HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/04/1963 I Kent, Washington November 4,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Council woman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand,Matthews TIIooney,Fozzi, Strain and Woodworth. I Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. WATER 4th. & JAMES City ingineer Sherwood reported that the work on the water! mains at 4th. R James was now almost complete, and that Howerd Manufact' uring had already connected to the new main. I TRANSTIISSION LINE, Councilman Strain reported that arrangements are being made to secure the easements necessary for the second transmission line. An estimate of the cost will_ be submitted, Strain announced, and probably will be paid for on an hourly basis. FLUORIDATION A letter- was read fron the State Dept. of Health,commend ing the City for the affirmative action taken to bring about water fluoridation, By motion, the letter was placed on file. HEALTH 8- SOUTH END SE'PIERS Councilwoman Bovell reported that the engineering SANITATION survey and design work is progre.,sing on the South end sewer project. TREATMENT PLANT Mrs Bovell reported that the final plans and specifi- cations for the treatment plant improvement: will be completed this week and will be submitted to the Public Health Service for approval i to advertise for bids. I, LAGOONING The Health & Sanitation Committee are studying the lagoon- ing problems of Auburn and Stanwood and will make detailed report after conferring with Hill & Ingman representatives. ! an answer to our letter to the Ground 'neater Branch of the Dept. of In- terior was received along with a map of the area of our proposed la- goons.The map shows relatively few wells in the vicinity. Mr. Gar•rett, the district engineer,reported that more information on adjacent wells was available if we required it. By motion,the letter was placed on file. DEPT. OF HEALTH Councilman Mooney moved for the City Attorney to meet with Mr. 7-ainof the King County Health Dept. to enforce their regulations concerning; restaurnats within the city limits of Kent. The City Attor- ney was instructed to draft the ordinance for the next meeting. i SMITH & CENTRAL Councilman Mooney noted that approximately a year ago the Council passed a motion to have the drain at Smith & Central diverted from the sanitary sewer to the storm sewer. I STREETS 6YEAR PALN Mr. Sherwood reported he had met with the Street Committee to discuss the 6 year arterial street program. The plan is basically the same as it was two years ago. Councilman Pozzi invited anyone who was interested to review the plan in the engineer 's office. Councilman i Mo6ney recommended that Jim Curran, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce 's Roads & Bridges Committee, be notified. ALLEY VACATION ORDINANCE 1221 Amending Ordinance 1189 by deleting Sec. 2,was read and passed by motion,with Council Mooney voting nay. Both ordinances refer to the vacation of the alley at the Post Office. SIDEWALKS & DRAINS Mr. Sherwood reported that he and the Mayor had met ! with Railroad officials to discuss the rough spur crossings,sidewalks and drainage problems on First Ave. near the Pink Elephant Bakery. ! Nir. Brewer of the Railroad stated that it would be 4 or 5 days before the Railroad could offer a temoorary solution to the problem. Sherwood reported he had resubmitted a request to have the Railroad Incoroorate extensions for the storm drainage with the improvements for First & James. TRAFFIC JAPIES ST. ORDINANCE 1220,raising the speed limit on James from Woodford CONTROL Ave. to Summit from 25 to 35 mph was passed by motion. GEORGE STREET Councilman Woodworth moved for the parking to be changed to a two hour limit on George St. from Central to State. Motion passed. ! i 4th & GOWE Woodworth opened a discussion on the recent accidents at 4th. � & Gowe. He reported that the Policd Committee had considered the situation,but could not recommend a traffic light at this intersection. Mooney suggested that the police motorcycle patrol the area to ascertain why so many cars go through the STOP sign. Mr. Bicknell suggested that ' spelling STOP in an unusual manner might call more attention to the sign;. ------------ TRAFFIC JAMES &: BENSON Mayor Thornton reported that the State High way Dept. CONTROL had denied the City's request for a traffic light at the corner of (Con 't ) James St. and the Benson Highway. i CROSSWALKS Councilman asked if the City had been approached on purch- I asing the new plastic-type paint for marking crosswalks. Neither the l Purchasing Agent nor the Police Committee had been approached. Gib 1 ! Kendall reported the paint was expensive,but highly effective. TRAFFIC ENGINEER ORDINANCE 1222 establishing the office of City Traffic Engineer and designating the City Engineer to take over this office wasl passed by motion. Councilman Mooney requested an executive session of the Council and the Engineer to discuss the effect this additional work! would have on the Engineering staff. Mayor Thornton will arrange for the meeting. SAFETY COUNCIL Mr. Raymond Harwood of the Seattle King County Safety Council presented a traffic analysis for Kent. Kent 's record was l shown to be above those of Auburn,Bel_levue and Kirkland. P4r. Harwood made some recommendations for the City,and copies of his report are on file with the City Clerk and with the City Fnineer. LIGHTS Councilman Durand moved for two residential lights to be installed on Third Ave. S. between Crowe and the Lynch Manufacturing Co. Motion passed. SPORTS A letter was read from John Fournier of the Kent News Journal,ur,7ing STADIUM City support for _locating a proposed sport stadium in the Renton-Kent- Tukwilla area. By motion,the City Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the County Commissioners supporting the measure,and to send a copy of the letter to Mr. Fournier. HOUSING Councilman Woodworth announced that his committee was still studying the proposed agreement with the King County Housing Authority. After meeting again,the committee will report to the Council. HOSPITAL A letter from Senator Jackson to Dave Mooney was read, containing in- formation he had received from the Army. The Nike and Ajax missle ! h 1964,and the Army will bases are scheduled to be abandoned in Marc advise the General Services Administration of Kent 't interest in ac- quiring the property for a hospital. By motion, the City Clerk was I instructed to write to Senator Jackson, thanking him for his assistance in this matter. BUS LINE A communication from the 1ashington Utilities and Transporation Com- mission was read,advising that the public hearing relative to the Overlake, Co. taking over the Greyhound Bus Lines in this area has been set for Nov. 13th. at 10:00 A.M. in Room 200 at Colman. Dock in Seattle. ! rce will be notified and the letter By motion, the Chamber of Comme placed on file. PARK A letter from Attorney Gay to Mrs. Hogan of the Park Board was read, BOARD stating that the information he received for the proposed G.O. Bond issue of $100,000 for the parks was sufficient. Councilman Strain moved for the City Clerk to take the necessary steps to have the Park Bond issue placed on the Spring ballot. Motion passed. ANNEXATION A letter was read from Itiir. Boyle, Secretery of the Board of the Kent Schools, r_ommenting favorably on the proposed annexation of the Scenic Hill area, which would include the Scenic Hill School. By motion,the letter was placed on file. STREET Councilman Mooney requested the City Clerk to arrange for the install- SIGNS ation of a street sign on Maclyn Way, and to change the population signs to concur with the new census figure. FIRE A letter was read from the Oliver Box Company commending the Fire Dept I DEPT for the expert and efficent manner int which letter they handill led pthe fire hen during a storm recently. By , filed. i BIDS Truck Bids for the body for the new fire truck were received from L.N. Curtis Co, The Darley Co and Western State Inc. By motion, the bid was awarded to Western State, low bidder at $10,499.49. Bids on the chassis were received from Bowen Scarff and Valley Garage. By motion, the bid was awarded to Valley Garage, low bidder at $6,299. 53 . Station Wagon Bids on the station wagon for the Fire Chief were re- ceived from Bowen Scarff, Kent Motors, Valley Garage and Strains. j By motion, the bid was awarded to Strains, low bidder at $2,910.96. I CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense 4,979.48 Water 1,439.67 Water Construction 13 ,65$•1� Street 994.79 Sewer 967.71 Sewer Construction 479•20 Garbage 672.86 j Library 27,368.12 i Park 116.15 Parking Meter 605.77 KEETING ADJOURNED: 9: 50 P.M. I � ha s. Br i g s City Clerk C/ I , i I I i I I - i 1 I I I i �i I