HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/06/1964- -----------------------
Kent, Washington
January 6,1964
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M.
Present. Mayor Thornton, Councilwoman Povell, Councilmen: Durand Mathews,
-Mooney Pozzi Strain and ,Woodworth.
I1inutes of the last meeting approved as printed.
Clerk's and Budget reports submitted,accepted and placed on file.
t,W-tTER ROCK CREEK City Engineer Sherwood reported tie had checked the bill re-
ceived from the Bonneville Power Administration for making revisions to I.
the Covington-Columbia line. The bill is for $500.00 more than the es-
timate . Sherwood reported he had written a letter, but as yet had
received no reply.
TFAN:1,1ISSIO'F LINE councilma,,n,�'7U� -ain reported that the easements for
the second transmission linen eing acquired and probably a call for
bids could be made by the end of the month.
FLUORIDATION NIr. Levesque asked if the city had received a letter
signed by ' r. Hall, lair. Basinger and himself which was mailed the same
morning at 9:00 A.M. City Clerk Bridges reported the letter had not been
received. 11,Ir. Levesque commented on the court hearing of January 3rd.
in Seattle at which the motion to force Kent to delay fluoridating; the
city's water was denied by the court.
ICY CREEK Councilman Strain reported that considerable damage had been
done to the building and pump owned by the City at Icy Creek. A motion
was made, seconded and passed for the City Engineer to check into the i
feasibility of fencing the area and. installing a gate.
4th. & JAMES Mr. Sherwood reported that the water mains are now install-
ed Trom Lincoln to Adams and from the i-'Iilwaukee track to 5th. Ave. Gradin
of the streets will be postponed until after the inclement weather.
LOAN RESOLUTION 508,authorizing the transfer of $ 4, 502.10 as a loan
Tom the Water Revenue. Fund to the ^Water Construction Fund was passed
by motion.
STREETS DEED By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary
ordinance to accept a deed from the Meadowcrofts and Ida Knudtsen which
will permit the extension of 3rd Ave. South to the T Bridge.
LIGHTS Councilman Durand made a motion to have four additional mercury vapor
lights installed on the East Valley Highway between the El Rancho Drive i
In Theater and the Springbrook road (192nd ) and for one mercury vapor
to be installed on 4th. Ave. between Gowe Street and the Library. Motion
duly seconded and passed.
PARK ORCHARD Mr. Smith of Puget Sound Power &, Light reported that the
Park UrcharE Community Club had asked him to confer with ttie city about
installing mercury capor lights in their area, and have the city bill
them through the utility department. Mayor Thornton explained that this
was not feasible at this time, but that perhaps it could be done in the
future if Park Orchard was annexed to the city.
ZONING PUBLIC NUISANCE. A petition signed by 37 citizens was introduced. The
petitioners complained about the excessive noise produced by equipment
at Kent Engineering at 310 North Washington. By motion, the matter was
referred to the City Attorney, who will confer with the City Engineer
on the Zoning regulations covering this particular area.
BAKER REZONE A public hearing was opened on the Clarence Baker appli-
—- for a rezone from C-3 to M-1 for property on Highway 99• NIT.
Johnson, representing Aaberg's Fuel Companv asked if a wrecking yard was
planned for the site. T!r. Baker stated he,.had no plans for the area and
he wanted the area rezoned so it would be easier to sell. Both the City
Engineer and the Planning Commission recommended that tree property along
the highway be zoned C-3 to a depth of 200 feet, and the balance be
zoned M-1. Mr. Baker was satisfied with this arrangement, and by motion,
the City Attorney was- authorized to draft the ordinance, following the
recommendations of the City Engineer and the Planning Commission.
BOARD OF By motion, the Council confirmed the appointment of Fred Frazier to the
ADJUSTM Board of Adjustment by the Mayor.
POLICE SIGNS A letter was read from Pastor Roy Henneberg of the Seventh
C0I.11ITTEE Day Adventist Church requesting authorization to place three si,;ns
on the highways leading to Kent, welcoming visitors to the church.
A motion was made to refer this to the Police Committee with the
power to act. Under discussion, Councilman Woodworth expressed
the opinion that such signs were erected on private property and
therefore were not under the jurisdiction of the city. If the
signs were to be placed on the right-of-way, the matter would fall
under the state 's jurisdiction. The motion was passed.
TAXI CABO, Two applications for taxi cab stands in the city were
referred to the -Police Committee, by motion.
SEWER Ordinance 1226, adopting a plan of additions and extensions to the
sewage collection and disposal system and providing for the
issuance and sale of $ 850,000.00 par value of sewer revenue bonds1l
was reld and passed by motion.
LIBRARY Councilman Mooney reported that he had been contacted by industriep
interested in locating in Kent, and that one of the principle thins
in ,which they were interested was the tax structure of the city.
He further pointed out that the schools were as1ing for additional
millage to cover the cost of two additional school librarians,
while the city was now paying two mills ($36,000.00;in 1963 ) under
the contract with King County for library service. I'Iooney made a
motion for the mayor to appoint a committee to investigate the
value received for the money spent on library facilities, and to s e
if any of the services were being duplicated. The Mayor appointed
Mrs. H.L. Blanton, Ralph Pozzi, C.W. Illes and John Fournier to
investigate the matter and report back to the Council before the
February 17th meeting.
FINANCE Councilman gooney reported he had asked Mr. Flint, of .McLean &. Co.
financial advisors to the city, to attend the meeting scheduled
for January 13th. with representatives of industries planning to
locate in the north end of the city.
CARPENTER The second petition for annexation by the Carpenters was presented
ANNEXATION with a letter from the City Engineer stating that the signatures
represent 100,07, of the assessed valuation of the area. The petitio
was accepted and, by motion, the City Attorney was instructed to
request a waiver of the Board of Review.
ACRES ANNEXATION A motion was passed for the city to accept the Horse :hoe Acres
Tract initial annexation petition after it was ascertained that
the petitioners would assume the bonded indebtedness of the cit .
PARKS Councilman Mooney reported that the Kiwanis Club has $1,000.00 set
aside for developing a park site at 2nd and Cloudy,to be started
as soon as the city gains title* to the property. City Clerk
Bridges reported the matter was being processed.
INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Thornton introduced Mrs. Phyllis Mauritsen,M.L. Armstrong,
Joe Fournier, A.J. Ladner and ,Bob Carroll,all candidates for City
Council seats. Iflr. Arthur Hattlaub,past councilman was also
Payroll $ 26,745.83
Current Expense 5,705.04
Water 15,198. 54
Water Construction 16,$20.66
Sewer 7,307.10
Sewer Construction 1,661.86
Street 1, 543 .10
Garbage 1,202•25
Library 268.66
Parks 1,324.54
Parking Meter 32.17
Meeting Adjourned: 9:10 P.M.
C� --- Charles Bridges
City Clerk