HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/17/1963 Kent, 1"ashington
ne 17,1963
Regular melting of the Kent City Council. Present: I,iayor Thornton, City Attor-
ney Bereiter, Council Woman Bovell,Councilmen: Durand,IQatthews, Mooney, Pozzi,
Strain and Woodworth.
I"linutes of the last meeting; approved as printed except for the following change
which was approved by motion: under Clark Springs, the word"study" should be
changed to "survey".
Clerk's, Treasurers and Budget reports submitted, accepted and placed on file,
by motion.
WATER Resolution 493 authorizing a bond to amend Franchise � 3037 for the
extension of water lines was passed by motion.
Resolution 494 authorizing a bond ' for a county franchise and permit
for water lines was passed by motion.
Derbvshire Councilman Strain reported he had met with officials of the
People 's National Bank to discuss the problem of the Derbyshire water
agreement. By motion, the City Attorney was instructed to work with
the bank officials on this matter.
Icy Creek Councilman Strain reported that a letter, had been received by
the City Engineer from the U. S. Dept. of Interior containing the estimates
of the cost of the work to be done at Icy Creek. By motion the Mayor
and the City Clerk were instructed to authorize the work and to forward
a claim voucher for $1,150.00.
Property By motion, the Mayor and the City Clerk were authorized to
proceed with the purchase of the F.R. McAbee property for $1,000.00 for
the water expansion program.
STREETS Truck Councilman Pozzi reported that the new truck is now in operation
and has increased the efficiency of the Street Dept.
James St. Councilman Pozzi stated that the Street, Sewer and fJater
Departments were working with the City Engineer's office on the James
Street extension project.
One-Way Councilman Pozzi announced that the Street Committee was not
entirely satisfied with the one-way street operation and they would
meet soon to discuss the problems.
Post Office Alley A public hearing was held on the vacation of the alley ,
at the Post Office. A letter was read from the Planning Commission
approving the vacation. There were no objections and the hearing was
closed. Ordinance 1189, approving the vacation was read and passed by mot-
Bisyak Vacation A letter from the Planning Commission was read approving
ARMED •REFER TO the Bisyak request for a vacation of a portion of land South of W. Smith
fNUTES 4F 7 1' �03 and West of 4th Ave. By motion a public hearing was set for the July lst.
West Highway Bridge A letter was read from NIr. McKay of the State
Highway Commission acknowledging the receipt of the copy of David Josli.n 's
letter. Mr. McKay reported that the earliest relief that can be
expected will be when the new Valley Freeway is constructed, which will
relieve the amount of traffic over the bridge. By motion the City Clerk
was instructed to notify David Joslin of this communication, and
i request a target date for the Freeway from Mr. McKay.
Woodford Ave. Extension A letter from the Park Board was read partaining
to the appraisal fo the property involved in the proposed extension of
Woodford Ave. to the park. The appraiser reported that an extension
would have a property value of $2500 for each owner and that the exten-
sion would benefit each owner's property by $2400. Therefore, in the
appraiser's evaluation,each owner should receive $100. By motion, the
City Clerk was instructed to so advise Mrs. Ameny, the Slettos and the
Coopers, asking them to convey their approval or disapproval before the
July lst. meeting.
HEALTH & Councilwoman Bovell reported that the Health & Sanitation
Committee would meet on Friday morning to discuss the south end
SANITATIONsewer program, and to discuss' a rescent letter from the Pollutiln
Control Commission. She will report further at the next
Council meeting.
FINANCE City Employees Citv Attorney Bereiter reported he had prepared
ordinances stating the City's policy on vacations and legal
holidays for employees. By motion, these were referred to the
Finance Committee.
Treasurer A letter from the City Treasurer Cavanaugh was read
concerning; the transfers and disbursement of the proceeds of tha
sale of the 1963 Neater Refunding Revenue Bonds. By motion the
letter was placed on file.
POLICE School Councilman Woodworth reported he had been informed that ,
COMMITTEE 9 of Kent 's Police officers had recently attended a gunnery
scriool at Renton.
Licenses A letter to the City Clerk requesting information
about operating a card room at 856 S. Central was referred to
the License Committee.
Traffic Code Ordinance 1191 updating the traffic code was
passed by motion.
The proposed ordinance to require hotels,motels, and trailer
courts to maintain a guest register was held over for further
COURT City Attorney Bereiter reported that the contested cases hand-
led by the Municipal Division of the Aukeen District Court
since January had cleared approximately $2, 766 in revenue for
the City. This amount is in addition to the forfeitures. The
court is now working; on current cases.
CAMBRIDGE #2 Ordinance 1190, approving the plat of Cambridge # 2 was read I
and passed by motion.
CHERRY By motion a public hearing; was set for the July lst meeting on
PARK ## 2 the plat of Cherry Park ## 2.
PARKS A letter was read from the King County Parks & Recreation office
acknowledging the receipt of Don Heacox 's letter. By motion
the letter was placed on file.
ZONING Presbyterian Church A public hearing was held on zoning the
Presbvterian Uhurch annexation to R-2. There were no objection
and the hearing was closed. Ordinance 1188 zoning the annexation
R-2 was passed by motion.
Willo Vista A public hearing was set for the July 15th meeting
on the application of Otto Loffler, of the Valley Lodge for a
rezone from C-3 to MHR for the future expansion of the Willo y .
Vista Trailer Village.
Buxton & Tank By motion, a public hearing was set for the
15th. meeting on the application of Buxton & Tank for a rezone
from R-3 to C-3 for property on McMillian Street between
Kennebec and State.
Investment Exchange A public hearing was held on the applicatio
of The Investment Exchange Corp. for a rezone from MA to M-2
for approximately 13 acres in the O'Brien area. Some of the
property owners who had signed the petition for the rezone
stated .that 1,4r. Fairbrother of The Investment Exchange had
misrepresented the facts to them, and that they actually were
now against the rezone. No one appeared at the meeting to
represent The Investment Exchange. The public hearing was
closed. By motion the matter was referred back to the Planning
Commission, and the City Engineer was directed to inform the
applicant and the property owners to be present at the next
Planning Commission Meeting.
' public P appealing APPEAL Johevah s Witnesses A ublic hearing was opened a ealin the action
of the Board of Adjustment 's Resolution 23 which granted a Conditioal
Exception to the Church of the Jehovah's Witnesses to build a church in
an R-1 zone. Mr. Watson, an attorney representing residents of the
area protested that Russell Poggensee had misrepresented the facts.
Mr. Watson claimed that Ray. Plueger, the owner, was told that the site
was to be used for a residence. Mr. Poggensee, representing the church
produced a copy of the application for the Conditional Exception, which
clearly stated that the exception was requested for the purpose of
building a new church for the Jehovah's '� ittnesses. Mr. Plueger and
Mr. Poggensee had both signed the application. Mr. Plueger stated that
he had changed his mind and would not sell the property to the church,
however, it was established that earnest money had already been paid.
I City Attorney Bereiter pointed out that since there is some question as
to the ownership of the property, and there may well be some litigation
on this subject, the Council should delay action on the appeal.
Councilman Woodworth moved for the hearing to be continued indefinitely.
The motion was duly seconded and passed.
APPEAL Prudential Inc. A public hearing was opened on the appeal of Prudential;
Inc. of certain parts of the Board of Adjustment 's Resolution 24. The
resolution granted a Conditional Exception to allow grading of certain
property' on the Lake Fenwick Road in an R-3 zone. The Board allowed the
!, exception for a 2 year period only. Mr. Danilov,attorney for Prudential.
Inc. stated that the exception was needed for a 4 ,year period in order
to fulfill the agreement with the contractor. It was pointed out that 1
if more than 2 vears was required for the operation, an extension of
time could be authorized. Mr. McKay, who lives across the street from
the 5 acre tract in question stated he hoped the grading could be done
in the 2 year period to avoid unnecessary annoyance to the residents.
The hearing was closed, by motion. Councilman Mooney moved for the
Council to uphold the 2 year limitation as specified by the Board of i
Adjustment 's Resolution 24, seconded by Councilman Matthews. The
motion was passed with Councilmen Durand and Pozzi voting nay. Mr. j
Danilov gave notice that he would appeal to the courts.
Mavor Thornton introduced Miss Gwen Abraham, who was recently elected
Miss Kent for 1963 , and her companion, Mrs. Charles Welchko. The
I ladies were presented with a bouquet and corsage from the City
Current Expensd $ 5064.47
Water 1812.93
Street 11520.49
Sewer 690.31
Garbage 210.02
Library 201.25
Park 180.28 4
L I D 243 8.00
L I D 244 24.00 .