HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/15/1963 Kent, Washington
July 15, 1963
Regular meeting of the Kent Cit-T Council called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present:
Mayor Thornton, City Attornev Bereiter, Councilwoman Lovell, Councilmen: Durand,
Matthews, Mooney, Pozzi , Strain and Woodworth.
Minutes of the last meeting arproved as printed, except : under TREATMENT PLANT, the
authorization given to negotiate for property needed for the expansion of the treat-
ment plant, should read "for the expansion of sewer facilities" . This correction was
made on Councilwoman Lovell's ::lotion, which was seconded and passed.
Budget Report submitted, accepted and placed on file
WATER Clark Springs Councilman Strain reported he had been to Clark bprings with
the consulting engineers to check the progress of the expansion of the
water facilities. He reported that the wore: is progressing rapidly and
that they expect to be finished about tie first of AuLust. Councilman
Strain then moved for the :mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to submit
the necessary documents of preliminary planning for the expansion of the
water surply system to the HHFA, The motion was duly seconded and passed.
Flouridation Mayor Thornton reported that tre County permit necessary for
the use of the site for the fluoridation equipment had been delayed for 30
days. The City Attorney was instrLcted to attend the hearing on August
15th, so the issuance of the permit will hot be delayed.
Water District 75 Councilman Rooney moved for the Water committee to be
authorized to work with i'Ir, Lvle of Water District 75 with the power to
act, to help relieve their problem in serving some 59 water users. Motion
duly sec=ded and passed.
SANITATION Councilwoman Bovell reported that her committee had been informed by hill
& Ingman that the Comprehensive Sewerage Report was. in its final draft
form and' would .be completed sometime in August.
Property Councilwoman Bovell reported that the Health & Sanitation Uomm=
ittee has been negotiating with Mr. Narita,[ for property to be used for the
expansion of tl:e server facilities. They were unable to come to an agreeme t,
however, and Mrs. Bovell made a motion for the City Attorney to be author-
ized to commenceaction for condemnation of the property. The motion
was duly 'seconded and passed with Councilman "atthews voting nay.
Res. 497 Resolution 497, authorizing a bond to amend Franchise 2883 for
sewer lines was passed by motion.
STREETS McMillin St. Mayor Thornton asked the Street Committee to investigate the
possibility- of using; a culvert at Mci°iillin Street so that the street could
eventuallv be cut through.
James St. Extension City Attor nev Bereiter reported he. had received a
letter from the Railroad about the land which is being condemned to pro-
vide for the extension of James Street. Mr. Bereiter requested that he re-
ceive some expert help *in evaluating the hi-h cost claimed by the Railroad
to be necessary for relocating their equipment. The 1`1ayor requested the
City Engineer to work with Mr. Bereiter on .this problem. ,
Councilman Pozzi requested the Citv "ngineer to proceed with the plans for
extending .James Street from the West Valley Highway to Lincoln Ave.
Bisvak. St. Va tation A public hearing was opened on the request of Mr.
Bisvak for vacation of a portion of Smith street. A letter from the Plan-
ning Commission was read, approving the vacation. Mr. Sherwood reported
that both the Street and Water Foremen had investigated the area and neither
anticipated the need for easement rights. He stated further that he felt
the City should not hold rights of easement on property vacated, since the
applicant pairs tl�e City half of the amount of the appraised value of the
land. There were no objections to the vacation, and the hearing way declare
closed. The ordinance was read but, by motion, action was tabled till the
appraisal is made.
ZUNING Buxton &, Tank A public hearing was opened on the Buston & Tank request for
a rezone from jR-3 to C-3 . There were no objections and the hearing was
closed. Ordinance 1201, approving the rezone was passed by motion.
Willo-Vista A public hearing was opened on the '� illo-Vista request for a
rezone from C-3 to MHR. There were no objections and the hearing; was closed.
Ordinance 12C2, approving the rezone was passed by motion.
RAFFIC Hilltop Ave . A letter from ifir. T.R. Ried of hilltop Ave. 'Vias read. Mr. Reid
CONTROL requested that signs reading "Children-Drive Caefully" be installed on
Hilltop Ave. By motion, this was referred to the Police `'ommittee.
CO,',SITTEE Parking Meters By motion, authorization was given to the Mayor and the
City Llerk to sign the contract with the Duncan "Teter Company for ~.ultille
ttrpe parking meters in t}-.e Epproximate amount as set forth in the survey.
The motion,was ' duly seconded and passed.
FINANCE BUILDING Councilman 11�atthews reported that the estimates on the propose
building for the City will be forthcoming from t) e City Engineer soon.
Employees Ordinance 1203 , defining legal holidays for City Employees was
read and passed by motion.
City attorney Resolution 498, settinf; August 5th as the date for a pub
lic. hearing on a proposed emergency ordinance to cover the City Attorneys
salary through December, was read and passed by motion.
VALLEY CREST City Engineer Sherwood reported that the Planning Commission had approved
the #alley Crest plat, and recommended that August 5th be set as the
date for a public hearing. Motion so made and passed.
RESIGNATION Mr. Sherwood reported that Assistant -rigineer Dent had tendered his re-
signation, effective August 2nd, to take a position with a Tacoma firm.
Mavor `nccrnton. expressed the appreciation of the City for his fine work
and reported that the City laas Sorry to lose him.
Current Expense $3 ,373 .96
!'dater 6, 476.04
Street 5,411.45
Sewer 2,630,38
Garbage 726.99
Library 2.82
Park , 1, 744.70
as. Bridges,
City Clerk