HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/16/1963 Kent, Washington December 16, 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand, Matthews, Mooney,Pozzi, Strain and V,?oodworth. Treasurer 's report submitted, accepted an(i placed on file. WATER FLUORIDATION A letter was read from the Dep't of Health approving th specifications for the fluoridation equipment, and was, by motion, placed on file . KENT SPRINGS City Attorney Bereiter reported Ire had had a phone call from Tyr.. Evan Morris, relative to Kent 's .objection to a garbage dump in the Lake Sawyer area, close to Kent Springs, source of part of Ken 's water supply. Mr. Morris exprdssed a desire to meet with Councilman Strain to explain the situation to him. Strain agreed to meet with him, but noted that the Black Diamond City Council was due to meet on the 19th. of this month, so a meeting with Mr. lvlorris would have to be soon. Strain requested the City Attorney to attend the Black Diamond meeting, since they were due to discuss the proposed annexation of the intended garbage durap site. ROCK CREEK A letter and bill were received from the U.S. Dep 't of Interior. The bill, in the amount of $2,829.00, covers the costs for making revisions to the Covington-Columbia # 2 line to accommodate improvements to Kent 's Bock Creek water intake facilities. By mot- ion, the bill was referred to the City Engineer to be checked, with instructions to "report at the next meeting. STREETS ARTERIAL STREET PROGRAM A public hearing was opened on the Arterial Street Program. There were no objections and the hearing was closed. RESOLUTION 506, adopting a comprehensive street program, listing the streets, type of work on each and the estimated cost, was passed by motion. . TRAFFIC COFTROL A letter was read from Paul Olson of Time Oil Co. concerning the loss of business at the service station at Central &. Smith since Smith became a one-way street and Central became channellized. AZayor Thornton reported that after Mr Olson wrote thel letter, the station was leased . The matter was referred to the Street Department. LIGHTS Councilman Durand reported he had received a letter from the Kent Community Safety Council calling attention again to the lack of adequate lighting on Highway 2M between 1$Oth. and 96th. Ave. S. , ands on Highway 5 between the El Rancho and 1$Oth. Ave. Durand reported that additional lights have been installed on Highway 5 and that the committee was waiting; for an estimate from Puget Sound Power &. Light on lights for 2 M. Mayor Thornton suggested that Durand contact Norman Anderson, lighting chairman for the Regional Planning Commission. ZONING WHITING ANNEXATION A public hearing was opened on the zoning of the Whiting annexation. A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the area be zoned R-3 . Mr. .Whiting explained that he wanted the area along the Benson Highway to a depth of 2701 zoned C-3 and the balance zoned R-3 to conform with the Roos property which is adjacent. There was no objections and the hearing was closed. By motion, the Council elected to go against the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Mr. Whiting's request. ORDINANCE 1225t zoning the Whiting annexation C-3 along the Benson to a depth of 2701 and R-3 for the remainder was read and passed by motion, with Council- man Woodworth voting nay. Woodworth explained he was in favor of complying with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. LAMBUTH SILL REZONE (BOEING) A public hearing was opened on the Lambuth Sill rezone app ication,MA to M-1, in the OlBrien area. A letter was read from J.P. Curran, attorney, suggesting that if the options on the property were not exercised, the original zoning remain. Mr. Bixby of Boeing, read a letter from Mr. William Allen stating that Boeing intended to exercise the options on the property up for rezoning. There were no objections and the hearing was closed. ORDINANCE 1224, approving the rezone from MA to M-1 was read, and passed by motion. I ZONING (CONT. ) RIEFSCHNEIDF.R A public hearing was opened on the application of Cecelia Riefschneider for a rezone from R-1 to R-2 for approximately ' 8 acres on the Reith Road. The Planning Commission recommended that the request be denied since the property is entirely , surrounded by R-1. A letter from Mrs. Riefschneider was read, requesting that the Council consider the fact that some people do not wish to take care of large houses, and duplexes would take care of their needs. Ten j residents of the immediate vicinity were present and spoke against the rezone, stating that there already was ample R-2 on the Reith Road. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Pozzi moved for th Council to support the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the rezone. The motion was seconded and passed. BAKER An application by Clarence N. Baker for a rezone from C-3 to M-1on Highway 99 was presented from the Planning Commission. By motion, a public hearing was set for the next meeting,January 6th. HORSE SHOE A petition to commence annexation proceedings were received from ACRES ANNEX- residents of the Horse Shoe Acres Tract area. A letter from the CitXl ATION Engineer stated that the signatures on the petition represented owners of more than 10% of the. assessed valuation. By motion, a meeting of the petitioners and the Council was set for 7:00 P.M. on Jan. 6th. HOUSING RESOLUTION 507, approving an application for a preliminary loan for ; lOw-rent housing was read. Councilman T,doodworth moved for passage of the resolution,seconded by Councilwoman Bovell. Under discussion both the City Attorney and Woodworth explained that the resolution would not bind the city in any way, but would give the Seattle Housing Authority authorization to apply for federal funds to use in making a survey of the Kent area. The survey would show if there was a need for low cost housing for senior citizens in the Kent area Councilman Strain expressed fear that if the survey was made and Kent decided not to go along with it, the survey would be obsolete before the proposal came up again. The resolution was passed with Strain's nay. FINANCE BONDS Councilman Mooney explained that sewer revenue bonds are all tied up in investments now, and the city does not want another bond issue until sewer necessities in the north and south ends are ascertained. Money is needed now to pay for the Bevaart and Narita properties, and the money on hand in the construction fund is left over from the previous bond issue. This issue was designed for expansion of sewage facilities and not for the purchase of land. Mr. Flint, of McLean &r ade a proposal which had the approval of the City Clerk and the Finance Committee. McLean & Co. propose to buy $155,0 0 face value City of Kent interest bearing sewer warrants, the interest to be 4%. The warrants shall be paid in full with interest within one year,from the proceeds of a proposed revenue bond issue. Council- woman Bovell moved to accept the proposal, seconded by Woodworth, � and carried unanimously. PARKS Mrs Hogan asked if the resolution to have the park bond issue placed on the ballot had been prepared. Mr. Bereiter reported it was being processed and would be ready in time to place the issue on the ballo . TRAFFIC HIGHWAY 99 Councilman Woodworth reported that the Police Committee CONTROL had considered the request for left turns on Highway 99 at Midway, and could not make such a recommendation. I PAWN SHOP Councilman Iulooney requested the Police Committee look into the possibility of an ordinance covering the activities of pawn shops within the city. Woodworth reported the committee was already considl ering such an ordinance. PLANNING A letter of resignation was read from Ed Sipe, Chairman of the Planning COMPJIISSION Commission. Mr. Sipe has served with the commission for over 17 years. Mooney moved for the Mayor to write to Mr. Sipe expressing the City's appreciation for his years of service. CLAIM City Attorney Bereiter recommended that the false arrest claim of Mr. Caraccioli in the amount of $15,000.00 be denied. Motion so made seconded and passed. i CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $ 10,277.28 Water 1,40$.52 `'jater Construction 1,460.90 Street 2, 510.38 Sewer 941.57 Garbage 907.34 Library 338.95 Parks 1,190.18 Parking Meter 354.88 I MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:25 P.M. Chas. Bridges City Clerk DIV. OF MUN. CoRR+ft STATE EXAMINER I I I i