing was continued to. the June lst meet- ing. Calhoun A letter was read from the Planning Commission containing the report of the special committee assigned to study the rezone request made by Calhoun Construction Company for the lower hillside area on Titus Street. The Council had requested that the study be made. The Planning Commission recommended that only the area described in the Calhoun application be zoned R-4, hot the larger area which was studied By motion a public copy oofntheaPlanning Commission'sset for the June trecommendationzzi be requested that a copy g sent to each Councilman. FIREWORKS A request from the Jaycees for a permit to sell fireworks was read along with a permit issued to them by the State Fire Marshall. A motio. was passed to notify the Jaycees that the City Attorney is in the process of drafting a new ordinance, and they would be informed. LIBRARY Mooney made a motion to have the Kent Librarian keep records for one mohth which will show how many people use the library facilities, with a breakdown as to how many of these users are residents of the City and how many live outside the city limits. This will enable the city to tell if we are getting a fair return for the money spent, on a per capita basis. Motion carried. PARKS 'North Park Pete Curran proposed the city and the Kent Swim Club trade small parcels of land. of equal size, at the site of the property just purchased by the Klub. The Park Board is in favor of the trade. By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft an amendment to the ordinance and to prepare a corrected deed. BUILDING CODE City Clerk Bridges reported that the copies of the uniform Building Code had been delivered to his office today. The City Engineer was in- structed to edit the code and the City Attorney was instructed to draft the ordinance to adopt it. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Exp. $ 6,733.64 Sewer Construction 3,9I$•a Water 495.47, Garbage 1,344.17 Water Construction 2,346.13 Library 534.3$ Street 1,276.33 Park Sewer 373.36 LID 230 9.5$ MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:35P.M. Ci y Clerk Mayor Chas. Bridges Alex Thornton