HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/19/1963 Kent, Washington August 19, 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilmen Durand, Matthews,Mooney,Pozzi Strain and Woodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed. Budget report submitted, and by motion accepted and placed on file. WATER CLARK SPRINGS Mr. Ramsey of Hill & Ingman reported that Schade & Sons have completed the work on the extension of the Clark Springs resources, and are now in the process of cleaning up. It was ascertained that Hill & Ingman will be responsible for securing the essements necessary for the second transmission line. EAST HILL Councilman Strain reported that several East Hill residents had expressed interest in connecting to the transmission line. The committee reaffirmed the City's policy to allow no singular hoof-ups, since the City cannot guarantee pressure. FLUORIDATION City Attorney Bereiter and City Engineer Sherwood feported on the hearing they had attended before the King County Board of Adjust- ment. The City had applied for a variance to construct a small build- ing to house the fluoridation equipment on a 3 ,280 foot lot instead of the normal 6,000 foot lot. The variance was denied by the Board. Mr. Bereiter suggested that this piece of land could be annexed to the City, and Councilman Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to be in- structed to draft the necessary documents. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pozzi. Under discussion,Councilman Strain suggested that the equipment be placed on the same site as the pump, on the Black Diamond Highway, for which the City already has conditional use. Councilman Woodworth and Pozzi withdrew the motion and seconded. Pozzi then moved for the equipment to be installed at the pump site and for the City Attorney to be prepared to draft documents to annex this site if it should prove necessary. The motion was seconded by Councilman Durand,and passed,with Councilman Mooney's nay. Councilman Woodworth moved for authorization to be given for another call for bids if it should become necessary due to the time lapse since the first call. The motion was seconded and passed. HIGH SCHOOL Councilman Mooney reported that the School Board had re- quested a meeting with the Mayor and the Water Committee to discuss a water service problem at the High School. Councilman Strain will arrange a meeting date. HEALTH & BEVAART PROPERTY Mrs. Miller of O'Brien asked if the Bevaart property SANITATION would be used for lagoon-type treatment. Mayor Thornton explained that this was planned for the furture. Councilman Mooney reported that the Council had been invited to tour the Auburn lagoon and invited Mrs. Miller and her O'Brien neighbors to accompany them. Mr. Bert Wyngaarden, who is leasing the Bevaart property asked to con- fer with the City Attorney about the option the City has on the land. The attorney arranged to meet with him to discuss the matter. DAMAGE CLAIM A claim filed by Mr. Blessing, of Blessing's Jewelry for materials removed by the garbage collector was referred to the Health and Sanitation Committee for further study. McLEAN & CO. A letter from McLean & Co. outlining their study of Kent 's proposed sewer projects was referred,by motion, to the Health & San- itation Committee. STREETS JAMES City Attorney Bereiter reported that Mr. Leach, of the Wash- ington Appraisal Service, is making a prelininary survey and will in- itiate negotiations with the Milwaukee Railroad concerning the condem- nation of the railroad property. Mr. Bereiter read an ordinance accepting a deed for street purposes .from the Korry Manufacturing Company for the extension of James Street. A motion was made and seconded to pass the ordinance,but, under dis- cussion, it was decided that the phrasing of the section dealing with water charges was not clear. By motion the ordinance was tabled for further study,with Councilman Pozzi 's nay. Mr. Sheerwood reported that a meeting had been arranged with the Northern Pacific Railroad and Kent City Officials for Tuesday August 27th at 10:00 A.M. TRAFFIC CONTROL Councilman Pozzi reported that signs were being made designating the one-way truck route through the City. At a meeting in Auburn,attended by Mr. Sheerwood, Councilmen Strain, and Pozzi, Auburn City Officials and Mr. McKay of the State Highway Department,Kent representatives learned that the resurfacing of Meeker, James and Smith will be done in the early Spring,as soon as weather permits. Councilman Pozzi reported that the request made by Kdnt to have the state channellize dangerous intersections will apparently be delayed until after the completion of the valley portion of the freeway. The target date for completion has been now set for next year instead of this year. Councilman Mooney moved for a letter to be written to the State Highway Department reminding them that Mr. Bugge had promised channellization of the O'Brien and Orillia Roads. In further additions to the motion, it was agreed that the letter should also contain reminders of the City's request for a pedestrian light on Meeker, between 2nd and 4th,and for a traffic litht at James & Central. Mr. Carroll pointed out that the dnagerous intersection at the East Valley Highway and South 192nd should also be investigated by the Highway Department. By motion, this too,was authorized to be included in the letter. POLICE PARKING METERS Councilman Woodworth reported that the order for the COmhIIT& new parking meters is being processed and delivery is expected soon. TEE DOG POUND The City Attorney questioned the legality of the proposed Police budget alloting #3 ,000 to Auburn toward the construction of a dog pound, to be used jointly by Kent, Auburn and Enumclaw. The question was referred to the Police Committee, with thepower to act after consultin with the City Attorney. TAVERN A copy of a letter from the Washington State Liquor Control oa3 rd to Mr. Petrovich was read. The Board turned down his application to operate the proposed Gaslight Tavern on First Avenue. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Kent Civil Service Commiss- ion describing a course being offered at Highline Junior Collage for policemen. The letter was, , by motion, referred to the Police Committee. FINANCE LIBRARY Minutes of the June meeting of the Suburban Mayor's Associa- tion were read, covering the topic of library milage. The minutes show that Mayor Thornton was authorized to ask Pflr. John Spellman if millage could be levelled off, perhaps on a per capita basis instead of on valuation. EMERGENCY ORDINANCES A public hearing; was opened on an emergency ord- inance to cover the salary of the Police judge and his secretary for January 1963, and to cover court operating costs through December, 1963 There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1207, approving the measure was passed by motion. i A public hearing was opened on an emergency ordinance to cover the salary of an additional clerk in the Utilities Department. There were no objections and the hearing was deslared closed. Ordinance 1206, approving the measure was passed by motion. PARKS JAYCEES A letter was read from the Kent Jaycees proposing a traffic fatality scoreboard in the Meeker Street Park or in the Kent Memorial Park. By motion, the letter was referred to the Park Department. BOY SCOUTS Councilman Strain moved for the City Attorney to draft the appropriate papers for the City to enter into a "save harmless" agreement with the Kent Kiwanis Club to allow the Boy Scouts the use of the acreage at Icy Creek. The motion was seconded and passed. CIVIL DEFENSE A letter was read from the University of Washington giving information on a Civil Defense conference to be held in September. The letter was referred to Mr. Zelinsky, Civil Defense Director for Kent. i BOARD OF By motion, the Council fonfirmed Mayor Thornton's recommendation ADJUSTMENT that Dave Mooney be re-appointed to the Board of Adjustment. KENT VALLEY Councilman Mooney reported that the City Attorney had written to SPEEDWAY the Insurance Commission regarding the claim made by officials of Kent Valley Speedway that they are unable to secure the type of bond required for the speedway as set forth in Ordinance 11$0. The City Attorney will report further when he has had a reply from the Commission. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED, EXCEPT FOR ITEM # 6 IN CURRENT EXPENSE. Current Expense $ 5242.46 Water 2371.63 Street 965.76 Sewer 6735.69 Library 63 .00 Park 67.27 Parking Meter 17.40 MEETING ADJOURNED 9:40 P.M. G Alex Thornton Chas. Bridges Mayor City Clerk i i i i i I i i I III i I i i i i I