HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/18/1963- i KENT, lASHINGTON November 18,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Ii Present: Mavor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilmen:Durand, Matthews, Mooney,Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. � I Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. WATER 4th. & JAMES City Engineer Sherwood reported that the final estimates] on the water main project for 4th. & James was included in the claims tonight. CHFRRY PILLS ADDITION Councilman Strain reported that he had been I contacted about the City releasing an easement for the old transrriissioh line in the Cherry Hills Addition. lie moved for the City Attorney to be authorized to draft a release of easement for the entire addition. Motion seconded and passed,after it had been ascertained that the jCity Engineer had investigated and agreed that the release should be given. DFR.BYSHIRE Councilman Mooney requested the City Attorney to expedite ' the water service contract with the Derbyshire Estate attorney. Bereiter reported he had ,riven the attorney copies m Train. ordinances covering the subject and would contact him avain FLUORIDATION A letter was received from the Dept. of Helath)Washing- ton D.C. , stating that the information contained in Bulletin # 655 was obtained from the dental director of the State Health Dept. in Olympia'. A copy of the bulletin was enclosed. By rnotion,the letter and bulletin were placed in file. 2nd. TRANSI•TISSION LINT Councilman Strain reported that the acquisition of easements for the 2nd. transmission line was underway,with Hill &, j he Ingman contacting those owners who live out of the state. He said e hoped to have all easements by `'prin,at which time the City will be ready to start work on the line. SOUSCHEK EASE"TENT City Attorney Bereiter reported he had been in touch with the Washington Title Insurance Co. concerning the Souschek water easement. The property in question is owned by a group of people. Bereiter will report further when more information is available. STREETS ARTERIAL PLAN City Engineer Sherwood recommended that the public Tearing on the b year Arterial Plan be set for the Dec. 16th. meeting.) Motion so made, seconded and passed. DRAINAGE Mayor Thornton complimented the Street Dept.crew on the work -accomplished toward removing the pond near the Pink Elephant Bakery. This is a temporary measure to ease conditions while nego- tiations continue with the railroad. TRAFFIC CONTROL The Street Dept. crew has removed and trimmed hedges and brush from several intersections, thus eliminating traffic hazards. Pti00DFORD AVE. City Attorney Bereiter reported the condemnation of i portions of voodford Ave. ,necessary for another access road to the park,was progressing. STATE HIGN'r?AY DEFT. The Playor and the City Clerk were authorized, by motion,to sign an agreement with the State Highway Department for relocating the fire hydrants on South 228th. RESOLUTION 504, approving the grades on the East Valley Highway be- tween South 228th. and James Street was passed by motion. HEA LTH &. RESTAURANTS City Attorney Bereiter reported that he had,on Council- SANITATION man Mooney s motion, contacted the Dept. of Health relative to setting up .an ordinance which would allow the Health Dept to enforce san- itation laws in bent restaurants. Bereiter stated that this would involve a contractural arrangement which would cost the City upwards of $15,000 per year. Mooney remarked that the Dept. of Health in- spected restaurants in "ent and made recommendations,but did not have the power to enforce them,therefore he questions their authority to conduct the inspections. By motion,the problem was referred to the I Health & Sanitation Committee,who will confer with the City Attorney. i ' I i I i i I i i i HOUSING Councilman Woodworth reported his committee had studied the proposed contract with King County Housing Authority and recommended it now i be referred to the City Attorney for study. BUILDING Mayor Thornton reported that the rest room on the second floor of the City Hall was being renovated. PLANNING Councilman Mooney reported that the Chamber of Commerce had called a town meeting for Thursday, Nov. 21st. at 7:30 P.M. in the Court Room of the City Hall to discuss furture planning for the City with John Graham Co. representatives. All interested citizens were urged to attend. The City Attorney reported he was still researching the City's Com- prehensive Plan,hlaps, and Ordinance, and hoped to have a final re- port within two weeks. WHITING A public hearing was opened on the proposed Whiting Annexation. ANNEXATION There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1223,approving the annexation was read and passed by motion. ZONING WHITING A public hearing on the zoning of the Whiting Annexation was set,by motion,for the Council meeting of Dec. 16th. RIEFSCHNIDER An application for a rezone from R 1 to R 2 by Cecilia 'E. Rie schnider was received from the Planning Commission with their 11 recommendation that the request be denied. By motion, a public hearing was set for the Dec. 16th. meeting. i CARPENTER A notice of petition to commence annexation proceedings was received j ANNEXATION from Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Carpenter for a small area above the Presbyter- ian Church on South 248th. A letter from the City Engineer stated that the signatures on the application represented owners of more than 10% of the assessed valuation. By motion a meeting of the petitioners and the Council was set for 7:45 P.M. on Dec. 2nd. BUS LINES A communication was read from the Greyhound Lines assuring the City I that bus service under Overlake Lines will be comparable in every way to that offered by Greyhound in the past. Mayor Thornton report- ed he had attended the public hearing in Seattle but that nothing had been definitely decided. FINANCE Councilman Mooney moved for the City Treasurer to file a copy of Cole & Dolman's statement with the Council. .Motion duly seconded � and passed. PARKS SCENIC HILL Mrs. Hogan submitted a letter from the late Harold Fitt King County Property Agent,which authorized the City to use the land adjacent to Scenic Hill Park for a rifle and pistol range or for any other park use. Mrs. Hogan requested authorization to have the area surveyed so that the Park Dept. could determine what facilities the area could best be used for. City Attorney Bereiter pointed out that this type of use permit could be terminated at any time by the County. Bereiter will consult with the Park Board and write to the property agent again before action is taken. STAR ALKE PARK Mrs. Hogan reported that the Star Lake residents had petitioned the County to improve the Star Lake Park,and were referred to the City. Councilman Woodworth remarked that he felt if the City takes over a County park for which the County is receiving money for maintenance,the City should be entitled to part of the maintenance money. Councilman Mooney moved for the Park Board to ' write to the County requesting the deed to the park. Motion second- ed and passed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: I Current Expense - $ 4643 .74 1 Water 2110.20 Water Construction 407.45 Street 1084. 57 Sewer Construction 500.00 Garbage 1462•54 Library 7.60 Park 12$.75 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:10 P.M. --Chas. Bridges �NI�bY City Clerk