HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1963 Kent, Washington September 3 , 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen Durand, Mooney,Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Treasurer 's and Clerk 's reports submitted, accepted and placed on file. WATER CLARK SPRINGS: Councilman Strain reported that a .preliminary test made on the Clark Springs extension indicated a quantity of over 3 million gallons per day and may well go over 4 million, which is well above the original estimate. DERBYSHIRE: Councilman Strain reported that a contract with the Derby- shire water users will be enacted soon. ICY CREEK: City Attorney Bereiter reported he would draft an agree- ment before the next meeting to allow Boy Scouts to use the Icy Creek acreage. FLUORIDATION: Mrs/.Shirley Hall of 1238 Guiberson objected to the statements made by Dr. Hogan in a letter published by the Kent News Journal. Dr. Hogan, as City Health Officer, reported that Kent 's water contained no natural fluoride. Mrs. Hall read from publications of the U.S. Public realth Service, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Mead-Johnson Laboratory reports. These bulletins stated that Kent 's water contained from 0.4 to 0.8 parts of fluoride per million. Mayor Thornton explained that Kent water had recently been tested and had been reported to contain no fluoride, with the exception of Icy Creek. Icy Creek water, however is not being used by the City. Councilman Mooney moved for the City Clerk to write to these offices and request information as to where the information for these reports was obtained. The motion was seconded and passed. HIGH SCHOOL: Councilman Strain reported a meeting had not yet been arranged with the School Board to discuss a water service problem at the High School. STREETS Jason & Clark City Engineer Sherwood recommended that the City accept both Jason and Clark Streets in Little 's Addition as gravel streets. Motion so made, duly seconded and passed. DAMES Ordinance 1209 approving and accepting a deed for street purposes from Puget Sound Power & Light was passed by motion. Ordinance 12109 approving and accepting a deed for street purposes from Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Urfer was passed by motion. Ordinance 1211, approving and accepting a deed for street purposes from Mr. and Mrs. James Borek was passed by motion. An ordinance accepting a deed for street ourposes from the Korry Manufacturing Company was tabled again for textural changes. STREETS SIDEWALKS The subject of improving sidewalks was discussed. Mayor Thornton pointed out that improvements were needed on the East Valley Highway from Valley Glass to Reedkroft Kennels. Councilman Mooney pointed out that sidewalk improvements were also needed on Meeker, but he stated that in the event of an LID, the people who live be- tween Lincoln and Thompson should not be included since this is the proposed site for the freeway interchange. The City Engineer was instructed to check with the Highway Department to determine their program for Kent, so it can be decided if the sidewalk improvements could be done at the samd time. Mr. Sherwood will also work on a cost estimate for the sidewalks. 1st. & DAMES Mr. Sherwood reported on a meeting with the Northern Pacific Railroad, attended also by Councilman Mooney and Mayor Thornton, regarding improvements at lst. & James St. (Winner) . The Railroad has agreed to bear the cost of eliminating the pond by the spur track at the Pink Elephant Bakery if the City will arrange for the work to be done. Mr. Sherwood, reported that a letter had been sent to the Pink Elephant Bakery about the poor condition of the sidewalk, but no reply has been received. The Engineering staff will contact the bakery again. HEALTH & Councilwoman Bovell reported that Hill & Ingman have completed the SANITATION comprehensive Sewer Report and that the designs on the plant improve ' ments and the south end sewer projects are progressing. LAGOONING Councilman Mooney moved for the State Director of Hy-cfraulics to be instructed that the City of Kent would like to be notified of any application filed for well drilling within a one mile radius of the City's proposed lagoon sites. Mr. Mooney explained that this was necessary to protect the City from becoming liable in the event that well water in this area would become contaminated. The motion was seconded and passed. PROPERTY Resolution 501, authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign the documents to purchase property from Martha Bevaart for expansion of the sewer facilities was passed, by motion. FINANCE INSURANCE Councilman Mooney reported that a survey had been made of the City's insurance program, and moved for the carrier to be advised that the City desires to go ahead with the necessary steps to bring our coverage up to the requirements as set forth by the party making the survey. The motion was duly seconded and passed. BANKING. A letter from Mr. Cavanaugh, the City Treasurer, was read, requesting authorization to deposit a portion of the City funds in the Midway branch of the Puget Sound National Bank of Tacoma. Councilwoman Bovell moved for this to be referred to the Finance Committee. The motion was seconded, and under discussion, Councilman Strain stated that authorization could be given immediately or the Finance Committee could be given the power to acts to expedite the matter. The motion was not amended, however, and passed, with Councilmen Strain and Mooney voting nay. VALLEY CREST Ordinance 1208, approving and accepting a drainage release for the ADDITION Valley Crest Addition was read and passed by motion. LIGHTING Councilman Durand reported that the Puget Sound Power & Light engineer had laid out the lighting program for the Cherry Hills Area. He also reported that there was no further development on Tukwila lighting problem. Councilman Strain pointed out that if the City of Kent assumes the project of lighting this area, we should be certain that it is fully understood that we do not also assume the responsibility of the highway itself. He felt that this was necessary in case the state should turn that portion of highway over to the city. PARK BOARD SIGN Mrs. Hogan reported that the Park Board had considered the Taycee 's request to erect a traffic fatality scoreboard in one of the parks. The board concluded that the sign would be unsuitable in the downtown area, but would consider locating it in the Memorial Park.A motion was made,seconded and passed for a letter to be sent to the Jaycees requesting them to meet with the Park Board and the Chief of Police to discuss the size of the sign. Mrs. Hogan reported on the Park Board's request to have a $100',000.00 G.O. Bond issue placed on the ballot. The Council had requested details on how the board intended to use the money, and Mrs Hogan told of the tentative plans to enlarge the recreation building, extend the area of the Memorial Park,provide additional parks and tot lots, and possibly to have a swimming pool to be used in conjuction with the schools. The board also requested outside planning help. Mrs. Bovell suggested that perhaps planning could be obtained through HHFA, and moved for a committee to be formed to j work with the Park Board toward financing a comprehensive planning program. The motion was lost for lack of a second. Council- man Strain pointed out that a summary of the cost of each project should be presented so the voters will know what projects the bond money will cover. Mr. Frazier stated he would give Mrs. Hogan the name of the local representative of the HHFA so she could arrange a meeting bepween him and the Park Board. Councilman Mooney and i Woodworth said they would also like to meet with the board. Barney i Wilson summarized the park needs briefly;l) $5,000 to $8,000 for playgrounds, 2 ) improvements to the recreation building, 3 outside help in planning. CONFERENCE City Engineer Sherwood requested permission to attend the Fall meeting of the American Public Works Association at Pasco, September 16�h,17th, and 18th. By motion, authorization was given. Mr. Sherwood introduced his new assistant, Mr. Joe Englen. i I - -- _ - - i WHITING Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiting of 23427 104th S.E. presented a ANNEXATION petition to have their 3 acres annex into the city. The area lies just North of the Roos annexation on the Benson Highway. Councilman Mooney moved for the petition to be accepted and the proper steps be taken. The motion was seconded and passed after it was ascertained that the petitioners were willing to bear the cost of the annexation. Councilman Strain moved for the Finance Committee to check into probable costs of annexations, setting up a scale to designate when the city should bear the cost, when the property owners should bear it, and when thecost should be shared by both. The motion was seconded and passed. The City Attorney requested to be notified of the meeting date so he could also attend. Council- man Mooney moved for the Council to meet with Ivir. and Pairs. Whiting, as required by law,at 7:50 P.M. before the Council meeting on Sept. 16th. The motion was seconded and passed. BUDGET By motion a preliminary hearing of the budget for 1964 was set for the next 6ouncil meeting on Sept. 16th. A meeting to review the proposed budget was set for Tuesday, Sept. loth at 7:30 P.M. KENT VALLEY City Attorney Bereiter reported on a letter he had received from the SPEEDWAY Insurance Commission regarding our inquiry about the bonding problem encountered by the Kent Valley Speedway. The Commission was unable to offer a solution, and. the letter was referred to the Speedway officials. CITY CLERK Ordinance 1212 changing the office of the City Clerk from an elective to an appointive position was passed by motion. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Current Expense $ 1,632.47 Water 11,855. 53 Street 2,067.22 Sewer 4$,147.06 Garbage 487.06 Library 46.50 Park 103.18 Parking Meter 51.64 Payroll 27,412.44 MEETING 'AD,URiED 9:45 P.M- LA` n kon Bridges G Mayor has. City Clerk I I i i I I' i I I i i i i I i