HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/20/1963 Kent, Washington Ilay 20, 1963 Regular meeting of the Kent Citv Council,present : Mayor Thornton, City Attorney Bereiter,Councilmen: Durand,Matthews ,Mooney, Pozzi, Strain and Woodworth. � Minutes of the last regular meeting approved as printed,except: under FLUORIDATION,the first sentence should be changed to read:"Tflayor Thornton reported that signatures totaling 812 had been submitted on petitions requesting that the fluoridation issue be put on the ballot Clerk's,Treasurer's and Budget reports submitted,accepted and placed. on file. WATER Clark Sprin 's: 1 City Engineer Sheerwood reported he had received a lette� g; from the Bonneville Power Adminstration stating that their original estimate for raising the power line at Clark Springs was inadequate. Mr. Sheerwood recommended authorization be given for a letter to be I sent to the administration confirming; that the City will pay the add- itional $500. By motion, authorization was given. Councilman Strain moved for Hill & Ingman to proceed with acacrity on the formal engineering for the second transmission line at Clark Springs, so the City will be able to call for bids this fall or winter. The motion was duly seconded and passed. Mr. Strain stated further that .perhaps some of the money from the recent bonds could be used for this project, elimating the necessity of applying ro Federal Funds. Contract By motion, the City Clerk and the 14ayor were authorized to Schade & Sons for the extension of the sign the contract with W.J. Clark Springs intake facilities. Fluroidation Petitions containing 283 signatures, requesting that the fluoridation issue be placed on the ballot were submitted. A motion was made, seconded and passed with Councilman Mooney's nay, to place Hall reported that the signatures on the petitions on file. Mrs. Mr. petitions now totaled 1095. Mr. Vic Lavesque stated that he waited nl it made clear that the signatures did not represent an anti-fluoridation group, nor any particular religious group. Mrs. Basinger asked how many voters would be required to sign a petition to put the is,sue on 0 y. the ballot before the Council would consider doing so. City Attorney O Bereiter stated that legally the Council was not required to act on W the petitions. Mrs Basinger stated that on the state level signatures of 60% of the voterm,were sufficient' to--change the 'law. Councilman Matthews stated that he personally would be impressed if a petition � .Z signed by 25% of the voters could be obtained on any one day during the time the polls were open. Senate Bill 11$3 Councilman Mooney moved for the City Clerk to be authorized to write to Mrs. Neuberger of Oregon, endorsing Senate Bill 1183 , which she is sponsoring. This bill would prohibit the use of certain detergents because of the resultant pollution of water. The motion was seconded and then both motion and the second were withdrawn when Councilmen Strain and Woodworth expressed a desire to study the bill) STREETS Vacation Resolution 491, providing for the vacation of the alley at the Post office was passed on Councilman Mooney's motion. Resolution 492, setting June 17th as the date for the public hearing on the vacation of the alley at the Post Office,was passed by motion. Mr. Nowak expressed his apprecitation for the work that had been done by the Street Dept. near his residence at 415 Alvord. He reported however, that there was still a large hole there and that a new water connection on Alvord ,just South of James was leaking. He also pointed out a drainage problem in the area. Assistant City Engineer Dent ex- plained what had been done and what was planned. i ZONING Presbvterian Church A letter from the Planning Commission was read, recommending that the Presbyterian Church annexation be zoned R-2. By i motion, a public hearing was set for the June 17th. meeting. I i I i i , Rezone-Investment Exchange Corp. An application for a rezone from ILIA to M-2 from the Investment Exchange Corp. was submitted. By motion, a June 17th. meeting. Councilman Mooney public hearing was set for the moved for each of the signers to be notified as to just what the re- zone would entail. The motion was seconded, and, underdiscussion, Councilman Pozzi stated he would be against such a motion as it would be settling a precedent. City Attorney Bereiter pointed out that under the provisions of the ordinance ,notices would be sent anyway. Mooney stated he felt it was necessary in this case since the additional signers had not answered the usual questions on the application. He said he felt that some of the signers did not actually know what the rezone application contained. Councilman Strain suggested that an additional paragraph composed by the City Engineer would explain the situation to the signers. Councilman Mooney stated a precedent would i not be set, since it would take a motion to send these additional explanations. The motion was passed with Councilman Pozzi voting nay Mevers Ordinance 1187, approving the rezone from MA to R-3 on Victor Meyer's application was passed by motion. j BOARD OF Benson Resolution #25 of the Board of Adjustment was read and approv- ADJUSTMENT ed by the Council. The resolution allows Benson's Shell Station on the West Hill to open, since the shopping center is almost completely occupied. i Jehovah's Witnesses Church A petition was presented appealing the act- ion of the Board of Adjustment as stated in their Resolution #23 , � granting a conditional exception to the Jehovah 's , itnesses Church. By motion, a public hearing was set for June 17th. Prudential Inc. A petition was presented appealing, in part, Resolution 24 of the Board of Adjustment, which granted a conditional exception. By motion, a public hearing was scheduled for the June 17th. meeting. LIGHTS Councilman Durand reported that the Street Light Committee, together with Mayor Strander of Tukwilla, was still investigating the problem of better lighting on the West Valley Highway. An estimate of the probable cost will be forthcoming from Puget Sound Power & Light. FINANCE City Attorney Bereiter read Resolution 490, providing for the correct- ion of printing errors in the coupons of the recent bond issue. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the Resolution. Councilman Mooney commented on this being the second time errors had been made on bonds. It was ascertained, however, that htis was a printing error and not an error on the part of the bonding attorney. Councilman Matthews questioned the wording of the Resolution, and the City Attor- ney explained the details. The motion was passed with Councilman Matthews voting; nay. � POLICE City Clerk Bridges reported he had had an inquiry on what type of COMMITTEE license would be required to have a pony ride business in the City. This was, by motion referred to the Licensing Committee. The proposed ordinance requiring motels,hotels and trailer courts to maintain a register of all guests was tabled, by motion, for further study. PARKS Councilman Strain moved for the City Clerk to be authorized to accept the voucher for $100.00 from John Wingert. This amount represents earnest money for the park site at North Park. CONVENTION By motion, Councilwoman Bovell and Mavor Thornton were authorized to be the voting delegates for the City at the June convention of the Association of Washington Cities. CAMBRIDGE City Engineer Sheerwood reported that the Planning Commission had # 2 approved the plat of Cambridge #2 and recommended that a public hear- ing be set for the June 3rd. meeting. Motion so made ,duly seconded and passed. KENT VALLEY City Attorney Bereiter reported he had received a letter from Roger SPEEDWAY Lewis, attorney for the Kent Valley Speedway Inc. Mr. Lewis stated that the bond required by the Ordinance was roving difficult to ob- tain, since the Ordinance requires that the $10,000.00 bond be for- feited if the Speedway fails to comply. Mr. Lewis suggested that the wording of the Ordinance be changed to provide that the bond be a guarantee of performance. Councilman Matthews stated that he would be opposed to any changes in the Ordinance and that the City should not be expected to draft ordinances to meet the needs of individuals. i i coR had CTED-REFER TO Mr. Bull reported that three bonding companies suggested that he MINU ES OF wording be changed. Mayor Thornton suggested that Mr. Bull s from the bonding companies for study by the City Attorney. TAVERN A petition was read protesting the opening of a tavern at 2de First i Ave. South. The signers, numbering 22, were owners or residents of the area. A letter from Bernice Lee of 2291 First Ave. was also read. She too, protested against the tavern. Mr. Ken Nichols, representing the j tavern owners in Kent also spoke against the issue. He stated that there were already 11 taverns and 2 cocktails lounges in bent and to allow another one to open would not be fair tb the existing taverns. Councilman Woodworth explained that this lies entirely within the control of the Liquor Control Board, but that anv business would have to comply with City ordinances, including the new ordinance requiring off street parking facilities. Mayor Thornton stated lie would send photostatic copies of the petition to the Liquor Control Board. i i CLAIMS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: j Current Expense $3463 .62 Water Street 3416.0$ i Sewer 463. 53 Garbage 247'02 Library 36.00 Park 1173 .35 LID 230 9. 58 MEETING ADJOURNED 10:10 P.M. Alex Thornton c 4--- Chas. Bridges Mayor City Clerk i i i I i I i I I I i I i i I I i i I i i