HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/07/1963Kent, Washington October 7, 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called t:o or -der at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell., Councilmen: Durand,Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed, EXCEPT, under WHITING ANNEXATION, Councilman Mooney's motion should include" ---the City will require the assumption of existing general bonded indebtedness". The addition was authorized by motion, duly seconded and passed. WATER FLUORIDATION EQUIPMENT BIDS Bids received on the fluoridation equip- ment were read. By motion the bid was awarded to W.W. Hoagland, Jr. low bidder at $5,720, including tax. Mottner & McCutchen also bid. WATER MAINS Bids on water mains for Fourth Avenue and James Street were received from Frank Coluccio Co., W.C. Frost Construction, South End Concrete, Mallory Co. Glenn Rocky Construction, W.J. Schade & Sons and C.J. Rocky Construction. By motion, the bid was awarded to Frank Coluccio, low bidder at �,9,932.00, including tax. FLUORIDATION A letter was read from the Mead Johnson Laboratories stating that the information published in their report on the fluoride. content in Kent water was obtained from the U.S. Public Health pub- lication "Natural Fluoride Content of Communal Water Supplies in the U.S." The Laboratories had no knowledge of the specific water supplies referred to in the bulletin. A letter from the U.S. Dep't. of the Interior was read explaining that the Geological Survey Map # 1-387 referred to maximum not average content of fluoride, by counties. The map does not show figures for individual cities, and the data refers to King County as a whole. By motion, both letters were placed on file and the City Clerk was instructed to send copies to Mrs. Shirley hall. Councilman Strain noted that the water had been tested and showed no fluoride content, with the exception of Icy Creek, which is not being; used. The City has not yet received a reply from the U.S. Public Nealth Dep't. HEALTH & CONFERENCE City Engineer Sherwood reported that the annual meeting SANITATION of Water Pollution Control Federation was now being held in Seattle. Authorization was given for Bob Kristofferson, IIIr.Sherwood and Mrs. Bovell to attend certain sessions. CLAIMS Councilwoman Bovell reported that the Sanitation Committee recommended that tre claim of Mr. Joe Blessing be denied and for the Citv Clerk to so inform Mr. Blessing. Motion so made, duly sec- onded and passed. A claim filed by Mr. Harold Petersen for damage to his home by over- flowing sewage was, by motion, referred to the insurance carrier. A claim filed by Gerden Clark of 853 Van de Vanter for drainage damage was referred by motion, to the insurance carrier. A letter was read from Joseph Matsen, attorney for Effie Fisker, call- ing attention to the drainage problem at Mrs. Fisker's residence. Councilman Pozzi reported that a committee was checking into all drainage problems in.this area and moved for the letter to be referred to the City Engineer. The motion was duly seconded and passed. Councilman Matthews requested the Helath and Sanitation Committee to report on the sewer and septic tank problem in Mrs. Stacie's area on E. Temperance. Mrs Bovell stated she would report at the next meeting. EXPANSION ORDINANCE 1219, providing for the condemnation of land necessary for the purpose of the extension of sewage collection,treat- ment, and disposal facilities and providing for the payment for said land, was passed by motion. A letter was read from the Dep't of Conservation relative to Kent's proposed lagoon locations. A map was attached showing all wells with- in a one mile radius. By motion the letter was placed on file and the City Clerk was instructed to write to the Ground Water Branch, U.S. Geological Survey for additional and more detailed information. STREETS City Engineer Sherwood reported he had received a letter from the State Highway Dep't. calling attention to the fact that the updating of the 6 year arterial street program must be completed before Jan- uary lst. A hearing must be held and the plan adopted before that date. By motion this was referred to the Street Committee. f r the condemnation of STREETS TRAFFIC CONTROL ORDINANCE 1217, providing o obtaining a road access any CONT. and necessary for the purpose of to the City Park property, and providing for the payment of egress said land was read and passed by motion. (Woodford Ave.) STREET DEED ORDINANCE 1219 approving and accepting a deed for vIrs. George McCullogh was read and pas street purposes from P 8 sed by motion. i LIGHTING douncilman Durand recommended and moved for one mercury vapor 94th. Avei light to be installed at the corner of James Street and . be installed at the City South, and also for 2 mercury vapors to Shops. Themotion was seconded and passed. FINANCE PARKS A letter was read from Mr. Allen of the People's National Hill Park at $8,000.00. Bank, appraising the 2 acres at Scenic Councilman Mooney moved for the appraisal to be accepted and for the City Attorney to draft the necessary documents for the next meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. BISYAK Councilman Mooney reported that the Finance Committee recommended that the request of Mr. Bisyak for a vacation of a portion of Smith Street be rejected and his deposit of $100.00 be refunded. So moved,seconded and passed. CITY FUNDS A letter from the City Treasurer was read recommending that approximately $98,500.00 in surplus street funds be invested in short term U.S. Treasury Bills. By motion, authorization was given for the investment. FINANCE BONDS A letter was read from Foster & Marshall, Investment Bankers, expressing interest in Kent's future plans to issue was referred to the Health i sewer revenue bonds. By motion, this & Sanitation and the Finance Committees. WHITING The second petition for annexation from 14r. and Mrs. Jack Whiting, City Engineer stating that ANNEXATION was presented, with a letter from the the signatures represented 100% of the assessed valuation. By motion the petition was accepted and placed on file. Mayor to the King County Commissioners Thornton reported that the request and the Superintendent of Schools for a waiver of the usual joint; public hearing had not as yet been answered. The Planning Comm - fission will study the annexation in the interim to expedite the zoning of the property. PARKS A letter was received from James Gay, bond attorney, explaining bond the details of the requirements for a general obligation issue for the expansion of the parks and recreational facilities.' By motion the letter was referred to the Park Board. URBAN Two communications from the John Graham Company relative to a for Kent were RENEWAL revised proposal for Comprehensive Planning placed on file for further study. Councilman Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to be authorized! to engage legal counsel to aid him in evaluating the City's Comprehensive Plan, Maps and Ordinance. Motion seconded and passed. AIRPORT A letter from Councilman Bob Gaines, of Auburn was read, requesting the Mayor to appoint a committee to work with his committee to- ward developing a Municipal Airport between Kent and Auburn. Dave Mooney, Carl Pozzi and Bowen Scarff were appointed to serve.', ZONING STRAUB A public hearing was opened on the request of Laura Str- After 1�r. Joe Just,j aub and others for a rezone from R-1 to R-2. an opponent to the rezone,stated he had not been properly heard at the Planning Commission hearing,Mayor Thornton and the City Attorney suggested the matter be "referred back to the Planning Commission. Councilwoman Bovell so moved, seconded by Woodworth Attorney James Curran, representing Mrs. Straub,requested that the final hearing not be so delayed, and that it be held now, since all concerned were present. City Attorney Bereiter stated that if Mr. Just and his attorney,John Carroll would waive any procedural errors in the Planning Commission hearing and subject themselves to the final decision of the Council,this hearing would continue. Mr. Carroll agreed and Mrs. Bovell and Woodworth'il withdrew the motion and second. It was ascertained that both the Planning Commission and the City Engineer approved the rezone. Mr. Curran pointed out that much of the area in question was j undeveloped and unused because of water and drainage problems, and that duplexes would justify the cost of developing it. He further stated that it was close to commercial zoning, and R-2 would permit suitable housing for retired people or childless couples who have no need for large sized lots. ZONING (Continued) Mr. Carroll stated that there was ample undeveloped R-2 and R-3 would be an encroa chment of now and an R-2 zoning for this area He out that in 1960 when the Comprehensive this R-1 zone. pointed Plan was adopted,this area was considered for R-2 zoning and the Many residents of the area property owners fought to keep it R-1. heard by the Council. A recess was opposing the rezoning were Councilman Pozzi asked to be excused, called to discuss the issue. since a relative owned property in the ' denied lon) these requestUttonbee Councilman Durand moved for the rezone req read An R�2 rezonenwonld)notere,I grounds: 1) The area in question is not R-2 contiguous to the area, 3) is adequate be in the best interest of the total population of the City and Plan. Motion would not be in harmony with the Kent Comprehensive Councilman Pozzi abstaining. Councilman seconded and passed,with Matthews voted nay, stating he felt that sound and concrete reasons for the rezone were given. i NEWSPAPER A bid was received from the Kent News Journal for printing and the following prices: $2.40 publishing of legal notices, quoting hundred words for the first insertion, and $1.�0 per hundred to the per s awarded for each successive insertion. By motion the bid wal Kent News Journal. BUDGET A public hearing was opened on the Budget for 1964. There were no Ordinance 1215, objections and the public hearing was closed. the Budget was read, and passed by motion. approving TAX LEVY ORDINANCE 1216, adopting the 'Fax Levy for, 1964 was passed by nwLi.on . HOUSING A letter from the King County Housing Authority was read explaining h in conjunction with cities. By their low-cost housing operation motion the letter was placed on file. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense Water Water Construction Street Sewer Sewer Construction Garbage Library Park Parking Meter Payroll MEETIN-ADJOURNED 110: 50 P.M - Alex Thornton MAYOR $ 4,988.81 3,366.27 28,0$0.27 3,017.43 1,186.87 479.20 1,103.80 153.42 94.30 71.15 26,116.08 i s. Bridges CITY CLERK