HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1963 Kent, Washington August 5,1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present: City Attorney Bereiter,Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand, Matthews Mooney, Strain and Woodworth. Councilman Pozzi served as Mayor �ro Tem in Mayor Thornton's absence. Minutes of the last Council meeting approved as printed. Clerk's and Treasurer's reports submitted,accepted and placed on file. WATER Clark Springs Mr. Ramsey of Hill & Ingman reported that the contractor is almost finished with the work at Clark Springs (Rock Creek) A letter from Hill & Ingman was received with copies of the preliminary planning documents. By motion the letter was placed on file. Soushek Easement City Attorney Bereiter read a letter that he had re- ceived from . Soushek, in which he requested permission from the City to use the 10' water easement located on his property, as an access road to his building site. He also requested that the City fur- nish him a water tap and water service free of charge. The letter was referred to the Water Committee with the power to act. Mr. Bereiter reported that he had some additional information on the subject and he would meet with the Water Committee. Extension Councilman Strain reported he had received a request from Mr. Schick asking that the existing water mains on 4th and 5th Avenues, North of Cloudy be extended and that he be allowed one year to pay the charges. Councilman Mooney moved for the City to require Mr. Schick to pay in the usual manner. The motion was seconded and passed. HEALTH Councilman Mooney requested that the Council meet wi;_h Mr. Harold & SANITA Peterson of 737 Van de Vanter to discuss the difficulty he encountered ATION in securing aid from the City employees when the sewer backed up into his home. Expansion of Treatment Facilities Councilwoman Bovell moved for the City Attorney to draft the papers necessary to pick up the option on the Bevaart property in the O'Brien area to be used for the expansion of the sewage treatment facilities. The motion was seconded and passed and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign the necessary papers. STREETS James St. City Engineer Sherwood reported that Mr. Borek had two add- itional requests relative to the extension of James St. 1) Construct 2 risers to the property line. 2 ) Construct 3 culverts under the driveways and 1 under Lincoln Ave. By motion, the City agreed to grant these requests. TRAFFIC One-Way A letter was read from Mr. J. Curran, in which he noted CONTROL that large trucks coming through Kent continue to use Meeker Street despite the one-way streets. By motion the letter was refered to the Street Committee. Meeker Street Councilman Strain made a motion for a letter to be sent to the State Highway Department requesting them to follow through on the City's request for a pedestrain light on West Meeker,between 2nd. and 4th. The motion was seconded and passed. Willis Street On Councilman Woodworth 's motion, the City Attorney was directed to draft the necessary ordinance to make Willis an arterial street. GARBAGE Mr. Curran mentioned in a letter that the garbage deposit cans in the business area were inadequate,and that larger,City-maintained cans would greatly add to the appearance of the business district. This matter was,by motion,referred to the Health & Sanitation Committee. Bid Bids were read from Shaw Disposal Inc. and Mid-Cities Garbage Co. for the garbage collection West of the river. By motion,the bid was awarded to Shaw Disposal Inc. ,low bidder. SECOMA A petition was presented signed by approximately 83 residents surrounding PARK 111 the proposed plat of Secoma Park 111. The signers object to the small size of the lots in the plat. By motion,the petition was referred to the Planning Commission,with the request that Mrs. James Williams of 25040 36th. South be notified when the subject will be discussed. i LIGHTS Cherry Hills Councilman Durand reported that he received a request from residents in the Cherry Hills area for street lights. By motion, a letter was authorized to Puget Sound Power & Light Co. directing them to provide ample street lights for the area. East & West Valley Highways Mr. Bob Carroll asked Councilman Durand what progress had been made toward better lighting on the East and West Valley Highways. Mr. Durand reported that Kent and Tukwilla own the highways jointly,causing the street light problem as well as a policing problem. He reported he would contact Mayor Strander of Tukwilla again. FINANCE Building City Engineer Sherwood reported on the preliminary estimates for the proposed remodeling of the City Hall : 1) To build over the Fire Station:$32,600.00 2 ) To remodel Fire Station:$10, 500.00. Fire Dept. Councilman Mooney moved for the City Attorney to be author- ized to draft the necessary papers and to file same with the County Auditor to place a General Obligation Bond Issue of $150,000.00 on the Spring ballot. This will cover expenditures necessary for fire equipment,fire stations and the acquistion of property for the stations. The motion was seconded and passed. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE A public hearing was opened on an emergency ord- inance to covdr the salary of the City Attorney through December. There were no objections and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1204,making the emergency appropriation was passed by motion. Resolution 499 Resolution 499, declaring an emergency and providing for the issuance of warrants for the payment of the salary of the Police Judge and his secretary for the month of January,1963 , and for court costs through December,1963 ,was read, and passed,by motion. The Resolution sets the date of August 19th for a public hearing on the proposed emergency ordinance. Resolution 500 Resolution 500,declaring an emergency and providing for the issuance of warrants for the payment of the salary of a new clerk for the Utilities Department was read, and passed by motion. The Resolution sets the date of August 19th for a public hearing on the proposed emergency ordinance. FIRE DEF T Bids were read for the construction of a new fire station on 98th. BID Ave. So. Bidders were Joe Schwartz Construction and Workman Construction The bid was awarded by motion, to Workman Construction,low bidder. City Engineer Sherwood assuted Fire Chief Bridges that the Engineering Department would make frequent inspection to be certain that proper standards are maintained. PIERCE'S City Attorney Bereiter reported he had received a letter from Orman 2ND. ADDI- Smith regarding property in Pierce 's 2nd. Addition. Mr. Smith said TION he had contacted Mr. Pierce about waste water running from Mr. Pierce 's rented house onto the Smith property. By motion,the City Attorney and the City Engineer will discuss the problem with Mr. Smith. VALLEY A public hearing was opened on the proposed platof Valley Crest. There. CREST were no objections, and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1205,approv- PLAT ing the plat was read, and passed, by motion. PARKS & Park Board. A letter from Mrs Hogan was read asking the City to con- RECREATION sider a General Obligation Band Issue in the amount of $100,000.00 for the purchase and improvement of park property. By motion,the City Clerk was instructed to write to the Park Board requesting full det- ails on the amount of money required for each proposed site or improvement. Recreation On Councilman Mooney's motion, the City Clerk was instruc- ted to write letters to the American Legion,Lynch Manufacturing Co. Coach Jack Burrell, Manager Milt Davis expressing the appreciation of the City for the time and effort spent in bringing Kent 's Jr. Baseball team through to 2nd. place in the state. I i i i KENT VALLEY Mr. •Roger Lewis, attorney for the Kent Valley Speedway Inc. SPEEDWAY appeared before the Council and asked that the City consider rewording the section pertaining to the bond in the ordinance dealing with the operation of racetracks. Mayor Pro Tem Carl Pozzi appointed a committee of City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell Councilmen Woodworth,Durand and Mooney to check with the Insurance Commission on the availability of a suitable bond. BOY SCOUTS The City officials were proud to welcome several Boy Scouts from Troop 490 of Panther Lake to the Council meeting. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: i Payroll $2$,626.52 Street 2,331.75 Garbage 530. 54 Park 134.78 Water 31,137.47 Current Expense 14694.48 Sewer 1:666.92 Library 125.95 Parking Meter 55.97 MEETING ADJOURNED 9:15 P. M. ALEX THORNTON RIDG 56 -- City Clerk / Ma r r _ i