HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1964 107 Kent, Washington January 20, 1964 Regular meeting T f the Kent City Council called to order at 8 :00 P.M. Present: Mayor hornton, City Attorney Bereiter,Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand,Matthews,Mooney,Pozzi,Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Treasurer's report submitted,accepted and placed on file. WATER NORTH END City Engineer Sherwood reported *hat city officials had met f w representatives of industries who propose to locate in the north end to discuss their needs. Mayor Thornton stated that they seemed willing to proceed with an LID for water in this area. Councilman Mooney moved for the city to initiate action to form an LID from S. 228th. north to S. 192nd,bounded by 68th. Ave. and 84th. Ave. Motion seconded and passed. ICY CREEK Mr. Sherwood reported that fencing and gates for the property at Icy Creek were being installed this week. The Mayor requested Councilman Woodworth to ask the Sheriff's Dept. to patrol the area. FLUORIDATION A letter was read from the City Attorney in which he re- ported-that the State Dept. of Health had informed him that the install- ation,control and operation of Kent's fluoridation equipment is in compliance with the dodified rules and regulations of the State. A letter was read from Mr. Levesque,Mr Hall and Mr. Basinger stating that the conversion of the present pumping station to a manufactory fluoride plant is a violation of the conditional use permit now held by the City for the site. They expressed their intention to prosecute the law suit to its final conclusion. Councilwoman Bovell moved for the city to reaffirm its right to control the use of water furnished outside the city. Motion seconded,and under discussion,the City Attorney stated the position of the city on the matter. Bereiter declared that the Basingers claim the city violated its contract to sell water to them by adding fluoride to the water. He pointe out that since the Basingers are non-residents of the city,their use of Kent 's water is a permitted purchase, and the Basingers can discontinue the use of the water any time they are dissatisfied with it. Councilman Matthews stated thatthe Council was being maneuvered into an untenable position,and that he could not vote for anything that would even imply that the city might cut off water service. The motion passed with Matthew's nay. Ordinance 1230,annexing the city-owned site of the water pumping station on the Black Diamond Highway was read by the City Attorney. A motion was made and seconded for the passage and adoption of the ordinance. Council- man Pozzi requested that the legal description be read in full. Bereiter complied,and the ordinance was passed by a unanimous vote. EAST HILL WATER CO. Councilman Strain reported that representatives of Fast Hi ater o. had advised him they had voted to have Kent take over their water company. Strain explained that there were now appfoximately 150 customers,but it was expected the ultimate would be close to 400 user . By motion,the City Attorney was instructed to draft an agreement with the East Hill Water Company. CLARK SPRINGS A letter was read from Mr. Uhlmann, attorney for G.H. Lockner. In 711ne of 1962,Mr. Lockner expressed an interest in buying a piece of property of approximately J acre owned by the city and adjoining his property at Clark Springs. Due to ill health,Mr. Lockner dropped the matter,but is now again interested. By motion,the letter and sketch were referred to the Water &Finance Committees. WATER & EAST HILL Councilwoman Bovell reported that the water & Sewer Committees SEWER had met with the City Engineer to discuss a request of builders Meyer & REQUEST Peterson made through the firm of Hugh Goldsmith & Associates for water and sewer sonnections. The property is in the vicinity of S.E. 244th and 100th. Ave. S.E. and is contiguous to the city limits. Mrs Bovell moved for the city to provide water and sewer to the property under a reimbursing contract with the owner,and for the owner to have the property annexed to the city prior to the development unless through no fault of his own he i unable to do so. Motion seconded and passed. It was explained that a 15 to 25 acre area was involved here. HEALTH & NORTH END INDUSTRIAL SITE Councilwoman Bovell moved for Hill & Ingman to SANITATION be authorize to proceed on a feasibility report on sewage disposal facilities in the north Kent industrial area in accordance with our con- tract, and for the firm of Dames & Moore to be retained for a soil in- vestigation in accordance with their proposal of Jan.15th. Motion sec- onded and passed. HEALTH & SEWAGE A letter was read from the Pollution Control Commission approv- SANITATION ing the Engineering Report on Sewage Collection,Treatment and Dis- (Cont. ) posal. By motion, the letter was placed on file. SANITATION Councilman Mooney reported he had had complaints on merchants sweeping debris into the streets, sidewalks in poor condition, advertising signs on sidewalks and cars parked on sidewalks. Bob Carroll reported that the Kent Safety Council had received complaints on gas signs obstructing the vision of motorists. Mayor Thornton requested the Safety Council to advise the Street Dept. as to the location of these infractions. Mooney suggested the Police Dept. start ticketing cars parked over the sidewalks,and the Streeg Dept. pick up signs which obstruct sidewalks or streets. Strain moved for the City Engineer to conduct a survey as to the conditions of the sidewalks in the downtown area. If extensive repairs are necessary it should become an LID matter,but if smaller repairs are indicated owners will be notified to make repairs or the city will do it and bill the owners. Motion seconded and passed. POLICE POLICE DEPT. Councilman Uoodworth reported that Officers Peare, COMMITTEE Spencer,Hi dre and Hancock had recently completed various courses in police science. TAXI CABS Woodworth reported he had met with the 2 applicants for cab licenses,and the committee recommends a new ordinance be drawn. Mr. Schram,owner of the present taxi company, submitted a letter from the county stating that no licenses would be issued for the county area. Woodworth reported that this might change the minds of the applicants. Schram reported that there was not enough business in Kent to support 2 taxi companies and Woodworth pointed out that under the ordinance,licenses are not granted or revoked on the basis of economy,nor could the city endorse a monopoly. A motion giving the Police Committee power to act after more study was withdrawn. Wood- worth reported the committee would study the ordinances of other cities. By motion,the committee was instructed to make a further study and report their recommendations to the Council at the next meeting. Motion passed with Pozzi's nay. STREETS STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM A letter from the AWC was read advising all cities that a new state law fequires that regulations relating to speed parking and traffic control devices on streets forming a part of the State Highway Stysem are the only ones which now need to be approved. The letter was referred to the Police and Street Committees. DEED Ordinance 1228 approving and accepting a deed from the Meadow- crofts and Ida Knudtsen for the extension of 3rd. Ave. S. for a right- of way to the "T"Bridge was read and passed by motion. Pozzi reported that the Street Dept. had taken care of complaints feceived on the condition of the street and sidewalks on Kenosia after the gas company and the water department had worked there. i DRAINAGE By motion,the City Engineer was instructed to prepare a eg�a description preparatory to obtaining an easement for a drainage ditch west of Bonel's Trailer Court. ZONING BAKER Ordinance 1127,approving a rezone for Clarance Baker from C-3 to M--1 was passed by motion. CALHOUN CONSTRUCTION A recommendation from the Planning Commission was read concerning the application of Calhoun Construction Co. for a rezone from R-1 to R-4. The Planning Commission recommended the application be denied, and by motion,the Council set a public hearing for the Feb. 17th. meeting. FINANCE SEWER By motion,the l"Iayor and the City Clerk were authorized to sign j the interest bearing warrant to McLean & Co. for $ 155,000.00 drawn on the Sewer Construction Fund for payment for properties for the sewer department, said warrent to be presented to the City Treasurer. BONDS Mooney reported that fire protection in the proposed industrial area would be inadequate,since the nearest fire station,O'Brien- Orillia,has two railroad crossings between it and the industrial site. He recommended that the bond issue proposal for the March ballot be changed to $ 200,000.00 for the Fire Dept. instead of the $ 150,000.00- originally requested. This would provide for the construction of a new fire station in the northwest area of the city. Fire Chief Bridges concurred with the proposal. The Council agreed that the figures in the ordinance should be changed to coincide with Mooney's recommendation. ORDINANCE 1229,providing for the submission to the voters on the March loth. ballot the proposal of $ 300,000.00 in General Obligation Bonds $ 100,000.00 for the Park Dept. and $ 200,000.00 for the Fire Dept. was read and passed by motion. FINANCE STREET FUNDS Mooney reported there was a circular being (CONT. ) aistri� buted in the community containing some erroneous informatio relative to the Street r'unds. He stated that it should be known that the investment of any City funds is always done through the Council,and reported that $ 98,196 from the Street Fund is invested in short term government bonds. Information of this type is always availiable to the public in the City Clerk's and the City Treasurer's offices. LOAN Resolution 509,authorizing the transfer of $ 12, 583.08 Trom the Garbage Fund to the Parking Meter Fund as a loan,was passed by motion AIRPORT Councilman Mooney, member of the committee assigned to study the possibility of a joint airport for lent and Auburn,moved for both cities to request the FAA to investigate the proposed site. He explained that this would cost nothing and we would have the Federal Government 's report on it. Motion seconded and passed. PARKS KENT MEMORIAL PARK Mr. Joe Fournier, on behalf of the Kent Safety Council, requested that the city consider placing safety glass in the recreation building. Councilman Pozzi requested the Safety Council make their recommendation in a letter to the Council. FUNDS Mrs. Hogan reported that the Park Department would like to have some publicity on the bond issueland asked the proper procedure for acquiring the necessary funds. Mooney advised her that city funds could not be spent to further bond issues. NORTH PARK City Attorney Bereiter reported that the agreement with the Wingerts for the park site in North Park would be drawn as soon as he had received the title report. CITY City Clerk Bridges reported that the City Transfer has paid in PROPERTY full for the property at 220 S. Railroad, which was being purchased from the city on contract by George Heck. By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft a quick claim deed for the City Transfer. BLUE BANNER FOODS It was pointed out that the building leased -from the city by Blue Banner Foods is in need of repairs. The Mayor suggested that the Building Committee look into the matter to see if Blue Banner was interested in buying the building. Mooney stated that the city should consider the use of this site for expansion of the city shops. By motion,the matter was referred to the Building Committee. Pozzi asked to be excused from the committee because of his business association with Blue Banner. The request was granted. AWARD Mayor Thornton presented former City Attorney Thatcher with a plaque from the Association of Washington Cities in recognition of his outstanding service from 1939 to 1963 in his capacity as City Attorney for Kent. AUDIENCE Mayor Thornton welcomed Miss Kathy Harkins and Miss Jennie Capps of the Kent Junior High to the Council meeting. The girls are studying city government and will make a report to their class. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $ 11183. 53 Water 6:963.08 Water Const. 797.62 Street 1,035.93 Sewer 305.60 Sewer Const. 7,133.65 Garbage 409.70 Library 60.55 Park 1,778.19 Parking Meter 290.16 MEETING ADJOURNED:10:05 P.M. / Chas. ridges City Clerk