HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/03/1963 Kent, �1ashington June 3 , 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council: present Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter, Councilwoman Bovell, Councilmen: Durand,Matthews, Mooney,Pozzi,Strain and. ly'oodworth. Minutes of the last meeting approved as printed,except for the following changes which were authorized by motion: Under Vent Valley Speedway references made to Mr. Bull should read Mr. Moore: under Fluoridation the statements attributed to Mrs. Basinger were made by Mr. Basinger, ; and the second statement should be changed to read: Mr. Basinger stated that on the state level signatures of 6`o of the registered voters I were sufficient to place an item on the ballot for possible change of a law. WATER LID Councilman Strain reported he had met with approximately 52 residents of the northern part of the City to explore the possibility of a water LID in that area. The Water Committee asked the residents to write in so the City could determine how many were interested. So far there. has been very little response, but the committee may have more to report at the next meeting. i Clark Sprints Councilman Strain reported that work on the expansion of the Clark Springs resources had already been started. He then )RRECTED REFER TO moved for Hill & Ingman to be authorized to conduct a study and acquire ^�7•�3 easements for the second transmission line. The motion was duly second- 41NUTES 0 �"' " ed and passed. Benson Road,SE 232 to SE 228 A letter was received from the State Dep't of Health approving the plans and specifications for the water main extension on the Benson Road from SE 232nd to SE 228th. By motion the letter was referred to the FnFineer's permanent file. Cambridge #1 and #2 A letter was read from the State Dep't of Health approving the plans and specifications for the water main extension for Cambridge Plats #1 and #2. By motion the letter was referred to the Engineer's permanent file. Fluoridation A resolution of the Kent Republican Club was received, and by motion placed on file. The resolution stated that the club condemned the action of the Council in denying the petition's to place I the fluoridation question on the ballot without just cause. A resolu- tion of the bent Kiwanis Club was read and placed on file by motion. The club approved the action of the Council on the fluoridation issue and applauded its refusal to abdicate its responsibilities even when pressured. A letter was read from Ben Smith pointing out that while he believed the Council had acted in good faith in passing the fluoridation ordinance, he now felt that due to the number of people who had become interested, the matter should be placed on the ballot. Per. Henry Towne sent a letter to the Council commending their stand against placing the fluoridation question on the ballot. He stated, however, that he felt the whole question of adding fluoride to the city water supply should be reviewed with special consideration given to the possible mechanical failure of the equipment and the possible corrosive damage to water lines. By motion the letter was placed on file. A letter from Joe Just was read, on behalf of the Committee for the Right to Vote on Fluoridation, requesting that the Council allow time on the agenda for a discussion of the question. Councilman Matthews; moved for three minutes to be allowed each speaker, seconded by Councilman Mooney. Mayor Thornton explained that much of the Council 's time had been taken with this issue during the past 6 weeks.and that they would now listen to final comments from the floor. , Councilman Matthews motion was passed with Councilman Durand,Pozzi, and Woodworth I voting nay. Councilman Strain moved for the petitions submitted to- nigh� containing 249 signatures to be placed on file. The motion was duly seconded and passed. Mrs. Basinger noted that the total number of signatures on petitions had now reached 1,344. Mrs "ay House of 24511 35th. Place S. stated that the people in her area were in b,Iater District 75 until September, and therefore had had no chance to voice their opinions regarding fluoridation. It was ascertained that there were about 200 connections made from Water District 75 at this same time. Councilman I'Iatthews stated that thj§ would not constitute a large enough number to take the petitioners out of a minority class- ification. Mr. Joe Just and Harold Schortgen stated that the newspaper coverage before the ordinance was passed was inadequate. Mr. Strain re- � ported that articles and news items appeared in 11 out of 22 i.Fsues over approximately a 4 month period. Mr. Just further stated that there were many doctors and dentists who were against fluoridation. Mr. Schortgen reported the petitioners were concerned with there constitu- ional right to vote. Mr. Bruce Taylor of 24113 35th. Place S. stated that there was no hurry and lie couldn't see why the City should go to the expense of installing the equipment when perhaps later they would decide to remove it. The members of the Council reaffirmed their original stand on the issue. 77STREETS A letter was read from David Joslin, a student at the O'Brien school. David suggested that the City again request the State Highway Dep't to widen the bridge on the West Highway at V�illis Street. By motion) the City Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter and to send a photostat of it to T1Ir. A'IcKay's office . David Joslin will be kept s informed of further developments on this subject. SEWER Expansion of Plant A wire from Representative Stinson and a letter from benator Magnuson were read notifying the City of the approval of a $12, 520 Federal Grant for the expansion of the Sewage Treatments Plant. POLICE The prososed ordinance requiring hotels,motels amd trailer courts to COMMITTEE keep a guest register was held over for further study by the Police Committee. Councilman Woodworth reported the licensing committee had drafted a suitable permit for the pony ride establishment on West ivIeeker St. CAMBRIDGE A public hearing was opened on the plat of Cambrii.ge2. There were i i2 no objections, and the hearing was declared closed. The City Attorney was instructed to draft the necessary ordinance. PARKS Woodford Ave . City Clerk Bridges reported he had received the jappraisal of the property on the proposed Woodford Ave. extension. . Hi h School A letter was read from Don Hecox, baseball coach at I Ken e-T�ridian High School commending the Park Dept for the Excellent care given to the baseball diamond. By motion, copies of s... .., _ the letter will be sent to the King County Park Dep't and to the Kent Park Board. i CONFERENCES City Engineer Sherwood expressed his appreciation to the City for making it possible for him to attend the course for Traffic Engineers at the University of Washington. lie reported that the course had been very informative. i City Engineer Sherwood requested permission for assistant treatment plant operator Rutkosky to attend a Sewage 1�4orks School at on June 10,11, & 12. By motion, permission was granted. KENT VALLEY Mr. Moore presented a letter from Tacoma Brokers Inc. making SPEEDWAY suggestions for rewording Ordinance 1180, to make it easier to I acquire the necessary bond. City Attorney Bereiter reported he had been asked to delay any action on the matter until attorney for the Speedway could be present. Councilman Piooney pointed out that the attorney was present when the ordinance was read and had then stated that the Speedway woul comply with it. Councilman ',iatthews spoke i against changing the ordinance and stated that the Speedway could get the bond but that it would be more expensive if the ordinance remained unchanged. Mrs. Andrew Anderson reported that work on the Speedway was already in progress although the terms of the ordinance had not as yet been complied with. Mr Mooney reported he had investigated and foand that the work now being done was contouring only. He further stated that this ordinance was not drafted for Kent Valley Speedway alone but would cover any other similar establishment. He then moved for the matter to be dropped and for the ordinance to stand as printed. The motion was duly seconded and passed. CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALL019ED AS FOLLOV1S: Payroll $25523.28 Garbage 125.70 Current expense 1452.17 Library 4533 .68 Water 2875.66 Meter 44.05 6-40 Street 1840.03 Parking Sewer 184.05 LID 243 51.00 Garbage LID 244 8.00 I��4 ,TI 4( '�DOUR ��D�9--:20 P.M. I CLER I i