HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/16/1963 Kent, Washington September 16 Septe , 1963 t Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at $:00 P.M. City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell, Present Mayor Thornton, I Councilmen: Durand, Matthews, Mooney and Strain. I Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. I � Budget and Clerk's reports submitted, accepted and placed on file. I II WATER DERBYSHIRE City Attorney Bereiter requested that a motion be consid- ers to authorize the `Mayor and the City Clerk to sign a contract with ) the Derbyshire Water Company ans Estate. He explained the contract I and terms. By motion, authorization was given to sign the documents. JAMES City Lngineer Sherwood reported that the bids will be in and ready to be awarded by the next meeting on the water main for James St HEALTH &. Councilwoman Bovell 'reported that Hill & Ingman has submitted the com SANITATION prehensive sewage collection and treatment report, and copies have been distributed to the councilmen. By motion the report was accepted ; and placed on file. Mr. Chase reported that copies had been submitted to the regulatory agencies for approval and that extra copies would be ! made available for the City Clerk 's office. Resoultion 502 , approving , the documents for additions to sanitary sewage system and improvements to sewage disposal facilities was passed by motion. These will be forwarded to HHFA by Hill and Ingman. SEWERS Mayor Thornton commented on the drainage problem at "seeker and ' Central caused by the excessive rain. He requested Council approval l to have sewers running East and West on James. Approval was given by motion, after the City Engineer reported that the grade was sufficient ; FINANCE BANKING Councilman Mooney moved for the City Treasurer to be author- ized to deposit a portion of the City's funds in the Midway branch. of the Puget Sound National Bank of Tacoma. The motion was duly seconded + and passed. Councilman Mooney reported that the City already has funds deposited in three other Kent banks, therefore future requests may have to be denied. NEWSPAPER Qouncilman Mooney moved for the City Clerk to be authorized ' to call for bids for the printing and publishing of legal notices for the coming year, now that Kent has two newspapers. The City Attorney i raised the question of whether the Kent Independent qualified as a legal newspaper, and said he would check into it. The motion was passed with Councilman Matthews voting nay. BONDING Councilman Mooney requested the City Attorney to give a i ega opinion on the City's agreement with McLean & Company, bonding consultants for the City. The Finance Committee will meet with Mr. Bereiter on this. POLICE By motion the corrected copy of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations was accepted. Copies will be on file at the City Clerk's office. STREETS BISYAK VACATION City Engineer Sherwood reported he had received an appraisal on property to be vacated as requested by Mr. Bisyak. The land was appraised at $1115,00, and the figure was submitted to the Council for approval. By motion, this was referred to the Finance Committee. WILLIS Counc ilman Strain stated that land should be acquired to allow) the Nest end of Willis Street to be straightened. Mr. Sherwood reported that it was his understanding that this was included in the State Highway Department 's access plan for the Valley Freeway. The matter was referred to the Street Committee for investigation. Ordinance 1214, making Willis an arterial street was passed by motion. This Ordinance amends Ordinance 1107. JAMES ST. Councilman Mooney asked about the progress on James St. Mr. Sherwood reported that the work will be finished as soon as possible This will include the fencing water main installation, and raising the sewer lines for Mr. Borek and "r. Urfer. Ordinance 1213 , accepting a deed for street purposes- from the Korry Manufacturing Company was passed by motion. I ts in from rth ark SIDEWALKS NORTH PARK A petition was rendition ofs the nsidewalkeonolst.PAve. ! area pointing out the poor c cars from Smith to James. eat the apartmentsnd grass are oatrlst.nandndJames. are parked over the sidewalkDepartment. Mr. Rawley reported This was referred to the Street Depalk that a pond near the Pink Elephant Bakery made the side obtain here impassable. Mr. Sherwood reported that the City estimates for eliminating agreedo hem beapthe cos r tifa te t t theCityarrangeso thellr fo�adl The railroad has the work to be done. he LAST TITUS Councilman Mooney near the oold dJunior that tHigh lsite lwasoovere South side of East Titus grown with weeds and made a motion for o�tedCthe matterthadoalready .� the property owners. Mr. Sherwood rep been taken care of and the motion was withdrawn. WHITING Councilman Mooney reported that the Council had met with Mr. and ANNEXATION Mrs Whiting, and moved that their request to be annexed into the City be considered, and that their offer to bear the costs of the publication of the necessary notices be accepted. The motion was CQRZEC�ED - REFER TO seconded and passed. The Mayor was requested to contact the �N��.C� Of Chairman of the Board of King County Commissioners and the M C F Superintendent of King County Public Schools to secure a waiver of the joint hearing usually held. The City Engineer was instructed to assist the Whitings in preparing the necessary papers and the City Clerk was instructed to handle the billing after the notices are published. BUDGET The Mayor presented the proposed budget for 1964. A preliminary hearing was held and the City Clerk was instructed, by motion, to draft the Budget Ordinance and the Tax Levy ordinance. A public hearing on the budget will be held at the October 7th. meeting. CONFERENCE City Eng ineer ineer Sherwood requested that the authorization given him to attend the meetig of the APWA on Sept. 16th, 17th and 18th be changed to the same dates in October. Motion so made, seconded and passed. FIRE City Engineer Sherwood reported he had received a letter from the DEPARTMENT Borden Company in answer to his letter expressing the City's interest in acquiring a piece of pheir property on 4th Avenue for a fite station. Mr. Thackery replied that the company would require two appralsals and that he would arrange for them if the city so desired. He also requested a legal description of the site. By motion, the City Clerk was instructed to forward the description i and request him to proceed with the appraisals. ZONING STRAUB An application for a rezone from R-1 to R-2 by Laura Straub and others was submitted, approved by the Planning Commission A petition against the rezone was also read. Mr. Joe Just explained that some of the residents of the area misunderstood the facts and ; therefore their signatures appear on both the application and the protest. A public hearing on the rezone was set for the next regular meeting on October 7th. Mr . Just asked if it was permissible for non-residents of Kent to serve on Kent's Planning Commission and Mayor Thornton assured him it was. Mr. Just volunteered to j serve and his name and address was taken by the secretary. j INVESTMENT EXCHANGE A letter was read from the Planning Commission concerning the request of the Investment Exchange Corp. for a rezon from MA to M-2 in the O'Brien area. The Council referred the request back to the Planning Commission after most of the j applicants withdrew their names from;-the application. The Planning Commission recommended that the rezone be denied. By motion, the letter was placed on file. URBAN RENEWAL A letter was read from the Planning Commission recommending that the John Graham Company be engaged to review and revise Kent's Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Mooney moved for the i City Clerk to contact members of the Planning Commission, and the John Graham Co. representative to arrange a meeting with the Council for Sept. 23rd. at 7:30 P.M. He also requested the councilman to review the proposal and to be ready with comments and questions. Mr. Heath reported that the Park Board would like to have the Graham Co. incorporate park plans with this proposal, and an endeavor will be made to include it. Councilman Mooney's motion was passed. I I j i PARKS A letter was read from the president of the Kent Swim Club reporting their desire to build a swimming pool in the North end of Scenic Hill Park. The Park Board has approved a measure which would relinquish the , necessary two acres if the Swam Club would donate to the City a neigh- hood park site of comparable value. The letter further suggests that the Swim Club be given an option on this property. and that the y '' City take steps to annex.it into the City. By motion the City Attorney ! was instructed to institute a title search on the property,the City out the two acres and the Engineer was instructed to stake City Clerk to arrange for an appraisal. It was ascertained that the property was contiguous to the City, and the City Attorney was instructed to determine the annexation procedure best suited. MIDWAY City Attorney Bereiter reported that he had received a copy of Mr. Watt 's brief on the Thigpen-Clemmer Vs Kent litigation. Mr. Watt re- ported he hoped to have the case placed on the Fall docket of the Supreme Court. APPOINTMENTS By motion, the Council confirmed the following reappointments made by the Mayor: Glenn Kennedy to the Planning Commission Alice Davison to the Library Councilman Dave Durand to serve as Legislative District Chairman CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $ 4,954.78 I Water 2,640.91 Street 11,059.17 Sewer 323.40 Garbage 722.85 Library 38.82 Park._ ) 563.41 v ADJ NF, �r PIEETIN y- - - ���''' ""�-- — has. Bridges �iornton Mayor City Clerk i i i I ,I i . i t I i I �I I l I