HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/21/1963 Kent, Washington
October 21, 1963
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at $:00 P.M.
present :Mayor Thornton, City attorney Bereiter,Councilwoman Bovell, Council;
men:Durand,Matthews,Mooney,Pozzi, Stra in and Woodworth.
Minutes of the last regu
lar meeting approved as printed. I
Clerk's, Treasurer's and Budget reports submitted,accepted and placed on
Councilman Strain reported the location for the second
transmission ine has been established and the City is in the process of
obtaining the necessary easements.
STREETS TRAFFIC CONTROL Councilman Pozzi reported he had received a letter from
Judge iori reporting that a hedge on the corner of Pioneer and Railroad
Ave. obstructs the view,and caused a serious accident recently. Pozzi made
a motion for the Engineering and Police Departments to inspect the area
and report their findings. The motion was seconded and passed.
A A letter was read from the Kent Community Safety Council recommending
that the speed limit be raised to 35 miles per hour on James from Woodford
Ave. to Summit. By motion this was referred to the Police Committee.
PARKING METERS Councilman Woodworth reported that the new multiple parking
meters were being well received by merchants. Councilman Strain asked why '
meters were installed in front of the City Hall when there were none across
I the street in front of the bank. Woodworth assured him meters would soon
be placed there too. Meters with 15 minute limitations have been installed
in various places,including the Post Office to control parking.
' Mayor Thornton reported that a 3% discount on the meters could be obtained ,
if payment was made within 60 days after delivery. By motion, the City
Treasurer was authorized to make payment from any unencumbered funds.
JAPTS ST. City Attorney Bereiter reported he had arranged a meeting with
a Public -utilities officer to verify the situation on the State requirements
on the condemnation of the Railroad property necessary for the extension
I of James St. He will endeavor to have the Railroad officials attend the
HEALTH CONFERENCE Councilwoman Bovell reported on the annual meeting of the
&. SAND Water Po cation Control Federation, parts of which were attended by the
TATION City Engineer,Bob Kristofferson, and Walt Ramsey. Nlrs Bovell attended the '
sessions on lagoons, and .gained much information on the subject. Mayor
Thornton requested that she talk to the consulting engineers about lagoon
problems encountered by the Cities of Stanwood and Auburn. He also asked
that she check on the new dehydration and inceneration method of treatment*,'
NORTH PARK Both Mr. Wanzer and Mr. Auker of North Park complained about j
the long standing problem of the pond of water and the broken sidewalks at
the Pink Elephant Bakery. City Engineer Sheerwood reported that the Rail-
road will bear the cost of eliminating the pond if the City will arrange
for the work to be done. Cost estimates are being prepared to submit to
the Railroad. The proprietors of the Ping Elephant Bakery have reported
that they do not own the property and therefore repair of sidewalk is not
their responsibility,but that of the owner,Northern Pacific Railroad.
Councilman Strain referred to the ordinance requiring owners to keep the
sidewalks repaired, or be billed by the City for the necessary repairs.
VAN DE VANTER Mayor Thornton asked the City Engineer about the sewer lines
running South on Van de Vanter. Mr. Sherwood reported the survey had not
been completed as yet,and that it was hoped an LID would be formed. The
two possible routes are being studied. Sherwood was instructed to work
on a cost estimate for the project.
CENTRAL & JAMES It was ascertained that the storm drain at Central &. Jame
would be deflected from the sanitary sewer in the Spring.
WHITING It was reported that the waiver of the joint public hearing usually held
6HNFLZ1- annexations by the King County Board of Commissioners and the Sup't of King
flKaby Schools had been received. A public hearing for the Whiting Annexation was
set for the November 1$th. meeting, by motion.
RENEWAL JOHN GRAHAM CO. Mr. Heath read a letter from the Planning commission
urging that the Council take immediate action on theJohn Graham
proposal for urban renewal. It was explained that the cost to the
City would be $16,000. Councilman Woodworth moved for the letter to
be placed on file for further study, seconded by Mooney. Under
discussion, Mrs. Bovell questioned the wisdom of paying for aerial
mapping,since the Graham Co. representative reported that the aerial
I maps of the area made within the past two years were now outdated.
Councilman Mooney stated that inas much as the City Attorney had been !
authorized to engage legal council to assist him in evaluating the
City's comprehensive plan,maps and ordinance, any decision should be
delayed until his report is made. Woodworth's motion was passed.
LIGHTS Councilman Durand made a motion to have the following lights installed
Mercury Vapors: 3 on the East Valley Highway between the Garrison Road
and 212th. and one at the corner of James Street and the Benson Highway
Residential Lights: 4 on the Reith Road prior to and beyond 45th.
Place South and 2 on 45th. Place South.
Luminaire Lights: Cherry Parks and Kentwood Hills.
The motion was seconded and passed. Councilman Strain noted that
Puget Power Co. was extremely lax in replacing burned out or broken
lights as required in their contract.
Councilman Pozzi recommended that the light Committee investigate the ;
poor lighting conditions on 3rd. Ave. South toward Lynch Ilanufact-
A letter was read from the Kent Community Safety Council recommending
street lights on SSH 2M between 196th. South and South 1$0th. and
also on SSH 5 between South 1$0th. and the El Rancho Drive-In theater.
By motion this was referred to the Light Committee.
PARKS KENT SWIM CLUB Resolution 503 ,authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk
to sign the option for the sale of 2 acres of Scenic Hill Park to
the Kent Swim Club was read. After the wording was changed to make ii
clear that money received from the sale of the land be used only for j
purchase of land for the expansion of the parks and recreation
facilities of the City and the development of the same, the Reso-
lution was passed by motion. Mr. Pete Curran, attorney for the Swim
Club, requested that the amount to be paid for the option be re-
duced from $500 to $250. By motion, the change was authorized.
The option must be exercised by May 31, 1964.
CONFERENCES City Engineer Sherwood reported that the APWA conference he recently
attended in Pasco was highly informative, with sessions covering City ;
Street Programming, Equipment Rental, Public Relations and Public Works
I '
A letter was read from Barney Wilson, Recreation Director, requesting
that the City bear the cost of his attendance at the Washington State
Recreation Society in Vancouver, Wash. on Oct. 24th. and 25th. By j
motion, the request was approved, providing there are ample funds
on hand.
I3US LINES A notice was read containing the information that the Greyhound Hus
Lines planned to discontinue service in Kant:, and Overlake `I'r itisi.t.
wished to take over this service. A letter was read from the Trans-
portation Commission in answer to the Mayor 's inquiry, stating that
a hearing will be held on the matter. The hearing has been set for
November 13th. at 10:00 A.M. at Pier 52 in the Ferry Terminal
Building. The communications were placed on file, by motion, ,and they
City Clerk was instructed to notify the Chamber of Commerce of their
HOSPITAL A letter from Co uncilman Mooney to Senator Jackson was read, express- '
ing the City's interest in the Nike and Ajax missle sites on the
Military Road for a hospital for Kent. Senator Jackson 's answer j
promising to bring this to the attention of the proper authorities
j in Washington was read. By motion, both letters were placed on file. )
. I
Current Expense 2439.4$
Street 619.15
Garbage 425 39
Library 137.11
Park 211.94
I �!
,i l
�-61� h�ton - Chas. Bridges
City Clerk