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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1964 Kent, Washington
February 3 , 1964
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M.
Present: Council woman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand, Matthews, Mooney,
Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter.
Carl Pozzi served as Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Thornton.
Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
WATER 2nd TRANSMISSION LINE Mr. Chase of Hill &Ingman reported that the
State highway a ong ake Meridian, the location of the proposed water
main, is settling and the existing fill is not stable. Chase recommend
ed that the firm of Dames & Moore be retained to investigate the
foundation. He estimated the cost to be between $1,000 and $1,400.
Motion so made and passed.
Councilman Strain reported that the easements were being obtained for
the line and that the route would be slightly changed.
NORTH END LID Mr. Sherwood requested that Hill & Ingman be made re-
sponsible for preparing the plans and specs for the water LID in the
North end of the city. Motion so made, and carried. Sherwood report-
ed his staff would then prepare the LID rolls and notices.
EAST HILL WATER CO. Strain requested the City Attorney to meet with
Emerson Thatchdr, attorney for the East Hill Water Co. so the
agreement for the city to take over the water company can be drafted.
DERBYSHIRE City Attorney Bereiter reported that the Derbyshire water
case would soon be presemted in court.
RANNEY WELL SITE Strain moved for the City Attorney to consult with
former City ttorney Thatcher on the work already done in an attempt
to establish the legal ownership of the Ranney Well Site. Motion
STREETS VALLEY FREEWAY Mr. Baldwin Sammis of the Valley Regional Planning
Commission presented a resolution prepared by the Commission request-
ing the construction of an on-off ramp to the Valley Freeway in the
Longacres-Tukwilla area. They recommended that the ramp be constructed
to 153rd Ave. in the vicinity of 84th. or $2nd. Ave. S. Sammis pointed
out that the ramp is necessary to Kent considering the overall increase
in traffic anticipated when the new Boeing plant and the Tradewell
Warehouse go into operation. A motion was made and seconded to accept
the resolution, and, under discussion, Woodworth pointed out that
although he realized the necessity of such a ramp, he would not be in
favor of the adoption of the resolution by Kent, as it might divert
funds now earmarked for Kent. Matthews proposed the motion be
amended to include the proviso that no funds for the proposed ramp
be diverted from the Valley Freeway. The amended motion failed to
pass, with only Matthews voting aye.
Mooney reported that over a year ago Kent officials talked with Mr.
Bugge, of the Highway Dept. about the $1 400,000 slated for purchas-
ing property through Kent to Meeker Street and the construction of
the bridge facilities needed from the East Valley Highway to Meeker.
fie stated further that the people in the west end of town cannot sell
their homes because they do not know what the state is going to do.
He made a motion for the City Clerk to write to Mr. Prall, Director
of Highways, to ascertain the date that the Highway Commission or
their agents are going to purchase the property with the money bud-
geted by last years legislature. The motion was amended to have the
letter include references to discussions the city has had with Mr.
Bugge, the Bureau of Public Roads and the District Engineers on the
same subject. Motion seconded and passed.
PARKING Woodworth moved for the west side of 4th. Ave. from the
Valley School to Gowe to be changed to- a two hour parking area.
Motion seconded and passed.
j HEALTH & TREATMENT PLANT Councilwoman Bovell reported that the final
I SANITATION plans and specs for the treatment plant improvements have been
approved by the Public Health Service and the city has been
authorized to call for bids. By motion the City Engineer was
ucted to draw up the necessary papers and forms for the
Letters from the State Pollution Control Commission and the
Department of Health approving the modifications to the sewage
treatment plant were placed on file by motion.
PIGEONS A petition from residents of 35th Ave. S was read
containing a complaint about pigeons owned by Mr. Dennis of
24615 35th P1 S. By motion, the matter was referred to the
Health & Sanitation Committee with the power to act. City
Attorney Beriter said he would cosult with the committee.
DRAINAGE a petition was read protesting against the water
covering the road at S. 20$th & 78th S. Pozzi reported that
the Street Dept. had alleviated the condition to some degree.
Mooney suggested that the city should attempt to secure an easement
through the property so the Street Dept would have access to
keep the drain open. Mr— Kruse reported that the water would
drain away from the road ifthe pipe was unplugged. By motion
the petition was referred to the City Engineer for investigation.
SEWERS A letter was read from the City Treasurer requesting that
action be taken to recover $ 110.00 paid to Mrs. Esther Stacie
on her claim that her premises are not connected to the sewer
and therefore she should not have been charged this amount. By
e Health & Sanitation Committee.
motion this was referred to th
POLICE TAXI Woodworth reported that the License Committee recommended
C014MITTEE the licenses be issued to the two applicants for taxi stands.
Motion so made and carried. He stated further that a new
ordinance on taxi regulations would be forthcoming.
LIGHTS Durand moved for five 7,000 residential lights to be installed
in Cambridge # 1 area in cinjunction with the Cherry Parks and
Kentwood Hills residential lughting plans. Motion carried.
BUILDING, Matthews reported that the department heads are investigating
feasibility of renting the vacant office slace next to the
Police Station.
BLUE BANNER Matthews reported that the lease Blue Banner Foods
has with the city will not expire until 1967, so there is time
for discussion of the possible sale of the building.
CARPENTER A letter was received from the County Commissioners granting the,
ANNEXATION request for a waiver of the Board of Review for the Carpenter
annexation. The letter was placed on file.
PLANNING A letter was read from the John Grahm Company stating that the
Urban Planning Assistance application requires that the costs
for each phase be specified. Estimates for proposed aerial
mapping have not as yet been obtained. Woodworth stated that
the city had not committed itself to the mapping phase of the
701 project and moved for action on the matter to be tabled
i until the next meeting. Motion carried.
HORSE SHOE A motion was made seconded and passed for the petition of
ACRES Arthur W. Cloutier and others of portions of the Horse Shoe
ANNEXATION Acres tracts of not less than 75% in value,according to the
assessed valuation for general taxation of the property in said
petition described filed with the City Clerk at 8:00 P.N. on
the 3rd day of February to be approved and for the Mayor of the
City of Kent to be directed to convene a Review Board to consider
the proposed annexation. j
PARKS Resolution 510, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to �
purchase the Wingert property in North Park for a park site for
the sum of $ 5, 500 was passed by motion•
PROPERTY By motion the City Clerk and the Mayor were authorized ,
to execute the warranty deed for the property at 220 S�
Railroad Ave. The City Transfer will take title from
George Heck.
i I
FINANCE Mooney moved for the Council, the City Attorney and tho
City Treasurer to meet with Cole and Dolman to discuss
• REFER TO their sewer and water agreement with the city. Motion
CORRECTED seconded and passed and the meeting was set for Monday;
MINUTES OF 2-17-(,y February_ 10th at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall. j
PROPOSED City Attorney Bereiter reported he had received a phone
call from a Kent citizen relative to teen agers sniffi�g
glue. He reported that this has become a widespread
practice and the resulting consequences are not unlike '
those of dope addicts. He further stated that there
is no ordinance against this, but that Seattle is curently
drafting one, and Kent may consider doing the same.
INSTRUCTIONS Mr. Don Holm of Brightman & Holm, associates of City
I '
Attorney Bereiter, was introduced. Candidates for Cit,a
Council seats : Armstrong, Nowak, Ladner, MacGregor and ,
Carroll_ were also intrduced.
Current Expense $5,217.12 Street 1 ,669.76
Water 2, 803.29 Sewer 2 ,306.48
Sewer Const 126,329.72 Garbage 419.42
Library 46. 50 Park 63 . 59
Parking Meter 11 , 704.38 Payroll 28,993 •83
Chas. Bridges, City Clerk
I � '